17 research outputs found

    L'intégration internationale des industries chinoises de l'énergie et ses conséquences géopolitiques

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    Depuis le début des années 2000, la Chine a fait une irruption majeure sur les marchés énergétiques internationaux, en particulier sur celui du pétrole. Cette croissance de la dépendance extérieure de la Chine dont la politique énergétique s'est longtemps caractérisée par des stratégies d'autosuffisance est porteur d'enjeux économiques et géopolitiques nouveaux. L'objectif de cet article est en particulier d'analyser les politiques que ce pays tente de mettre en place pour faire face à cette nouvelle donne énergétique.Chine;marché énergétique international;industrie énergétique;géopolitique

    Sequence Stratigraphy of Fine-Grained “Shale” Deposits: Case Studies of Representative Shales in the USA and China

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    The fine-grained “shale” deposits host a vast amount of unconventional oil and gas resources. This chapter examines the variations in lithofacies, patterns of well logs, geochemistry, and mineralogy in order to construct a sequence stratigraphic framework of the representative marine Barnett, Woodford, Marcellus, Mowry, and Niobrara fine-grained “shales” (USA) and the marine Longmaxi shale and lacustrine Chang7 lacustrine shale (China). Practical methods are proposed in order to recognize the sequence boundaries, the flooding surfaces, the parasequences and parasequence sets, the system tracts, and variation patterns of facies and rock properties. The case studies for the sequence stratigraphy in the USA and China have revealed that the transgressive systems tract (TST) and the early highstand systems tract (EHST, if identifiable) of fine-grained “shales” have been deposited in anoxic settings. TST and EHST of the siliciclastic “shales” are characterized by high gamma ray, high TOC, and high quartz content, while TST and EHST of the carbonate-dominated fine-grained “shales” are characterized by low gamma ray, organic lean, and carbonate rich fine-grained deposits. The lithofacies, geochemistry, mineralogy, depositional evolution, and reservoir development have been predicted and correlated within a sequence stratigraphic framework for the suggested cases. The best reservoir with the best completion quality is developed in TST and HST in both siliciclastic-dominated and carbonate-dominated fine-grained “shales.

    Finanční analýza společnosti China National Petroleum

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    The objective of this thesis is to analyze the financial position of China national petroleum corporation in the selected period. Especially we will concentrate on CNPC’s running situation. Because according to report of CNPC we can basically tell that there are lot of changes of CNPC. The whole thesis includes five parts to describe different information about CNPC and some theories. In the first chapter, it will be an introduction about the whole thesis. This chapter is going to show the whole structure of the thesis. Moreover, it will inform the reader about the basic information and headline about the thesis. In chapter 2, it will describe the theoretical methods of financial analysis which include financial analysis, financial statement (balance sheet, income statement, cash flow statement), Common-size analysis (horizontal common-size analysis, vertical common-size analysis), financial ratio analysis (profitability ratios, liquidity ratios, solvency ratios, assets management ratios), and pyramidal decomposition. It will be extremely useful to introduce this theory. And the following calculation will all base on chapter 2. In chapter 3, we will introduce characterization of China national petroleum corporation which means all kinds of basic information about CNPC will be mentioned in this chapter. The details will include overview of CNPC, organization structure of CNPC, major events of recent years, some profile of CNPC (mission, values, strategy, goal) and technology and innovation of CNPC. It will be a fulfilling information for readers to get known deeper about CNPC. In chapter 4, there will be a lot of financial ratios calculation according to theories of chapter 2.we will calculate different financial ratios and make the result into a table and figure. So, we can easily compare the situation in different years. we will explain why this ratio is increasing or decreasing as well. And it will be a small analysis after each calculation. Hence, we can see more details about the financial situation of CNPC. Finally, in chapter 5, it will be a conclusion in the end of this thesis. We will summarize what we found about CNPC. Also, we will summarize the main work about this thesis.The objective of this thesis is to analyze the financial position of China national petroleum corporation in the selected period. Especially we will concentrate on CNPC’s running situation. Because according to report of CNPC we can basically tell that there are lot of changes of CNPC. The whole thesis includes five parts to describe different information about CNPC and some theories. In the first chapter, it will be an introduction about the whole thesis. This chapter is going to show the whole structure of the thesis. Moreover, it will inform the reader about the basic information and headline about the thesis. In chapter 2, it will describe the theoretical methods of financial analysis which include financial analysis, financial statement (balance sheet, income statement, cash flow statement), Common-size analysis (horizontal common-size analysis, vertical common-size analysis), financial ratio analysis (profitability ratios, liquidity ratios, solvency ratios, assets management ratios), and pyramidal decomposition. It will be extremely useful to introduce this theory. And the following calculation will all base on chapter 2. In chapter 3, we will introduce characterization of China national petroleum corporation which means all kinds of basic information about CNPC will be mentioned in this chapter. The details will include overview of CNPC, organization structure of CNPC, major events of recent years, some profile of CNPC (mission, values, strategy, goal) and technology and innovation of CNPC. It will be a fulfilling information for readers to get known deeper about CNPC. In chapter 4, there will be a lot of financial ratios calculation according to theories of chapter 2.we will calculate different financial ratios and make the result into a table and figure. So, we can easily compare the situation in different years. we will explain why this ratio is increasing or decreasing as well. And it will be a small analysis after each calculation. Hence, we can see more details about the financial situation of CNPC. Finally, in chapter 5, it will be a conclusion in the end of this thesis. We will summarize what we found about CNPC. Also, we will summarize the main work about this thesis.154 - Katedra financídobř

