401 research outputs found

    Extraction and Nanoencapsulation of Ocimum Gratissimum Leaf Extract and Its Anti-Mycobacterial Activities

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    Isolation of saponin from the methanol extract of Ocimum gratissimum leaves, its identification with High-Performance Liquid Chromatography (HPLC), application of the saponin in the synthesis of nanoemulsion and their antimicrobial activities were carried out. 0.7mg was isolated from 40g of powdered leaves mixed with 70% of methanol. The methanol and saponin extracts were subjected to HPLC analysis. The methanol extracts revealed 15 peaks and the saponin revealed 8 peaks with a total elution time of 30 minutes each. The saponin was used to synthesize nanoemulsion (emulsifier). The nanoemulsion and saponin were subjected to antituberculosis activity. The nanoemulsion has better anti-tuberculosis activity than the saponin due to its Minimum Inhibitory Concentration (MIC). This goes to confirm the importance of nanomedicine in the drug delivery system and its application on diverse areas such as food, cosmetics, pharmaceuticals, and material synthesis. The biological synthesis is an eco-friendly alternative to the chemical and physical methods. Keywords: Extraction, Natural Product, Nanoencapsulation, Ocimum gratissimum, Anti-Mycobacterial, Tuberculosis. DOI: 10.7176/CMR/12-2-03 Publication date: February 29th 202

    The Heat Shock Protein 90 (HSP90) Is Required for the IL-33-Induced Cytokine Production in Mast Cells (MCs)

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    The alarmin interleukin-33 (IL-33) is released upon cell stress and damage in peripheral tissues. The receptor for IL-33 is the Toll/Interleukin-1 receptor (TIR)-family member T1/ST2 (the IL-33R), which is highly and constitutively expressed on MCs. The sensing of IL-33 by MCs induces the MyD88−TAK1−IKK2-dependent activation of p65/RelA and MAP-kinases, which mediate the production of pro-inflammatory cytokines and amplify FcεRI-mediated MC-effector functions and the resulting allergic reactions. Therefore, the investigation of IL-33-induced signaling is of interest for developing therapeutic interventions effective against allergic reactions. Importantly, beside the release of IL-33, heat shock proteins (HSPs) are upregulated during allergic reactions. This maintains the biological functions of signaling molecules and/or cytokines but unfortunately also strengthens the severity of inflammatory reactions. Here, we demonstrate that HSP90 does not support the IL-33-induced and MyD88−TAK1−IKK2-dependent activation of p65/RelA and of mitogen-activated protein (MAP)-kinases. We found that HSP90 acts downstream of these signaling pathways, mediates the stability of produced cytokine mRNAs, and therefore facilitates the resulting cytokine production. These data show that IL-33 enables MCs to perform an effective cytokine production by the upregulation of HSP90. Consequently, HSP90 might be an attractive therapeutic target for blocking IL-33-mediated inflammatory reactions

    Applications of deep convolutional neural networks to digitized natural history collections

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    Natural history collections contain data that are critical for many scientific endeavors. Recent efforts in mass digitization are generating large datasets from these collections that can provide unprecedented insight. Here, we present examples of how deep convolutional neural networks can be applied in analyses of imaged herbarium specimens. We first demonstrate that a convolutional neural network can detect mercury-stained specimens across a collection with 90% accuracy. We then show that such a network can correctly distinguish two morphologically similar plant families 96% of the time. Discarding the most challenging specimen images increases accuracy to 94% and 99%, respectively. These results highlight the importance of mass digitization and deep learning approaches and reveal how they can together deliver powerful new investigative tools

    MT-HESS: an efficient Bayesian approach for simultaneous association detection in OMICS datasets, with application to eQTL mapping in multiple tissues.

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    MOTIVATION: Analysing the joint association between a large set of responses and predictors is a fundamental statistical task in integrative genomics, exemplified by numerous expression Quantitative Trait Loci (eQTL) studies. Of particular interest are the so-called ': hotspots ': , important genetic variants that regulate the expression of many genes. Recently, attention has focussed on whether eQTLs are common to several tissues, cell-types or, more generally, conditions or whether they are specific to a particular condition. RESULTS: We have implemented MT-HESS, a Bayesian hierarchical model that analyses the association between a large set of predictors, e.g. SNPs, and many responses, e.g. gene expression, in multiple tissues, cells or conditions. Our Bayesian sparse regression algorithm goes beyond ': one-at-a-time ': association tests between SNPs and responses and uses a fully multivariate model search across all linear combinations of SNPs, coupled with a model of the correlation between condition/tissue-specific responses. In addition, we use a hierarchical structure to leverage shared information across different genes, thus improving the detection of hotspots. We show the increase of power resulting from our new approach in an extensive simulation study. Our analysis of two case studies highlights new hotspots that would remain undetected by standard approaches and shows how greater prediction power can be achieved when several tissues are jointly considered. AVAILABILITY AND IMPLEMENTATION: C[Formula: see text] source code and documentation including compilation instructions are available under GNU licence at http://www.mrc-bsu.cam.ac.uk/software/

    Insight into Genotype-Phenotype Associations through eQTL Mapping in Multiple Cell Types in Health and Immune-Mediated Disease

