30 research outputs found

    A catch limitation device to avoid excessive catches in the blue whiting (Micromesistius poutassou) Northeast Atlantic pelagic trawl fishery

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    Blue whiting (Micromesistius poutassou) is harvested in the Northeast Atlantic by a multinational fleet of pelagic trawlers. Occasionally, vessels take catches which exceed their remaining holding capacity and in extreme cases large catches cause codends to burst, resulting in spill of catch. To control catch quantity, a catch limitation system was developed and tested. The system consists of three components: 1) escape opening(s) in front of the codend to release excess fish, 2) a fish lock to prevent loss of fish through the escape opening(s) during haulback and at the surface, and 3) a choking unit to match codend capacity to the desired size of catch. Blue whiting escaped through both longitudinal slots and large (≥ 2 m) meshes in front of the codend. However, video observations showed that with large meshes in the upper panel, large amounts of blue whiting escaped long before the codend was full. Therefore, a design with large openings in the bottom was combined with longitudinal slots in the side and top panels. Two fish locks were tested: an oblique netting panel designed to seal off the codend when vessel speed reduce during haulback, and a cylinder of netting with a choking rope that closed it after the codend was filled. Both fish lock designs inhibited release of fish during haulback and at the surface, but the attachment of the constricting rope in the cylinder frequently broke. The choking unit consisted of a depth triggered releaser connected to a strap of rope wrapped around the codend. Mechanical releasers with factory-set depth trigger and electronic versions were tested. Both freed the choke point as intended, but occasionally at unpredictable depth. A reliable relationship (r2 = 0.94) was attained between codend choking position and catch amount, demonstrating that codend capacity could be adjusted to achieve target catch quantities. Our work shows that controlling catch quantity in the blue whiting pelagic trawl fishery can be achieved effectively through relatively simple modifications to the codend section Future work is needed to optimize the fish lock design and ensure the codend choking rope releasers trigger reliably and at the proper depth.A catch limitation device to avoid excessive catches in the blue whiting (Micromesistius poutassou) Northeast Atlantic pelagic trawl fisherypublishedVersio

    Catch Control in the Blue Whiting Pelagic Trawl Fishery - Research Cruise Report [2022825]: FV “Vikingbank”

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    This cruise has demonstrated that the catch limitation system can successfully limit catches in the blue whiting pelagic trawl fishery, with negligible loss during the fishing operation while effectively releasing excessive fish when the codend is full (sections 3 & 6),. This solution can significantly reduce the risk of burst codends and discarding of excess fish, thereby making the blue whiting fishery more sustainable and potentially more profitable, through appropriate certification. However, further work is needed on an effective fish lock design (section 4) and a bycatch release system that does not release excessive target catch (section 6). The depth triggered releasers for reliable release of the codend choker also require further development and testing, which should include defining the optimal release depth (sections 5 & 9). In addition to catch limitation, this cruise also investigated the potential risk to the safety of the vessel and crew, during haul-back and pumping, by estimating the weight in water of the catch with total loss of swimbladder gas buoyancy (section 10). Also tested was a prototype method to mitigate this risk during pumping, by automating the release of the pump by a depth triggered releaser (section 7).Catch Control in the Blue Whiting Pelagic Trawl Fishery - Research Cruise Report [2022825]: FV “Vikingbank”publishedVersio

    Low carbon power generation for offshore oil and gas production

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    Emission reductions in power generation for offshore oil and gas activities are key in order to reach climate targets in regions with this industry. This study presents a review of both established and immature low carbon power generation concepts, an analysis of their potential for greenhouse gas (GHG) emission reduction, and an evaluation of their offshore applicability. The potential for GHG emission reduction is quantified by estimating CO2 equivalent intensity for implementation on the Norwegian Continental Shelf. The offshore applicability is evaluated with emphasis on weight, infrastructure requirements, process heat availability, technical maturity, as well as health, safety, and environment (HSE). It is shown that power from shore is the only technically mature concept with potential for very high emission reductions (>95 %, provided that low GHG electric power is available). There are several alternative concepts under development that also can give significant emission reductions (>70 %), including fuel switching, CO2 capture and storage, and renewable power combined with energy storage. Combined cycle gas turbines and offshore wind power combined with gas turbines are technically mature and can achieve partial emission reductions (around 15–50 %, with the assumed system configurations). Other concepts offering partial emission reductions are under development, but do not show clear advantages over those already mentioned. It is pointed out that, to enable reaching the net zero emission targets, only efficiency improvements and power from shore are not enough, and there is a need to develop additional low emission technologies not yet on the market. The present study has compiled a large database of specifications for assessing low carbon power production concepts and proposes a methodology that is valuable in screening a large number of commercial and immature technologies.publishedVersio

    Pilot project for the short-time live storage of bluefin tuna — Trials onboard MS Vestbris 2023

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    Norway was historically a major bluefin tuna (BFT) harvesting country. However, fishing for this species has experienced low profitability. One potential solution is short-term live-storage so that the market can be supplied on demand. Further, storing BFT allows a more controlled slaughtering of the fish, resulting in better quality and fish welfare. A pilot project was established in 2020 to address knowledge gaps related to BFT live-storage in Norway. This document summarizes the findings from sea trials in 2023.Pilot project for the short-time live storage of bluefin tuna — Trials onboard MS Vestbris 2023publishedVersio

