237 research outputs found

    Women in the Green Economy

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    Women all over the world are engaged in different activities from providing basic necessities for their families to running businesses and countries. However, their contribution to societies and economic growth is unrecognized and undervalued. The green economy presents new opportunities for women but there is a possibility that they will be deprived from the potential benefits arising from the green economy especially in developing countries, unless the governments act and initiate structural reforms which will reduce gender inequality in labor markets

    Abstract art as stimulation for artistic expression of primary school pupils

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    Apstraktna umjetnost nastala je u ne tako davnoj proÅ”losti. Ona je napravila izrazito veliki utjecaj na kretanje izričaja u likovnim umjetnostima. U odnosu na taj utjecaj pretpostavka je da apstraktna umjetnost može utjecati i na dječji likovni izraz. Cilj ovoga istraživanja je istražiti kako i na koji način likovna djela apstraktne umjetnosti utječu na likovni izraz učenika razredne nastave te hoće li učenici intuitivno usvojiti postupak apstrahiranja pod utjecajem reprodukcija apstraktne umjetnosti. Istraživanje je provedeno u Osnovnoj Å”koli Čazma u Čazmi s učenicima od 1. do 4. razreda. Do rezultata istraživanja doÅ”li smo analizom dječjih likovnih radova i anketom. Rezultati istraživanja pokazali su da djeca mlađe Å”kolske dobi pokazuju sklonost za apstraktnom umjetnoŔću i apstraktnim umjetničkim djelima te da su usvojili postupak apstrahiranja pod utjecajem apstraktnih reprodukcija.Abstract art was developed not a long time ago. It has made an enormous impact on the progress of ways of expression in visual arts. In regard to this impact, the assumption is that the abstract art can also influence children's artistic expression. The aim of this research has been to find out how and in what way pieces of abstract art influence artistic expression of the primary school children and whether the children intuitively accept the process of abstraction under the influence of abstract art reproductions. The research was carried out in the primary school Čazma in Čazma with the children from the first to the fourth grade. The research results have been based on the analysis of the children's art works and the survey. The results have revealed that the junior school children show tendency toward abstract art and abstract pieces of art and that they have accepted the abstracting procedure under the influence of abstract reproductions

    Influence of environmental factors on birth weight variability of indigenous Serbian breeds of sheep

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    The present investigation was carried out to study the influence of environmental factors on the birth weight variability of two breeds of sheep. Animals used in this research were taken from the Pirot and Svrljig indigenous sheep breeds. The data were collected from 1999 to 2009 and were analyzed to determine the effect of the year and season, age of the lamb, weight of the lamb, birth type and sex on the birth weight of lambs. Both sheep breeds were managed in the same farm and under the same farm conditions. Statistical analysis was performed by using GLM procedure of SAS statistical package program. Results showed that young (2 to 3 years) and old (6 to 7 years) mothers gave birth to lighter lambs, while sheep in the middle age (4 to 5 years) gave birth to lambs with the heaviest body weight. However, the differences were respectively significant (P (lt) 0.01). Birth weight of lambs also depended on weight of lamb, although differences in the average body weight of lambs were statistically significant (P (lt) 0.05). Type of birth also had effect on the body weight of lambs at birth in both Pirot and Svrljig breeds (P (lt) 0.05). Body weight of lambs at birth were almost the same for both sexes (3.39 and 3.36 kg for male and female in Pirot breed and 3.48 and 3.43 kg for male and female in Svrljig breed, respectively), though the difference was not statistically significant (P > 0.05). The values of birth weight observed for quite a number of years ranged from 3.27 to 3.52 kg in Pirot and 3.34 to 3.51 kg in Svrljig breed (P (lt) 0.01). Lambs born in the spring-summer season has the heaviest body weight at birth. Conversely, the significant difference (P (lt) 0.05) can only be interpreted as the factor of food source

