194 research outputs found

    Rule-restricted Automaton-grammar transducers: Power and Linguistic Applications

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    This paper introduces the notion of a new transducer as a two-component system, which consists of a nite automaton and a context-free grammar. In essence, while the automaton reads its input string, the grammar produces its output string, and their cooperation is controlled by a set, which restricts the usage of their rules. From a theoretical viewpoint, the present paper discusses the power of this system working in an ordinary way as well as in a leftmost way. In addition, the paper introduces an appearance checking, which allows us to check whether some symbols are present in the rewritten string, and studies its e ect on the power. It achieves the following three main results. First, the system generates and accepts languages de ned by matrix grammars and partially blind multi-counter automata, respectively. Second, if we place a leftmost restriction on derivation in the context-free grammar, both accepting and generating power of the system is equal to generative power of context-free grammars. Third, the system with appearance checking can accept and generate all recursively enumerable languages. From more pragmatical viewpoint, this paper describes several linguistic applications. A special attention is paid to the Japanese-Czech translation

    Povratak manjinskih izbjeglica kao sredstvo poništavanja etničkog čišćenja: slučaj Bosne i Hercegovine

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    In the post-war Bosnia and Herzegovina, the internationally administered peacebuilding process stressed minority refugee return as an unprecedented tool for reversing outcomes of the war-time massive ethnic cleansings. This paper utilizes newly available statistical data to systematically assess the actual impact of the minority return process on the post-conflict demography of the country in regard to its intended goal of restoring its ethnic heterogeneity. By comparison of the 2013 census data to the pre-war demographic figures it is uncovered to what extent has the refugee return succeeded in reversing the ethnic cleansing of 1990s. Findings reveal significant group-related and regional differences in the impact of the return on reversal of homogenization effects of the conflict. The overall return rate of Bosniak minority communities is estimated at 48%, Croat at 27%, and Serb at only 11%. However, all three groups experienced both successful and failed outcomes of the process in different areas that follow wider regional patterns. In general, the country certainly lost significant part of its pre-war local heterogeneity in the war. Nevertheless, while effects of war-time homogenization have been confirmed in some areas, the minority return partially reversed cleansings in other regions.U poslijeratnoj Bosni i Hercegovini, međunarodno upravljani proces izgradnje mira naglašavao je povratak manjinskih izbjeglica kao jedinstveno sredstvo poništavanja rezultata masovnih etničkih čišćenja za vrijeme rata. U radu se koriste novo dostupni statistički podatci kako bi se sistematično procijenio stvarni učinak procesa manjinskog povratka na post-konfliktnu demografsku sliku zemlje u odnosu na cilj obnavljanja njezine etničke heterogenosti. Usporedbom rezultata popisa stanovništva iz 2013. godine sa predratnim demografskim brojkama, stječe se uvid u to u kojoj je mjeri povratak izbjeglica uspio u poništavanju etničkog čišćenja iz 1990-ih. Rezultati pokazuju značajne grupne i regionalne razlike u utjecaju povratka na poništavanje homogenizacijskih učinaka sukoba. Ukupna stopa povratka bošnjačkih manjinskih zajednica procjenjuje se na 48%, hrvatskih 27% a srpskih na samo 11%. Međutim, sve tri grupe iskusile su i uspješne i neuspješne ishode procesa u različitim područjima koja slijede šire regionalne obrasce. Općenito, država je u ratu sigurno izgubila značajan dio svoje prijeratne lokalne heterogenosti. Ipak, dok su u nekim područjima potvrđeni učinci ratne homogenizacije, manjinski je povratak djelomično preokrenuo učinke čišćenja u drugim regijama

    Reintegration of Local Communities Divided by Ethnic Conflict: Ethnically Mixed Municipalities in the Western Balkans

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    The paper presents findings from the research on the intensity and quality of local inter-ethnic relations in the sample of five ethnically mixed Bosniak-Croat-Serb municipalities in the Western Balkans region which were hit by the ethnic conflict in the 1990s. In each municipality, potential territorial, ideological and socio-economic cleavages are investigated. Directions of the identified cleavages are compared with the ethnic cleavage. Depending on the cross-cutting or reinforcing character of the recorded cleavages in relation to the ethnic structure, it is assessed how much of internal cohesion has been achieved among once belligerent ethnic groups in these unique microregions. Findings show that reinforcing cleavages prevail in all three dimensions, while cleavages cross-cutting the ethnic divisions are limited. While part of the reinforcing cleavages is inherited and naturally reflects the pre-war socio-political cleavages, others are directly caused by the war-time and postwar nationalist politics of ethnic homogenization and as such are potentially manageable through the peacebuilding process

