107 research outputs found

    First data on feeding ecology of Goshawk Accipiter gentilis during the breeding season in the natura 2000 site Dunas de Mira, Gândara e Gafanhas (Beira Litoral, Portugal)

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    This study describes the diet of the Goshwak Accipiter gentilis within littoral ecosystems dominated by pine trees. Samples were collected during the breeding season of 2001 in Dunas de Mira, Gândara e Gafanhas, located in the littoral centre of Portugal and recently included in the Portuguese Natura 2000 network (PTCON 055). Diet composition was assessed from the analysis of 89 pellets and 154 prey remains, collected between the 15th of April and the 25th of July of 2001. Birds represented 86.6% of the total prey items. The remaining prey items were coleoptera (6.5%), mammals (3.6%) and reptiles (3.3%). In terms of biomass birds comprised 90.9%, followed by mammals (7.3%), reptiles (1.7%) and coleoptera (0.05%). Results show that this raptor has a predominantly ornitophagous diet. Domestic pigeon Columba livia var is the most important prey in this area both in terms of frequency and biomass (42.2% and 49.9%, respectively). During the breeding season the diet of the Goshawk is largely connected to Man.Este trabalho pretendeu obter informação relativa à ecologia trófica do Açor Accipiter gentilis, de modo a tentar compreender o papel desempenhado por esta espécie de ave de rapina em ecossistemas litorais. O estudo decorreu durante a época de nidificação de 2001, na área do Sítio das "Dunas de Mira, Gândara e Gafanhas", recentemente incluÌdo na Rede Natura 2000 (PTCON 055). A composição do regime alimentar foi estudada com base em 89 regurgitaÁıes e 153 restos de presas, recolhidas entre 15 de Abril e 25 de Julho de 2001. As aves representaram 86,6% do total de presas consumidas, os coleópteros 6,5%, os mamíferos 3,6% e os répteis 3,3%. Em termos de biomassa, as aves continuam a ter um papel predominante representando 90,9% da biomassa consumida, seguidas pelos mamÌferos (7,3%), répteis (1,7%) e coleópteros (0,05%). Na área de estudo o Açor tem um comportamento alimentar predominantemente ornitófago, sendo o pombo doméstico Columba livia var a presa mais importante, tanto em termos numéricos como em biomassa (42,2% e 49,9%, respectivamente). Na base deste comportamento, estarão a elevada disponibilidade alimentar e uma maior vulnerabilidade à predação por parte desta espécie. Este regime alimentar do Açor durante o perÌodo reprodutor evidência uma clara dependÍncia desta ave de rapina em relação a uma espécie estreitamente ligada ao homem

    Revealing the usefulness of aroma networks to explain wine aroma properties: A case study of Portuguese wines

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    Wine aroma is the result of complex interactions between volatile compounds and non-volatile ones and individual perception phenomenon. In this work, an aroma network approach, that links volatile composition (chromatographic data) with its corresponding aroma descriptors was used to explain the wine aroma properties. This concept was applied to six monovarietal wines from Bairrada Appellation (Portugal) and used as a case study. A comprehensive determination of the wines’ volatile composition was done (71 variables, i.e., volatile components), establishing a workflow that combines extraction techniques and gas chromatographic analysis. Then, a bipartite network-based approach consisting of two different nodes was built, one with 19 aroma descriptors, and the other with the corresponding volatile compound(s). To construct the aroma networks, the odor active values were calculated for each determined compound and combined with the bipartite network. Finally, the aroma network of each wine was compared with sensory descriptive analysis. The analysis of the specific aroma network of each wine revealed that Sauvignon Blanc and Arinto white wines present higher fruity (esters) and sweet notes (esters and C13 norisoprenoids) than Bical wine. Sauvignon Blanc also exhibits higher toasted aromas (thiols) while Arinto and Bical wines exhibit higher flowery (C13 norisoprenoids) and herbaceous notes (thiols), respectively. For red wines, sweet fruit aromas are the most abundant, especially for Touriga Nacional. Castelão and Touriga Nacional wines also present toasted aromas (thiols). Baga and Castelão wines also exhibit fusel/alcohol notes (alcohols). The proposed approach establishes a chemical aroma fingerprint (aroma ID) for each type of wine, which may be further used to estimate wine aroma characteristics by projection of the volatile composition on the aroma network

