184 research outputs found

    Posidippus and Achaemenid royal propaganda

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    Geological influence on the formation of Samar natural bridge and collapse valley of Ravna River from the NE Kučaj Mountains (Carpatho-Balkanides, eastern Serbia)

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    The paper deals with the description of Samar natural bridge and collapse valley of Ravna River in eastern Serbia aiming to suggest an interpretation of their origin and development, in relationship with lithological and tectonic conditions, karst processes, and petrological analyses. In this study we present the geological setting, detailed morphology and hypothesis on the genesis of these karst landforms. The relationship between surface karst development and the geology is considerably acknowledged. The major contribution of the paper is to propose a framework for considering how recrystallization of limestone can affect the weathering potential of karst landforms and to introduce a term collapse valley. Finally, this study shows that the weathering potencial of the Samar natural bridge is decreased concerning the diagenetic changes these limestones underwent.

    Desperate Housewives, Sex and the City. Das Bild der Frau im Hellenismus

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    Mastering the Best Practices:A Comprehensive Look at the European Guidelines for Cardiopulmonary Bypass in Adult Cardiac Surgery

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    The successful outcome of a cardiac surgery procedure is significantly dependent on the management of cardiopulmonary bypass (CPB). Even if a cardiac operation is technically well-conducted, a patient may suffer CPB-related complications that could result in severe comorbidities, reduced quality of life, or even death. However, the role of clinical perfusionists in perioperative patient care, which is critical, is often overlooked. Therefore, the European Association for Cardio-Thoracic Surgery (EACTS), the European Association of Cardiothoracic Anaesthesiology (EACTA), and the European Board of Cardiovascular Perfusion (EBCP) have agreed to develop joint clinical practice guidelines (CPGs) for CPB due to its significant impact on patient care and significant variations in practice patterns between countries. The European guidelines, based on the EACTS standardized framework for the development of CPGs, cover the entire spectrum of CPB management in adult cardiac surgery. This includes training and education of clinical perfusionists, machine hardware, disposables, preparation for initiation of CPB, a complete set of procedures during CPB to help maintain end-organ function and anticoagulation, weaning from CPB, and the gaps in evidence and future research directions. This comprehensive coverage ensures that all aspects of CPB management are addressed, providing clinicians with a standardized approach to CPB management based on the latest evidence and best practices. To ensure better integration of these evidence-based recommendations into daily practice, this review aims to provide a general understanding of guideline development and an overview of essential treatment recommendations for CPB management.</p

    High Prevalence and Resistance Patterns of Community-Associated Methicillin-Resistant Staphylococcus aureus in the Pomoravlje Region, Serbia

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    With a view to estimating the prevalence and resistance patterns of CA-MRSA in one region of Serbia, we performed an analysis of MRSA isolates from healthy people and hospitalised patients. The detection of CA-MRSA was carried out by SCCmec typing. In MRSA isolates from hospitalised patients SCCmec types IV and V were found in 76% of the strains. Similar percentage (80%) of CA-MRSA genotypes was present in healthy people. SCCmec type V harbouring MRSA was the most successful clone. Higher prevalence of type V in hospitalised patients to that in healthy people (70% vs 54%) may indicate nosocomial transmissions in at least some hospital units. All MRSA strains from hospitalised patients were resistant to one or more non-β-lactam antibiotics while 52% were multi-resistant. In isolates from healthy people, 16% were sensitive to all non-β-lactam antibiotics and 40% were multi-resistant. Similar percentage of multi-resistant CA- and HA-genotypes occurred in a particular environment (53% vs 50% in hospitalised patients, and 37.5% vs 37.5% in healthy people) indicating selective pressure of antibiotics as a leading force conferring antibiotic resistance. High prevalence of CA-MRSA and high resistance rate both in hospitals and the community suggest that this pathogen has been present in the Pomoravlje Region, central Serbia for years

    Plötzlich traf uns der Schlag! : Förderung der physischen und psychischen Gesundheit von pflegenden Angehörigen bei der häuslichen Pflege und Betreuung von Schlaganfallpatientinnen und -patienten

