8,070 research outputs found

    Threshold Corrections in the Exceptional Supersymmetric Standard Model

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    We calculate threshold corrections to the running gauge and Yukawa couplings in the Exceptional Supersymmetric Standard Model (E6SSM) and analyse the more precise and reliable mass spectra in a constrained model (CE6SSM). Full expressions for the corrections are provided and the implementation into a spectrum generator is described. We find a dramatic reduction in the matching scale dependency of the masses of many states and observe a significant adjustment of the correlation of low-scale physical masses and high-scale parameters. Still, in substantial regions of parameter space the mass of the lightest Higgs is compatible with the new boson discovered at the LHC and the model satisfies limits from collider searches for squark, gluinos and Z' bosons. We study the implications for gauge coupling unification from a new dependency of the spectrum on so-called survival Higgs fields which cannot be addressed without the inclusion of the threshold corrections.Comment: 59 pages, 25 figures, v2 fixed typo and rephrased parts of section 5.3.1, v2 accepted for publication in Physical Review

    Depletion-Isolation Effect in Vertical MOSFETs During the Transition From Partial to Fully Depleted Operation

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    A simulation study is made of floating-body effects (FBEs) in vertical MOSFETs due to depletion isolation as the pillar thickness is reduced from 200 to 10 nm. For pillar thicknesses between 200–60 nm, the output characteristics with and without impact ionization are identical at a low drain bias and then diverge at a high drain bias. The critical drain bias Vdc for which the increased drain–current is observed is found to decrease with a reduction in pillar thickness. This is explained by the onset of FBEs at progressively lower values of the drain bias due to the merging of the drain depletion regions at the bottom of the pillar (depletion isolation). For pillar thicknesses between 60–10 nm, the output characteristics show the opposite behavior, namely, the critical drain bias increases with a reduction in pillar thickness. This is explained by a reduction in the severity of the FBEs due to the drain debiasing effect caused by the elevated body potential. Both depletion isolation and gate–gate coupling contribute to the drain–current for pillar thicknesses between 100–40 nm

    Geology of the Mt. Prospect Region, Western Connecticut

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    Guidebook for field trips in Connecticut and adjacent areas of New York and Rhode Island: New England Intercollegiate Geological Conference 77th annual meeting, Yale University, New Haven, Connecticut, October 4-6, 1985: Trip C

    Theoretical measures of relative performance of classifiers for high dimensional data with small sample sizes

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    We suggest a technique, related to the concept of 'detection boundary' that was developed by Ingster and by Donoho and Jin, for comparing the theoretical performance of classifiers constructed from small training samples of very large vectors. The resulting 'classification boundaries' are obtained for a variety of distance-based methods, including the support vector machine, distance-weighted discrimination and kth-nearest-neighbour classifiers, for thresholded forms of those methods, and for techniques based on Donoho and Jin's higher criticism approach to signal detection. Assessed in these terms, standard distance-based methods are shown to be capable only of detecting differences between populations when those differences can be estimated consistently. However, the thresholded forms of distance-based classifiers can do better, and in particular can correctly classify data even when differences between distributions are only detectable, not estimable. Other methods, including higher criticism classifiers, can on occasion perform better still, but they tend to be more limited in scope, requiring substantially more information about the marginal distributions. Moreover, as tail weight becomes heavier the classification boundaries of methods designed for particular distribution types can converge to, and achieve, the boundary for thresholded nearest neighbour approaches. For example, although higher criticism has a lower classification boundary, and in this sense performs better, in the case of normal data, the boundaries are identical for exponentially distributed data when both sample sizes equal 1

    Ride-hailing applications in Vancouver, Canada: Representation, local empowerment and resistance

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    Technological applications have caused a revolution in the way individual transportation rides are offered and taken in cities all over the world. The adoption and regulation of ride-hailing has been the subject of heated discussion involving elected officials, bureaucrats, industry proponents, the traditional taxicab industry, and civil society. To implement ride-hailing, proponents and platform operators confront an intricate web of decision-making processes and institutional politics. In this way, existing normative processes shape the emergent regulation of such transportation network companies. This article analyzes the case of Vancouver, Canada, one of the largest cities in North America where ride-hailing companies belatedly secured authorization to operate from the provincial government in 2019. Focusing on the policy debate since 2012, the research identifies the interactions and processes of interest representation among various actors regarding this new transportation technology. The analysis shows how a variety of political, economic and regulatory strategies contributed to the delayed adoption.Les applications technologiques ont révolutionné la manière dont les trajets de transports individuels sont proposés et empruntés dans les villes du monde entier. L’adoption et la réglementation du covoiturage a fait l’objet de discussions animées impliquant des élues, des bureaucrates, des promoteurs de l’industrie, l’industrie traditionnelle des taxis et la société civile. Pour mettre en oeuvre le covoiturage, les promoteurs et les opérateurs de plateformes sont confrontés à un réseau complexe de processus décisionnels et de politiques institutionnelles. Cela faisant, les processus normatifs existants façonnent la réglementation émergente de ces sociétés de réseau de transport. Cet article analyse le cas de Vancouver, au Canada, l’une des plus grandes villes d’Amérique du Nord où les entreprises de covoiturage ont tardivement obtenu l’autorisation d’opérer du gouvernement provincial en 2019. En se concentrant sur le débat politique depuis 2012, la recherche identifie les interactions et les processus de représentation des intérêts entre les différents acteurs concernant cette nouvelle technologie de transport. L’analyse montre comment diverses stratégies politiques, économiques et réglementaires ont contribué au retard de l’adoption

