379 research outputs found

    Identification and Removal of Noise Modes in Kepler Photometry

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    We present the Transiting Exoearth Robust Reduction Algorithm (TERRA) --- a novel framework for identifying and removing instrumental noise in Kepler photometry. We identify instrumental noise modes by finding common trends in a large ensemble of light curves drawn from the entire Kepler field of view. Strategically, these noise modes can be optimized to reveal transits having a specified range of timescales. For Kepler target stars of low photometric noise, TERRA produces ensemble-calibrated photometry having 33 ppm RMS scatter in 12-hour bins, rendering individual transits of earth-size planets around sun-like stars detectable as ~3 sigma signals.Comment: 18 pages, 7 figures, submitted to PAS

    A Transiting Jupiter Analog

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    Decadal-long radial velocity surveys have recently started to discover analogs to the most influential planet of our solar system, Jupiter. Detecting and characterizing these worlds is expected to shape our understanding of our uniqueness in the cosmos. Despite the great successes of recent transit surveys, Jupiter analogs represent a terra incognita, owing to the strong intrinsic bias of this method against long orbital periods. We here report on the first validated transiting Jupiter analog, Kepler-167e (KOI-490.02), discovered using Kepler archival photometry orbiting the K4-dwarf KIC-3239945. With a radius of (0.91±0.02)(0.91\pm0.02) RJupR_{\mathrm{Jup}}, a low orbital eccentricity (0.06−0.04+0.100.06_{-0.04}^{+0.10}) and an equilibrium temperature of (131±3)(131\pm3) K, Kepler-167e bears many of the basic hallmarks of Jupiter. Kepler-167e is accompanied by three Super-Earths on compact orbits, which we also validate, leaving a large cavity of transiting worlds around the habitable-zone. With two transits and continuous photometric coverage, we are able to uniquely and precisely measure the orbital period of this post snow-line planet (1071.2323±0.00061071.2323\pm0.0006 d), paving the way for follow-up of this K=11.8K=11.8 mag target.Comment: 14 pages, 10 figures. Accepted to ApJ. Posteriors available at https://github.com/CoolWorlds/Kepler-167-Posterior

    EPIC 220204960: A Quadruple Star System Containing Two Strongly Interacting Eclipsing Binaries

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    We present a strongly interacting quadruple system associated with the K2 target EPIC 220204960. The K2 target itself is a Kp = 12.7 magnitude star at Teff ~ 6100 K which we designate as "B-N" (blue northerly image). The host of the quadruple system, however, is a Kp = 17 magnitude star with a composite M-star spectrum, which we designate as "R-S" (red southerly image). With a 3.2" separation and similar radial velocities and photometric distances, 'B-N' is likely physically associated with 'R-S', making this a quintuple system, but that is incidental to our main claim of a strongly interacting quadruple system in 'R-S'. The two binaries in 'R-S' have orbital periods of 13.27 d and 14.41 d, respectively, and each has an inclination angle of >89 degrees. From our analysis of radial velocity measurements, and of the photometric lightcurve, we conclude that all four stars are very similar with masses close to 0.4 Msun. Both of the binaries exhibit significant ETVs where those of the primary and secondary eclipses 'diverge' by 0.05 days over the course of the 80-day observations. Via a systematic set of numerical simulations of quadruple systems consisting of two interacting binaries, we conclude that the outer orbital period is very likely to be between 300 and 500 days. If sufficient time is devoted to RV studies of this faint target, the outer orbit should be measurable within a year.Comment: 20 pages, 18 figures, 7 tables; accepted for publication in MNRA

    Planet Candidates from K2 Campaigns 5-8 and Follow-Up Optical Spectroscopy

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    We present 151 planet candidates orbiting 141 stars from K2 campaigns 5-8 (C5-C8), identified through a systematic search of K2 photometry. In addition, we identify 16 targets as likely eclipsing binaries, based on their light curve morphology. We obtained follow-up optical spectra of 105/141 candidate host stars and 8/16 eclipsing binaries to improve stellar properties and to identify spectroscopic binaries. Importantly, spectroscopy enables measurements of host star radii with ≈\approx10% precision, compared to ≈\approx40% precision when only broadband photometry is available. The improved stellar radii enable improved planet radii. Our curated catalog of planet candidates provides a starting point for future efforts to confirm and characterize K2 discoveries.Comment: Accepted for publication in the Astronomical Journal; 17 pages, 8 figures, 2 tables, download source for full table

    Exploring the Symbolic/Subsymbolic Continuum: A case study of RAAM

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    Exoplanets orbiting pre-main-sequence stars are laboratories for studying planet evolution processes, including atmospheric loss, orbital migration, and radiative cooling. V1298 Tau, a young solar analog with an age of 23 ± 4 Myr, is one such laboratory. The star is already known to host a Jupiter-sized planet on a 24 day orbit. Here, we report the discovery of three additional planets—all between the sizes of Neptune and Saturn—based on our analysis of K2 Campaign 4 photometry. Planets c and d have sizes of 5.6 and 6.4 R⊕, respectively, and with orbital periods of 8.25 and 12.40 days reside 0.25% outside of the nominal 3:2 mean-motion resonance. Planet e is 8.7 R⊕ in size but only transited once in the K2 time series and thus has a period longer than 36 days, but likely shorter than 223 days. The V1298 Tau system may be a precursor to the compact multiplanet systems found to be common by the Kepler mission. However, the large planet sizes stand in sharp contrast to the vast majority of Kepler multiplanet systems, which have planets smaller than 3 R⊕. Simple dynamical arguments suggest total masses of <28 M⊕ and <120 M⊕ for the c–d and d–b planet pairs, respectively. The implied low masses suggest that the planets may still be radiatively cooling and contracting, and perhaps losing atmosphere. The V1298 Tau system offers rich prospects for further follow-up including atmospheric characterization by transmission or eclipse spectroscopy, dynamical characterization through transit-timing variations, and measurements of planet masses and obliquities by radial velocities