    Synthesis of platinum (II) N-heterocyclic carbenes based on adenosine

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    Funding Information: This research was funded by national funds through FCT?Funda??o para a Ci?ncia e a Tecnologia, I.P., Project MOSTMICRO-ITQB (refs. UIDB/04612/2020 and UIDP/04612/2020), and IF/00109/2014/CP1244/CT0007. This work was also supported by FCT fellowships number PD/BD/135483/2018 (M.I.P.S.L.) and SFRH/BD/1444412019 (G.F.). Clara S. B. Gomes acknowledges the Associate Laboratory for Green Chemistry?LAQV and the Applied Molecular Biosciences Unit?UCIBIO, which are financed by national funds from Funda??o para a Ci?ncia e a Tecnologia (UIDB/50006/2020, UIDP/50006/2020, UIDB/04378/2020, UIDP/04378/2020, respectively).The NMR spectra were acquired at CERMAX?ITQB, integrated in the National NMR Network and are partially supported by Infrastructure Project No. 022161 (co-financed by FEDER through COMPETE 2020, POCI, PORL and FCT through PIDDAC). Mass spectroscopy measurements were obtained by the UniMass Laboratory at ITQB-NOVA, Portugal. Clara S. B. Gomes acknowledges the XTAL?Macromolecular Crystallography group for granting access to the X-ray diffractometer. X-ray infrastructure financed by FCT-MCTES through project RECI/BBB-BEP/0124/2012. Funding Information: Funding: This research was funded by national funds through FCT—Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia, I.P., Project MOSTMICRO-ITQB (refs. UIDB/04612/2020 and UIDP/04612/2020), and IF/00109/2014/CP1244/CT0007. This work was also supported by FCT fellowships number PD/BD/135483/2018 (M.I.P.S.L.) and SFRH/BD/1444412019 (G.F.). Clara S. B. Gomes acknowledges the Associate Laboratory for Green Chemistry—LAQV and the Applied Molecular Biosciences Unit—UCIBIO, which are financed by national funds from Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia (UIDB/50006/2020, UIDP/50006/2020, UIDB/04378/2020, UIDP/04378/2020, respectively). Funding Information: Acknowledgments: The NMR spectra were acquired at CERMAX—ITQB, integrated in the National NMR Network and are partially supported by Infrastructure Project No. 022161 (co-financed by FEDER through COMPETE 2020, POCI, PORL and FCT through PIDDAC). Mass spectroscopy measurements were obtained by the UniMass Laboratory at ITQB-NOVA, Portugal. Clara S. B. Gomes acknowledges the XTAL—Macromolecular Crystallography group for granting access to the X-ray diffractometer. X-ray infrastructure financed by FCT-MCTES through project RECI/BBB-BEP/0124/2012. Publisher Copyright: © 2021 by the authors. Licensee MDPI, Basel, Switzerland.Organometallic derivatization of nucleosides is a highly promising strategy for the im-provement of the therapeutic profile of nucleosides. Herein, a methodology for the synthesis of metalated adenosine with a deprotected ribose moiety is described. Platinum (II) N-heterocyclic carbene complexes based on adenosine were synthesized, namely N-heterocyclic carbenes bearing a protected and unprotected ribose ring. Reaction of the 8-bromo-2′,3′,5′-tri-O-acetyladenosine with Pt (PPh3)4 by C8−Br oxidative addition yielded complex 1, with a PtII centre bonded to C-8 and an unprotonated N7. Complex 1 reacted at N7 with HBF4 or methyl iodide, yielding protic carbene 2 or methyl carbene 3, respectively. Deprotection of 1 to yield 4 was achieved with NH4OH. Deprotected compound 4 reacted at N7 with HCl solutions to yield protic NHC 5 or with methyl iodide yielding methyl carbene 6. Protic N-heterocyclic carbene 5 is not stable in DMSO solutions leading to the formation of compound 7, in which a bromide was replaced by chloride. The cis-influence of complexes 1–7 was examined by31P{1H} and195Pt NMR. Complexes 2, 3, 5, 6 and 7 induce a decrease of1 JPt,P of more than 300 Hz, as result of the higher cis-influence of the N-heterocyclic carbene when compared to the azolato ligand in 1 and 4.publishersversionpublishe

    Transnational cooperation in enhancing researchers’ wider employability: the TRANSPEER project

