12 research outputs found

    Symbolika hrobů se zbraněmi na konci eneolitu a na začátku starší doby bronzové na území Čech

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    Cílem této práce je postihnout změny na konci eneolitu na počátku doby bronzové na základě analýzy hrobů se zbraněmi možnosti (limity) poznání hrobů bojovníků na území Čech. Konec ován dvěma se šňůrovou zvoncovitými poháry, na podkladu kterých se vyvinula časně bronzová civilizace, charakterizována v našem prostoru únětickou kulturou. V přechodném období se ve zvýšené míře objevují hroby se specifickými přídavky, které můžeme nazvat pojmem zbraně. Zbraně jsou spojovány s atributy vojenství které podle nejnovějších teorií sehrávalo aktivní úlohu v prehistorické společnosti. Identifikace vojenství v archeologických pramenech bývá značně problematická. Pozůstává převážně z několika důkazů, ke kterým patří: hroby bojovníků se specializovanými zbraněmi, typické fortifikace , pozůstatky bojišť, ikonografické a písemné prameny. V našich podmínkách se pozornost soustřeďuje na hroby se zbraněmi nedostatku ostatních zmíněných entit. Klíčová slova: pozdní eneolit, starší doba bronzová, hroby, zbraně, nástrojThe aim of this study is to describe the changes at the end of the Aeneolithic period and at the beginning of the Bronze Age, on the basis of the analysis of graves with weapons and the possibilities (limits) of identifying the warrior graves in Bohemia. The end of the Aeneolithic is characterized by two cultural complexes, the Corded Ware Culture and the Bell Beaker Culture, on which the Early Bronze civilization evolved, characterized by the Únětice Culture in our context. It is in this transitional period, that graves with specific goods appear increasingly, and we can finally call these as true weapons. Weapons are associated with warfare attributes that, according to the latest theories, played an active role in prehistoric society. The identification of the warfare in archaeological sources is, however, often not without problems. Several types of evidence can be consulted: graves of warriors with specialized weapons, typical fortifications (ramparts), remains of battlefields, iconographic and written sources. In our conditions, the focus is on graves with weapons, due to the lack of other mentioned entities. Keywords: Late Aeneolithic, Early Bronze Age, graves, weapons, tools, symbolsÚstav pro archeologiiInstitute of ArchaeologyFilozofická fakultaFaculty of Art

    Pohrebisko staršej únětickej kultúry z Prahy‑Ruzyně. Príspevok k počiatkom doby bronzovej v Čechách

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    The eleven graves from Praha‑Ruzyně presented in this paper were excavated 1999 in course of a brief res‑ cue excavation. The site history, topography, graves and their offerings, burial rites, as well as preliminary anthropological observations are all being discussed. Typological analysis indicated a date within the earlier, but not the earliest stages of the Únětice culture. This relatively limited assemblage, with only six offering bearing graves, still gave rise to a number of interesting questions. Special attention is given to the question of synchronisation with the Danubian Early Bronze Age and the applicability of Ruckdeschel’s periodization to Central Bohemia

    Dynamic changes in genomic and social structures in third millennium BCE central Europe

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    Europe’s prehistory oversaw dynamic and complex interactions of diverse societies, hitherto unexplored at detailed regional scales. Studying 271 human genomes dated ~4900 to 1600 BCE from the European heartland, Bohemia, we reveal unprecedented genetic changes and social processes. Major migrations preceded the arrival of “steppe” ancestry, and at ~2800 BCE, three genetically and culturally differentiated groups coexisted. Corded Ware appeared by 2900 BCE, were initially genetically diverse, did not derive all steppe ancestry from known Yamnaya, and assimilated females of diverse backgrounds. Both Corded Ware and Bell Beaker groups underwent dynamic changes, involving sharp reductions and complete replacements of Y-chromosomal diversity at ~2600 and ~2400 BCE, respectively, the latter accompanied by increased Neolithic-like ancestry. The Bronze Age saw new social organization emerge amid a ≥40% population turnover.Peer reviewe

    Burial grounds at Stodůlky, Butovice and Jinonice and their statement about thought and customs of the Únětice culture communities in the microregion of Prague 5

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    Anylysis of two primeral burial grounds of Old - Únětice culture and Young - Únětice culture in Prag region shows one part of the human history. This study is based on general knowledges about burial rituals of people of Únětice culture. In comparison with another burial grounds in Dolné Počernice and Polepy near Kolín it is confirmed specifity or uniformity of these burial rituals

    Pohřebiště v Jinonicích, Butovicích a Stodůlkách a regionální specifika únětické kultury

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    Anotácia Priestorová analýza hrobov na pohrebiskách v Jinoniciach a Nových Butoviciach je pokračovaním primárneho spracovávania bakalárskej práce. Rozbor ďalšieho pohrebiska v Malej Ohrade dopĺňa pramennú základňu staršej doby bronzovej v mikroregióne Prahy 5. Začleneniu tohto mikroregiónu do kontextu stredočeskej oblasti napomáha komparácia s časovo totožnými pohrebiskami v Kněževsi pri Prahe a Vepřku pri Mělníku. Porovnanie s pohrebiskami zo severozápadných Čiech umožňuje definíciu regionálnych špecifík charakteru únětickej kultúry v povodí Prokopského, Jinonického a Dalejského potoka.Anotation Spatial analysis of the graves in burial grounds in Jinonice and Nové Butovice is a continuation of the primary processing of bachelor' s work. Analysis of further burial in Malá Ohrada complete the source basis of Bronze Age in micro-region Prague 5. Integration of the micro-region in the context of the central Bohemian assist comparision with the identical time graves in Kněževes burial ground near Prague and in Vepřek near Mělnik. Comparision with the burial of northwestern Bohemia allows the definition of regional differences in Únětice Culture in the river basin Prokopský, Jinonický and Dalejský.Institute of ArchaeologyÚstav pro archeologiiFaculty of ArtsFilozofická fakult

