627 research outputs found

    EngineSim: Turbojet Engine Simulator Adapted for High School Classroom Use

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    EngineSim is an interactive educational computer program that allows users to explore the effect of engine operation on total aircraft performance. The software is supported by a basic propulsion web site called the Beginner's Guide to Propulsion, which includes educator-created, web-based activities for the classroom use of EngineSim. In addition, educators can schedule videoconferencing workshops in which EngineSim's creator demonstrates the software and discusses its use in the educational setting. This software is a product of NASA Glenn Research Center's Learning Technologies Project, an educational outreach initiative within the High Performance Computing and Communications Program

    NASA Research Being Shared Through Live, Interactive Video Tours

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    On June 2, 2000, the NASA Glenn Research Center Learning Technologies Project (LTP) coordinated the first live remote videoconferencing broadcast from a Glenn facility. The historic event from Glenn's Icing Research Tunnel featured wind tunnel technicians and researchers performing an icing experiment, obtaining results, and discussing the relevance to everyday flight operations and safety. After a brief overview of its history, students were able to "walk through" the tunnel, stand in the control room, and observe a live icing experiment that demonstrated how ice would grow on an airplane wing in flight through an icing cloud. The tour was interactive, with a spirited exchange of questions and explanations between the students and presenters. The virtual tour of the oldest and largest refrigerated icing research tunnel in the world was the second of a series of videoconferencing connections with the AP Physics students at Bay Village High School, Bay Village, Ohio. The first connection, called Aircraft Safety and Icing Research, introduced the Tailplane Icing Program. In an effort to improve aircraft safety by reducing the number of in-flight icing events, Glenn's Icing Branch uses its icing research aircraft to conduct flight tests. The presenter engaged the students in discussions of basic aircraft flight mechanics and the function of the horizontal tailplane, as well as the effect of ice on airfoil (wing or tail) surfaces. A brief video of actual flight footage provided a view of the pilot's actions and reactions and of the horizon during tailplane icing conditions

    Covid-19 daily realities for families: A South African sample

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    The COVID-19 pandemic affected families globally. Empirical research has been explored to understand the impact of COVID-19 on families across countries, however, there are limited findings of how COVID-19 has affected the daily realities of families in South Africa. This study used an exploratory qualitative research approach to explore the experiences of COVID-19 for South African families. Findings suggest that the negative outcomes of COVID-19 experienced by South African families included a shift in the daily routines, restrictions on family events, lack of socialization and loss of connections, family conflicts, financial constraints as well as psychological impacts. On the contrary, the positive outcomes included increased family time and communication, cleanliness, and good health status, and improved financial management. Implications for future research should include research focused on the health impacts of COVID-19 on diverse family structures, family compositions, and family dynamics. In-depth research and findings can assist in developing policies and interventions for families

    Landmark Models for Optimizing the Use of Repeated Measurements of Risk Factors in Electronic Health Records to Predict Future Disease Risk.

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    The benefits of using electronic health records (EHRs) for disease risk screening and personalized health-care decisions are being increasingly recognized. Here we present a computationally feasible statistical approach with which to address the methodological challenges involved in utilizing historical repeat measures of multiple risk factors recorded in EHRs to systematically identify patients at high risk of future disease. The approach is principally based on a 2-stage dynamic landmark model. The first stage estimates current risk factor values from all available historical repeat risk factor measurements via landmark-age-specific multivariate linear mixed-effects models with correlated random intercepts, which account for sporadically recorded repeat measures, unobserved data, and measurement errors. The second stage predicts future disease risk from a sex-stratified Cox proportional hazards model, with estimated current risk factor values from the first stage. We exemplify these methods by developing and validating a dynamic 10-year cardiovascular disease risk prediction model using primary-care EHRs for age, diabetes status, hypertension treatment, smoking status, systolic blood pressure, total cholesterol, and high-density lipoprotein cholesterol in 41,373 persons from 10 primary-care practices in England and Wales contributing to The Health Improvement Network (1997-2016). Using cross-validation, the model was well-calibrated (Brier score = 0.041, 95% confidence interval: 0.039, 0.042) and had good discrimination (C-index = 0.768, 95% confidence interval: 0.759, 0.777)