    Two Transiting Earth-size Planets Near Resonance Orbiting a Nearby Cool Star

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    Discoveries from the prime Kepler mission demonstrated that small planets (< 3 Earth-radii) are common outcomes of planet formation. While Kepler detected many such planets, all but a handful orbit faint, distant stars and are not amenable to precise follow up measurements. Here, we report the discovery of two small planets transiting K2-21, a bright (K = 9.4) M0 dwarf located 65±\pm6 pc from Earth. We detected the transiting planets in photometry collected during Campaign 3 of NASA's K2 mission. Analysis of transit light curves reveals that the planets have small radii compared to their host star, 2.60 ±\pm 0.14% and 3.15 ±\pm 0.20%, respectively. We obtained follow up NIR spectroscopy of K2-21 to constrain host star properties, which imply planet sizes of 1.59 ±\pm 0.43 Earth-radii and 1.92 ±\pm 0.53 Earth-radii, respectively, straddling the boundary between high-density, rocky planets and low-density planets with thick gaseous envelopes. The planets have orbital periods of 9.32414 days and 15.50120 days, respectively, and have a period ratio of 1.6624, very near to the 5:3 mean motion resonance, which may be a record of the system's formation history. Transit timing variations (TTVs) due to gravitational interactions between the planets may be detectable using ground-based telescopes. Finally, this system offers a convenient laboratory for studying the bulk composition and atmospheric properties of small planets with low equilibrium temperatures.Comment: Updated to ApJ accepted version; photometry available alongside LaTeX source; 10 pages, 7 figure

    60 Validated Planets from K2 Campaigns 5-8

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    We present a uniform analysis of 155 candidates from the second year of NASA's K2K2 mission (Campaigns 5-8), yielding 60 statistically validated planets spanning a range of properties, with median values of RpR_p = 2.5 R⊕R_\oplus, PP = 7.1 d, TeqT_\mathrm{eq} = 811 K, and JJ = 11.3 mag. The sample includes 24 planets in 11 multi-planetary systems, as well as 18 false positives, and 77 remaining planet candidates. Of particular interest are 18 planets smaller than 2 R⊕R_\oplus, five orbiting stars brighter than JJ = 10 mag, and a system of four small planets orbiting the solar-type star EPIC 212157262. We compute planetary transit parameters and false positive probabilities using a robust statistical framework and present a complete analysis incorporating the results of an intensive campaign of high resolution imaging and spectroscopic observations. This work brings the K2K2 yield to over 360 planets, and by extrapolation we expect that K2K2 will have discovered ∼\sim600 planets before the expected depletion of its on-board fuel in late 2018.Comment: 33 pages, 13 figures, 5 tables, accepted for publication in A

    Discovery of a Transiting Adolescent Sub-Neptune Exoplanet with K2

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    The role of stellar age in the measured properties and occurrence rates of exoplanets is not well understood. This is in part due to a paucity of known young planets and the uncertainties in age-dating for most exoplanet host stars. Exoplanets with well-constrained ages, particularly those which are young, are useful as benchmarks for studies aiming to constrain the evolutionary timescales relevant for planets. Such timescales may concern orbital migration, gravitational contraction, or atmospheric photo-evaporation, among other mechanisms. Here we report the discovery of an adolescent transiting sub-Neptune from K2 photometry of the low-mass star K2-284. From multiple age indicators we estimate the age of the star to be 120 Myr, with a 68% confidence interval of 100-760 Myr. The size of K2-284 b (RPR_P = 2.8 ±\pm 0.1 R⊕R_\oplus) combined with its youth make it an intriguing case study for photo-evaporation models, which predict enhanced atmospheric mass loss during early evolutionary stages.Comment: Accepted to AJ, 36 pages, 17 figures, 5 table

    A Transiting Jupiter analog

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    Decadal-long radial velocity surveys have recently started to discover analogs to the most influential planet of our solar system, Jupiter. Detecting and characterizing these worlds is expected to shape our understanding of our uniqueness in the cosmos. Despite the great successes of recent transit surveys, Jupiter analogs represent a terra incognita, owing to the strong intrinsic bias of this method against long orbital periods. We here report on the first validated transiting Jupiter analog, Kepler-167e (KOI-490.02), discovered using Kepler archival photometry orbiting the K4-dwarf KIC-3239945. With a radius of (0.91±0.02)(0.91\pm 0.02) RJ{R}_{{\rm{J}}}, a low orbital eccentricity (0.06−0.04+0.10{0.06}_{-0.04}^{+0.10}), and an equilibrium temperature of (131±3)(131\pm 3) K, Kepler-167e bears many of the basic hallmarks of Jupiter. Kepler-167e is accompanied by three Super-Earths on compact orbits, which we also validate, leaving a large cavity of transiting worlds around the habitable-zone. With two transits and continuous photometric coverage, we are able to uniquely and precisely measure the orbital period of this post snow-line planet (1071.2323 ± 0.0006d), paving the way for follow-up of this K = 11.8 mag target
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