    Thin film deposition of multilayers on silicon substrate laser pre-patterned

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    In scientific and commericial needs, there was a great demand for the modification of biomaterials that would replace damaged tissue in the body. Today, titanium alloys are mostly used for these purposes in combination with metals of similar physicochemical properties. In this context, there is an increased interest in the development of novel biocompatible materials with enhanced surface interface. The experimental results of a Ti/Zr/Ti thin film system deposited on a substrate pre-patterned by a dynamic femtosecond laser are presented. Surface pattering with micrometre characteristics in the form of spikes is being investigated in order to generate arrayed surface patterns for biomedical pruposes. Femtosecond laser pulses were used to acquire black silicon surfaces adorned with conical structures under 0,65 bar in SF6 ambient pressure. The silicon surface contains high aspect ratio spikes with conical morphologies of about 2Ī¼m, 400 angle opening, and 13Ā·106 cm-2 density that is roughly uniform over the treatment area. Ion sputtering was employed on sech a prepared surface to make a unique composite thin film composed of two layers of Ti and a subsurface layer of Zr. The deposited Ti/Zr/Ti cpomiste has a thickness of 400 nm. The composition and surface morphology were evaluated using FESEM-EDS and XPS methods. Transmission electron spectroscopy and energy dispersive X-ray spectroscopy demonstrated that post-deposition of Ti/Zr/Ti over Si laser-patterned resulted in diffusion of Ti and Zr layers.Twenty-First Young Researchersā€™ Conference - Materials Science and Engineering: Program and the Book of Abstracts; November 29 ā€“ December 1, 2023, Belgrade, Serbi

    Procena gentskog potencijala ovaca u različitim proizvodnim sistemima

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    Evaluation of phenotypic value of most present sheep breeds in Serbia is carried out as well as those populations which should have greater significance in the future. In this way, clear picture was obtained of strength and potentials of sheep production in different rearing systems, which will serve better defining of the direction of genetic-selection activities in the future. Researches have shown that there is high variability of traits depending on the observed factors. It is indicative that in the intensive system sheep breeds are forces of production direction meat and meat-wool, whereas in semi-intensive and extensive systems, predominant are breeds of tripartite direction. The best results in intensive rearing system were obtained in Mis sheep. In semi-intensive system, there is huge difference in body mass between Pirot improved sheep and Tsigai sheep, as well as between all investigated breeds in this system in regard to milk traits. Tsigai lambs realized higher body mass at the age of 90 days. Lipska sheep was dominant in regard to quantity of milk in lactation, but its fertility was the lowest. Mass of fleece was the lowest in sheep of Pirot improved population. There were no significant differences in regard to variability of the quantitative traits between sheep in extensive system, except in final body mass of lambs, where Svrljig and Pirot population were behind in comparison to Sjenica sheep.Različiti sistemi gajenja ovaca, raznovrsnost ciljeva, nivo organizacije farmi, stepen uključivanja vladinih institucija u razvoju, implementaciji i održavanju procesa selekcije, su neki od faktora koji utiču na razvoj i napredak ovčarstva jedne zemlje. Stoga se prvi korak ka napretku sastoji od definisanja rasa, odgajivačkih ciljeva, odgovarajuće tehnike i metodologije za merenje proizvodnih osobina životinja. Na uspeh u ovom poslu najveći uticaj imaju: efikasnost kontrola i evidencije proizvodnih osobina, procedura procene genetskih parametara i odgajivačke vrednosti životinja i organizacija sistema za difuziju genetskog materijala. U ovčarstvu Srbije poslednjih nekoliko decenija je nastala vidna promena u sistemu gajenja ovaca, pre svega poboljÅ”anjem ishrane. Pored toga sprovođeno je i oplemenjivanje lokalnih populacija selekcijom, planskim ili neplanskim ukrÅ”tanjem sa inostranim rasama. Takođe, neke uvožene rase adaptiravÅ”i se na nove uslove, gaje se u čistoj rasi, ali njihov proizvodni potencijal nije uvek adekvatno predstavljen. Konačno, dobijene su i nove domaće produktivnije rase: Mis ovca i Pirotska oplemenjena populacija. Cilj ovog rada je da izvrÅ”i procenu fenotipske vrednosti najzastupljenijih rasa ovaca u Srbiji kao i onih populacija koje bi trebale imati veći značaj u budućnosti. Time bi se dao doprinos sticanju prave slike o snazi i potencijalima ovčarstva Srbije u različitim sistemima gajenja i bolje definisao pravac daljeg genetsko selekcijskog rada. Istraživanja su pokazala da postoji visoka varijabilnost osobina u zavisnosti od svih posmatranih faktora. Indikativno je da se u intenzivnom sistemu forsiraju rase ovaca mesnatog ili kombinovanog tipa, smer meso i meso-vuna, dok u poluintenzivnom i ekstenzivnom sistemu dominiraju rase trojnog smera proizvodnje, meso-mleko-vuna. U intenzivnom sistemu gajenja, najbolje rezultate je pokazala populacija Mis ovce. U poluintenzivnom sistemu postoji vrlo značajna razlika u masi tela između pirotske oplemenjene ovce i cigaje, kao i između svih ispitivanih rasa ovog sistema u pogledu mlečnosti. Jagnjad cigaje su ostvarila najveću masu tela sa 90 dana. Lipska ovca po količini mleka u laktaciji dominira. Sa druge strane plodnost lipske ovce je najmanja, dok je masa runa najmanja kod ovaca pirotske oplemenjene populacije. Ekstenzivno gajenje ovaca je najviÅ”e zastupljeno u planinskim krajevima Srbije. Nema značajnih razlika u pogledu varijabilnosti kvantitativnih osobina između svrljiÅ”ke, sjeničke i pirotske ovce, osim u zavrÅ”noj masi tela jagnjadi, gde su SvrljiÅ”ka i Pirotska populacija u zaostatku u poređenju sa sjeničkom ovcom

