39 research outputs found

    Studi Penerapan Sistem Manajemen Mutu ISO 9001 pada Industri Konstruksi di NTT

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    Provinsi Nusa Tenggara Timur yang merupakan salah satu provinsi di Indonesia yang saat ini sedang mengalami perkembangan signifikan dalam industri konstruksi. Dengan melihat kebutuhan  perusahaan  jasa  konstruksi  dalam  meningkatkan mutu produk (barang/jasa) saat ini, maka dibutuhkanlah  sistem  manajemen  mutu  yang  baik.  Penelitian ini dilakukan untuk melihat bagaimana penerapan sistem manajemen mutu ISO 9001 di Provinsi Nusa Tenggara Timur dan juga mengkaji mengenai perbedaan presepsi yang ada dari stakeholder tentang manfaat, hambatan dan juga motivasi dalam menerapkan sistem manajemen mutu berbasis ISO 9001. Hasil dari penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa pada penilaian penerapan sistem manajemen mutu ISO 9001 di Provinsi NTT masih berada ditingkat sedang. Dalam kajian perbedaan presepsi, setiap stakeholder memiliki presepsi yang berbeda mengenai manfaat, hambatan, dan juga motivasi dalam menerapkan sistem manajemen mutu berbasis ISO 9001


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    This study aims to find out what indicators are applied in the infrastructure of Tibar Port, port of East Timor and to formulate a port development strategy. The research location is in East Timor, a small country located in the south of East Nusa Tenggara, Indonesia. This research was conducted using the gap between reality and expectations of respondents using the Gap Analysis method. The result showed that the Customer Satisfaction Index in general, was 77, 6% and was in the 68-83 intervals therefore, the Tibar East Timor Partnership was categorized as “Satisfied”. The gap between expectations and reality <1 is already good. The aspect that has the biggest GAP is the Energy and Resources Management Aspect with an Average Gap of 1.0. Whereas the aspects that have the smallest GAP are the Port Ecology Management Aspect and the Science and Technology Aspect Imaging and Social Participation with an Average Gap of 0.8. The indicators that must be considered are those in quadrant I: Noise control (noise pollution), Conservation, and ecological protection (interaction of living things and the environment) of the port, Quality management of clean water sources

    Penerapan Rekayasa Nilai (Value Engineering) pada Bangunan Rumah Susun Sederhana (Studi Kasus: Rusunawa Jongke Sleman)

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    The construction of apartment units which is certain to increase every year, of course must be followed by the construction and management of good and planned. In previous studies with the title "Life Cycle Cost Analysis in Simple Rental Flats in Yogyakarta Special Region" resulted in a very high final cost. In Construction Management (MK) know the science used to streamline and streamline costs and time. The science is known as Value Engineering (VE) or value engineering (Sesaria, 2012). There are several stages in VE, namely the Information Stage, the functional analysis stage, the creative stage, the development stage, the presentation stage. The quality of existing K350 concrete while the alternative quality used is K375. After using the VE method, the cost savings from existing K350 quality amounted to Rp 15,966,601,250.45 to Rp 13,211,701,701.00 alternative quality of K375. Cost savings of 17%

    Delay model for Engineering Procurement Construction (EPC): a case of Liquefied Natural Gas (LNG) projects in Indonesia

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    Development of Liquefied Natural Gas (LNG) projects in Indonesia mostly utilized Engineering Procurement Construction) EPC as type of contract. The contract is particularly applied in large-scale project such as LNG because it needed to be realized with comprehensively planning and to be on time, and on budget for the benefit for all stakeholders. In maximizing the utilization of the resources, LNG plant project depended on detailed work plans and tightly work schedule. This research aims at analyzing factors influencing causes of project delay in construction LNG projects. Data were collected using survey method by mean of distributing questionnaire to respondent that representing skilled staffs of the contractor LNG construction. Grouping variables were carried out using factors analysis, and the generated factors and delay of the projects then were analyzed their relationship using Structural Equation Modelling (SEM). Results of this study generated seven factors that influenced the delay of the EPC contract in LNG projects. The factors are: Human Resources; Management; Material; External; Plant Equipment; Method; Quality. From the result of SEM analysis it generated a model for analyzing the delay of the EPC for LNG projects in Indonesia

    Impact of Stakeholder Psychological Empowerment on Project Success

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    The relationship between psychological empowerment of stakeholders and project success is an important thing that must be known by project manager. This research developed and tested the model to predict how well the impact of stakeholder psychological empowerment on project success. Stakeholder psychological empowerment was defined to have five indicator variables covering intrinsic motivation, opportunity to perform, ability to perform, task behaviors, and contextual behaviors. Meanwhile, project success can be measured by cost performance, time performance, quality performance, profitability, and customer satisfaction. In this study, it was hypothesized that stakeholder psychological empowerment influenced project success. Based on the data obtained from a questionnaire survey carried out to 204 respondents, structural equation modeling (SEM) was used for predicting the performance of project success. It was found that stakeholder psychological empowerment influenced project success, especially on the ability to perform of stakeholders . Keywords : stakeholder psychological empowerment, project success