    Pilot project for the short-time live storage of bluefin tuna — Trials onboard MS Vestbris 2023

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    Norway was historically a major bluefin tuna (BFT) harvesting country. However, fishing for this species has experienced low profitability. One potential solution is short-term live-storage so that the market can be supplied on demand. Further, storing BFT allows a more controlled slaughtering of the fish, resulting in better quality and fish welfare. A pilot project was established in 2020 to address knowledge gaps related to BFT live-storage in Norway. This document summarizes the findings from sea trials in 2023.Pilot project for the short-time live storage of bluefin tuna — Trials onboard MS Vestbris 2023publishedVersio

    The venous thrombosis registry in Østfold Hospital (TROLL registry) - design and cohort description

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    Purpose: The incidence of venous thromboembolism (VTE) is expected to increase over the next decades, further increasing its substantial impact on patients and health care resources. Registries have the benefit of reporting real-world data without excluding clinically important subgroups. Our aim was to describe a Norwegian VTE registry and to provide descriptive data on the population and management. Registry Population: The Venous Thrombosis Registry in Østfold Hospital (TROLL) is an ongoing registry of consecutive patients diagnosed with, treated, and/or followed up for VTE at Østfold Hospital, Norway, since 2005. Baseline and follow-up data, including demographics, clinical features, risk factors, diagnostic procedures, classification of VTE, and treatment were collected during hospitalization, and at scheduled outpatient visits. Findings to Date: From January 2005 to June 2021, 5037 patients were eligible for research in TROLL. Median age was 67 years (interquartile range, 55–77), and 2622 (52.1%) were male. Of these, 2736 (54.3%) had pulmonary embolism (PE), 2034 (40.4%) had deep vein thrombosis (DVT), and 265 (5.3%) had upper-extremity DVT or splanchnic or cerebral sinus vein thrombosis. In total, 2330 (46.3%) were classified as unprovoked VTE, and 1131 (22.5%) had cancer. Direct oral anticoagulants were the most frequent therapeutic agents (39.3%) followed by low-molecular-weight heparins (30.4%) and vitamin K antagonists (30.3%). Outpatient treatment for PE increased from 4% in 2005 to 23% in 2019. Future Plans: TROLL is a population-based ongoing registry that represents a valuable source of real-world data that will be used for future research on the management and outcomes of VTE

    Processutveckling i praktiken : införande av processinriktat förbättringsarbete på Siemens GPMT

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    I en stor och komplex organisation kan det vara svårt att skapa sig en helhetsbild och se sitt arbete i relation till organisationens övergripande syfte. En sådan helhetsbild kan skapas genom att kartlägga och dokumentera aktivitetsflödet i organisationen. Processutveckling tillhandahåller verktyg för att eliminera dubbelarbete och spill och skapa bättre värde för organisationens kunder. Som resultat av detta förenklas arbetet, kostnader kan lättare reduceras och ledtider kan minskas. Allt detta sammantaget leder till ökad konkurrenskraft. Syftet med detta examensarbete är att införa grunderna för processutveckling på Siemens GPMT. Vårt mål är att introducera och etablera ett processinriktat synsätt samt skapa verktyg för att avdelningen i framtiden själv skall kunna utveckla sin verksamhet. Rapporten inleds med en presentation av företaget och den problembakgrund som har föranlett examensarbetet. Centrala teorier ochen allmänt applicerbar metodik för processutveckling beskrivs ingående. Slutligen presenteras de resultat vi kommit fram till under arbetets gång och en avslutande diskussion. Vi har skapat beskrivningar av arbetet samt underlag för mätning och uppföljning av processernas prestanda. Dessutom har vi tagit fram en ledningsstruktur för fortsatt arbete med processutveckling. Väldokumenterade processer och standardiserade arbetsrutiner är ingen garanti för goda resultat. De anger endast den befintliga kunskapsnivån som finns inom organisationen. Deras fulla potential kan endast utnyttjas om personalen verkligen tror på deras värde och arbetar för att utveckla och driva verksamheten framåt. Vi är övertygade om att GPMT, genom att ta till sig de resonemang som vi presenterat under vårt arbete och arbetar aktivt med de metoder som vi beskrivit, kommer att utvecklas till att bli en förebild för alla andra avdelningar på Siemens.In a large and complex organization, it is often difficult to obtain acomplete picture and be able to see individual contributions to the overall objectives of the organization. A wide perspective can be created through mapping and documentation of the work-flow within the organization. Process management is a method containing tools that facilitates elimination of overlapping activities and waste, which leads to greater value for the customers. Through this method, work is simplified, costs can be reduced and lead-times shortened. The end result is an improved market position. The purpose of this thesis work is to set up the fundamentals of process management at Siemens GPMT. Our goal is to introduce and establish a process oriented perspective and provide tools for the department to be able to improve their processes. The report starts with a presentation of the company and the problembackground that has led to this thesis. Essential theories and methods for process management are thoroughly described. The results we have found under the project are presented along with a final discussion and conclusions. We have created work descriptions along with tools for measuring and evaluating the performance of the processes. We have also created a structure for further work with process management. Well documented processes and work standards are no guarantee for good results. They only present the current level of knowledge within the organization. Their full potential can only be utilized if the personnel really believe in their value and strive to continuously improve the business. We are firmly convinced that GPMT, by adopting our recommendations and actively working with the methods we have described, will develop to be a role model for all other departments at Siemens

