623 research outputs found

    Participation of local self-government bodies in the implementation of the penitentiary policy of the Russian State in the sixteenth century

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    the paper analyzes the role and importance of the local government in the implementation of the penitentiary policy of the Russian state. Over the period of its existence the penitentiary system of the Czarist Russia remained decentralized. Only because of the prison reform of 1879, the all-Russian body of governance the penitentiary system, the Main Prison Administration, was established. In such circumstances, local government and self-government bodies played a key role in supporting the work of penal institutions

    Адаптивная система обеспечения максимальной выходной мощности фотоэлектрической станции на основе робастного прогнозного управления

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    Photovoltaic power plants have non-linear voltage-current characteristic, with specific maximum power point, which depends on operating conditions, viz. irradiation and temperature. In targeting the maximum power, it is by far known that the photovoltaic arrays have to operate at the maximum power point despite unpredicted weather changes. For this reason the controllers of all photovoltaic power electronic converters employ some method for maximum power point tracking. This paper makes an emphasis on model predictive controller as a control method for controlling the maximum power point tracking through the utilization of the well-known algorithm namely the Perturb and Observe technique. Further, during the advanced stages of this research study, the model will compare the results obtained for tracking the maximum power point from model predictive controller and a PID-controller as they are integrated Perturb and Observe algorithm. The obtained results will verify that the adaptive PID-controller Perturb and Observe algorithm has limitation for tracking the precise MPP during the transient insulation conditions. As compared to the proposed adaptive/modified model predictive controller for Perturb and Observe algorithm we illustrate that by adopting this method we will get to establish more accurate and efficient results of the obtained power in any dynamic environmental conditions: advantages as on regulation time (six times under the accepted experimental conditions) and by the number of fluctuations.Фотоэлектрические станции (ФЭС) характеризуются нелинейной зависимостью выходного тока и напряжения с уникальной точкой  максимальной  выходной мощности (МВМ), зависящей от условий эксплуатации – температуры и уровня солнечной радиации. Поэтому для повышения эффективности фотоэлектрического преобразования необходимо обеспечить работу ФЭС в точке МВМ. Это достигается применением соответствующих алгоритмов управления, наиболее известными из которых являются P&O («возмущение и наблюдение»). Эти алгоритмы основаны на изменении напряжения постоянного тока ФЭС с помощью преобразователя постоянного тока (регулятора), выходное напряжение которого должно изменяться по определенному закону с изменением условий эксплуатации. При этом используются регуляторы: пропорциональные (П), интегральные (И), дифференциальные (Д) или чаще всего их комбинации ПИД. В статье исследуется эффективность применения регулятора с прогнозным адаптивным управлением (MPC). Посредством численных экспериментов на разработанной имитационной модели показано, что ПИД-регуляторы в интеграции с P&O и INC алгоритмами не обеспечивают достаточно быстрой реакции при изменении условий внешней среды. В то же время МРС в сочетании с P&O имеет преимущества как по времени регулирования (в шесть раз при принятых условиях эксперимента), так и по количеству колебаний

    Адаптивная система обеспечения максимальной выходной мощности фотоэлектрической станции на основе робастного прогнозного управления

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    Photovoltaic power plants have non-linear voltage-current characteristic, with specific maximum power point, which depends on operating conditions, viz. irradiation and temperature. In targeting the maximum power, it is by far known that the photovoltaic arrays have to operate at the maximum power point despite unpredicted weather changes. For this reason the controllers of all photovoltaic power electronic converters employ some method for maximum power point tracking. This paper makes an emphasis on model predictive controller as a control method for controlling the maximum power point tracking through the utilization of the well-known algorithm namely the Perturb and Observe technique. Further, during the advanced stages of this research study, the model will compare the results obtained for tracking the maximum power point from model predictive controller and a PID-controller as they are integrated Perturb and Observe algorithm. The obtained results will verify that the adaptive PID-controller Perturb and Observe algorithm has limitation for tracking the precise MPP during the transient insulation conditions. As compared to the proposed adaptive/modified model predictive controller for Perturb and Observe algorithm we illustrate that by adopting this method we will get to establish more accurate and efficient results of the obtained power in any dynamic environmental conditions: advantages as on regulation time (six times under the accepted experimental conditions) and by the number of fluctuations

