43 research outputs found

    CORDEN dynamics Stimulator for muscular pain syndromes

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    ÖSSZEFOGLALÁS Bevezetés: Az izomfájdalom szindróma az egyik vezető neurológiai betegség, ami fogyatékosságot okozhat az aktv lakosság körében. A csont- és izomrendszer funkcionális státuszának rehabilitációja, valamint a fzikai és pszichológiai stresszt kezelni lehet fzioterápiával vagy elektroterápiával. Az izomspazmus elkerülése érdekében a gerincoszlop szegmenseit hardware technikával, CORDEN stmulátorral kezeltük, annak érdekében, hogy támogassuk a hipertóniás állapotban lévő mély hátzmok relaxációját. Cél: a CORDEN stmulátor hatékonyságának tanulmányozása, mint az izomfájdalom szindróma kezelésének egyik eszköze. A beteg testsúlyának fgyelembevételével transzverzális irányban akupresszúrás kezelést végeztünk a gerincoszlop ízületein, a facet ízületeken. Eredmények: A vizsgált alanyok pszichológiai teszteredményei szerint a gerinc korrekciója előt és után szignifkánsan alacsonyabb neurológiai jelet találtunk a program végére. Az eszköz mechanikus, elektromos és relaxációs hatása javítota a gerinc szegmenseinek mobilitását, a közérzetet, enyhítete a fájdalmat, és csökkentete a mentális stresszt. Következtetés: A kutatás igazolta, hogy a CORDEN cardio stmulátornak pozitv rehabilitációs hatása van a gerincoszlop mentén haladó hátzmok fájdalomszidrómájának kezelésében. Kulcsszavak: izomfájdalom, CORDEN stmulátor, izomspazmus, az áram relaxációs hatása | ABSTRACT: Introduction: Muscle-pain syndrome is one of the leading neurological disease, and may be cause disability for actve populaton. The rehabilitaton of functonal state of musculoskeletal organs and considerable physical or psychological stress can be treat by physiotherapy exercises and various types of manual and hardware methods. To eliminate muscle spasm, the hardware ofoad spinal moton segments using the simulator CORDEN was used, allowing mainly the deep back muscles in a state of hypertonicity relaxaton. Aim: was to study the efectveness of CORDEN simulator as a means of muscle-pain syndrome management due to the acupressure pressure of the patent’s own body weight on the area of transverse processes and facet joints. Results: According to subjects’ psychological testng results before and afer the course of spine correcton, compared with the control characteristcs, signifcantly lower rates of neurotcism were revealed. The results of the mechanical impact of the device on spinal moton segments in combinaton with the relaxaton efect of the currents on the organism are expressed to improve the well-being, relieve pain and reduce mental stress. Conclusion: The conducted research has shown that CORDEN cardio simulator is an efectve rehabilitatve means for muscle-vertebrogenic pain syndrome. Key words: muscular pain, simulator CORDEN, muscle spasm, relaxing efects of the current

    Elderly People’s Functional State of Musculoskeletal System Correction by Eastern Methods

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    The problem of aging and associated degenerative changes in human organism state general and the musculoskeletal system in particular remains relevant. 10 elderly age women took part in the research in the experimental group. All subjects for several years suffered from periodic pain in the large joints and in different parts of the spine, which increased during movement. The average age of the subjects was 62.1 years. During the session, all the joints from the head to the toes were worked out, the muscles of the whole body warm up. When exposed to the abdominal cavity, there is spasms and stagnation removal, internal organs normalization. The session ends with relaxing exercises for head and neck muscles. The overall effect after the session is characterized by the following changes. The research results are presented in tables and figures. The presented data indicate a positive (statistically significant) dynamics of the studied characteristics, which confirms effectiveness of the proposed methodology for this contingent. Regarding positive results it is planned to continue the research and study of the Eastern technologies influence over functional and psycho-emotional state

    The prevalence of vitamin D deficiency in Russian Federation

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    In this review, we discuss the main reasons for the vitamin D insufficiency in Russian Federation, as well as data on the prevalence of vitamin D deficiency among various population groups and regions, which confirm the widespread prevalence of vitamin D deficiency in the country. The discussed data suggest that the current vitamin D insufficiency in Russian population (reduced levels of 25(OH)D occurs in 50 - 94% of general population) is due to both a low level of its endogenous synthesis and insufficient intake from food : the territory of the country is located in a zone of low insolation, and at the same time, the main natural sources of vitamin D (sea fish of fatty varieties) and fortified with vitamin D products are very limited in the diet of the population. Taking measures to improve the status of vitamin D and maintaining the optimal serum levels of 25(OH)D in children and adults, adequate vitamin D intake will improve the condition of the musculoskeletal system, as well as reduce the risk of development and improve the control of some chronic diseases

    Fucoxanthin production from Tisochrysis lutea and Phaeodactylum tricornutum at industrial scale

