47 research outputs found

    Quality control analysis in company Brněnské vodárny a kanalizace a. s.

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    Tato diplomová práce se zabývá systémy řízení jakosti a je rozdělena na dvě hlavní části. V teoretické části práce jsou nejdříve vysvětleny základní pojmy a historický vývoj řízení jakosti. Popsána a diskutována je národní politika jakosti a největší prostor je věnován systému managementu jakosti. Dále je porovnána koncepce jakosti podle norem ISO a TQM. Druhá, praktická část práce začíná obecným představením společnosti Brněnské vodárny a kanalizace a. s. a tvoří ji návrh na zlepšení systému řízení jakosti tak, aby mohl být uskutečněn v této společnosti.This diploma thesis analyzes the present state of a quality system inside the joint – stock company Brněnské vodárny a kanalizace. On the basis of comparison with choice modern continual improvement‘s methods of quality systems this diploma work availeble method, which leads to improvement of the quality system in the test lab of sewage works Brno-Modřice, as part of water quality control’s section.

    Polyfunctional centre Dubce

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    Předmětem diplomové práce je návrh veřejné občanské vybavenosti pro obyvatele Mladé Boleslavi. Cílem mého návrhu bylo vytvořit reprezentativní polyfunkční centrum, které doplňuje chybějící funkce v dané lokalitě. Urbanistický návrh území vychází z předdiplomního projektu, kde byla zadáním zástavba rodinných domů, občanská vybavenost a veřejná zeleň. Zadané území se nachází na jižním okraji Mladé Boleslavi v nesourodé zástavbě rodinných domů a sousedí se starým židovským hřbitovem. Občanskou vybavenost jsem umístila do jižní části pozemku odkud je výhled do celého území. Polyfunkční centrum se skládá ze dvou samostatných objektů a jejich umístění a hmotový koncept vychází z reakce na dopravní řešení a z osové propojenosti území s veřejným parkem. V centru se nacházejí tři funkce: kavárna, sportovní centrum a dvě malé prodejny.The subject of this diploma thesis is to design a public amenities for residents of Mladá Boleslav. The aim of my thesis was to create a representative multifunctional centre, which adds missing features in the area. Urban design is based on the pre-diploma project, where housing development, amenities and public greenery was the assignment. The area is located in the southern outskirts of Mladá Boleslav, in disordered built-up area and adjacent to an old Jewish cemetery. The amenities were placed into southern part of the property, where overlook of the whole area can be seen from. Multifunctional centre consists of two separate buildings and their location together with form-concept is based on both, response to public transportation and axial interconnection of the area with public park. The centre dispose of three functions: café, sport centre and two small shops

    Functional divergence of microtubule-associated TPX2 family members in Arabidopsis thaliana

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    TPX2 (Targeting Protein for Xklp2) is an evolutionary conserved microtubule-associated protein important for microtubule nucleation and mitotic spindle assembly. The protein was described as an activator of the mitotic kinase Aurora A in humans and the Arabidopsis AURORA1 (AUR1) kinase. In contrast to animal genomes that encode only one TPX2 gene, higher plant genomes encode a family with several TPX2-LIKE gene members (TPXL). TPXL genes of Arabidopsis can be divided into two groups. Group A proteins (TPXL2, 3, 4, and 8) contain Aurora binding and TPX2_importin domains, while group B proteins (TPXL1, 5, 6, and 7) harbor an Xklp2 domain. Canonical TPX2 contains all the above-mentioned domains. We confirmed using in vitro kinase assays that the group A proteins contain a functional Aurora kinase binding domain. Transient expression of Arabidopsis TPX2-like proteins in Nicotiana benthamiana revealed preferential localization to microtubules and nuclei. Co-expression of AUR1 together with TPX2-like proteins changed the localization of AUR1, indicating that these proteins serve as targeting factors for Aurora kinases. Taken together, we visualize the various localizations of the TPX2-LIKE family in Arabidopsis as a proxy to their functional divergence and provide evidence of their role in the targeted regulation of AUR1 kinase activity

    Intrusive growth of flax phloem fibers is of intercalary type

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    Flax (Linum usitatissimum L.) phloem fibers elongate considerably during their development and intrude between existing cells. We questioned whether fiber elongation is caused by cell tip growth or intercalary growth. Cells with tip growth are characterized by having two specific zones of cytoplasm in the cell tip, one with vesicles and no large organelles at the very tip and one with various organelles amongst others longitudinally arranged cortical microtubules in the subapex. Such zones were not observed in elongating flax fibers. Instead, organelles moved into the very tip region, and cortical microtubules showed transversal and helical configurations as known for cells growing in intercalary way. In addition, pulse-chase experiments with Calcofluor White resulted in a spotted fluorescence in the cell wall all over the length of the fiber. Therefore, it is concluded that fiber elongation is not achieved by tip growth but by intercalary growth. The intrusively growing fiber is a coenocytic cell that has no plasmodesmata, making the fibers a symplastically isolated domain within the stem

    Centurio from Tragicomedia de Calisto y Melibea endTrasone from I due felici rivali: characters comparasion

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    The following bachelor thesis aims to analyze and compare the characters Centurio from the tragicomedy Tragicomedia de Calisto y Melibea by Fernando de Rojas and Trasone from the comedy I due felici rivali by Iacopo Nardi. These two characters are compared between themselves and simultaneously to the figure of the Braggart Soldier. The thesis first presents the issues of development of the Renaissance theater at the turn of the fifteenth and sixteenth centuries with a focus on Italian and Spanish territories. Subsequently, it introduces the biographies of the authors and the plays from which the characters I work with originate. And finally it offers an analysis of the individual characters and their mutual comparison

    Unlawful use of a copyrighted work

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    Resumé / Summary Title: Unauthorized Use of Author Craft The purpose of my thesis is to analyse the unauthorized use of author craft. It is the situation when the author craft is used without the knowledge and permission of the author. The reason for my research is the rapid development in this area and the need to establish the high-quality copyright law. The thesis is composed of six chapters, each of them dealing with different aspects of copyright law. Chapter One is an introductory and defines basic terminology such as copyright law, author craft, an author, author rights, exceptions to these rights etc. Part Two deals with the relation between the copyright law and civil law. The chapter Three focuses on short history in our territory. The Fourth chapter is subdivided into three parts. One of them describes non-contractual institutions. These institutions enable the public to the wide access to author craft. The second part analyses contractual relations. The Third part explains special institute named creative commons. The Fifth chapter investigates unlawful use of author craft and it is divided on web piracy and software piracy. The last chapter addresses the issue to the civil and criminal protection. This diploma paper provides a general overview of the issue of unauthorized use of author crafts,..

    Regulation of alcohol advertising

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    Department of Marketing Communication and Public RelationsKatedra marketingové komunikace a public relationsFakulta sociálních vědFaculty of Social Science

    Regulation of alcohol advertising

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    Department of Marketing Communication and Public RelationsKatedra marketingové komunikace a public relationsFakulta sociálních vědFaculty of Social Science

    Hodnocení efektivnosti investice ve společnosti ZKDESIGN, a.s.

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    Import 20/04/2006Prezenční výpůjčkaVŠB - Technická univerzita Ostrava. Ekonomická fakulta. Katedra (152) podnikohospodářsk