    Outage minimization of energy-harvesting wireless sensor network supported by UAV

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    Due to their adaptability, mobility, and capacity to offer an ideal channel, unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) have become a potential option for wireless power transfer and data collection in wireless sensor networks (WSNs). This paper examines energy-constrained WSNs, where data transfer to the data center is facilitated by UAV and sensors rely on radio frequency (RF) energy obtained by a Power Beacon (PB). However, due to energy limitations, sensors can only send data using the harvested energy. We consider a WSN in which the nodes are randomly distributed within a circular area, with the PB placed at the center of the WSN. To evaluate the system performance, we consider the dynamic nature of the wireless channel, which includes factors such as signal reflection, scattering, and diffraction. Through numerical analysis and simulations, the main aim is to identify the optimal system parameters that minimize the outage probability. This analysis provides valuable insights for designing more effective and reliable energy-harvesting WSNs with UAV as data collector. By leveraging UAV in WSNs, system performance can be improved, ensuring data transmission to destination nodes placed at a large distance from the WSN

    Plasma-Activated Medium Potentiates the Immunogenicity of Tumor Cell Lysates for Dendritic Cell-Based Cancer Vaccines

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    Autologous dendritic cells (DCs)-based vaccines are considered quite promising for cancer immunotherapy due to their exquisite potential to induce tumor antigen-specific cytotoxic T cells. However, a lack of efficient protocols for inducing immunogenic tumor antigens limits the efficacy of DC-based cancer vaccines. Here, we found that a plasma-activated medium (PAM) induces immunogenic cell death (ICD) in tumor cells but not in an immortalized L929 cell line or human peripheral blood mononuclear cells. PAM induced an accumulation of reactive oxygen species (ROS), autophagy, apoptosis, and necrosis in a concentration-dependent manner. The tumor lysates prepared after PAM treatment displayed increased immunogenicity in a model of human monocyte-derived DCs, compared to the lysates prepared by a standard freezing/thawing method. Mature DCs loaded with PAM lysates showed an increased maturation potential, as estimated by their increased expression of CD83, CD86, CD40, IL-12/IL-10 production, and attenuated PDL1 and ILT-4 expression, compared to the DCs treated with control tumor lysates. Moreover, in co-culture with allogeneic T cells, DCs loaded with PAM-lysates increased the proportion of cytotoxic IFN-Ī³+ granzyme A+ CD8+ T cells and IL-17A-producing T cells and preserved the Th1 response. In contrast, control tumor lysates-treated DCs increased the frequency of Th2 (CD4+IL-4+), CD4, and CD8 regulatory T cell subtypes, none of which was observed with DCs loaded with PAM-lysates. Cumulatively, these results suggest that the novel method for preparing immunogenic tumor lysates with PAM could be suitable for improved DC-based immunotherapy of cancer patients