    Intensely Social Journalistic Works by Ya. V. Abramov (1858-1906): Actual Problems of Public Life in Russian Empire at Turn of the Century

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    The problems of studying the journalistic works by Stavropol journalist of Ya. V. Abramov, who collaborated with the newspapers “North Caucasus,” “Azov region,” magazine “New word” and other periodicals of the central cities of the Russian Empire in the Caucasus in the late XIX - early XX century, are covered. Attention is paid to the problems of public life in the North Caucasus, that were displaying by articles, essays, notes of provincial journalist. A review of the main topics of Ya. V. Abramov’s journalistic creativity associated with the ideas of populism is made. The main stylistic methods are shown that were used in texts which deal with current social issues, typical not only for the North Caucasus, but nationwide with the turn of the century, having typical character that required an immediate response from the local and central authorities. The research urgency is caused by the fact that the authors introduced into scientific use data about the current corps of reissued texts by journalist Ya. V. Abramov. The article raises the question about the need to promote and further study of the works of currently little-known writer-populist, whose works are of great importance for the history of domestic journalism


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    Due to the large number of lawsuits on transactions with owners’ equity it has been justified to work out the document, which would evidence about the size of contributions by the founders. The article calls for the necessity of safeguarding the foundation documents of the contributed assets and changes in their assessment in the context of the founders to ensure heritage; annually publish special documents for the founders indicating the actual year-end assets, paid out share of the profits and other social benefits under the collective agreement. The article elucidates the peculiarities of documenting transactions with movement of liabilities at all the stages of company’s life cycle that will assist in providing the interested users with reliable and relevant information on the changes in owners’ equity and liabilities of the company.В статье определена необходимость хранения учредительных документов о внесении имущества и изменения в его оценке в разрезе учредителей для обеспечения наследия; ежегодно выдавать учредителям специальные документы с указанием имеющегося на конец года имущества, надлежащей и выплаченной доли прибыли и других социальных выплат по коллективному договору. Определены особенности документирования операций по движению пассивов на всех стадиях жизненного цикла предприятия, что будет способствовать обеспечению заинтересованных пользователей достоверной и необходимой информации об изменениях в собственном капитале и обязательствах предприятия. У статті визначено необхідність зберігання засновницьких документів про внесене майно та зміни в його оцінці в розрізі засновників для забезпечення спадщини; щорічно видавати засновникам спеціальні документи із зазначенням наявного на кінець року майна, належну та виплачену частку прибутку та інші соціальні виплати за колективним договором. Визначено особливості документування операцій з руху пасивів на всіх стадіях життєвого циклу підприємства, що сприятиме забезпеченню зацікавлених користувачів достовірною та необхідною інформацією щодо змін у власному капіталі та зобов’язаннях підприємства


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    The article represents the assessment results of personality patterns and temperament and their influence on the adaptation of students to the educational process.У статті наведено результати дослідження типу особистості та темпераменту та їх вплив на адаптацію студентів до навчального процесу


