19 research outputs found

    Fractura de mandíbula en pacientes parcialmente edéntulos. Alternativa de tratamiento cerrado. Serie de casos

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    For the treatment of mandibular fractures, there are protocols whose primary purpose is early function. However, several reasons prevent the execution of these techniques in Venezuela, mainly due to economic problems regarding the acquisition of specialized osteosynthesis materials. As a result, there is a necessity to resort to old surgical techniques. A study with a descriptive longitudinal design is presented, reporting 5 clinical cases of jaw fractures with the following inclusion criteria: presenting a mandibular fracture in partially dentate patients with impossibility of accessing the osteosynthesis material of the load-bearing system. The treatment conducted under closed surgical procedures. The condition of partial edentulism confers instability to the mandible fracture, hindering anatomical reduction and causing a loss of vertical and transverse dimension. These issues are addressed through the utilization of modified Gunning-type splints, which help in recovery. The splints were maintained in position with circum-mandibular and circum-zygomatic bone suspension wiring as a means to establish stability over time. Satisfactory results were obtained, indicating that these techniques can still be considered as treatment options today.Para el tratamiento de fracturas mandibulares existen protocolos cuyo propósito primordial es la función temprana. Existen diversos motivos por los cuales no se puede ejecutar ciertas técnicas en Venezuela, principalmente por problemas económicos para la adquisición de materiales de osteosíntesis especializados. Por esta razón, se ha recurrido a técnicas quirúrgicas antiguas. Se presenta un estudio con diseño longitudinal de tipo descriptivo, para el reporte de serie de 5 casos clínicos de fracturas de mandíbula, con los siguientes criterios de inclusión: presentar fractura mandibular en pacientes dentados parcialmente con imposibilidad al acceso al material de osteosíntesis del sistema de cargas soportadas. Tratados bajo procedimiento quirúrgico cerrado, la condición de edentulismo parcial confiere a la fractura de mandíbula inestabilidad, dificulta la reducción anatómica, pérdida de dimensión vertical y transversal, las que se recuperan a través de la elaboración de férulas tipo Gunning modificadas. Estas férulas se mantuvieron en posición con alambrados de suspensión ósea tipo circummandibulares y circumzigomáticos, como medios para establecer estabilidad en el tiempo. Se obtuvieron resultados satisfactorios, por lo que, aún hoy en día se pueden plantear como opciones de tratamiento


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    La investigación es parte fundamental en la formación profesional de los odontólogos, su propósito es fomentar la educación continua y mejorar la calidad del tratamiento. Objetivo: Determinar la frecuencia en que estudios de tipo auditoria clínica han sido publicados en revistas científico-odontológicas venezolanas (RCOV). Introducir la auditoría clínica como una herramienta costo- efectiva para implementar mejoras de calidad en el cuidado de pacientes en la odontología a nivel nacional. Materiales y Métodos: Hemos realizado un estudio transversal retrospectivo de artículos publicados entre el período 2016 - 2020 en RCOV. Resultados: de 3 RCOV, con un total de 221 artículos publicados en 5 años, sólo 16 (N=7.2%) se consideraron de tipo auditoria clínica. Conclusión: Existe una baja frecuencia de artículos tipo auditorías en las RCOV. Es propósito de este artículo el presentar las auditorías clínicas como una herramienta de bajo costo, que, de una manera sencilla busca mejorar la calidad en la atención al paciente, es recomendación de los autores estimular la aplicación y publicación de este tipo de investigaciones desde la formación en pregrado para estimular la constante revisión y actualización de los protocolos en odontología

    Active Opto-Magnetic Biosensing with Silicon Microring Resonators

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    Integrated optical biosensors are gaining increasing attention for their exploitation in lab-on-chip platforms. The standard detection method is based on the measurement of the shift of some optical quantity induced by the immobilization of target molecules at the surface of an integrated optical element upon biomolecular recognition. However, this requires the acquisition of said quantity over the whole hybridization process, which can take hours, during which any external perturbation (e.g., temperature and mechanical instability) can seriously affect the measurement and contribute to a sizeable percentage of invalid tests. Here, we present a different assay concept, named Opto-Magnetic biosensing, allowing us to optically measure off-line (i.e., post hybridization) tiny variations of the effective refractive index seen by microring resonators upon immobilization of magnetic nanoparticles labelling target molecules. Bound magnetic nanoparticles are driven in oscillation by an external AC magnetic field and the corresponding modulation of the microring transfer function, due to the effective refractive index dependence on the position of the particles above the ring, is recorded using a lock-in technique. For a model system of DNA biomolecular recognition we reached a lowest detected concentration on the order of 10 pm, and data analysis shows an expected effective refractive index variation limit of detection of 7.5×10−9 RIU, in a measurement time of just a few seconds

