2,126 research outputs found

    The Kondo lattice model from strong-coupling viewpoint

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    We present some preliminary results on the phase diagram of the 2D S=1/2 Kondo lattice model at finite doping. As a starting point the Hamiltonian is written in terms of local spin and charge excitations, and the interactions between these modes are subsequently treated in various perturbative schemes. We find that a paramagnetic-magnetic quantum phase transition does occur, and, at least on a superficial level, the Kondo effect does not break down at the critical point. The latter result however might well be a consequence of the inherent bias of our starting point and/or the level of approximation.Comment: 4 pages, to appear in the Proceedings of SCES 2001, Ann Arbor, August 200

    Customer-oriented NPD models for entrepreneurial firms

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    New Product Development (NPD) is an underutilised methodology in New Zealand. In this paper the authors review the literature on New Product Development, NPD theory and methods for early stage product design and development to make it better understood to SMEs.<br /

    Relative entropy, Haar measures and relativistic canonical velocity distributions

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    The thermodynamic maximum principle for the Boltzmann-Gibbs-Shannon (BGS) entropy is reconsidered by combining elements from group and measure theory. Our analysis starts by noting that the BGS entropy is a special case of relative entropy. The latter characterizes probability distributions with respect to a pre-specified reference measure. To identify the canonical BGS entropy with a relative entropy is appealing for two reasons: (i) the maximum entropy principle assumes a coordinate invariant form; (ii) thermodynamic equilibrium distributions, which are obtained as solutions of the maximum entropy problem, may be characterized in terms of the transformation properties of the underlying reference measure (e.g., invariance under group transformations). As examples, we analyze two frequently considered candidates for the one-particle equilibrium velocity distribution of an ideal gas of relativistic particles. It becomes evident that the standard J\"uttner distribution is related to the (additive) translation group on momentum space. Alternatively, imposing Lorentz invariance of the reference measure leads to a so-called modified J\"uttner function, which differs from the standard J\"uttner distribution by a prefactor, proportional to the inverse particle energy.Comment: 15 pages: extended version, references adde

    Canine vector-borne diseases in India: a review of the literature and identification of existing knowledge gaps

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    Despite the combination of favourable climate for parasites and vectors, and large populations of stray dogs, information concerning the epidemiology, diagnosis and management of canine vector-borne diseases in India is limited. However, with the country's expanding economy and adaptation to western culture, higher expectations and demands are being placed on veterinary surgeons for improved knowledge of diseases and control. This review aims to provide an overview of the current state of knowledge of these diseases in India and identify existing knowledge gaps in the literature which need to be addressed. The available literature on this subject, although limited, suggests that a number of canine vector-borne diseases such as filariasis, babesiosis and ehrlichiosis are endemic throughout India, as diagnosed mostly by morphological methods. Detailed investigations of the epidemiology and zoonotic potential of these pathogens has been neglected. Further study is essential to develop a better understanding of the diversity of canine vector-borne diseases in India, and their significance for veterinary and public health

    Undetectable mannose binding lectin is associated with HRCT proven bronchiectasis in rheumatoid arthritis (RA)

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    Aim: The aim of this study was to ascertain whether mannose binding lectin deficiency is implicated in coexistent rheumatoid arthritis and bronchiectasis and to determine whether undetectable mannose binding lectin confers poorer long-term survival in coexistent rheumatoid arthritis and bronchiectasis or in rheumatoid arthritis in general. Materials and methods: A retrospective audit was conducted in a rheumatoid arthritis cohort in which mannose binding lectin had been measured by enzyme linked immunosorbent assay from 2007–11. Rheumatoid arthritis patients with physician diagnosed HRCT proven bronchiectasis were recruited during this time and compared to those with uncomplicated rheumatoid arthritis. Survival from disease onset was recorded in October 2018. Kaplan-Meier survival estimates were performed to assess mortality over time in the two groups. Log rank tests were used for equality of survivor functions. Results: The two groups were demographically comparable. A higher frequency of undetectable mannose binding lectin was observed in coexistent rheumatoid arthritis and bronchiectasis (37.5%) compared to uncomplicated rheumatoid arthritis, (8.9%, P = 0.005). Undetectable mannose binding lectin correlated with a strong trend toward poor survival in rheumatoid arthritis overall (P = 0.057). Cox regression analysis however, showed no difference in the hazard ratio for survival between the two groups when corrected for age, gender, prednisolone use ever, rheumatoid factor status and the full range of MBL concentrations. Conclusion: In summary, undetectable mannose binding lectin is associated with coexistent rheumatoid arthritis and bronchiectasis and correlates with poor survival in rheumatoid arthritis overall. These findings further implicate immunodeficiency in the genesis of bronchiectasis in rheumatoid arthriti

