9 research outputs found

    Design of additional milling equipment for CNC Masturn MT54

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    Tato bakalářská práce se zabývá konstrukčním návrhem přídavného frézovacího vřetena k CNC soustruhu MASTURN MT54. První část obsahuje důkladnou analýzu problematiky frézovacích vřeten. Další část se zabývá popisem jednotlivých návrhů variant řešení, na jejímž základě je zvolena nejvhodnější varianta. Následující část popisuje dimenzováním hlavních částí vřetene, na kterou navazuje konstrukční návrh ve formě 3D modelu. Součástí bakalářské práce jsou i dva výrobní výkresy a výkres sestavy.This bachelor thesis deals with constructional design of milling spindle for CNC cutter MASTRUN MT54. First part contains thorough analysis of milling spindle problematics. Second part deals with description of individual solution designs, on which is chosen appropriate variant. Following part describes dimensioning of main part of the milling spindle, followed by constructional design in a form of a 3D model. Attachment of bachelor thesis are two manufacturing drawings and assembly drawing.

    Design of lathe chuck with machine-adjustable excentricity

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    Tato diplomová práce se zabývá konstrukčním návrhem sklíčidla se strojně nastavitelnou excentricitou ve dvou osách. První část obsahuje stručnou analýzu problematiky upínání na CNC strojích a popis dostupných sklíčidel se strojně nastavitelnou excentricitou. Další část se zabývá studií možných konstrukčních řešení, na jejímž základě v další části budou navrženy dvě konstrukční varianty. Následující část popisuje dimenzování hlavních částí sklíčidla. Na základě výpočtů je vytvořen 3D model zvolené varianty s popisem funkce. Nakonec je popsáno, za jakých podmínek lze sklíčidlo provozovat.This master´s thesis focuses on constructional design of chuck with settable eccentricity in two axes. The first part consists of brief analysis of the clamping of CNC machines and summary of available chucks with settable eccentricity. Next part deals with study of possible construction designs. Two construction variants will be based on those designs in the next part. Following part then describes dimensionality of the main parts of the chuck. Based on the calculations, the 3D model of chosen variant is created with the description of its functionality. Finally the conditions of operation for the chuck are described.

    Influence of machining parameters on forces during ball-nose cutter milling using the tool-dragging strategy

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    Tato bakalářská práce se zabývá závislostí mezi parametry obrábění a řeznými silami s ohledem na vibrace. Prostřednictvím experimentu je ověřována hypotéza o uklidnění řezného procesu vlivem příčného vyklonění. Testování těchto závislostí probíhá obráběním pokusných drah s různým nastavením řezných podmínek, při kterém jsou zaznamenávány průběhy řezných sil, jež jsou hodnotícím kritériem celého experimentu.ObhájenoThis bachelor´s thesis explores the dependence between the machining parameters and cutting forces out of consideration for vibrations. The hypothesis about calming the cutting process as a result of a transverse leaning is verified through the experiment. The substance of the experiment is machining of experimental tracks using different settings of cutting conditions. During the machining the progress of cutting forces is recorded, which is the evaluating criterion of the whole experiment

    Design and technology of bezel manufacturing for machine tools

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    Tato diplomová práce se zabývá návrhem výroby lunety pro konkrétní CNC soustruh a zahrnuje vytvoření výrobních programů pro všechny součásti lunety a její ekonomické zhodnocení.ObhájenoThis diploma thesis concerns with production design of a bezel for a concrete CNC lathe and it includes the making of CNC programmes of production for all the parts of the lunette and its economical evaluation

    Design and technology of bezel manufacturing for machine tools

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    Tato diplomová práce se zabývá návrhem výroby lunety pro konkrétní CNC soustruh a zahrnuje vytvoření výrobních programů pro všechny součásti lunety a její ekonomické zhodnocení.ObhájenoThis diploma thesis concerns with production design of a bezel for a concrete CNC lathe and it includes the making of CNC programmes of production for all the parts of the lunette and its economical evaluation

    Body Weight Prediction from Linear Measurements of Icelandic Foals: A Machine Learning Approach

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    Knowledge of the body weight of horses permits breeders to provide appropriate feeding and care regimen and allows veterinarians to monitor the animals’ health. It is not always possible to perform an accurate measurement of the body weight of horses using horse weighbridges, and therefore, new body weight formulas based on biometric measurements are required. The objective of this study is to develop and validate models for estimating body weight in Icelandic foals using machine learning methods. The study was conducted using 312 data records of body measurements on 24 Icelandic foals (12 colts and 12 fillies) from birth to 404 days of age. The best performing model was the polynomial model that included features such as heart girth, body circumference and cannon bone circumference. The mean percentage error for this model was 4.1% based on cross-validation and 3.8% for a holdout dataset. The body weight of Icelandic foals can also be estimated using a less complex model taking a single trait defined as the square of heart girth multiplied by body circumference. The mean percentage error for this model was up to 5% both for the training and the holdout datasets. The study results suggest that machine learning methods can be considered a useful tool for designing models for the estimation of body weight in horses

    The Frequency of Errors in Determining Age Based on Selected Features of the Incisors of Icelandic Horses

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    The structure and changes occurring to horses’ teeth during ontogeny are not only used to assess the degree of somatic maturity but also the development of universal patterns and is therefore used to determine the age of horses. Research shows that methods of assessing the age of horses based on the appearance of teeth tend to suffer from relatively large errors. This is probably influenced by the results of intensive selection and being kept in living conditions that differ substantially from their natural environment. This study aimed to assess the suitability of selected features of the incisors to determine the age of Icelandic horses. One hundred and twenty-six Icelandic horses (78 mares and 48 stallions) of different ages (range: 0−24 years; groups: 0−2 years, >2−5 years, >5−11 years, and >11 years) were examined by an experienced horse person who was blinded to the actual age of the horse and did not know which age group horses were in. Age was determined by the inspection of each horse’s teeth and was compared to the actual age of the horse recorded in the breeding documentation, and the percentage of mistakes made regarding the age group was calculated. The estimated age did not match the real age in 36.5% of the horses. The age was more often underestimated (19.0%) by, on average, 0.9 ± 1.0 years than overestimated (17.5%) by, on average, 1.3 ± 1.4 years. Within age groups, the least number of errors in determining age were made in young horses aged 0−2 years, when the eruption and growing of the deciduous incisors and the disappearance of the cups was considered. The average percentage of errors in this group (2.1%) was significantly lower (p < 0.01) than for older horses, whose age was estimated based on the exchange of deciduous to permanent teeth (55.8%), disappearance of the cups (68.0%), and shape changes on the grinding surface (40.0%). Significantly more frequent underestimation of age based on replacing deciduous for permanent incisors and significantly more frequent overestimation of age on the basis of the disappearance of the cup may indicate that Icelandic horses up to 5 years of age are characterized by a slower rate of growth than horses of other breeds, especially warmblood horses. These results suggest that patterns used to determine the real age of horses based on changes occurring on the incisors should be modified in order to consider the specificity of the course of growth and maturation processes of horses of various types and breeds