    Lean Production. Universallösning eller modefluga? : En kritisk granskning av Lean-konceptets innehåll och retorik

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    Lean Production firar sitt 20 års jubileum i år. Trots den långa tiden och kopplingen till Toyotas produktionssystem (TPS) finns fortfarande en hel del förvirring kring konceptets syfte och innehåll. Syftet med föreliggande rapport är att försöka klara upp en del av denna förvirring och föra en diskussion kring konceptet och den retorik som omger konceptet. Diskussionerna som förs i rapporten bygger på en litteraturstudie som omfattar den mest centrala litteraturen som rör Lean Production. Diskussionerna förs i tre steg. Först görs en analys av konceptets homogenitet och huruvida Lean Production kan ses som ett enhetligt koncept. Därefter görs en bedömning av konceptets egenart genom en jämförelse med dess närmsta släkting, Total Quality Management. Slutligen förs en diskussion kring några praktiska frågor kring förutsättningar och konsekvenser för införande av Lean Production i en organisation

    Översättning av Lean Production : från managementdiskurs till organisatorisk praktik

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    The majority of organizational change efforts end in failure. These failures can often be ascribed to lack of understanding of the translation processes that accompany the implementation of management concepts. Translation becomes evident when the initial ambitions of an implementation process are changed as they are communicated through the organization, often leading to unwanted results. This thesis deals with the translation of management concepts. The ambition is to contribute to the body of knowledge that is concerned with this theoretical direction through demonstrating how the currently dominating management concept Lean Production is translated as it is passed between contexts. The thesis is based on three studies of management concepts at various levels of abstraction. The first study is based on a review of the major literature on Lean Production. The second study is based on a survey among Swedish production managers on their application of management methods and concepts. The third study comprises a series of interviews within a large Swedish industrial organization, focusing on how Lean Production has been translated during the implementation process. The results show that Lean Production is far from well defined or unequivocal. There is always room for translation as the concept is passed between actors within an organization. It is therefore unreasonable to expect the concept to provide certain results. The results are determined by the way the concept is interpreted and translated within the organization that seeks to implement it. It is argued that insufficient translation competence will increase the risk of an uncontrolled and potentially ineffective translation process, leading to unexpected and undesirable results. Through combining these results with existing theories within the management field, the author presents a tentative model for analyzing the translation of management concepts all the way from the general managerial discourse to the practice that can be observed at the factory floor of a company. It is proposed that this model may be used as a conceptual framework for further studies of the translation of management concepts.Majoriteten av organisatoriska förändringsinsatser misslyckas. Dessa misslyckanden kan ofta tillskrivas bristande kunskap om de översättningsprocesser som hänger samman med implementering av managementkoncept. Översättningarna blir synliga när de initiala ambitionerna i implementeringsprocessen förändras efter hand som de kommuniceras genom organisationen, vilket ofta leder till oönskade resultat. Ambitionen med denna avhandling är att ge ett kunskapsbidrag till teorier om översättning av managementkoncept genom att demonstrera hur det för tiden dominerande managementkonceptet Lean Production översätts när det passerar gränserna mellan olika kontexter. Avhandlingen är baserad på tre studier av managementkoncept på olika abstraktionsnivåer. Den första studien grundar sig på en genomgång av den centrala litteraturen om Lean Production. Den andra studien bygger på en enkätundersökning bland svenska produktionschefer och rör deras tillämpning av managementmetoder och koncept. Den tredje studien omfattar en serie intervjuer inom ett större svenskt industriföretag, där fokus ligger på hur Lean Production har översatts under implementeringsprocessen. Resultaten visar att Lean Production är långt ifrån väldefinierat eller otvetydigt. Det finns alltid utrymme för översättning när konceptet kommuniceras mellan aktörer inom och mellan organisationer. Det är därför orimligt att förvänta sig att konceptet ska leverera särskilda resultat. Resultaten kommer snarare från det sätt som konceptet tolkas och översätts inom organisationen som avser att införa det i verksamheten. Det framhålls att bristande översättningskompetens kommer att öka risken för okontrollerad och potentiellt verkningslös översättningsprocess, vilket kan medföra oväntade och oönskade resultat. Genom att kombinera de empiriska resultaten från de tre ovan nämnda studierna med teorier inom managementområdet presenteras en tentativ modell för hur översättning av managementkoncept kan studeras från den generella managementdiskursen till den praktik som kan observeras på verkstadsgolvet inom ett företag. Det föreslås att modellen kan användas som ett konceptuellt ramverk för vidare studier av översättning av managementkoncept

    Flow vaporization of CO2 in Microchannel Tubes

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