    Pore structure and fractal characteristics of Wufeng–Longmaxi formation shale in northern Yunnan–Guizhou, China

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    In this study, the microscopic pore characteristics of shale in marine strata are evaluated. Based on field emission scanning electron microscopy (FE-SEM), low-temperature N2 adsorption (LT-N2GA), low-pressure CO2 adsorption (LP-CO2GA) and high-pressure methane adsorption (HPMA) experiments, the pore characteristics of 12 shales from the Wufeng–Longmaxi Formations in northern Yunnan and Guizhou are characterized qualitatively and quantitatively. Fractal Frenkel–Halsey–Hill (FHH) theory is used to analyse the fractal characteristics, and the adsorption pore characteristics of shale are discussed. The correlation between the fractal dimension and pore structure and adsorption performance is determined. The results show that the total organic carbon (TOC) contents of the 12 shales are in the middle–low level, ranging from 0.43% to 5.42%, and the shales are generally in the highly mature to overmaturity stage (vitrinite reflectance (Ro) values between 1.80% and 2.51%). The mineral composition is mainly quartz and clay minerals. The average clay mineral content is 40.98% (ranging from 24.7% to 63.3%), and the average quartz content is 29.03% (ranging from 16.8% to 39.6%), which are consistent with those of marine shale in the Sichuan Basin. FE-SEM and LT-N2GA isotherms reveal a complex shale pore structure and open pore style, mainly ink bottle-shaped and parallel plate-like pores. The total pore volumes (PVs) range from 0.012–0.052 cm3/g, and the specific surface area (SSA) values range from 18.112–38.466 m2/g. All shale samples have abundant micropores and mesopores, accounting for >90% of the total SSA. The fractal dimensions, D1 and D2, were obtained from N2 adsorption data, with different adsorption characteristics at 0–0.5 and 0.5–1.0 relative pressures. The fractal dimensions increase with increasing BJH PV and BET SSA and decrease with decreasing average pore diameter (APD). The fractal dimensions are positively correlated with the TOC and clay mineral contents and negatively correlated with the quartz content. The fractal dimension can be used to evaluate the methane adsorption capacity; the larger the fractal dimension is, the larger the methane adsorption capacity is. Fractal analysis is helpful to better understand the pore structure and adsorption capacity of shale gas reservoirs

    Climate Change, Carbon Capture, Storage and CO2 Mineralisation Technologies

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    This Special Issue delivered 16 scientific papers, with the aim of exploring the application of carbon capture and storage technologies for mitigating the effects of climate change. Special emphasis has been placed on mineral carbonation techniques that combine innovative applications to emerging problems and needs. The aim of this Special Issue is to contribute to improved knowledge of the ongoing research regarding climate change and CCS technological applications, focusing on carbon capture and storage practices. Climate change is a global issue that is interrelated with the energy and petroleum industry

