266 research outputs found


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    Housing subsidies in Slovenia have been introduced in 2000 with the amendments of the 1992 Housing Act. However, these were reserved exclusively for tenants in the non-profit sector. Due to their positive results, the Government also introduced the subsidies for tenants in market rentals. Apart from the subsidies for rentals, there were several other subsidies offered, especially for purchases of dwellings by young families resolving their housing issues for the first time and for other categories of citizens. However, the present economic crisis has put a major pressure onto the budgetary means of the Government. Therefore, some austerity measures were introduced in the last few years, which took its toll on the subsidies as well. The purpose of the paper is to present the positive effects of subsidizing householdsā€™ housing expenses, especially those renting under the market conditions. The number of applications by young families for both purchases and rentals (over 26,000 in six years) indicates that the need for this type of assistance is huge. At the same time, the paper will strive to indicate the possible side effects of the austerity measures in the resent housing situation in Slovenia. According to the analysis of the National Housing Fund, this step tends to deprive over 10,000 young households in the years to come

    Optical energy bandgap tuning of spinel zinc stannate by erbium/ytterbium doping

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    This work shows the results of an optical energy bandgap (Eg) investigation supported by scanning electron microscopy (SEM) of spinel-type zinc stannate (Zn2SnO4) upon doping with rear earth (RE3+) ions (Er3+, Yb3+). The powder samples are synthesized by a mechanochemical solid-state method with the final annealing step at 1200 C. The reference Zn2SnO4 powder sample bandgap (3.87 eV) turning lower upon doping, precisely to 3.5 eV, and 3.37 eV bandgap values found for Er-doped Zn2SnO4 and Er,Yb-codoped Zn2SnO4 powder samples, respectively is a confirmation of the successful incorporation of the RE3+ ions into the Zn2SnO4 host structure. Morphology of the obtained powders shows, in general, the non-uniformly shaped agglomerates, while their particle sizes follow up the bandgap decreasing trend with doping

    Mineralni trioksidni agregat u terapiji eksterne resorpcije korena izbijenog zuba sa nezavrŔenim rastom korena - ishod posle deset godina

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    Introduction Root resorption may occur as a consequence of avulsion injury and may lead to the progressive loss of tooth structure. The aim was to report the outcome of root resorption treated with mineral trioxide aggregate in a replanted immature permanent incisor after 10 years of follow-up. Case outline This case presents external root resorption that was detected 18 months after the avulsion injury in a nine-year-old child. Apical portion of the canal was filled with mineral trioxide aggregate and the rest of the canal was filled with a canal sealer and gutta-percha. Control examinations were performed six months after the completion of the endodontic treatment and afterwards yearly. The tooth was asymptomatic clinically and radiographs did not show progression of root resorption up to four years of follow-up. Infraposition of the injured tooth was detected five years after the replantation, but without significant radiographic changes, until the eight-year follow-up, when root resorption was detected again. However, the tooth was still hard and symptomless at the 10-year follow-up. Conclusion Mineral trioxide aggregate may have an important role in the preservation of replanted immature teeth for a prolonged period.Uvod Resorpcija korena zuba se može javiti kao posledica povrede i može voditi progresivnom gubitku zubnih struktura. Cilj rada je bio da se prikaže klinički ishod replantacije izbijenog stalnog zuba sa nezavrÅ”enim rastom korena posle deset godina. Prikaz bolesnika Predstavljen je slučaj eksterne resorpcije korena zuba detektovane 18 meseci posle avulzione povrede kod devetogodiÅ”njeg deteta. Apikalni deo kanala korena zuba je napunjen mineralnim trioksidnim agregatom, dok je ostatak kanala opturiran pastom i gutaperka poenima. Kontrolni pregledi su obavljani Å”est meseci posle zavrÅ”etka endodontskog lečenja i, posle toga, jednom godiÅ”nje. Do četvrte godine praćenja zub je bio bez kliničkih i radiografskih znakova progresije resorpcije korena. Infrapozicija povređenog zuba uočena je pet godina posle replantacije, ali bez značajnih radiografskih promena sve do osme godine praćenja, kada je uočeno napredovanje resorpcije korena. Ipak, posle deset godina zub je i dalje bio klinički bez simptoma. Zaključak Mineralni trioksidni agregat može imati značajnu ulogu u dugotrajnom očuvanju replantiranih zuba sa nezavrÅ”enim rastom korena

    Morphological variability and patterns of correlation in limb elements of tailess amphibians (Anura, Amphibia)