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    Fucoxanthin is a xanthophyll carotenoid with high market value. Currently, seaweeds are the primary source for fucoxanthin industrial production. However, marine microalgae reach 5 to 10 times higher concentrations (2.24 to 26.6 mg g-1 DW) and are considered a promising feedstock. In this work, two marine microalgae were produced at industrial scale to evaluate biomass and fucoxanthin production: Phaeodactylum tricornutum for autumn/winter and Tisochrysis lutea for spring/summer. Both strains were grown in 15 m3 tubular flow-through photobioreactors; for 170 consecutive days of semi-continuous cultivation regime. The average volumetric biomass productivities of P. tricornutum and T. lutea were 0.11 and 0.09 g DW L-1 day-1. P. tricornutum reached higher maximum biomass concentration (2.87 g DW L-1) than T. lutea (1.47 g DW L-1). P. tricornutum fucoxanthin content ranged between 0.2 and 0.7% DW, while T. lutea between 0.2 and 0.6% DW. The fucoxanthin content was correlated with the irradiation (MJ m-2) and biomass concentration in the photobioreactor (g L-1). This is the first work in literature reporting a long-term industrial production of T. lutea. Overall, we showed possible scenarios for fucoxanthin production from microalgae, increasing the window to supply the industry with steady production throughout the year.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Opportunities and Prospects for the Introduction of Digital Technologies in the Organization of Sports and Physical Education

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    Анализируются релевантные возможности применения дистанционного формата оценки и контроля параметров тренированности и здоровья спортсменов. Цель исследования — рассмотреть возможности и процесс внедрения цифровых технологий на этапе контроля тренером и самоконтроля функционального состояния. Проведен контент-анализ публикаций, представленных в открытом доступе. Выделены группы мобильных технологий для мониторинга показателей функционального состояния занимающихся физической культурой и спортом. При организации тренировочного процесса в дистанционном режиме в том числе в периоды ограничения коммуникации, используют цифровые технологии по следующим направлениям: спортивная подготовка, оздоровительная физическая культура и фитнес, диагностика функциональных состояний, психодиагностика, мониторинг физического состояния и здоровья лиц, занимающихся физической культурой и спортом, а также лиц с ограниченными возможностями.The relevant possibilities of using a remote format for assessing and monitoring the fitness parameters of athletes are analyzed. The purpose of the study — to consider the possibilities and process of introducing digital technologies at the stage of coach control and self-control of the functional state. The content analysis of the publications presented in the public domain was carried out. Groups of mobile technologies for monitoring indicators of the functional state of those engaged in physical culture and sports are identified. When organizing the training process remotely, including during periods of limited communication, the use of digital technologies is carried out in the following areas: sports training, healthimproving physical culture and fitness, diagnostics of functional states, psychodiagnostics, monitoring of the physical condition and health of persons engaged in physical culture and sports, as well as persons with disabilities. This will allow us to develop and improve the theoretical justification and practical forms of digital resources in the work of the trainer

    Description of a new species of soil algae, Parietochloris grandis sp. nov., and study of its fatty acid profiles under different culturing conditions

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    © 2018 Elsevier B.V. The new species Parietochloris grandis sp. nov. is described from forest soil in the Dnipropetrovsk region, Ukraine. The description is based on morphological features and the phylogenetic analysis of partial SSU rDNA and rbcL genes. Phylogenetic analysis places P. grandis in the Parietochloris clade, within the family Trebouxiophyceae. The novel strain formed a strongly supported monophyletic lineage with the type species of Parietochloris, P. alveolaris. P. grandis differed from other species in the Parietochloris clade by the size and form of vegetative cells and the large number of zoospores in zoosporangia. A number of experiments with different phosphates and nitrates concentrations were conducted to evaluate changes in fatty acid profile and biomass. The dominant fatty acids during cultivation on standard BG-11 medium, as well as with the phosphates concentrations ranged from 0.22 to 2 mM, were linoleic acid (24–25%), palmitic acid (12–14%), linolenic acid (9–12%), and oleic acid (7–11%). The content of arachidonic acid and eicosapentaenoic acid ranged from 3.5 to 4.5% and 0.7% to 0.8%, respectively. The fatty acid profile and total fatty acids varied significantly under different nutrient deficiency. The greatest variation was found for oleic acid (9–46%) and linolenic acid (2–13%). The percentage of arachidonic acid was the highest with a standard nitrates concentration in the medium (5%) and the lowest in the absence of phosphates and nitrates (1.3–1.5%), but the absolute content in dry biomass was similar in all variants of the experiment (6.5–9.3 mg g−1 dry weight). The absence of nitrogen and both nitrogen and phosphorus led to a 3–fold increase in TFA in comparison with the control. Thus, this strain can be considered in biotechnological application as a potential producer of the essential linoleic acid or oleic acid

    Development of a New Product in Tourism Business. Case: Restaurant “Tsaari” in Tampere Region

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    The purpose of the thesis was to study theoretical information on a theme of a new product development and to conduct a research for the thesis partners’ company Zensation Oy, who opened a new restaurant in Tampere region; also to find possible ways to develop this restaurant . The information for the theoretical part of the thesis was gathered from literature, the Internet, lecture materials and statistics. For the empirical part of the thesis, the information was gathered from the customers who visit restaurant “Tsaari” by the author of the thesis herself with the help of questionnaire. The results of the research show which things have to be developed in restaurant to attract more customers and to make more people aware of the restaurant not only in Tampere region, but the whole country and even in Russia. The target groups of customers are known after research is conducted, therefore it is easier for the owners of the restaurant to implement changes that will develop restaurant in future