    MCMAS-SLK: A Model Checker for the Verification of Strategy Logic Specifications

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    We introduce MCMAS-SLK, a BDD-based model checker for the verification of systems against specifications expressed in a novel, epistemic variant of strategy logic. We give syntax and semantics of the specification language and introduce a labelling algorithm for epistemic and strategy logic modalities. We provide details of the checker which can also be used for synthesising agents' strategies so that a specification is satisfied by the system. We evaluate the efficiency of the implementation by discussing the results obtained for the dining cryptographers protocol and a variant of the cake-cutting problem

    Fuzzy - based method of detecting the enviroment character for UAV optical stabilization

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    An optical stabilization of UAV (UAS) is a very important part of a structure in their control systems. Not only as a backup stabilization system in a case of IMU failure, but also as a main system, used for stabilization or navigation. In this paper the concept of a system for environment character detection is presented. The system can classify a surrounding environment depending on chosen characteristics. Such system can be used for a better horizon detection due to switching to a correct horizon detection algorithm, which can be used for determining the position of UAV. The system is based on Takagi - Sugeno fuzzy inference system and fuzzy artificial neural networks. An earlier work on this subject was presented last year, but concept of the system was redesigned with a usage of fuzzy artificial neural network for a more precisive outputs and automatic determination of characteristics of fuzzy sets on input

    Descriptive representation and political participation : exploring Croatia's non-dominant groups electoral turnout

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    The series of ethnic conflicts in the Western Balkans over the 1990s involved primarily the constituent nations of the Socialist Federal Republic of Yugoslavia: Serbs, Croats, Bosniaks, and later, Albanians and Macedonians. Ethnic violence has equally affected other numerically smaller groups residing in the geographic areas affected by conflict between the dominant, de facto state-founding ethnic groups. The paper investigates the continuous importance of ethnic identity for political participation of non-dominant groups affected by the ethno-political dynamics of dominant groups in post-conflict Croatia. Analyses of the political mobilisation of non-dominant groups in regions previously affected by conflict offer evidence that their ethno-political mobilisation reflects the continuous importance of identity-politics in the context of highly ethnicised institutions ensuring political representation at national and municipal levels

    The Language Situation in Valencia

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    The article focuses on the language situation in Valencia, an important autonomous community of Spain. There are two official languages: Castilian as a language of the whole of Spain (i.e. Spanish) and Valencian as the Valencian people’s language proper. The paper describes the relations between Spanish and Valencian both from a linguistic and a socio-political point of view and offers a statistical summary of the use of both languages in the territory of the Valencian Community. Two tendencies important for the future of Valencia are discussed, a tendency to use “countrywide” Spanish and a tendency to preserve Valencian (the latter tendency is frequently based on respect for tradition as well as on personal decisions). In addition, the article considers relations between Valencian and Catalan

    PANDA: Cold three axes spectrometer

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    The cold three axes spectrometer PANDA, operated by JCNS, Forschungszentrum Jülich, offers high neutron flux over a large dynamic range keeping the instrumental background comparably low