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    U ovoj studiji sumirani su inter- i intraspecijski aspekti morfoloÅ”ke varijabilnosti ekstremiteta bezrepih vodozemaca pod uticajem selekcionih pritisaka vezanih za ulogu ekstremiteta u lokomociji i reprodukciji. Varijabilnost elemenata ekstremiteta je u direktnoj vezi sa načinom kretanja i sa stepenom koriŔćenja akvatične, terestrične i arborealne sredine, ali i u indirektnoj vezi u pogledu razlika između polova i osobina životnih istorija. Analizom polnog dimorfizma, utvrđene su razlike u veličini i obliku prednjih ekstremiteta, dok neznatne razlike u zadnjim ekstremitetima i elementima sakralnog prÅ”ljena ukazuju na postojanje ograničenja u nastanku intraspecijske varijabilnosti u ovim osobinama kod bezrepih vodozemaca, verovatno zbog jakih biomehaničkih zahteva visoko specijalizovane lokomocije. Poređenjem morfoloÅ”ke varijabilnosti različitih lokomotornih tipova (skakača i hodača) potvrđen je važan uticaj zadnjih ekstremiteta, i istaknut uticaj proksimalnog i medijalnog dela prednjih ekstremiteta, kao i osobina karličnog prÅ”ljena u kretanju i definisanju morfologije lokomotornih tipova Anura. Analizom morfoloÅ”ke integracije pokazano je da najveći uticaj na korelacionu strukturu ekstremiteta bezrepih vodozemaca ima prirodna selekcija, pre svega kroz specijalizaciju za skok, a zatim i kroz druge lokomotorne aktivnosti koje su povezane sa različitim preferencama prema tipu staniÅ”ta i načinu života vrsta. Sa druge strane, pored postojanja veze između filogenetske istorije vrsta i ekoloÅ”kih preferenci, nije utvrđen značajan uticaj filogenetskih odnosa vrsta na nivo i obrasce korelacija ekstremiteta. Ova studija je pokazala značajan uticaj lokomocije i reprodukcije u oblikovanju varijabilnosti i razumevanju faktora evolucionih promena ekstremiteta bezrepih vodozemaca.This study summarized inter- and intraspecific morphological variability of anuran limbs in relation to selective pressures of locomotion and reproduction. Morphological variability of limb traits is directly related to the locomotor mode used in aquatic, terrestrial and arboreal environments, and indirectly to the differences between the sexes and the features of life histories. Analyses of sexual dimorphism of locomotor traits revealed differences in size and shape only for forelimbs. The absence of significant differences for hindlimb and sacral traits indicate constraints in intraspecific variability of these traits, which can be result of specialization to saltatorial locomotion. Comparison of the morphological variability of locomotor types (walkers and jumpers) highlighted the importance of hindlimbs, the proximal and medial elements of the forelimbs, as well as the features of the pelvic vertebra, in movement and definition of the morphology of the locomotor types in Anurans. The analysis of morphological integration showed that natural selection has the highest influence on the correlation structure of anurans, archived mainly through the specialization for jump, but also through other locomotor activities that are related to different preferences for habitat type. Even though there was a relationship between phylogenetic history of species and ecological preferences significant influence of phylogenetic relationships of species on the level and patterns of limb correlations was not observed. In conclusion, this study demonstrated the significant influence of locomotion and reproduction in shaping variability of limbs of anurans, contributing to the understanding of evolutionary changes that this group went through


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    U radu je na primjeru Masarykove ulice smjeÅ”tene u užem centru grada Zagreba prikazan postupak ocjene učinkovitosti različitih mjera za smanjenje razina buke koje se odnose na upravljanje prometom. Analiza stanja bučnosti za Å”est različitih scenarija provedena je metodom računalnog modeliranja u specijaliziranom računalnom programu za predviđanje razina buke LimA, prilikom čega je definiran onaj optimalni koji je rezultirao najvećim smanjenjem razina buke u Masarykovoj ulici te najmanjim povećanjem razina buke u okolnim ulicama. Rezultati proračuna validirani su kratkotrajnim mjerenjima razina buke na terenu u dnevnom, večernjem i noćnom periodu.Within the scope of this study, the assessment of effectiveness of various traffic management and engineering noise mitigation measures at Masarykova Street located in the narrower centre of the city of Zagreb was made. Noise analyses were carried out by means of noise modelling procedure using the specialized noise prediction software LimA. Six different noise mitigation scenarios were observed, and optimal one regarding the amount of noise reduction in Masarykova Street and the amount of noise increase in adjacent streets was defined. Noise modelling results were validated by short term noise measurements carried out in day, evening, and night periods