    Pregnancy and STD Prevention Counseling Using an Adaptation of Motivational Interviewing: A Randomized Controlled Trial

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    CONTEXT: Given levels of unintended pregnancy and STDs, an effective counseling intervention is needed to improve women's consistent use of effective prevention methods. METHODS: A sample of 764 women aged 16-44 who were at risk of unintended pregnancy were enrolled in a randomized controlled trial in North Carolina in 2003-2004. Intervention participants received pregnancy and STD prevention counseling, adapted from motivational interviewing, both at enrollment and two months later; controls received only a session of general health counseling. Levels of contraceptive use (categorized as high, low or none on the basis of the effectiveness of the method and the consistency of use) and barriers to use were measured at two, eight and 12 months; chi-square tests were used to compare selected outcomes between the groups. Rates of unintended pregnancy and chlamydia infection were assessed over the study period. RESULTS: At baseline, 59% of all participants reported a high level of contraceptive use, 19% a low level and 22% nonuse. At two months, the proportions of intervention and control participants who had improved their level of use or maintained a high level (72% and 66%, respectively) were significantly larger than the proportions who had reported a high level of use at baseline (59% and 58%, respectively). No significant differences were found between the groups at 12 months, or between baseline and 12 months for either group. During the study, 10-11% of intervention and control participants became pregnant, 1-2% received a chlamydia diagnosis and 7-9% had another STD diagnosed. CONCLUSIONS: Repeated counseling sessions may be needed to improve contraceptive decision-making and to reduce the risk of unintended pregnancy and STDs

    Expanded Interactome of the Intrinsically Disordered Protein Dss1

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    Summary: Dss1 (also known as Sem1) is a conserved, intrinsically disordered protein with a remarkably broad functional diversity. It is a proteasome subunit but also associates with the BRCA2, RPA, Csn12-Thp1, and TREX-2 complexes. Accordingly, Dss1 functions in protein degradation, DNA repair, transcription, and mRNA export. Here in Schizosaccharomyces pombe, we expand its interactome further to include eIF3, the COP9 signalosome, and the mitotic septins. Within its intrinsically disordered ensemble, Dss1 forms a transiently populated C-terminal helix that dynamically interacts with and shields a central binding region. The helix interfered with the interaction to ATP-citrate lyase but was required for septin binding, and in strains lacking Dss1, ATP-citrate lyase solubility was reduced and septin rings were more persistent. Thus, even weak, transient interactions within Dss1 may dynamically rewire its interactome. : Schenstrøm et al. demonstrate that the disordered protein Dss1 forms a transient intramolecular interaction between the C-terminal helical region and a central hydrophobic region. Proteomics reveal several Dss1-binding proteins, including all PCI-domain protein complexes. The dynamic fold-back structure regulates Dss1 interactions with the mitotic septins and ATP-citrate lyase. Keywords: intrinsically disordered proteins, protein degradation, proteasome, PCI domai

    Regulated mitochondrial DNA replication during oocyte maturation is essential for successful porcine embryonic development.

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    Cellular ATP is mainly generated through mitochondrial oxidative phosphorylation, which is dependent on mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA). We have previously demonstrated the importance of oocyte mtDNA for porcine and human fertilization. However, the role of nuclear-encoded mitochondrial replication factors during oocyte and embryo development is not yet understood. We have analyzed two key factors, mitochondrial transcription factor A (TFAM) and polymerase gamma (POLG), to determine their role in oocyte and early embryo development. Competent and incompetent oocytes, as determined by brilliant cresyl blue (BCB) dye, were assessed intermittently during the maturation process for TFAM and POLG mRNA using real-time RT-PCR, for TFAM and POLG protein using immunocytochemistry, and for mtDNA copy number using real-time PCR. Analysis was also carried out following treatment of maturing oocytes with the mtDNA replication inhibitor, 2',3'-dideoxycytidine (ddC). Following in vitro fertilization, preimplantation embryos were also analyzed. Despite increased levels of TFAM and POLG mRNA and protein at the four-cell stage, no increase in mtDNA copy number was observed in early preimplantation development. To compensate for this, mtDNA appeared to be replicated during oocyte maturation. However, significant differences in nuclear-encoded regulatory protein expression were observed between BCB(+) and BCB(-) oocytes and between untreated oocytes and those treated with ddC. These changes resulted in delayed mtDNA replication, which correlated to reduced fertilization and embryonic development. We therefore conclude that adherence to the regulation of the timing of mtDNA replication during oocyte maturation is essential for successful embryonic development