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    The purpose of this paper is to provide an example of best practice towards enhancing employability in the cross-sectoral labour market for doctorate-holders. This was achieved through an Erasmus+ KA2 (Strategic Partnership) skills development project which created a training programme (TRANSPEER) involving a multi-disciplinary cohort of researchers at a range of career stages, drawn from universities in Norway, Portugal, Sweden and the UK.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Dexamethasone Treatment Reverses Cognitive Impairment but Increases Brain Oxidative Stress in Rats Submitted to Pneumococcal Meningitis

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    Pneumococcal meningitis is associated with a significant mortality rate and neurologic sequelae. The animals received either 10 μL of saline or a S. pneumoniae suspension and were randomized into different groups: sham: placebo with dexamethasone 0.7 mg/kg/1 day; placebo with dexamethasone 0.2 mg/kg/7 days; meningitis groups: dexamethasone 0.7 mg/kg/1 day and dexamethasone 0.2 mg/kg/7 days. Ten days after induction we evaluated memory and oxidative stress parameters in hippocampus and cortex. In the step-down inhibitory avoidance task, we observed memory impairment in the meningitis group with dexamethasone 0.2 mg/kg/7 days. The lipid peroxidation was increased in hippocampus in the meningitis groups with dexamethasone and in cortex only in the meningitis group with dexamethasone 0.2 mg/kg/7 days. The protein carbonyl was increased in hippocampus in the meningitis groups with dexamethasone and in cortex in the meningitis groups with and without dexamethasone. There was a decrease in the proteins integrity in hippocampus in all groups receiving treatment with dexamethasone and in cortex in all groups with dexamethasone (0.7 mg/kg/1 day). The mitochondrial superoxide was increased in the hippocampus and cortex in the meningitis group with dexamethasone 0.2 mg/kg/7 days. Our findings demonstrate that dexamethasone reverted cognitive impairment but increased brain oxidative stress in hippocampus and cortex in Wistar rats ten days after pneumococcal meningitis induction

    Lithium attenuates behavioral and biochemical effects of neuropeptide S in mice

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    Neuropeptide S (NPS) and its receptor NPSR comprise a recently deorphaned G-protein-coupled receptor system. There is a body of evidence suggesting the involvement of NPS in wakefulness, anxiety, locomotor activity and oxidative stress damage. Considering that mood stabilizers block the stimulatory effect of psychostimulants in rodents, the present study aimed to investigate the effects of the pretreatment with lithium and valproate on the hyperlocomotion evoked by NPS. Another relevant action induced by lithium and valproate is the neuroprotection against oxidative stress. Thus, aiming to get further information about the mechanisms of action of NPS, herein we evaluated the effects of NPS, lithium and valproate, and the combination of them on oxidative stress damage. Behavioral studies revealed that the pretreatment with lithium (100 mg/kg, i.p.) and valproate (200 mg/kg, i.p.) prevented hyperlocomotion evoked by NPS 0.1 nmol. Importantly, the dose of valproate used in this study reduced mouse locomotion, although it did not reach the statistical significance. Biochemical analyses showed that lithium attenuated thiobarbituric reactive species (TBARS) formation in the striatum, cerebellum and hippocampus. NPS per se reduced TBARS levels only in the hippocampus. Valproate did not significantly affect TBARS levels in the brain. However, the combination of mood stabilizers and NPS blocked, instead of potentiate, the neuroprotective effects of each one. No relevant alterations were observed in carbonylated proteins after all treatments. Altogether, the present findings suggested that mainly the mood stabilizer lithium evoked antagonistic effects on the mediation of hyperlocomotion and protection against lipid peroxidation induced by NPS


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    de estrôncio (87Sr/86Sr) presentes no esmalte dentário dos indivíduos sepultados no sítio Armação do Sul, procuramos compreender melhor as mudanças que ocorrem no sítio conchífero Armação do Sul (Florianópolis/SC) e no contexto maior de sambaquis do litoral catarinense a partir de 2.000 A.P


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    de estrôncio (87Sr/86Sr) presentes no esmalte dentário dos indivíduos sepultados no sítio Armação do Sul, procuramos compreender melhor as mudanças que ocorrem no sítio conchífero Armação do Sul (Florianópolis/SC) e no contexto maior de sambaquis do litoral catarinense a partir de 2.000 A.P

