1,882 research outputs found

    Embedding Reward Signals into Perception and Cognition

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    Despite considerable interest in the neural basis of valuation, the question of how valuation affects cognitive processing has received relatively less attention. Here, we review evidence from recent behavioral and neuroimaging studies supporting the notion that motivation can enhance perceptual and executive control processes to achieve more efficient goal-directed behavior. Specifically, in the context of cognitive tasks offering monetary gains, improved behavioral performance has been repeatedly observed in conjunction with elevated neural activations in task-relevant perceptual, cognitive and reward-related regions. We address the neural basis of motivation-cognition interactions by suggesting various modes of communication between relevant neural networks: (1) global hub regions may integrate information from multiple inputs providing a communicative link between specialized networks; (2) point-to-point interactions allow for more specific cross-network communication; and (3) diffuse neuromodulatory systems can relay motivational signals to cortex and enhance signal processing. Together, these modes of communication allow information regarding motivational significance to reach relevant brain regions and shape behavior

    Combined Effects of Attention and Motivation on Visual Task Performance: Transient and Sustained Motivational Effects

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    We investigated how the brain integrates motivational and attentional signals by using a neuroimaging paradigm that provided separate estimates for transient cue- and target-related signals, in addition to sustained block-related responses. Participants performed a Posner-type task in which an endogenous cue predicted target location on 70% of trials, while motivation was manipulated by varying magnitude and valence of a cash incentive linked to task performance. Our findings revealed increased detection performance (d′) as a function of incentive value. In parallel, brain signals revealed that increases in absolute incentive magnitude led to cue- and target-specific response modulations that were independent of sustained state effects across visual cortex, fronto-parietal regions, and subcortical regions. Interestingly, state-like effects of incentive were observed in several of these brain regions, too, suggesting that both transient and sustained fMRI signals may contribute to task performance. For both cue and block periods, the effects of administering incentives were correlated with individual trait measures of reward sensitivity. Taken together, our findings support the notion that motivation improves behavioral performance in a demanding attention task by enhancing evoked responses across a distributed set of anatomical sites, many of which have been previously implicated in attentional processing. However, the effect of motivation was not simply additive as the impact of absolute incentive was greater during invalid than valid trials in several brain regions, possibly because motivation had a larger effect on reorienting than orienting attentional mechanisms at these sites

    Os levementes infestados nas campanhas sanitarias contra a ancylostomose

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    Os trabalhos dos norte-americanos sobre a prophylaxia da ancylostomose nestes ultimas annos, tendem a dar nova orientação na questão do tratamento dos levemente infestados, em desaccordo com aquella advogada, até então por Darling (I) no seu plano de ''tratamento em massa''. Com effeito, Darling era de parecer que se applicasscm dois tratamentos anti-helminticos a todos os indivíduos das zonas ruraes, sem o exame previo das fezes

    Using open-access data to explore relations between urban landscapes and diarrhoeal diseases in Côte d'Ivoire

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    Unlike water and sanitation infrastructures or socio-economic indicators, landscape features are seldomly considered as predictors of diarrhoea. In contexts of rapid urbanisation and changes in the physical environment, urban planners and public health managers could benefit from a deeper understanding of the relationship between landscape patterns and health outcomes. We conducted an ecological analysis based on a large ensemble of open-access data to identify specific landscape features associated with diarrhoea. Designed as a proof-of-concept study, our research focused on Côte d'Ivoire. This analysis aimed to (i) build a framework strictly based on open-access data and open-source software to investigate diarrhoea risk factors originating from the physical environment and (ii) understand whether different types and forms of urban settlements are associated with different prevalence rates of diarrhoea. We advanced landscape patterns as variables of exposure and tested their association with the prevalence of diarrhoea among children under the age of five years through multiple regression models. A specific urban landscape pattern was significantly associated with diarrhoea. We conclude that, while the improvement of water, sanitation, and hygiene infrastructures is crucial to prevent diarrhoeal diseases, the health benefits of such improvements may be hampered if the overall physical environment remains precarious

    Produção de sementes híbridas de abóbora do tipo Tetsukabuto.

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    Sistemas aquosos bifásicos uma ferramenta sustentável para a extração de ácido clavulânico a partir de diferentes fontes

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    O ácido clavulânico (AC) é um inibidor de β-lactamases que tem vindo a ser largamente utilizado na área médica. Embora seja de extrema importância, o desenvolvimento de processos alternativos de produção e purificação é ainda insignificante, sendo fundamental o estudo de técnicas de extração mais biocompatíveis, como os Sistemas Aquosos Bifásicos (SABs). Assim, este trabalho objetivou o estudo de Sistemas Aquosos Bifásicos baseados em polímeros como uma ferramenta alternativa para a extração de AC. Foram testados dois SPAB compostos por Polietileno Glicol (PEG) com massa molecular (M) de 4000 g/mol e Poliacrilato de Sódio de 8000 g/mol, nos quais foi alterado o eletrólito indutor da formação de fases, em particular, sulfato de sódio (Na2SO4,) e cloreto de sódio (NaCl). Ademais, este trabalho visou também avaliar a eficiência de extração do AC, bem como compreender o efeito dos contaminantes no processo de migração. Para tal, foi avaliada a extração do AC a partir de três fontes distintas: solução pura (99,9%); solução comercial (60%); diretamente a partir do sobrenadante de um meio fermentando de Streptomyces clavuligerus. Os resultados obtidos demonstraram que independentemente da fonte inicial do AC, ambos os SABs poliméricos promoveram uma partição preferencial do AC para a fase rica em PEG, sendo o coeficiente de partição maior nos sistemas com Na2SO4 do que com NaCl. Após identificar a grande capacidade de partição de AC, o SAB com PEG/NaPA/Na2SO4 foi também utilizado para avaliar a partição de proteínas presente no meio fermentado, sendo também obtida uma preferencial partição destas para a fase rica em PEG. Assim, apesar da baixa capacidade de purificação de AC frente a proteínas contaminantes, os SABs estudados demonstraram que podem ser uma técnica alternativa sustentável e bastante econômica para uma etapa inicial de clarificação/concentração de bioprodutos a partir de caldos fermentados

    Improving performance by improving the relationship with the companies in the supply chain

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    This paper will address issues related to strategy, quality and management of customers and suppliers, and its main objective is to demonstrate the benefits of cooperation between customers and suppliers in the supply chain. A case is presented about a Brazilian company with assets in several sectors of the economy that implemented a program to reward the cooperation of its key suppliers and obtained several benefits with this program. Finally, it is concluded that issues such as identification of the real needs and expectations of stakeholders, the philosophy of quality at source, consolidation of the customer base and suppliers and cooperation between companies are key points for improving business performance, at every link in the supply chain