    Total skin self-examination at home for people treated for cutaneous melanoma : development and pilot of a digital intervention

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    This work was funded by the RCUK Digital Economy award to the dot.rural Digital Economy Hub, University of Aberdeen; award reference: EP/G066051/1. The Experience Laboratory event was supported in part by a separate award from the University of Aberdeen Knowledge Exchange and Transfer Fund; award reference: GP057 UZZ0101.Peer reviewedPublisher PD

    A cohort study of the recovery of health and wellbeing following colorectal cancer (CREW study): protocol paper

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    Background: the number of people surviving colorectal cancer has doubled in recent years. While much of the literature suggests that most people return to near pre-diagnosis status following surgery for colorectal cancer, this literature has largely focused on physical side effects. Longitudinal studies in colorectal cancer have either been small scale or taken a narrow focus on recovery after surgery. There is a need for a comprehensive, long-term study exploring all aspects of health and wellbeing in colorectal cancer patients. The aim of this study is to establish the natural history of health and wellbeing in people who have been treated for colorectal cancer. People have different dispositions, supports and resources, likely resulting in individual differences in restoration of health and wellbeing. The protocol described in this paper is of a study which will identify who is most at risk of problems, assess how quickly people return to a state of subjective health and wellbeing, and will measure factors which influence the course of recovery. Methods: this is a prospective, longitudinal cohort study following 1000 people with colorectal cancer over a period of two years, recruiting from 30 NHS cancer treatment centres across the UK. Questionnaires will be administered prior to surgery, and 3, 9, 15 and 24 months after surgery, with the potential to return to this cohort to explore on-going issues related to recovery after cancer. Discussion: outcomes will help inform health care providers about what helps or hinders rapid and effective recovery from cancer, and identify areas for intervention development to aid this process. Once established the cohort can be followed up for longer periods and be approached to participate in related projects as appropriate and subject to funding<br/

    Integrating aerodynamics and structures in the minimum weight design of a supersonic transport wing

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    An approach is presented for determining the minimum weight design of aircraft wing models which takes into consideration aerodynamics-structure coupling when calculating both zeroth order information needed for analysis and first order information needed for optimization. When performing sensitivity analysis, coupling is accounted for by using a generalized sensitivity formulation. The results presented show that the aeroelastic effects are calculated properly and noticeably reduce constraint approximation errors. However, for the particular example selected, the error introduced by ignoring aeroelastic effects are not sufficient to significantly affect the convergence of the optimization process. Trade studies are reported that consider different structural materials, internal spar layouts, and panel buckling lengths. For the formulation, model and materials used in this study, an advanced aluminum material produced the lightest design while satisfying the problem constraints. Also, shorter panel buckling lengths resulted in lower weights by permitting smaller panel thicknesses and generally, by unloading the wing skins and loading the spar caps. Finally, straight spars required slightly lower wing weights than angled spars

    The social power paradigm: causalities, mechanisms, and constructions in the perspective of systems theory

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    The article outlines and illustrates a new social power paradigm based on an innovative approach to causation, action processes, and social construction. It aims to overcome several of the major limitations of the social science research of Robert Dahl, Steven Lukes, Stefano Guzzini, Michael Mann, John Searle, and Max Weber. The paradigm distinguishes agential, social structural, and material/ecological modalities of power. Moreover, neglected modalities such as meta-power (power over power, transformative power) and relational control are specified and exemplified. Section I provides a brief introduction and background to the theoretical paradigm outlined in the article. The section focuses largely on a major contemporary social theorist of power, Stephen Lukes. The work of a number of other scholars is referred to as well. The limitations of the work of Lukes as well as others such as Robert Dahl, Stefano Guzzini, Michael Mann, John Searle and Max Weber are briefly outlined. Of particular importance is their failure to systematically specify and analyze meta-power, the fundamental powering in any society. 2 Section II briefly presents causal power theory, postulating multiple causalities and powering mechanisms based on concrete actions and algorithms. Three general modalities of power are identified and analyzed: material/ecological forces, social structural and agential influences – typically making up complexes of regulatory mechanisms. Intentionality/non-intentionality and agential/systemic are shown to be critical dimensions. Section III introduces the meta-power conceptualization (power over power, transformative power), distinguishing agential and systemic forms of meta-power. Section IV takes up for discussion several of the key features of the power paradigm. Finally, there is a section of concluding remarks making five points: (1) social power is based on multiple interdependent causal mechanisms that pervade all social life. (2) social power systems (institutional arrangements, socio-technical systems, and infrastructures, are complexes of causality). (3) Most power relations and systems are human constructions (4) Major complex systems of power and meta-power are found in the forms of capitalism, state, socio-technical systems and built environments. (5) The mechanisms (and therefore modalities) of power are being multiplied as new types of causal and control technologies and new socio-technical systems are constructed

    Do state business climate indicators explain relative economic growth at state borders?

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    This study submits eleven business climate indexes to tests of their ability to predict relative economic performance on either side of state borders. Our results show that most business climate indexes have no ability to predict relative economic growth regardless of how growth is measured. Some are negatively correlated with relative growth. Many are better at reporting past growth than at predicting the future. In the end, the most predictive business climate index is the Grant Thornton Index which was discontinued in 1989