43 research outputs found

    The Daily Regime and Regimen of Secondary School Teachers

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    V článku uvádíme některé názory a postoje učitelů středních škol (bez aprobace tělesné výchovy) na denní režim a životosprávu, dále na psychosociální funkce pohybových aktivit a sportu, získané dotazníkovou metodou.Dotazovaní učitelé působili v době šetření na různých typech škol (gymnázia, střední odborné školy a střední odborná učiliště s maturitou). Výsledky prezentujeme podle pohlaví a celkový počet respondentů činil 709 osob (309 mužů a 400 žen).Za pozitivní zjištění považujeme, že většina učitelů podporuje přiměřené pohybové aktivity a sport, pravidelně se stravuje, za negativní pak, že přibližně třetina souboru se denně pracovně stresuje, a ti kteří jsou kuřáci, zpravidla také pravidelně pijí alkohol. Podrobnější informace uvádíme v textu.In this paper we discuss the evaluation of a daily regime and routine of secondary school teachers´ (without PE teaching qualification), and further their opinions and attitudes towards motion activities and sport. The data was gained by a method of questionnaire. The survey (school year 2016/2017) interviewed teachers that were employed in different types of secondary school (grammar school and vocational school with GCSE exam). The results we present from the viewpoint of gender. The number of respondents was 709 individuals (309 men and 400 women). We consider as a positive finding that the majority of teachers support adequate motion activities and sport along with taking meals regularly. The negative findings are that approximately one third of the research sample got stressed because of their daily work and those who are smokers regularly drink alcohol as a rule. More detailed information is presented in the text of our paper

    phenology of daphnia in a northern italy pond during the weather anomalous 2014

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    This note reports a comparison between Daphnia phenology in the weather anomalous 2014 and a previous three years period (2011-2013), in a shallow water body of Northern Italy (Bodrio del pastore III) where we recorded D. pulex. In 2011-2013, Daphnia population showed 1-2 density peaks from mid spring to early summer, it declined in July-August and did not recover, from ephippia, until the following spring. The seasonal dynamics was probably related to the species thermal tolerance. Males and ephippial females appeared at the beginning of growth season according to a typical feature of Daphnia populations from temporary habitats. The presence of the Chaoborus larvae resulted in juvenile adaptive predator-avoidance cyclomorphosis. In 2014, in the study area, mean winter air temperature was much warmer than average recorded during the past three years while it was much colder than average in July and August. This reflected the relatively rainy and cloudy summer months: the winter and summer precipitations total was above the previous three years average. In 2014, Daphnia was found all over the year and showed a maximum peak of density in November. The general increase of Daphnia was related to a shift in D. pulex population phenology, seasonal growth started earlier and lasted longer, and to the occurrence of D. longispina. Both species were identified by genetic markers and phylogenetic analyses of ND5 sequences placed isolates from the Bodrio del pastore III into the European D. pulex group. Both populations reproduced by cyclical parthenogenesis and showed cyclomorphosis. However, D. pulex produced more males and ephippial females than D. longispina. Their seasonal dynamics were quite different: D. longispina dominated in late summer while D. pulex showed the highest density in November. The presence of D. pulex in the Bodrio is important in the framework of conservation ecology especially because we have showed that it is native European strain instead of the invasive North American clone that replaced native D. pulex throughout Africa and was already recorded in Italy. We provide some indications and discuss how Daphnia phenology of shallow lakes of temperate areas may be susceptible to inter-annual variability in weather conditions.</p

    Proceedings of the 12th International Conference on Kinanthropology

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    Proceedings of the 12th Conference of Sport and Quality of Life 2019 gatheres submissions of participants of the conference. Every submission is the result of positive evaluation by reviewers from the corresponding field. Conference is divided into sections – Analysis of human movement; Sport training, nutrition and regeneration; Sport and social sciences; Active ageing and sarcopenia; Strength and conditioning training; section for PhD students

    Diversity in the Reproductive Modes of European Daphnia pulicaria Deviates from the Geographical Parthenogenesis