    Political disaffection and disengagement in Serbia

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    The aim of this paper is to examine the extent of political disaffection and disengagement of Serbian citizens from a comparative European perspective, as well as to explore the relationships between two phenomena and determine the effects of several potential predictors (structural inequalities, gender, generational differences, urban environment, political awareness and competences, national and European identification, and political discontent) on different aspects of political disaffection and disengagement. In order to do so, we have used European Social Survey data (9th round, 2018), and singled out four different subdimensions of political disaffection and disengagement: assessment of responsiveness of the political system (external political efficacy), institutional trust, assessment of individual interest in politics and capabilities to engage in political processes (internal political efficacy), and the level of actual political engagement (political participation). The aim of the paper is to shed light on different systemic, structural and conjunctural factors that may contribute to shaping political attitudes and patterns of actions in contemporary Serbia and pose several theoretical and research questions that need further investigation

    Prophylactic properties of fluoride-releasing dental materials

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    The process of dental caries is determined by a delicate balance between pathological factors (bacteria and carbohydrates) that lead do demineralization and protective factors (saliva, calcium, phosphate and fluoride) that lead to remineralization. Contemporary approach to the treatment of dental caries includes preventive and prophylactic measures based on the notion of "demineralization and remineralization" in a micro phase in order to retain healthy teeth. Development of dental materials which release fluoride, calcium and phosphate throughout a considerable period of time certainly contributed to that. The purpose of this article was to review prophylactic and therapeutic properties of fluoride releasing dental materials, and discuss the current status concerning the prevention or inhibition of caries development and progression. .Etiopatogeneza karijesa određena je ravnotežom između patoloÅ”kih faktora (bakterije i ugljeni hidrati) koji vode demineralizaciji i protektivnih faktora (pljuvačka, fluoride, joni kalcijuma i fosfata) koji dovode do remineralizacije zubnih tkiva. Savremeni pristup u terapiji karijesa podrazumeva preventivne i profilaktičke mere koje su bazirane na dobrom poznavanju demineralizacionih i remineralizacionih procesa u gleđno-plakovnoj interfazi, sa ciljem očuvanja zdravih zubnih tkiva. Tome svakako doprinosi i razvoj savremenih stomatoloÅ”kih materijala koji oslobađaju fluoride, kalcijum i fosfate u dužem vremenskom periodu. Cilj rada je bio da se predstave profilaktički i terapijski efekti stomatoloÅ”kih materijala koji oslobađaju fluoride, kao i trenutne mogućnosti u prevenciji i zaustavljanju progresije karijesa.

    Challenges in experimental evaluation of morphological, chemo-mechanical and adhesive properties of glass-ionomer based dental materials

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    Changes in composition and new material characteristics require verification in clinical and experimental studies. Investigating glass-ionomer cements under laboratory conditions encounters problems in interpreting the results and in comparing them with other types of materials tested in the same way. As the connection between the glass-ionomer cements and the dental tissues is delicate, it is often the case that the impact of fractures and other artifacts is either underestimated or over-dimensioned when interpreting the results. A critical review was performed, with defining the main problems regarding the usage of SEM, EDX and nanoindentation techniques in glass-ionomer based materials evaluation

    Microleakage, adaptation ability and clinical efficacy of two fluoride releasing fissure sealants

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    Background/Aim. Retention of fissure sealants and good adaptation to enamel are essential for their success. Fluoride releasing resin-based materials are widely accepted for pit and fissure sealing, but newly designed glass ionomers can serve as a good alternative. The aim of this study was to evaluate microleakage and sealing ability in vitro, and to clinically assess two fluoride releasing fissure sealants. Methods. The sample for experimental study consisted of 20 freshly extracted intact human third molars, divided in two experimental groups according to the sealing material: fluoride releasing resin-based (Heliosel F) and glass ionomer (Fuji Triage) material. Digital images and scanning electron microscope were used to assess microleakage and adaptation ability. Sample for clinical study consisted of 60 children, aged 6-8 years, with high caries risk, divided in two groups according to the sealant material. Fissure sealant was applied to all erupted, caries-free first permanent molars. Sealants were evaluated after 3, 6 and 12 months using modified Ryge criteria for retention, marginal adaptation, colour match, surface smoothness and caries. Results. Microleakage was detected in more than half of the specimen, without significant differences between the two groups (p > 0.05). Both materials exhibited acceptable sealing ability. Complete retention at the end of the observation period was 81.8% for resin-based, and 21.1% for glass-ionomer fissure sealant (p < 0.001). The presence of caries in sealed molars has been detected in one patient in both groups. During the 12-month observation period, Helioseal F demonstrated better retention, marginal adaptation and surface smoothness (p < 0.001). There were no differences between the two materials regarding caries and color match (p > 0.05). Conclusion. Both tested materials demonstrate satisfactory clinical and caries prophylactic characteristics that justify their use in contemporary preventive dentistry
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