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    Pembangunan infrastruktur di Indonesia membutuhkan dana yang besar, dan pemerintah tidak dapat memenuhi seluruh pendanaan tersebut. Maka pemerintah mengajak swasta dan membuat skema Kerjasama Pemerintah Swasta. Proyek infrastruktur memiliki resiko besar, agar resiko ini dapat dikelola dengan baik, maka pemerintah menyelenggarakan penjaminan infrastruktur dengan mendirikan P.T. Penjaminan Infrastuktur Indonesia (Persero). PT PII (Persero) ini membuat sebuah skema penjaminan untuk mengelola resiko–resiko dalam pembangunan proyek infrastruktur. Studi ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui bagaimana skema penjaminan dana infrastruktur dari PT. PII (Persero) dan mengidentifikasi upaya yang dilakukan oleh pihak-pihak pemangku kepentingan utama jasa konstruksi dalam menyikapinya. Studi ini dilakukan dengan metode kualitatif. Data diperoleh dengan wawancara dengan dua pejabat dari pihak P.T. dan satu dari pihak pemerintah daerah Propinsi D.I. Yogyakarta. Data kemudian dianalisis dengan bantuan software NVivo. Hasil studi ini menunjukkan bahwa skema penjaminan oleh P.T. PII (Persero) mengacu pada model bisnis PII skema Proyek Kerjasama Pemerintah dengan Swasta (KPS) dengan Penanggung Jawab Proyek Kerjasama (PJPK) merupakan kepala daerah, kepala BUMN/BUMD, dan kepala Lembaga Negara lainnya. Terdapat empat tahapan yang harus dilalui oleh pihak-pihak yang berkepentingan untuk mendapatkan penjaminan tersebut, yaitu tahap konsultasi dan bimbingan, penyaringan, evaluasi, serta penstrukturan. Upaya para pemangku kepentingan dalam mengelola resiko infrastruktur juga disajikan dalam studi in


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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menilai kecukupan infrastruktur koridor Jawa. Penelitian ini melibatkan lebih dari 179 insinyur sipil yang bekerja di berbagai latar belakang profesi sebagai peserta dan merilis nilai baru untuk berbagai infrastruktur di Koridor Jawa, termasuk jalan-jalan regional dan jembatan, transit, kereta api, sistem air bersih, energi, pariwisata, bendungan dan irigasi, dan fasilitas penting lainnya. Penelitian ini mengadopsi pada ASCE dan infrastruktur Australia metodologi rapor. Propinsi yang dipilih dalam penelitian ini adalah: Banten, Daerah Khusus Ibukota Jakarta, Jawa Barat, Jawa Tengah, Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta, dan Jawa Timur. Teridentifikasi dari studi ini peringkat rata-rata infrastruktur koridor Jawa adalah "D+". Peringkat D+ berarti bahwa infrastruktur dalam sistem atau jaringan kurang memadai; itu menunjukkan tanda-tanda kerusakan atau berfungsi namun tidak terlayaninya kebutuhan pengguna dan memerlukan perhatian khusus sesuai dengan kebutuhan infrastruktur jangka panjang. Beberapa elemen menunjukkan kekurangan yang signifikan dalam kondisi dan fungsi, dengan meningkatnya kerentanan terhadap risiko. Studi ini memberikan banyak informasi tentang dampak infrastruktur yang tidak memadai, dan juga berfokus pada cara-cara pemerintah propinsi di koridor Jawa dapat mulai menangani ini kekurangan kritis

    Implementation of life cycle costing for a commercial building: case of a residential apartment at Yogyakarta

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    Analysis of a design process is very important in controlling the initial costs and future costs in possession of an investment project such as commercial building. Therefore, it should be wise to perform a life cycle cost analysis to determine the cost of any category contained in future cost of the building. The analysis also provide information to see how much the total cost incurred by a development project from initial to the future cost by implementing BS ISO 15686 part 5: 2008, regarding life cycle costing. The purpose of this study is to identify the cost proportion and make long-term plans of a commercial building in term of its life cycle costing from a case of a residential apartment in Yogyakarta, Indonesia. Results of the study show that there are three groups that make up the life cycle cost: the cost of development of the building, the operating costs, and the cost of maintenance and replacement. For a long-term plan the life cycle cost for 25 years the percentage obtained as follows, initial development cost of 42%, operational costs 39%, maintenance and replacement costs 19%. The results would also make comparison with other existing commercial buildings