    Radical rubrics: implementing the critical and creative thinking general capability through an ecological approach

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    This article details how and why we have developed a flexible and responsive pro- cess-based rubric exemplar for teaching, learning, and assessing critical and creative thinking. We hope to contribute to global discussions of and efforts toward instru- mentalising the challenge of assessing, but not standardising, creativity in compul- sory education. Here, we respond to the key ideas of the four interrelated elements in the critical and creative thinking general capability in the Australian Curriculum learning continuum: inquiring; generating ideas, possibilities, actions; reflecting on thinking processes; and analysing, synthesising and evaluating reasoning and proce- dures. The rubrics, radical because they privilege process over outcome, have been designed to be used alongside the current NAPLAN tests in Years 5, 7 and 9 to build an Australian-based national creativity measure. We do so to argue the need for local and global measures of creativity in education as the first round of testing and results of the PISA Assessment of Creative Thinking approach and to contribute to the recognition of creative thinking (and doing) as a core twenty-first century lit- eracy alongside literacy and numeracy

    Increased Trauma Activation Is Not Equally Beneficial For All Elderly Trauma Patients

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    Background Physiologic changes in the elderly lead to higher morbidity and mortality after injury. Increasing level of trauma activation has been proposed to improve geriatric outcomes; but, the increased cost to the patient and stress to the hospital system are significant downsides. The purpose of this study was to identify the age at which an increase in activation status is beneficial. Methods A retrospective review of trauma patients ≥ 70 years old from October 1, 2011, to October 1, 2016 was performed. On October 1, 2013, a policy change increased the activation criteria to the highest level for patients ≥ 70 years of age with a significant mechanism of injury. Patients who presented prior to (PRE) were compared to those after the change (POST). Data collected included age, injury severity score (ISS), length of stay (LOS), complications and mortality. Primary outcome was mortality and secondary outcome was LOS. Multivariable regressions controlled for age, ISS, injury mechanism, and number of complications. Results 4341 patients met inclusion criteria, 1919 in PRE and 2422 in POST. Mean age was 80.4 and 81 years in PRE and POST groups respectively (p=0.0155). Mean ISS values were 11.6 and 12.4 (p<0.0001) for the PRE and POST groups. POST had more level 1 activations (696 vs. 220, p<0.0001). After controlling for age, ISS, mechanism of injury, and number of complications, mortality was significantly reduced in the POST group ≥ age 77 years (OR 0.53, 95% CI: 0.3 - 0.87), (Figure 1). Hospital LOS was significantly reduced in the POST group ≥ age 78 (regression coefficient -0.55, 95% CI: -1.09, -0.01) (Figure 2). Conclusions This study suggests geriatric trauma patients ≥ 77 years benefit from the highest level of trauma activation with shorter LOS and lower mortality. A focused approach to increasing activation level for elderly patients may decrease patient cost. Level of Evidence Level III Type of Study Economic/Decisio

    A survey of canine filarial diseases of veterinary and public health significance in India

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    Background. Dirofilaria spp., Acanthocheilonema spp. and Brugia spp. have all been reported in Indian dogs. In previous studies, diagnosis was made by morphological identification only. This is the first geographically stratified cross-sectional study in India to determine the prevalence and geographical distribution of canine filarial species of veterinary and public health importance, using a combination of conventional and molecular diagnostic techniques. Results. A total of 139 from 525 dogs (26.5%; 95% CI 22.7, 30.3) were positive for microfilariae. The most common species of canine filaria identified in this study was A. reconditum (9.3%) followed by D. repens (6.7%) and D. immitis (1.5%). Three out of 525 dogs were found to have mixed infections on PCR. The morphological and molecular evidence on the sequence of the 18S gene and phylogenetic analysis of the ITS-2 region provided strong evidence that the canine microfilariae discovered in the Himalayan city of Ladakh belong to a novel species of Acanthocheilonema. Two dogs in Ladakh were also found to have mixed infections of the novel species described above and a unique microfilaria which morphologically resembled Microfilaria auquieri Foley, 1921. Conclusions. At least six species of filarial nematode are now known to infect dogs in India, two of which were reported for the first time in this study. The study also confirms and extends the geographical distribution of canine heartworm (D. immitis) which overlaps with D. repens, emphasising the importance for veterinary clinicians and diagnostic laboratories to utilise immunodiagnostic tests that will not cross-react between those two filarial species. From a public health viewpoint, the distribution and prevalences of these nematodes warrant an appropriate prophylaxis to be administered to dogs

