10 research outputs found

    Ein Felsrelief in der Schlucht Darband-i Ramkan nahe Rania und die Geschichte seiner Erforschung

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    Abstract:Der vorliegende Aufsatz beschreibt die Erforschung eines wenig bekannten Felsreliefs, das in der Schlucht Darband-i Ramkan am östlichen Rand der Rania-Ebene über dem Kleinen Zab angebracht wurde. Bei diesem stark verwitterten Bild handelt es sich um die Darstellung eines Triumphators über einem besiegten Feind, die vermutlich im 19.–18. Jahrhundert v. Chr. entstanden ist.</jats:p

    Ein Ensemble ungewöhnlicher Reliefs im Militärpalast von Ninive

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    Out of the looting tunnels on Tell Nebi Yunus at Nineveh, which were dug into the ruins of the Late Assyrian military palace by henchmen of the so-called Islamic State, there came, amongst other objects, relief panels featuring anthropomorphic representations. These figures, shown in frontal view, are unusual when compared to the wider repertoire of Assyrian images known from the royal palaces on Kuyunjik. The decoration and context of these stone slabs raise questions regarding their function

    The Assur-Nineveh-Arbela Triangle

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    Altorientalische herrschergräber in Mesopotamien und Syrien: bemerkungen zur lage und architektur

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    This paper presents an overview of burial customs of the Mesopotamian and Syrian rulers in the 3rd-1st millennia B.C. It contains a comparison of location and architectural patterns of contemporary royal tombs and buildings (or parts of buildings) belonging to them, and points out the evidence for continuity of the royal funerary traditions in Mesopotamia and Syria. Finally details of the tombs of the Assyrian kings in Ashur are discussed. Contents: 1. Royal burials in Mesopotamia in the 3rd millennium B.C. 2. Royal burials in Mesopotamia in the 2nd millennium B.C. 3. Royal burials in Syria in the 2nd millennium B.C. 4. Royal burials in Mesopotamia in the 1st millennium B.C. 5. Some remarks about the construction and the sequence of the royal tombs in Ashur


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    Das dritte und vierte Relief von Gundük

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    peer reviewedThe Gundük rock relief ensemble in a cave located in the northern highlands of Iraq is probably the oldest known example of its kind in the Near East. First reported in the 19th century but never accurately documented, unfortunately two of the three known reliefs were intentionally damaged beyond repair in the decades to follow. This article presents a new art-historical analysis of the preserved third relief as well as a fourth previously unknown carving, based on recent photogrammetric capture. The images can be dated to the Early Dynastic III or Early Akkadian period with motifs, stylistic details and a composition obviously deriving from then-contemporaneous art in southern Mesopotamia

    Parthian Rock-Reliefs from Amadiya in Iraqi-Kurdistan

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    editorial reviewedThe ancient fortress of Amadiya is situated atop a mesa at the foot of the Zagros Mountains in Iraqi-Kurdistan. In front of the Mosul Gate there are two rock-reliefs depicting larger than life figures in traditional Parthian dress. This article presents detailed illustrations of these sculptures, using digital photogrammetry to enhance eroded features

    The Rise of Inclusive Political Institutions and Stronger Property Rights: Time Inconsistency Vs. Opacity.

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