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    Darstellung des Themas: Pflegende Angehörige sind für den Verbleib von Schlaganfallüberlebenden im Eigenheim unabdingbar. Diese anspruchsvolle Rolle kann sich allerdings negativ auf ihre eigene Gesundheit auswirken und zu Überforderungen führen. Ziel: Das Ziel dieser Bachelorarbeit ist, evidenzbasierte Interventionsmöglichkeiten für das Fachpersonal herauszuarbeiten, um Überforderungen und die damit einhergehenden Gesundheitsschäden bei pflegenden Angehörigen während der häuslichen Pflege und Betreuung von Schlaganfallüberlebenden zu vermindern und dadurch ihre Gesundheit zu fördern. Methode: In den Datenbanken CINAHL Complete und PubMed wurde im Zeitraum vom September 2020 bis Januar 2021, unter Berücksichtigung von festgelegten Ein- und Ausschlusskriterien, eine systematische Literaturrecherche durchgeführt. Dabei wurden sieben themenrelevante Studien gefunden, welche anschliessend zusammengefasst, gewürdigt und analysiert wurden. Relevante Ergebnisse: Die physischen, psychischen und sozialen Aspekte der Gesundheit von pflegenden Angehörigen können durch die Kombination von schriftlichen, stationären, häuslichen und telefonischen Wissensvermittlungen zum Thema Apoplexie und zum Umgang mit Schlaganfallbetroffenen im Eigenheim erhalten und gefördert werden. Schlussfolgerung: Pflegefachpersonen sollen bereits während der Hospitalisation der Schlaganfallüberlebenden mit der Wissensvermittlung und praktischen Schulungen der pflegenden Angehörigen beginnen. Dadurch werden sie auf die künftige Pflege und Betreuung im Eigenheim vorbereitet, womit Überforderungen und die damit einhergehenden Gesundheitsschäden vermindert werden können


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    Running is a popular form of physical activity and can be carried out through several different distances. Morphological characteristics, such as skin fold thickness, limb girth and length, body weight and body fat percentage have an impact on endurance running. The objective of this systematic review study is to collect and analyze studies about the influence of morphological characteristics on running performance of endurance athletes. Based on an analysis of electronic databases and the inclusion criteria set, 20 studies were included in the analysis. The length of the extremities and the sum of the skin folds thickness have the highest statistical significance as the predictor. The results of the analyzed studies indicate that slim limbs, longer legs, lower total skin fold thickness and lower body fat percentage are some of the characteristics that can be good predictors for competitive success and a model to be tended during the preparation period of male and female endurance runners

    Ovrednotenje kraških geomorfoloških točk na območju gora Kučaj in Beljanica kot izhodišče za ustanovitev geoparka na kraški osnovi

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    Protection and promotion of geoheritage has been changing and improving in recent decades, in line with the growing research in this field. Some research papers specifically study geomorphological geoheritage and introduce a special term − geomorphosite. Karst geomorphosites present specific objects of geomorphological heritage. On Kučaj and Beljanica mountains there is the largest karst area in Serbia. The purpose of this paper is to select and evaluate the scientific value of karst geomorphosites of Kučaj and Beljanica. More than one hundred karst geomorphosites were analyzed. In order to achieve more adequate coverage and representation, they were grouped into 25 geomorphotypes in three major geomorphological components of the investigated area. The results of this analysis highlighted the most important natural potentials of this area for establishing a karst-based geopark. More than 20 geomorphotypes have a positive recommendation index, which provides a good basis for further geotourism analysis.Zaščita in promocija geodediščine se v zadnjih desetletjih spreminjata in izboljšujeta, skladno s čedalje večjim številom tovrstnih raziskav. Nekateri raziskovalni članki posebej proučujejo geomorfološko geodediščino in uvajajo poseben izraz, geomorfološko točko. Kraške geomorfološke točke predstavljajo specifične cilje geomorfološke dediščine. Na gorah Kučaj in Beljanica je največje kraško območje v Srbiji. Namen prispevka je izbrati in ovrednotiti znanstveno vrednost kraških geomorfoloških točk Kučaja in Beljanice. Analiziranih je bilo več kot sto kraških geomorfoloških točk. Da bi se dosegli ustreznejša pokritost in zastopanost, so bile te točke združene v 25 geomorfoloških tipov treh glavnih geomorfoloških komponent raziskovalnega območja. Izsledki te analize so izpostavili najpomembnejše naravne potenciale tega območja za vzpostavitev geoparka na kraški osnovi. Več kot 20 geomorfoloških tipov ima pozitiven indeks priporočil, kar je dobro izhodišče za nadaljnjo analizo geoturizma