    Julije Klović and the Medicis

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    L\u27autrice riporta nuovi dati riguardanti Giulio Clovio in relazione con Firenze. Gia nel 1544 il Duca Cosimo I\u27 cercava di prenderlo in servizio, ma cio gli riusci appena nel 1551, alorche il cardinale Alessandro Farnese venne da Roma a Firenze. Nel 1552 Vincenzo Borghini riferisce che il Clovio sta lavorando per Cosimo I\u27, e il 22/6/1553 fu assegnato all\u27artista un appartamento a Palazzo Pitti. Egli vi dimora fino all\u2711/11 di quell\u27anno stesso. Nel frattempo egli gia dipinse la «Crocifissione» (segnata e datata 1553) e la »Pieta«. Si credeva finora che queste due miniature, insieme a un «Autoritratto» piu tardo, fossero le uniche opere nate a Firenze. L\u27autrice, invece, scopri che nel primo inventario della Galleria degli Uffizi (1589) sono registrate sette opere e grazie alla descrizione data, ella le identifica come conservate fino ad oggi: »S. Giovanni Battista«, »Testa di donna« (invero dell\u27Annunziata) e »ll ratto di Gaminede« nel quale la figura principale e fatta secondo il disegno di Michelangelo, mentre le aggiunte del Clovio sono la figura del cane e lo sfondo del paesaggio. Il «Ritratto di Eleonora di Toledo» e andato perduto, ma lo conosciamo dala copia di Daniel Froeschel della fine del XVI secolo. Analizzando e valutando le miniature nominate del Clovio, I\u27autrice rileva che il loro sostrato simboleggiante rispecchia fedelmente la delicata cultura della cerchia farnesiana.Autorica donosi nove podatke o odnosu Julija Klovića sa Firenzom. Već godine 1544. nastojao je vojvoda Cosimo I. da ga dobije u svoju službu, ali mu je to pošlo za rukom tek 1551, kad je kardinal Alessando Farnese došao iz Rima u Firenzu. Vincenzo Borghini izvještava 1552. da Klović radi za Cosima I., a 22. VI. 1553. umjetnik je dobio stan u palači Pitti. Tu se nalazi do 11. XI. iste godine. Do toga je datuma već naslikao »Raspeće« (signirano i datirano 1553) i »Oplakivanje«. Do sada se vjerovalo da su te dvije minijature, uz jedan kasniji «Autoportret», jedini radovi nastali u Firenzi. Autorica međutim otkriva u prvom inventaru galerije Uffizi (1589) zabilježeno sedam radova i zahvaljujući njihovu opisu identificira ih kao do danas sačuvane: »Sv. Krstitelj», »Glava žene« (zapravo Bogorodica iz Navještenja) i »Otmicu Ganimeda» na kojoj je glavni lik rađen prema Michelangelovu crtežu, dok su Klovićev dodatak lik psa i pejzažna pozadina. »Portret Eleonore di Toledo« je izgubljen, ali izgled mu je poznat po kopiji Daniela Froeschela iz konca XVI. stoljeća. Analizirajući i vrednujući pomenute Klovićeve minijature, autorica istiće da njihov simbolski supstrat vjerno ilustrira profinjenu kulturu farnezijanske sredine.The author presents nw data on Julije Klović\u27s relationship with Florence. As early as 1554 Duke Cosimo I tried to draw Klović into his service, but it took him until 1551 to succeed, when Cardinal Alessandro Farnese came to Florence from Rome. Vincenzo Borghini reports in 1552 that Klović was working for the Duke, and on 22 June 1553 he was provided with accomodation in the Pitti Palace. Here he remained until 11 November of the same year. By that date he had already painted the »Crucifix« (signed and dated 1553) and »Mourning«; until now it was believed that these two miniatures, along with a later »Self-Portrait«, were the only works that originated in Florence. The author discloses that there were seven works listed in the first inventory of Uffizi Gallery (1589) and thanks to their descriptions she identifies them as existing today; »St. John the Baptist«, »The Head of a Woman« (actually the Madonna from the Annuciation) and the »Rape of Ganvmede« where the central figure is a replica of Michelangelo\u27s drawing, while Klović\u27s is the addition of the figure of a dog and the landscape in the background. The »Portrait of Eleonor di Toledo« has been lost, but its appearance is known to us through a copy by Daniel Froeschel from the late 16th century. The author stresses, through her analvsis and evaluation of these miniatures, that their symbolic substrate is a faithful illustration of the refined culture of the environment of the Farnese family