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    Purpose: to explore possibilities and advantages of possible forms of work in the stimulus center to improve the effectiveness of practical training of students in the study of obstetrics and gynecology.Materials and Methods. Methods of systematic approach and system analysis are used to evaluate existing and develop new methods of interactive learning.Results. The basic forms of students' work in the stimulation center are basic medical practice, which allows the elaboration of a method for performing basic medical skills on a model with a high level of realism under the control of a teacher and dynamic work that involves performing a specific algorithm of action in a simulated clinical situation. When performing a clinical scenario, team interaction is developed – where distribution and delegation of responsibilities, communication between team members, appointments and decisions are important.Conclusions. The training of a highly skilled specialist and the formation of professional competence provides that profound theoretical knowledge must be confirmed by practical skills, which is possible because of simulation-based training, which is preceded and complemented clinical training.Мета: дослідити можливості та переваги можливих форм роботи в симуляційному центрі для підвищення ефективності практичної підготовки студентів при вивченні акушерства та гінекології.Матеріали і методи. Застосовано методи системного підходу та системного аналізу для оцінки існуючих та розробки нових методик інтерактивних методів навчання.Результати. Основними формами роботи студентів у симуляційному центрі є базова медична практика, яка дозволяє відпрацювання методики виконання базових лікарських навичок на моделі з високим рівнем реалістичності під контролем викладача та динамічна робота, яка передбачає виконання певного алгоритму дій у змодельованій клінічній ситуації. При виконанні клінічного сценарію відпрацьовують командну взаємодію, де важливим є розподіл та делегування обов’язків, спілкування між членами команди, виконання призначень, прийняття рішень.Висновки. Підготовка висококваліфікованого фахівця, формування професійних компетентностей передбачає, що ґрунтовні теоретичні знання повинні бути підтверджені практичними навичками, що можливо завдяки симуляційному навчанню, яке передує та доповнює клінічне навчання

    Magnetocaloric effect in pyrochlore antiferromagnet Gd2Ti2O7

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    An adiabatic demagnetization process is studied in Gd2Ti2O7, a geometrically frustrated antiferromagnet on a pyrochlore lattice. In contrast to conventional paramagnetic salts, this compound can exhibit a temperature decrease by a factor of ten in the temperature range below the Curie-Weiss constant. The most efficient cooling is observed in the field interval between 120 and 60 kOe corresponding to a crossover between saturated and spin-liquid phases. This phenomenon indicates that a considerable part of the magnetic entropy survives in the strongly correlated state. According to the theoretical model, this entropy is associated with a macroscopic number of local modes remaining gapless till the saturation field. Monte Carlo simulations on a classical spin model demonstrate good agreement with the experiment. The cooling power of the process is experimentally estimated with a view to possible technical applications. The results for Gd2Ti2O7 are compared to those for Gd3Ga5O12, a well-known material for low temperature magnetic refrigeration.Comment: 6 pages, 4 figures, accepted versio


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    A clinical case of chronotherapy of arterial hypertension (AH) with insufficient blood pressure (BP) night decline has described. Patient P., the BP daily means according to ambulatory BP monitoring (ABPM) was 148/84 mmHg, BP circadian rhythm violation with insufficient degree of nocturnal BP reduction. We recommended the patient to change the mode of antihypertensive drug intake from morning to evening in the same dose. After 3 months complete AH control was achieved with normalization of diastolic BP profile

    Chaotic Phenomenon in Nonlinear Gyrotropic Medium

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    Nonlinear gyrotropic medium is a medium, whose natural optical activity depends on the intensity of the incident light wave. The Kuhn's model is used to study nonlinear gyrotropic medium with great success. The Kuhn's model presents itself a model of nonlinear coupled oscillators. This article is devoted to the study of the Kuhn's nonlinear model. In the first paragraph of the paper we study classical dynamics in case of weak as well as strong nonlinearity. In case of week nonlinearity we have obtained the analytical solutions, which are in good agreement with the numerical solutions. In case of strong nonlinearity we have determined the values of those parameters for which chaos is formed in the system under study. The second paragraph of the paper refers to the question of the Kuhn's model integrability. It is shown, that at the certain values of the interaction potential this model is exactly integrable and under certain conditions it is reduced to so-called universal Hamiltonian. The third paragraph of the paper is devoted to quantum-mechanical consideration. It shows the possibility of stochastic absorption of external field energy by nonlinear gyrotropic medium. The last forth paragraph of the paper is devoted to generalization of the Kuhn's model for infinite chain of interacting oscillators