    Seismic stratigraphy and integrated stratigraphy: new insights and contributions

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    Different stratigraphic studies have been carried out in this book. First, they include the sequence stratigraphic architecture of siliciclastic- and carbonate-dominated shales in USA and China, focusing on the implications in the reservoir prediction. The sequence stratigraphy of alluvial depositional environments has also been studied, defining a new type of fluvial facies, representative of the Bohai Bay Basin, which is located in Eastern China in extensional tectonic setting. In the northern Taiwan offshore, the main regional unconformities (U1 and U2) and the related seismic units (SU I, SU II, SU III) have been singled out as an answer to the collapse of the fold and thrust belt located in the emerged areas. A new stratigraphic scale for the Jurassic deposits of western Siberia has been constructed based on the correlation of these deposits with the surrounding regions. The theoretical aspects of the stratigraphic unconformities have been reviewed, focusing on the drowning unconformities (Middle Devonian drowning unconformity). The significance of this study is the integration among different aspects of stratigraphy. Most of the work which has been described in this book derives from detailed in situ observations and sophisticated stratigraphic analyses

    National oil company reform from the perspective of its relationship with governments: the case of China

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    National Oil Companies ("NOCs") play an important role in a country's petroleum industry. Their relationship with their government is much more complicated than those between commercial oil companies and their shareholders due to the government's multi-dimensional role as a shareholder, resource owner, and regulator. As a result, NOCs usually take non-commercial responsibilities and their governments often employ more proactive measures to intervene. Driven by a wide range of factors, the constant revision of their relationship is a crucial component of the petroleum sector reform.The aim of the thesis is to analyse the effectiveness of NOC reform in achieving respective objectives (both commercial and non-commercial) of governments, and the major factors contributing to that effectiveness or lack of it. The thesis looks at NOC reform to the regulatory framework, the industrial structure, the pricing and distribution system, and the fiscal and financial regimes. It examines the effectiveness of reforms by evaluating the effectiveness of the relationship between governments and NOCs, using the Principal and Agent theory. A case study approach and historical analysis approach are used in analysing NOC reforms in China during the years between 1949 and 2006.The thesis concludes that the regulatory capacity of government together with its social concerns in reforming oil pricing system are two major factors, which set the pace of NOC reform and decide the effectiveness of it. It therefore shows that NOC reform is often a long term process, as the build up of the regulatory capacity takes years or even decades, as demonstrated in the case of China. The thesis also developed a new analytical framework that can be used to study general NOC reforms in countries other than China.EThOS - Electronic Theses Online ServiceGBUnited Kingdo

    The tiger and the dragon: a neoclassical realist perspective of India and China in the oil industry in West Africa

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    Can and does neoclassical realism explain the difference in how India and China mobilise oil (a key resource) externally to meet their respective goals and objectives. The thesis illustrates how political economy (political economy as employed in the thesis examines the structure of the economic system, not the foreign policy executive) is incorporated as the intervening variable into neoclassical realism to explain the acquisition of oil blocks by Indian and Chinese oil corporations in West Africa. Consequently, the thesis transcends the existing or prevalent theories of neoclassical realism which either elucidate structural outcomes like polarity or balancing, or deviations from neorealism like under balancing or over balancing. The thesis postulates that the independent or the exogenous variable i.e. the difference in the relative power of India and China elucidates the ability of Chinese oil companies to outbid their Indian competitors and/or be preferred as partners by international oil companies (IOCs) and/or have better quality oil blocks as well as China’s widespread outreach in 11 countries in West Africa compared to India’s presence in two counties namely Nigeria and Gabon. The intervening variable or the difference in the political economy of India and China explicates why China is represented by state owned enterprises (SOEs) in the oil industry in West Africa where as India is represented by SOEs and/or private enterprises. For case study analysis, the thesis uses a pattern-matching logic in 11 countries in West Africa and employs Angola, Nigeria and Gabon for in depth case studies. The thesis examines not only the bids that Chinese and Indian oil corporations place for the oil blocks but tries to explicate the reason why they are able to place those bids. It examines the rate of return on capital/investment, rate of interest on loans and the ease of availability of loans or finance, the difference in the level of technology and ability to acquire technology, project management skills, risk aversion, valuation of the asset and the difference in the economic, political and diplomatic support received by the Chinese and Indian oil companies from their respective governments. It also discusses the reasons why the Chinese national oil companies (NOCs) are preferred as partners by African oil companies and IOCs. Thus, the thesis provides a more comprehensive explanation for the ability of the Chinese oil companies to mobilise oil in the oil industry in West Africa relative to their Indian counterparts, and makes an empirical contribution to the existing literature on India and China in the oil industry in West Africa