45 research outputs found

    Abstract Forced Symmetry Breaking and Forced Frequency Locking of Modulated Waves

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    AbstractWe consider abstract forced symmetry breaking problems of the typeF(x, λ)=y. It is supposed that for allλthe mapsF(·, λ) are equivariant with respect to the action of a compact Lie group, thatF(x0, λ0)=0 and, hence, thatF(x, λ0)=0 for all elementsxof the group orbit O(x0) ofx0. We look for solutionsxwhich bifurcate from the solution family O(x0) asλandymove away fromλ0and zero, respectively. Especially, we describe the number of different solutionsx(for fixed control parametersλandy), their dynamic stability and their asymptotic behavior forytending to zero. Further, generalizations are given to problems of the typeF(x, λ)=y(x, λ). Finally, our results are applied to a forced frequency locking problem of the typex(t)=f(x(t), λ)−y(t). Here it is supposed that the vector fieldsf(·, λ) areS1-equivariant, that the unperturbed equationx=f(x, λ0) has an orbitally stable modulated wave solution and that the forcingy(t) is a modulated wave

    Experimentelle Untersuchungen über die resorptive Funktion des Plexus chorioideus

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    Fredholm Alternative for Periodic-Dirichlet Problems for Linear Hyperbolic Systems

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    This paper concerns hyperbolic systems of two linear first-order PDEs in one space dimension with periodicity conditions in time and reflection boundary conditions in space. The coefficients of the PDEs are supposed to be time independent, but allowed to be discontinuous with respect to the space variable. We construct two scales of Banach spaces (for the solutions and for the right hand sides of the equations, respectively) such that the problem can be modeled by means of Fredholm operators of index zero between corresponding spaces of the two scales.Comment: 20 page

    Abstract forced symmetry breaking

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    We consider abstract forced symmetry breaking problems of the type F(x,λ) = y, x ≈ O(x0), λ ≈ λ0, y ≈ O. It is supposed that for all λ the maps F(·,λ) are equivariant with respect to representations of a given compact Lie group, that F(x0, λ0) = 0 and, hence, that F(x,λ0) = 0 for all elements x of the group orbit O(x0) of x0. We look for solutions x which bifurcate from the solution family O(x0) as λ and y move away from λ0 and zero, respectively. Especially, we describe the number of different solutions x (for fixed control parameters λ and y), their dynamic stability, their asymptotic behavior for y tending to zero and the structural stability of all these results. Further, generalizations are given to problems of the type F(x,λ) = y(x,λ), x ≈ O(x0), λ ≈ λ0, y(x,λ) ≈ 0. This work is a generalization of results of J. K. HALE, P. T'ABOAS , A. VANDERBAUWHEDE and E. DANCER to such extend that the conclusions are applicable to forced frequency locking problems for rotating and modulated wave solutions of certain S1-equivariant evolution equations which arise in laser modeling

    Forced frequency locking in S1-equivariant differential equations

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    The aim of this paper is to present a simple analytic stategy for predicting, or engineering, two frequency locking phenomena for S1-equivariant ordinary differential equations. First we consider the forced frequency locking of a rotating wave solution of the unforced equation with a forcing of "rotating wave type", and we describe the creation of modulated wave solutions which is connected with this locking phenomenon. And second, we consider the forced frequency locking of a modulated wave solution with a forcing of "modulated wave type". Especially, we describe the sets of all control parameters and of all forcings such that frequency locking occures, the dynamic stability and the asymptotic behavior (for the forcing intensity tending to zero) of the locked solutions and the structural stability of all the phenomena. This paper is essentially founded on results from our previous work [41] concerning abstract forced symmetry breaking. The equations considered in the present paper are finite dimensional prototypes of certain infinite dimensional models describing the behavior of continuous wave operated or self-pulsating multisection DFB lasers under continuous or pulsating light injection, respectively

    Frequency locking of modulated waves

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    We consider the behavior of a modulated wave solution to an S1\mathbb{S}^1-equivariant autonomous system of differential equations under an external forcing of modulated wave type. The modulation frequency of the forcing is assumed to be close to the modulation frequency of the modulated wave solution, while the wave frequency of the forcing is supposed to be far from that of the modulated wave solution. We describe the domain in the three-dimensional control parameter space (of frequencies and amplitude of the forcing) where stable locking of the modulation frequencies of the forcing and the modulated wave solution occurs. Our system is a simplest case scenario for the behavior of self-pulsating lasers under the influence of external periodically modulated optical signals

    All-Optical Clock Recovery Using Multi-Section Distributed-Feedback Lasers

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    Setting In order to include other laser models, we consider the abstract equation u t = Au \Gamma\Omega \Gamma u + f(u) + fflh(!t; u; ffl) ; (3.2) where u belongs to a real Hilbert space X equipped with the scalar product h\Delta; \Deltai and norm k \Delta k. Furthermore, (ffl; !;\Omega ) 2 IR 3 are parameters, and t 0 denotes the time variable. The reader may think of u as comprising the carrier densities N and the electric field \Psi . The input power of the data stream is denoted by ffl, and the variables ! and\Omega correspond to the modulation and optical frequency, respectively. Equation (3.2) then describes the time evolution of the laser. Below, we state the hypotheses on (3.2). Most importantly, we will assume that there is a stable self-pulsating laser state, which can be observed experimentally. Before formulating this hypothesis, we assume that (3.2) is well-posed: Hypothesis (A1). A : X ! X is a closed operator with dense domain D(A) and generates a C 0 -sem..

    Exponential Dichotomies for Solitary-Wave Solutions of Semilinear Elliptic Equations on Infinite Cylinders

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    In applications, solitary-wave solutions of semilinear elliptic equations \Deltau + g(u; ru) = 0 (x; y) 2 IR \Theta\Omega in infinite cylinders frequently arise as travelling waves of parabolic equations. As such, their bifurcations are an interesting issue. Interpreting elliptic equations on infinite cylinders as dynamical systems in x has proved very useful. Still, there are major obstacles in obtaining, for instance, bifurcation results similar to those for ordinary differential equations. In this article, persistence and continuation of exponential dichotomies for linear elliptic equations is proved. With this technique at hands, Lyapunov-Schmidt reduction near solitary waves can be applied. As an example, existence of shift dynamics near solitary waves is shown if a perturbation ¯h(x; u; ru) periodic in x is added