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    10 páginas, 5 figuras, 3 tablas.Background: Multiple transitions to obligate parthenogenesis have occurred in the Daphnia pulex complex in North America. These newly formed asexual lineages are differentially distributed being found predominantly at high latitudes. This conforms to the rule of geographical parthenogenesis postulating prevalence of asexuals at high latitudes and altitudes. While the reproductive mode of high-latitude populations is relatively well studied, little is known about the reproduction mode in high altitudes. This study aimed to assess the reproductive mode of Daphnia pulicaria, a species of the D. pulex complex, from high altitude lakes in Europe. Methodology/Principal Findings: Variation at eight microsatellite loci revealed that D. pulicaria from the High Tatra Mountains (HTM) had low genotype richness and showed excess of heterozygotes and significant deviations from Hardy- Weinberg expectations, and was thus congruent with reproduction by obligate parthenogenesis. By contrast, populations from the Pyrenees (Pyr) were generally in Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium and had higher genotypic richness, suggesting that they are cyclic parthenogens. Four lakes from lowland areas (LLaP) had populations with an uncertain or mixed breeding mode. All D. pulicaria had mtDNA ND5 haplotypes of the European D. pulicaria lineage. Pyr were distinct from LLaP and HTM at the ND5 gene. By contrast, HTM shared two haplotypes with LLaP and one with Pyr. Principal Coordinate Analysis of the microsatellite data revealed clear genetic differentiation into three groups. HTM isolates were intermediate to Pyr and LLaP, congruent with a hybrid origin. Conclusion/Significance: Inferred transitions to obligate parthenogenesis have occurred only in HTM, most likely as a result of hybridizations. In contrast to North American populations, these transitions do not appear to involve meiosis suppressor genes and have not been accompanied by polyploidy. The absence of obligate parthenogenesis in Pyr, an environment highly similar to the HTM, may be due to the lack of opportunities for hybridization.Peer reviewe

    Consolidants of Stone – History and Present

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    The paper summarises basic information about inorganic and organic materials used for stone consolidation (and for consolidation of porous silicate materials in general). The main characteristics of individual materials, principles of consolidation and the advantages and disadvantages of their use are given. Historic materials are also focused on, as well as the materials used today. Special attention is drawn to organic silicate compounds and epoxy resins, which are at present the most common substances used for this purpose in restoration practise

    Playing Hide-and-Seek in Beta-Globin Genes: Gene Conversion Transferring a Beneficial Mutation between Differentially Expressed Gene Duplicates

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    Increasing evidence suggests that adaptation to diverse environments often involves selection on existing variation rather than new mutations. A previous study identified a nonsynonymous single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) in exon 2 of two paralogous ?-globin genes of the bank vole (Clethrionomys glareolus) in Britain in which the ancestral serine (Ser) and the derived cysteine (Cys) allele represent geographically partitioned functional variation affecting the erythrocyte antioxidative capacity. Here we studied the geographical pattern of the two-locus Ser/Cys polymorphism throughout Europe and tested for the geographic correlation between environmental variables and allele frequency, expected if the polymorphism was under spatially heterogeneous environment-related selection. Although bank vole population history clearly is important in shaping the dispersal of the oxidative stress protective Cys allele, analyses correcting for population structure suggest the Europe-wide pattern is affected by geographical variation in environmental conditions. The ?-globin phenotype is encoded by the major paralog HBB-T1 but we found evidence of bidirectional gene conversion of exon 2 with the low-expression paralog HBB-T2. Our data support the model where gene conversion reshuffling genotypes between high- and low- expressed paralogs enables tuning of erythrocyte thiol levels, which may help maintain intracellular redox balance under fluctuating environmental conditions. Therefore, our study suggests a possible role for gene conversion between differentially expressed gene duplicates as a mechanism of physiological adaptation of populations to new or changing environments.The study was carried out with the financial support from the Czech Science Foundation (grant number 16-032485) and Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports of the Czech Republic (projects KONTAKT II LH15255 and EXCELLENCE CZ.02.1.01/0.0/0.0/15_003/0000460 OP RDE) and with the institutional support RVO 67985904. Part of this research was performed while P.K. was at sabbatical at Cornell, supported by the project CZ.02.2.69/0.0/0.0/16_027/0008502, under the call 02_16_027 International Mobility of Researchers (MEYS, OP RDE)

    Vliv relativní vlhkosti na vlastnosti křemičitého gelu

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    Konsolidanty na bázi esterů kyseliny křemičité jsou v hojné míře využívány pro zpevňování zdegradovaných stavebních památek. Tyto konsolidanty jsou připravovány metodou sol‐gel. Výsledný křemičitý gel zajišťuje v materiálu dodatečnou pevnost. Obecně známým problém těchto gelů je jejich smrštivost a popraskání způsobené tvorbou a zráním gelu. Cílem práce bylo zjistit vliv relativní vlhkosti vzduchu na tvorbu gelu a vzniku první praskliny v gelu.Consolidants based on esters of silica acid have been widely used for the consolidation of decaying stone monuments. These consolidants are prepared via the sol‐gel process. The silica gel toughens the stone. But a well‐known problem of the gels is that they shrink and crack during their formation and ageing. In this study, we focused on the effect of air relative humidity on the gelation time and on the time to the appearance of the first crack