    Mogućnosti i izazovi održivog razvoja ovčarstva Srbije

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    This paper analyzes the present state of sheep farming in Serbia and provide guidance for sustainable development in the future. It also discusses the challenges of the modern age that may affect the viability of sheep production. Today in Serbia grows less than 1.5 million sheep. In terms of breed structures, most of the population makes indigenous Pramenka sheep (80%), while the remaining 20% are: Tsigai, Merinolandschaf, Ile de France, Pirot improved, Mis sheep, and other less important population, as well as the crossbreed with foreign and local domestic sheep. However, due to the intense process of industrialization, from the second half of the twentieth century until today there is a trend of depopulation, demographic discharge of the village, which has resulted in reducing the farms so that the number of sheep in the past two decades fell by about 30%. The greatest reduction in the number of sheep registered in the nineties. After stabilization, a large decrease in the number of sheep was followed by the 2010th year and by 6% compared to 2008 year. Genetical improvement is significantly increased level of production of all species of domestic animals. However, animals selected for high and efficient production are exposed to greater risk. This primarily refers to the physiological and immunological problems, but would generally be said that all this leads to distortion of harmony between the organism and the environment and the repercussions on the molecular level. Sustainable development of sheep breeding in Serbia must be kept in mind this reality. New challenges facing the sheep breeding of Serbia, stems from a political orientation toward membership in the European Union. Sheep Serbia must find its place in this new challenge.Ovaj rad analizira sadaÅ”nje stanje ovčarstva u Srbiji i daje smernice za održivi razvoj u budućnosti. On takođe raspravlja o izazovima modernog doba koji mogu uticati na održivost ovčarske proizvodnje. Srbija danas raspolaže sa neÅ”to manje od 1,5 miliona ovaca. U pogledu rasne strukture, većinu čini pramenkalokalne autohtone ovce, dok preostalih 15- 20% su: Cigaja, Merinolandschaf, Ile de France, Pirotska oplemenjena, novo proizvedena Mis ovca, i druge manje važne populacije, kao i melezi sa inostranim rasama. Međutim, zbog intenzivnog procesa industrijalizacije, od druge polovine dvadesetog veka do danas postoji trend smanjenja seoskog stanovniÅ”tva i pražnjenja sela, Å”to je rezultiralo smanjenjem farmi, tako da je broj ovaca u poslednje dve decenije opao za oko 30%. Najveći pad broja ovaca registrovan je tokom devedesetih. Posle stabilizacije, veliki pad u broju ovaca je usledio 2010. godine za 6% u odnosu na 2008. godinu. Genetsko unapređenje je poslednjih decenija znatno povećalo nivo proizvodnje svih vrsta domaćih životinja. Međutim, životinje selekcionisane za visoku i efikasnu proizvodnju izloženi su većem riziku. Ovo se prvenstveno odnosi na fizioloÅ”ke i imunoloÅ”ke probleme, ali bi se generalno moglo reći da je sve to dovelo do naruÅ”avanja harmonije između organizma i sredine i posledica na molekularnom nivou. Održivi razvoj ovčarstva Srbije mora imati u vidu ovu realnost. Novi izazovi sa kojima se suočava ovčarstvo Srbije, proističu i iz političke orijentacije ka članstvu u Evropskoj uniji. Zbog svih pomenutih razloga ovčarstvo Srbije mora naći svoje pravo mesto u svetlu novih izazova