    Validation of Permeability and Relative Permeability Data Using Mercury Injection Capillary Pressure Data

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    This paper reports on a study with the objective to validate a set of core analysis data using a combination of mercury injection capillary pressure (MICP) data and statistical correlation techniques. The data set is from an off-shore reservoir in Atlantic Canada. Analysis of this reservoir was complicated by the fact that the permeabilities of the samples were high, greater than 2400 mD. The analysis was done using an existing data set, not a data set specifically tailored for the techniques used in the analysis. The data analyzed included samples that represented seven zones in a single well. Porosities and permeabilities were available for the MICP samples. Electrical properties, along with porosities and permeabilities, were available on samples from each zone, but not from the same depths as the MICP samples. Steady-state relative permeabilities (SSRP) were available for stacked samples in each zone; one of the samples in the stack was a companion sample for one of the MICP samples from that zone. The MICP results were used to validate the permeability measurements using both the Swanson method (SM) and the Ruth-Lindsay-Allen (RLAM) method. The SM, using published correlation parameters, significantly under-predicted the permeabilities; the RLAM, which uses no correlation parameters, gave predictions within a maximum error of just over 33% and a mean error of -12%. The MICP data was used to validate the shapes of the SSRP curves using the Gates and Tempelaar-Lietz method (GT-LM), the Burdine method (BM), and a modified Burdine method (MBM). The GT-LM, which uses no correlation parameters, provided good predictions of the wetting phase SSRP curves but very poor predictions of the non-wetting phase SSRP curves. The BM, using published correlation parameters, provided poor predictions of the wetting phase SSRP curves but improved predictions of the non-wetting phase SSRP curves. The MBM provided good predictions of the wetting phase SSRP curves and acceptable predictions of the non-wetting phase SSRP curves. The MBM method does use a correlation parameter but a single value was used for all seven zones. This work provides a protocol for validating core analysis data that can be implemented in a straightforward manner to determine the “quality” of the data. The results emphasize the importance of MICP as an experimental technique. A proposed modified workflow is presented that would optimize the validation protocol

    Simple and Fast DNA Based Sensor System for Screening of Small-Molecule Compounds Targeting Eukaryotic Topoisomerase 1

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    Background: Eukaryotic topoisomerase 1 is a potential target of anti-parasitic and anti-cancer drugs. Parasites require topoisomerase 1 activity for survival and, consequently, compounds that inhibit topoisomerase 1 activity may be of interest. All effective topoisomerase 1 drugs with anti-cancer activity act by inhibiting the ligation reaction of the enzyme. Screening for topoisomerase 1 targeting drugs, therefore, should involve the possibility of dissecting which step of topoisomerase 1 activity is affected. Methods: Here we present a novel DNA-based assay that allows for screening of the effect of small-molecule compounds targeting the binding/cleavage or the ligation steps of topoisomerase 1 catalysis. This novel assay is based on the detection of a rolling circle amplification product generated from a DNA circle resulting from topoisomerase 1 activity. Results: We show that the binding/cleavage and ligation reactions of topoisomerase 1 can be investigated separately in the presented assay termed REEAD (C|L) and demonstrate that the assay can be used to investigate, which of the individual steps of topoisomerase 1 catalysis are affected by small-molecule compounds. The assay is gel-free and the results can be detected by a simple colorimetric readout method using silver-on-gold precipitation rendering large equipment unnecessary. Conclusion: REEAD (C|L) allows for easy and quantitative investigations of topoisomerase 1 targeting compounds and can be performed in non-specialized laboratories.K.V. thanks Aase and Ejnar Danielsens Fond, Aage and Johanne Louis-Hansens Fond and Edel and Wilhelm Daubenmerkls Almenvelgørende Fond; A.S. thanks the Basque Government for a formation contract