    Symbolism of graves with weapons at the end of the Aeneolithic and at the beginning of the Early Bronze Age in the territory of Bohemia

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    The aim of this study is to describe the changes at the end of the Aeneolithic period and at the beginning of the Bronze Age, on the basis of the analysis of graves with weapons and the possibilities (limits) of identifying the warrior graves in Bohemia. The end of the Aeneolithic is characterized by two cultural complexes, the Corded Ware Culture and the Bell Beaker Culture, on which the Early Bronze civilization evolved, characterized by the Únětice Culture in our context. It is in this transitional period, that graves with specific goods appear increasingly, and we can finally call these as true weapons. Weapons are associated with warfare attributes that, according to the latest theories, played an active role in prehistoric society. The identification of the warfare in archaeological sources is, however, often not without problems. Several types of evidence can be consulted: graves of warriors with specialized weapons, typical fortifications (ramparts), remains of battlefields, iconographic and written sources. In our conditions, the focus is on graves with weapons, due to the lack of other mentioned entities. Keywords: Late Aeneolithic, Early Bronze Age, graves, weapons, tools, symbol

    Burial grounds at Jinonice, Butovice and Stodůlky (Prague) and regional specifics of the Únětice Culture

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    Anotation Spatial analysis of the graves in burial grounds in Jinonice and Nové Butovice is a continuation of the primary processing of bachelor' s work. Analysis of further burial in Malá Ohrada complete the source basis of Bronze Age in micro-region Prague 5. Integration of the micro-region in the context of the central Bohemian assist comparision with the identical time graves in Kněževes burial ground near Prague and in Vepřek near Mělnik. Comparision with the burial of northwestern Bohemia allows the definition of regional differences in Únětice Culture in the river basin Prokopský, Jinonický and Dalejský

    Symbolism of graves with weapons at the end of the Aeneolithic and at the beginning of the Early Bronze Age in the territory of Bohemia

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    The aim of this study is to describe the changes at the end of the Aeneolithic period and at the beginning of the Bronze Age, on the basis of the analysis of graves with weapons and the possibilities (limits) of identifying the warrior graves in Bohemia. The end of the Aeneolithic is characterized by two cultural complexes, the Corded Ware Culture and the Bell Beaker Culture, on which the Early Bronze civilization evolved, characterized by the Únětice Culture in our context. It is in this transitional period, that graves with specific goods appear increasingly, and we can finally call these as true weapons. Weapons are associated with warfare attributes that, according to the latest theories, played an active role in prehistoric society. The identification of the warfare in archaeological sources is, however, often not without problems. Several types of evidence can be consulted: graves of warriors with specialized weapons, typical fortifications (ramparts), remains of battlefields, iconographic and written sources. In our conditions, the focus is on graves with weapons, due to the lack of other mentioned entities. Keywords: Late Aeneolithic, Early Bronze Age, graves, weapons, tools, symbol

    Burial grounds at Stodůlky, Butovice and Jinonice and their statement about thought and customs of the Únětice culture communities in the microregion of Prague 5

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    Anylysis of two primeral burial grounds of Old - Únětice culture and Young - Únětice culture in Prag region shows one part of the human history. This study is based on general knowledges about burial rituals of people of Únětice culture. In comparison with another burial grounds in Dolné Počernice and Polepy near Kolín it is confirmed specifity or uniformity of these burial rituals

    Pohřebiště ve Stodůlkách, Jinonicích a Butovicích a jejich výpověď o myšlení a obyčejích komunity únětické kultury v mikroregionu Prahy 5

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    Analýza dvoch pravekých pohrebísk z oblasti Prahy zo staroúnětickej a mladšej únětickej fáze na základe hmotného prejavu, je príspevkom ku spracovanej pramennej základni kultúry z určitého úseku ľudských dejín. Práca vychádza z obecných poznatkov o pohrebnom ríte ľudu únětickej kultúry. Zrovnávaním s pohrebiskami v Dolných Počerniciach (Praha 9) a Polepmi pri Kolíne (okr. Kolín) sa snaží o presnejšie časové zaradenie oboch pohrebísk v rámci únětickej kultúry v Čechách a vyvodenie výnimočnosti alebo uniformnosti vyjadreného hmotného prejavu na pohrebiskách v pražskom mikroregióne.Anylysis of two primeral burial grounds of Old - Únětice culture and Young - Únětice culture in Prag region shows one part of the human history. This study is based on general knowledges about burial rituals of people of Únětice culture. In comparison with another burial grounds in Dolné Počernice and Polepy near Kolín it is confirmed specifity or uniformity of these burial rituals.Institute of ArchaeologyÚstav pro archeologiiFaculty of ArtsFilozofická fakult