    Izvori proteina u obrocima za ishranu preživara

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    The rapid increase in human population leads to increased demand for animal protein. On the other hand, the deficit of protein feeds in the market and rising costs are the most significant obstacles facing animal production. Therefore, most researches have focused on improving the status and utilization of different protein sources in order to reduce costs and maintain optimum performance of animals. The results of our study showed that lambs of MIS population, of average body weight of 18.0 kg, fed diets with different protein sources: sunflower meal, soybean meal, fish meal, realized average daily gain: 0.169, 0.205 and 0.227 kg, respectively. Conversion of dry matter in analogue treatments was: 4.54, 3.71 and 3.30 (kg/kg of gain) and total protein (g/kg): 732, 596 and 549, respectively. It is evident that the fish meal as a protein source improves the growth and utilization of food in lambs. However, given that the European Commission has banned the use of fish meal in diets for animal nutrition, nutritionists' imperative is to investigate the possibility of using 'unconventional' sources of protein (peas, beans, lupins) in diets for ruminant nutrition. The aim of this study was to compare the effects of different sources of protein in diets on production performance of ruminants.Brz porast ljudske populacije uslovljava povećanu potražnju za animalnim proteinima. Sa druge strane, deficit proteinskih hraniva na tržiÅ”tu i porast troÅ”kova su najznačajnije prepreke sa kojima se suočava animalna proizvodnja. Zbog toga, većina istraživanja je usmerena na poboljÅ”anje statusa i iskoriŔćavanja različitih izvora proteina, u cilju smanjenja troÅ”kova i održavanja optimalnih performansi životinja. Rezultati naÅ”ih istraživanja su pokazali da su jagnjad MIS populacije, prosečne telesne mase 18,0 kg, hranjena obrocima sa različitim izvorima proteina: suncokretova sačma; sojina sačma, riblje braÅ”no, ostvarila prosečan dnevni prirast: 0,169 : 0,205 : 0,227 kg, respektivno. Konverzija suve materije na analognim tretmanima, je iznosila: 4,54 : 3,71 : 3,30 (kg/kg prirasta) a ukupnih proteina (g/kg): 732 : 596: 549. Evidentno je da riblje braÅ”no, kao izvor proteina, poboljÅ”ava rast i iskoriŔćavanje hrane kod jagnjadi. Međutim, obzirom da je Evropska komisija zabranila koriŔćenje ribljeg braÅ”na u obrocima za ishranu životinja, imperativ nutricionista je ispitivanje mogućnosti koriŔćenja'nekonvencionalnih' izvora proteina (graÅ”ak, pasulj, lupina) u obrocima za ishranu preživara. Cilj ovog rada je da se uporede efekti različitih izvora proteina u obrocima na proizvodne performanse preživara

    Uticaj izvor proteina i sistema ukrŔtanja jagnjadi na parametre kvaliteta vune

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    The experiment included 30 lambs-crosses F1 generation: Pirot Pramenka (50%) x WĆ¼rttemberg (50%) and 30 crossbred F1 generations: Pirot Pramenka (12.5%) x WĆ¼rttemberg(37.5) x Ille de France (50%), weaned at 60 days of age, the average body weight of 18.0 kg. The mixtures varied in protein source: I - sunflower meal, II - soybean meal and III - fish meal. The share of undegradable protein was 43 : 51 : 58 %. The average diameter of the fibres in lambs on treatments I:II:III was 26.14 : 24.96 : 25.20 Ī¼m, and of two-breed (PxW) and three-breed (PxWxIDF) crosses: 25.38 and 25.49 Ī¼m. The average height of the wool fibre in lambs on treatments I:II:III was: 2.97 : 3.06 : 3.17 cm, and in two-breed (PxW) and three-breed (PxWxIDF) crosses 2.98 : 3.15 cm. The average length of the fibre in lambs on protein sources I:II:III was 4.62 : 5.08 : 5.11 cm and in two-breed (PXW) and three-breed (PxWxIDF) crosses 4.77 : 5.11 cm. Protein source in feed mixtures, and genotype of lambs significantly influenced the quality of wool expressed through diameter, height and length of the fibres.Eksperimentom je obuhvaćeno 30 jagnjadi-meleza F1 generacije pirotska pramenka (50%) x virtemberg (50%) i 30 meleza F1 generacije: pirotska pramenka (12,5%) x virtemberg (37.5) x Il de frans (50%), odbijenih na 60 dana starosti, prosečne telesne mase 18,0 kg. SmeÅ”e su se razlikovale u izvoru proteina: I - suncokretova sačma, II - sojina sačme i III - riblje braÅ”no. Udeo nesvarljivih proteina je 43: 51: 58%. Prosečan prečnik vlakana u jagnjadi na tretmanima I: II: III je bio 26.14: 24.96: 25.20 Ī¼m, a kod dvorasnih (PxW) i trorasnih meleza (PxWxIDF): 25.38 i 25.49 Ī¼m. Prosečna visina vune u jagnjadi na tretmanima I: II: III je bila: 2.97: 3.06: 3.17 cm, a kod dvorasnih (PxW) i trorasnih (PxWxIDF) meleza: 2.98: 3.15 cm. Prosečna dužina vlakana u jagnjad na proteinskim izvorima I:II:III je bila 4.62: 5.08: 5.11 cm, a kod dvorasnih (PxW) i trorasnih (PxWxIDF) meleza 4.77: 5.11 cm. Izvor proteina u smeÅ”ama hrane, kao i genotip jagnjadi, značajno su uticali na kvalitet vune izražen kroz prečnika, visinu i dužinu vlakana
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