    Magnetické vlastnosti R2TIn8 a příbuzných tetragonálních sloučenin

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    Název práce: Magnetické vlastnosti R2TIn8 a příbuzných tetragonálních sloučenin Autor: Petr Čermák Katedra / Ústav: Katedra fyziky kondenzovaných látek Vedoucí doktorské práce: doc. Mgr. Pavel Javorský, Dr., Katedra fyziky kondenzovaných látek Abstrakt: Intermetalické sloučeniny R2TIn8 (R = vzácná zemina, T = přechodný kov), obecně nazývané "218" díky jejich stechiometrii jsou strukturně příbuzné se skupinou známých cerových těžkofermionových supravodičů CeCoIn5 a CeRhIn5. Vy smyslu dimenzionality se nachází na pomezí plně trojrozměrných intermetalik se strukturou CeIn3 a kvazi-dvourozměrných "115" supravodičů. To z nich činí ideální kandidáty pro studium vlivu dimenze na jejich vlastnosti. Nedávný výzkum v oblasti "218" sloučenin přinesl nové možnosti a odhalil existenci cerových sloučenin s paladiem a platinou na místě přechodného kovu. Díky tomu se jejich studium dostává do popředí zájmu, přestože byly dlouho dobu opomíjeny na úkor jejich mnohem známějších "115" příbuzným. Soustředili jsme se hlavně na vyhodnocení magnetických struktur a krystalovopolních efektů ve sloučeninách R2RhIn8 s R = Nd, Tb, Dy, Ho, Er, Tm, La, Lu, Y. V této práci prezentujeme výsledky objemových měření (měrné teplo, magnetizace) následované vyhodnocenými magnetickými strukturami z řady neutronových experimentů. Klíčová slova:...Title: Magnetic properties of R2TIn8 and related tetragonal compounds Author: Petr Čermák Department / Institute: Department of Condensed Matter Physics Supervisor of the doctoral thesis: doc. Mgr. Pavel Javorský, Dr., Department of Condensed Matter Physics Abstract: Intermetallic compounds R2TIn8 (R = rare earth, T = transition metal), commonly called "218" because of stoichiometry, are structurally related to a class of well- known Ce-based heavy-fermions like CeCoIn5 or CeRhIn5. They are located between fully 3D cubic compound (e.g. CeIn3) and quasi-2D "115" superconductors, which makes them ideal candidates to study structural dimensionality effects on various properties. Recent developments in this field showed that it is possible to grow compounds with T = Pd or Pt with "218" stoichiometry. Therefore further study of "218" compounds is desired since much less is known about them compared to "115" compounds. We have focused mainly on the determination of magnetic structures and crystal field effects along the series of Rh based "218" compounds for various rare-earth elements. The single crystals of compounds with R = Nd, Tb, Dy, Ho, Er, Tm, La, Lu, Y were successfully grown. Results of bulk measurements (specific heat, susceptibility) together with magnetic structures determined from several neutron...Katedra fyziky kondenzovaných látekDepartment of Condensed Matter PhysicsMatematicko-fyzikální fakultaFaculty of Mathematics and Physic

    Using program Rosetta to estimate of soil moisture retention curves from experimental size Bohaté Málkovice

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    K nejdůležitějším vlastnostem půdy patří její hydraulické charakteristiky, tj. retenční čára půdní vlhkosti a hydraulická vodivost. Hydraulická vodivost půdy charakterizuje schopnost půdy vést vodu. Retenční čára vyjadřuje vztah mezi vlhkostí a vlhkostním potenciálem půdy. Její průběh ovlivňuje řada faktorů, např. zrnitostní a mineralogické složení, obsah humusu, objemová hmotnost redukovaná a struktura půdy. Měření retenčních čar v laboratorních podmínkách jsou časově a finančně nákladné, proto se jako alternativní řešení jeví použití pedotransferových funkcí. Cílem diplomové práce je odhad vlhkostních retenčních čar půdy ve vybraném zájmovém území jižní Moravy pomocí programu Rosetta (Schaap, 2003). Jako prediktory do jednotlivých modelů programu Rosetta se použily údaje o zrnitosti (% obsah jílu, písku a prachu), objemová hmotnost půdy, hydrolimity polní vodní kapacita a bod vadnutí. Údaje o zrnitosti byly sladěny podle FAO/USDA systému. Retenční čáry půdní vlhkosti byly měřeny na pískovém tanku a přetlakových přístrojích. Změřené retenční čáry byly parametrizovány programem RETC. Pro určení kvality odhadu byly odhadnuté retenční čáry graficky porovnány s měřenými. Přesnost odhadu byla hodnocena pomocí korelačního koeficientu R, determinačního koeficientu R2 a směrodatné chyby SMRE. Vzhledem k velikosti souboru vstupních dat se nedá konstatovat použitelnost vlastních odvozených pedotransferových funkcí. Doporučoval bych jejich další ověření na jiných lokalitách jižní Moravy.Hydraulic characteristics are the most important properties of soil, i.e. retention curve of soil moisture and hydraulic conductivity. Hydraulic conductivity of soil characterizes the ability of the soil to conduct water. Retention curve expresses the relationship between moisture and moisture potential of soil. The running of retention curve is influenced by many factors, eg. grain size and mineralogical composition, content of humus, reduce bulk density and structure of soil. Measurement of retention curves takes a lot of time and money in laboratory conditions therefore pedotransfer functions seem to be an alternative solution. The thesis aims to estimate moisture retention curves of soil in a selected area of interest in South Moravia using program Rosetta (Schaap, 2003). Data of granularity (% content of clay, sand and dust), bulk density of soil and hydrolimits field water capacity and wilting point were used as predictors in individual models of program Rosetta. Data of grain were matched by FAO / USDA system. Retention curves of soil moisture were measured on a sand tank and overpressure devices. The measured retention curves were parameterized by RETC program. Estimated retention curves were graphically compared with measured to determine the quality of the estimate. The accuracy of the estimate was assessed by correlation coefficient R of determination coefficient R2 and standard error SMRE. Usability own derivatives pedotransfer functions is hard to say due to the size of the input data file. I would recommend further verification of data at the other localities in south Moravia.