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    Genome-wide association studies (GWAS) have transformed our understanding of the genetics of complex traits such as autoimmune diseases, but how risk variants contribute to pathogenesis remains largely unknown. Identifying genetic variants that affect gene expression (expression quantitative trait loci, or eQTLs) is crucial to addressing this. eQTLs vary between tissues and following in vitro cellular activation, but have not been examined in the context of human inflammatory diseases. We performed eQTL mapping in five primary immune cell types from patients with active inflammatory bowel disease (n = 91), anti-neutrophil cytoplasmic antibody-associated vasculitis (n = 46) and healthy controls (n = 43), revealing eQTLs present only in the context of active inflammatory disease. Moreover, we show that following treatment a proportion of these eQTLs disappear. Through joint analysis of expression data from multiple cell types, we reveal that previous estimates of eQTL immune cell-type specificity are likely to have been exaggerated. Finally, by analysing gene expression data from multiple cell types, we find eQTLs not previously identified by database mining at 34 inflammatory bowel disease-associated loci. In summary, this parallel eQTL analysis in multiple leucocyte subsets from patients with active disease provides new insights into the genetic basis of immune-mediated diseases.This research was funded by a Wellcome Trust Clinical PhD Programme Fellowship (JEP), the NIH-Oxford-Cambridge Scholars Program (ACR), Wellcome Trust Grant 083650/Z/07/Z and MRC Grant MR/L19027/1 (KGCS), and the National Institute for Health Research Cambridge Biomedical Research Centre. KGCS is a National Institute for Health Research Senior Investigator. The funders had no role in study design, data collection and analysis, decision to publish, or preparation of the manuscript

    Morphological, genotypic and metabolomic signatures confirm interfamilial hybridization between the ubiquitous kelps Macrocystis (Arthrothamnaceae) and Lessonia (Lessoniaceae)

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    We thank the support from G. Millne (UoA), M. Rateb (UoA) and D. Zagal (UACh) in the histological preparations, mass spectrometry set-up and the cultivation of the hybrid progeny, respectively. PM and LM developed part of this work with BecasChile (Fondecyt) funding, specifically grants No. 72130422 (PM) and No. 73140389 (LM). We would like to acknowledge the British Council Newton Fund Institutional Links, project No. 261781172 for funding SS a postdoctoral research fellow. We are also grateful to the UK Natural Environment Research Council for their support to FCK (program Oceans 2025–WP 4.5 and grants NE/D521522/1 and NE/ J023094/1). This work also received support from the Marine Alliance for Science and Technology for Scotland pooling initiative. MASTS is funded by the Scottish Funding Council (grant reference HR09011) and contributing institutions. RW thanks financial support from Gobierno Regional de Los Lagos (grants FIC 2012 E7259-2 and FIC 2013 BIP30234872-0) and Fondef, Conicyt (HUAM AQ12I0010), which allows the sampling expeditions at Chiloe Island by PM, LM, DJP.Peer reviewedPublisher PD

    Do Sleep Disturbances Predict or Moderate the Response to Psychotherapy in Bipolar Disorder?

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    This study examined whether sleep disturbance predicted or moderated responses to psychotherapy in participants who participated in STEP-BD, a national, multi-site study that examined the effectiveness of different treatment combinations for bipolar disorder. Participants received either a brief psychosocial intervention called collaborative care (CC; n=130), or intensive psychotherapy (IP; n=163), with study-based pharmacotherapy. Participants (N=243) were defined as current (past week) short sleepers (<6 hours/night), normal sleepers (6.5-8.5 hours/night), and long sleepers (≥9 hours/night), according to reported average nightly sleep duration the week before randomization. Sleep disturbances did not predict the likelihood of recovery nor time until recovery from a depressive episode. There was no difference in recovery rates between IP versus CC for normal sleepers, and medium effect sizes were observed for differences in short and long sleepers. In this study, sleep did not play a major role in predicting or moderating response to psychotherapy in bipolar disorder

    Analysis of whole-genome sequences of infectious laryngotracheitis virus isolates from poultry flocks in Canada : evidence of recombination

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    Infectious laryngotracheitis virus (ILTV) is a herpes virus that causes an acute respiratory disease of poultry known as infectious laryngotracheitis (ILT). Chicken embryo origin (CEO) and tissue culture origin (TCO) live attenuated vaccines are routinely used for the control of ILT. However, vaccine virus is known to revert to virulence, and it has been recently shown that ILT field viral strains can undergo recombination with vaccinal ILTV and such recombinant ILT viruses possess greater transmission and pathogenicity potential. Based on complete or partial genes of the ILTV genome, few studies genotyped ILTV strains circulating in Canada, and so far, information is scarce on whole-genome sequencing or the presence of recombination in Canadian ILTV isolates. The objective of this study was to genetically characterize the 14 ILTV isolates that originated from three provinces in Canada (Alberta, British Columbia and Quebec). To this end, a phylogenetic analysis of 50 ILTV complete genome sequences, including 14 sequences of Canadian origin, was carried out. Additional phylogenetic analysis of the unique long, unique short and inverted repeat regions of the ILTV genome was also performed. We observed that 71%, 21% and 7% of the ILTV isolates were categorized as CEO revertant, wild-type and TCO vaccine-related, respectively. The sequences were also analyzed for potential recombination events, which included evidence in the British Columbia ILTV isolate. This event involved two ILTV vaccine (CEO) strains as parental strains. Recombination analysis also identified that one ILTV isolate from Alberta as a potential parental strain for a United States origin ILTV isolate. The positions of the possible recombination breakpoints were identified. These results indicate that the ILTV wild-type strains can recombine with vaccinal strains complicating vaccine-mediated control of ILT. Further studies on the pathogenicity of these ILTV strains, including the recombinant ILTV isolate are currently ongoing

    The Lantern Vol. 1, No. 1, May 1933

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    • Remember: Translation of Rappelle-toi by Alfred de Musset • Lighting the Lantern • Footfalls • To a Lovely Lady • The Sons of Martha • Strategy • Lumine Lunae • Poetry in Retrospect • Nirvana • A Domestic Episode • At Night • Haman and Hitler • This is What He Said • Bookocracy • Four Loves • Cities and Personalitieshttps://digitalcommons.ursinus.edu/lantern/1000/thumbnail.jp