    Global regularity in ultradifferentiable classes

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    Se estudia la w-regularidad de soluciones de ciertos operadores que son globalmente hipoelípticos en el toro N-dimensional. Se aplican estos resultados para probar la w-regularidad global de ciertas clases de sublaplacianos. En este sentido, se extiende trabajo previo en el contexto de la clases analíticas y de Gevrey. Se dan varios ejemplos de w-hipoelipticidad local y global.The research of the authors was partially supported by MEC and FEDER Project MTM2010-15200.Albanese, AA.; Jornet Casanova, D. (2014). Global regularity in ultradifferentiable classes. Annali di Matematica Pura ed Applicata. 193(2):369-387. https://doi.org/10.1007/s10231-012-0279-5S3693871932Albanese A.A., Jornet D., Oliaro A.: Quasianalytic wave front sets for solutions of linear partial differential operators. Integr. Equ. Oper. Theory 66, 153–181 (2010)Albanese A.A., Jornet D., Oliaro A.: Wave front sets for ultradistribution solutions of linear pertial differential operators with coefficients in non-quasianalytic classes. Math. Nachr. 285, 411–425 (2012)Albanese A.A., Zanghirati L.: Global hypoellipticity and global solvability in Gevrey classes on the n–dimensional torus. J. Differ. Equ. 199, 256–268 (2004)Albanese A.A., Popivanov P.: Global analytic and Gevrey solvability of sublaplacians under Diophantine conditions. Ann. Mat. Pura e Appl. 185, 395–409 (2006)Albanese A.A., Popivanov P.: Gevrey hypoellipticity and solvability on the multidimensional torus of some classes of linear partial differential operators. Ann. Univ. Ferrara 52, 65–81 (2006)Baouendi M.S., Goulaouic C.: Nonanalytic–hypoellipticity for some degenerate elliptic operators. Bull. Am. Math. Soc. 78, 483–486 (1972)Bergamasco A.P.: Remarks about global analytic hypoellipticity. Trans. Am. Math. 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    The importance of Portuguese Continental Shelf Waters to Balearic Shearwaters revealed by aerial census

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    The Balearic shearwater Puffinus mauretanicus is one of the most threatened seabirds in the world. To evaluate the abundance and distribution of Balearic Shearwaters in Portuguese Continental Shelf Waters, during the post-breeding period when migrating birds are outside the Mediterranean Sea, we conducted 5 aerial surveys between 2010 and 2014 (21 survey days covering 62,716 km2). Following a line transect method, observers recorded a total of 181 Balearic Shearwaters sightings. Using Distance sampling software, we estimated an overall species abundance (2010–2014) of 10,182, ranging between 2338 in 2010 and 23,221 individuals in 2012. During the 2012 post-breeding period, the Portuguese Continental Shelf Waters were used by up to 96.8% of the latest migratory population assessment. Considering Balearic Shearwater estimates per sampling block, there was a preference for the North and Center sectors of the Portuguese coast (respectively, 7058 and 1366 individuals) where several SPAs were already designated. We computed the annual and overall habitat predictive models for Balearic Shearwaters using a maximum entropy algorithm on MaxEnt software. In all models, the Balearic shearwater distribution was best predicted by mean chlorophyll concentration. Balearic Shearwaters are mostly present in shallow shelf and coastal waters particularly in the widest portions of the continental shelf. These areas are strongly influenced by upwelling, which concurs with the chlorophyll concentration being the most important predicting variable. Portuguese Continental Shelf Waters are one of the most important post-breeding grounds to the Balearic ShearwaterPortuguese Wildlife Society and projects SafeSea EEA-Grants, FAME (Proj. 2009-1/089) and European Commission’s Life Programme (MarPro NAT/PT/00038). This study was also partly supported by the Portuguese Foundation for Science and Technology (FCT) with Grants SFRH/ BD/30240/2006 to M. Ferreira and SFRH/BD/32841/2006 to P. C. Rodrigues. C. Eira is supported by FCT through CESAM UID/AMB/50017/2013 co-funded by FCT/MEC and FEDER, within PT2020 and Compete 2020 and S. Monteiro is financed by a Grant (BPD/0043/AMB/50017) from UID/AMB/50017/2013. This work was also partially supported by the strategic programme UID/BIA/04050/2013 (POCI-01-0145-FEDER-007569) funded by FCT and by ERDF (COMPETE2020). The authors thank observers and airplane pilots who contributed to this workinfo:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio