17,405 research outputs found

    Design of aircraft turbine fan drive gear transmission system

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    The following basic types of gear reduction concepts were studied as being feasible power train systems for a low-bypass-ratio, single-spool, geared turbofan engine for general aircraft use: (1) single-stage external-internal reduction, (2) gears (offset shafting), (3) multiple compound idler gear system (concentric shafting), and (4) star gear planetary system with internal ring gear final output member (concentric shafting-counterrotation). In addition, studies were made of taking the accessories drive power off both the high-speed and low-speed shafting, using either face gears or spiral bevel gears. Both antifriction and sleeve-type bearings were considered for the external-internal and star-planet reduction concepts

    Testing Multi-Field Inflation: A Geometric Approach

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    We develop an approach for linking the power spectra, bispectrum, and trispectrum to the geometric and kinematical features of multifield inflationary Lagrangians. Our geometric approach can also be useful in determining when a complicated multifield model can be well approximated by a model with one, two, or a handful of fields. To arrive at these results, we focus on the mode interactions in the kinematical basis, starting with the case of no sourcing and showing that there is a series of mode conservation laws analogous to the conservation law for the adiabatic mode in single-field inflation. We then treat the special case of a quadratic potential with canonical kinetic terms, showing that it produces a series of mode sourcing relations identical in form to that for the adiabatic mode. We build on this result to show that the mode sourcing relations for general multifield inflation are extension of this special case but contain higher-order covariant derivatives of the potential and corrections from the field metric. In parallel, we show how these interactions depend on the geometry of the inflationary Lagrangian and on the kinematics of the associated field trajectory. Finally, we consider how the mode interactions and effective number of fields active during inflation are reflected in the spectra and introduce a multifield consistency relation, as well as a multifield observable that can potentially distinguish two-field scenarios from scenarios involving three or more effective fields.Comment: 21 pages, 4 figures + tables. Revised to clarify several points and reorganized Section III for pedagogical reasons. Error in one equation and typos were corrected, as well as additional references adde

    Testing Two-Field Inflation

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    We derive semi-analytic formulae for the power spectra of two-field inflation assuming an arbitrary potential and non-canonical kinetic terms, and we use them both to build phenomenological intuition and to constrain classes of two-field models using WMAP data. Using covariant formalism, we first develop a framework for understanding the background field kinematics and introduce a "slow-turn" approximation. Next, we find covariant expressions for the evolution of the adiabatic/curvature and entropy/isocurvature modes, and we discuss how the mode evolution can be inferred directly from the background kinematics and the geometry of the field manifold. From these expressions, we derive semi-analytic formulae for the curvature, isocurvature, and cross spectra, and the spectral observables, all to second-order in the slow-roll and slow-turn approximations. In tandem, we show how our covariant formalism provides useful intuition into how the characteristics of the inflationary Lagrangian translate into distinct features in the power spectra. In particular, we find that key features of the power spectra can be directly read off of the nature of the roll path, the curve the field vector rolls along with respect to the field manifold. For example, models whose roll path makes a sharp turn 60 e-folds before inflation ends tend to be ruled out because they produce strong departures from scale invariance. Finally, we apply our formalism to confront four classes of two-field models with WMAP data, including doubly quadratic and quartic potentials and non-standard kinetic terms, showing how whether a model is ruled out depends not only on certain features of the inflationary Lagrangian, but also on the initial conditions. Ultimately, models must possess the right balance of kinematical and dynamical behaviors, which we capture in a set of functions that can be reconstructed from spectral observables.Comment: Revised to match accepted PRD version: Improved discussion of background kinematics and multi-field effects, added tables summarizing key quantities and their links to observables, more detailed figures, fixed typos in former equations (103) and (117). 49 PRD pages, 11 figure

    Flux of nutrients from Russian rivers to the Arctic Ocean: Can we establish a baseline against which to judge future changes?

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    Climate models predict significant warming in the Arctic in the 21st century, which will impact the functioning of terrestrial and aquatic ecosystems as well as alter land‐ocean interactions in the Arctic. Because river discharge and nutrient flux integrate large‐scale processes, they should be sensitive indicators of change, but detection of future changes requires knowledge of current conditions. Our objective in this paper is to evaluate the current state of affairs with respect to estimating nutrient flux to the Arctic Ocean from Russian rivers. To this end we provide estimates of contemporary (1970s–1990s) nitrate, ammonium, and phosphate fluxes to the Arctic Ocean for 15 large Russian rivers. We rely primarily on the extensive data archives of the former Soviet Union and current Russian Federation and compare these values to other estimates and to model predictions. Large discrepancies exist among the various estimates. These uncertainties must be resolved so that the scientific community will have reliable data with which to calibrate Arctic biogeochemical models and so that we will have a baseline against which to judge future changes (either natural or anthropogenic) in the Arctic watershed

    Hadronic Production of Doubly Charmed Baryons via Charm Exitation in Proton

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    The production of baryons containing two charmed quarks Xi_cc in hadronic interactions at high energies and large transverse momenta is considered. It is supposed, that Xi_cc-baryon is formed during a non-perturbative fragmentation of the (cc)-diquark, which was produced in the hard process of cc-quark scattering from the colliding protons: c+c -> (cc) +g. It is shown that such mechanism enhances the expected doubly charmed baryon production cross section on Tevatron and LHC colliders approximately 2 times in contrast to predictions, obtained in the model of gluon - gluon production of (cc)-diquarks in the leading order of perturbative QCD.Comment: LaTeX2e, 13 pages plus 4 fig. using revtex4.sty, epsfig.sty. Talk was presented at International Seminar on Physics of Fundamental Interactions in ITEP, Moscow, Russia, November 27 - December 1, 200

    Near Infrared Spectroscopy of Young Brown Dwarfs in Upper Scorpius

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    Spectroscopic follow-up is a pre-requisite for studies of the formation and early evolution of brown dwarfs. Here we present IRTF/SpeX near-infrared spectroscopy of 30 candidate members of the young Upper Scorpius association, selected from our previous survey work. All 24 high confidence members are confirmed as young very low mass objects with spectral types from M5 to L1, 15-20 of them are likely brown dwarfs. This high yield confirms that brown dwarfs in Upper Scorpius can be identified from photometry and proper motions alone, with negligible contamination from field objects (<4%). Out of the 6 candidates with lower confidence, 5 might still be young very low mass members of Upper Scorpius, according to our spectroscopy. We demonstrate that some very low mass class II objects exhibit radically different near infrared (0.6 - 2.5micron) spectra from class III objects, with strong excess emission increasing towards longer wavelengths and partially filled in features at wavelengths shorter than 1.25micron. These characteristics can obscure the contribution of the photosphere within such spectra. Therefore, we caution that near infrared derived spectral types for objects with discs may be unreliable. Furthermore, we show that the same characteristics can be seen to some extent in all class II and even a significant fraction of class III objects (~40%), indicating that some of them are still surrounded by traces of dust and gas. Based on our spectra, we select a sample of objects with spectral types of M5 to L1, whose near-infrared emission represents the photosphere only. We recommend the use of these objects as spectroscopic templates for young brown dwarfs in the future.Comment: 12 pages, 9 figures, Accepted in MNRA

    Long-term variability of the optical spectra of NGC 4151: I. Light curves and flux correlations

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    Results of a long-term spectral monitoring of the active galactic nucleus of NGC 4151 are presented (11 years, from 1996 to 2006). High quality spectra (S/N>50 in the continuum near Halpha and Hbeta) were obtained in the spectral range ~4000 to 7500 \AA, with a resolution between 5 and 15 A, using the 6-m and the 1-m SAO's telescopes (Russia), the GHAO's 2.1-m telescope (Cananea, Mexico), and the OAN-SPM's 2.1-m telescope (San-Pedro, Mexico). The observed fluxes of the Halpha, Hbeta, Hgamma and HeII emission lines and of the continuum at the observed wavelength 5117 A, were corrected for the position angle, the seeing and the aperture effects. We found that the continuum and line fluxes varied strongly (up to a factor 6) during the monitoring period. The emission was maximum in 1996-1998, and there were two minima, in 2001 and in 2005. The Halpha, Hgamma and He II fluxes were well correlated with the Hbeta flux. We considered three characteristic periods during which the Hbeta and Halpha profiles were similar: 1996-1999, 2000-2001 and 2002-2006. The line to continuum flux ratios were different; in particular during the first period, the lines were not correlated with the continuum and saturated at high fluxes. In the second and third period, where the continuum flux was small, the Halpha and Hbeta fluxes were well correlated to the continuum flux, meaning that the ionizing continuum was a good extrapolation of the optical continuum. The CCFs are often asymmetrical and the time lags between the lines and the continuum are badly defined indicating the presence of a complex BLR, with dimensions from 1 to 50 light-days.Comment: A&A, accepte