    Poster Session Abstracts

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    Objectives: CFTR function was measured in vivo by JJ Wine and coworkers (Wine JJ, et al. PLoS One. 2013;8:e77114; Char JE, et al. PLoS One. 2014;9:e88564) by computing a ratio between CFTR-independent (M-sweat, stimulated by methacholine) and CFTR-dependent (C-sweat, induced by a beta-adrenergic cocktail) sweat secretion rates by multiple individual glands in a series of subjects. We have been focusing on develop- ing a simplified method suitable for implementation in multicentre studies and possibly for supporting controversial diagnosis, and on setting up the method in Brussels. Methods: We adapted the published procedure in order to obtain com- mercial availability of instruments, reproducibility of image analysis and cost reduction. Secretion rates were given by changes of volume of sweat drops secreted in an oil layer, including the presence of a water-soluble blue dye for the C-sweat. We utilized this dye for both M and C phases in order to facilitate image analysis and simplify the equipment. Considering the results of the above cited study we estimated an appropriate sample size for detecting significant differences among CF, non-CF and carriers of 11 subjects per group. Results: We first reproduced the method and the results of the above study at the CF Center of Verona, then we simplified procedure and equip- ment and finally demonstrated operator dependent variability of image analysis. Then we set suitable experimental conditions for image analysis software developed by researchers at Politecnico di Milano. We are now aiming at automating the analysis procedure originally performed using the ImageJ software (NIH, USA). We developed a standardized operating procedure (SOP) and then confirmed previous results as we obtained aver- age ratios providing an approximately linear readout of CFTR function: the carriers\u2019 mean ratio was 0.52 the value of non-CF controls while for all CF subjects the ratio was zero. All groups were discriminated clearly since following the standardization of this bioassay we found among these groups significant differences of C/M ratios (p<0.0001 for three-groups compari- son). In two patients with CFTR-related disease we obtained a C/M ratio of about 0.2 the non-CF control. Conclusions: We optimized and standardized a protocol and found statistically significant differences among CF, carriers and non-CF sub- jects. This bioassay is complementary to sweat tests already available and applicable to multicentre studies and is useful as well to aid in solving controversial diagnosis of CF. Support: Lega Italiana Fibrosi Cistica Associazione Veneta Onlus

    Targeted therapy against chemoresistant colorectal cancers: Inhibition of p38α modulates the effect of cisplatin in vitro and in vivo through the tumor suppressor FoxO3A

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    Chemoresistance is a major obstacle to effective therapy against colorectal cancer (CRC) and may lead to deadly consequences. The metabolism of CRC cells depends highly on the p38 MAPK pathway, whose involvement in maintaining a chemoresistant behavior is currently being investigated. Our previous studies revealed that p38α is the main p38 isoform in CRC cells. Here we show that p38α pharmacological inhibition combined with cisplatin administration decreases colony formation and viability of cancer cells and strongly increases Bax-dependent apoptotic cell death by activating the tumor suppressor protein FoxO3A. Our results indicate that FoxO3A activation up-regulates transcription of its target genes (p21, PTEN, Bim and GADD45), which forces both chemosensitive and chemoresistant CRC cells to undergo apoptosis. Additionally, we found that FoxO3A is required for apoptotic cell death induction, as confirmed by RNA interference experiments. In animal models xenografted with chemoresistant HT29 cells, we further confirmed that the p38-targeted dual therapy strategy produced an increase in apoptosis in cancer tissue leading to tumor regression. Our study uncovers a major role for the p38-FoxO3A axis in chemoresistance, thereby suggesting a new therapeutic approach for CRC treatment; moreover, our results indicate that Bax status may be used as a predictive biomarker. © 2013 Elsevier Ireland Ltd. All rights reserved

    Ratiometric sweat secretion optical test in cystic fibrosis, carriers and healthy subjects.

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    We have simplified the published procedure (5) for measuring sweat rates in individual human sweat glands. Sweat secretion rates were obtained from sweat drops secreted on the forearm by multiple individual glands. We computed a ratio between CFTR-dependent (by intradermal microinjection of a β adrenergic cocktail) and CFTR-independent (by methacoline as cholinergic stimulus) sweat secretion rates. We obtained a reproducible, approximately linear readout of CFTR function with measurements performed by two different independent teams. We considered three groups (CF subjects, CF carriers and non-CF controls, n=22 in each group); their mean ratios was respectively 0.000, 0.104 and 0.205 The average ratio of CF subjects was consistent with diagnosis in 3 additional cases clinically resembling CF. All groups were clearly discriminated, with sensibility and specificity ranging from 82% to 100%. A software was developed for detecting sweat droplets. This bioassay is suitabile for multicentre studies focusing on CFTR targeted therapies, controversial diagnosis and functional relevance of rare CFTR mutations

    Optimization of porous materials for CO2 capture

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    V diplomskem delu sem želela raziskati razlike v sposobnostih za vezavo ogljikovega dioksida v kovinsko-organskih poroznih (MOF) materialih, sintetiziranih z okoljsko manj obremenjujočimi reaktanti, kot so trenutno v uporabi, in oceniti primernost materialov za zajem ogljikovega dioksida iz dimnih plinov v že obstoječih tehnoloških procesih. Pri sintezah sem spreminjala vir Mg in Al ionov, vrsto organskih ligandov in topil, temperaturo in čas sinteze. Večina produktov je bila narejena s solvotermalno sintezo, dva produkta sem poskusila optimizirati z mikrovalovno sintezo. Sintetiziranim produktom sem določala strukturo in/ali poroznost z uporabo rentgenske difrakcije (XRD), elektronske mikroskopije z uporabo elementne analize (SEM in EDX) ter s fizisorpcijo dušika. Najprimernejše produkte sem nato testirala za zajem ogljikovega dioksida. Najboljši produkt za zajemanje ogljikovega dioksida je Al-BPDC, aromatski kovinsko-organski porozni material z BET-specifično površino 1712 m2/g. Alifatski produkti z aluminijem in magnezijem (sukcionat, glutarat in pimelat) imajo opazno stopnjo adsorpcije šele pri visokih tlakih, zato niso primerni za adsorpcijo in zajem ogljikovega dioksida iz dimnih plinov.In my diploma thesis, I wanted to study differences in capacity for carbon dioxide capture in metal-organic framework (MOF) materials, synthesized with environmentally more acceptable reagents that currently used ones. Furthermore, I did evaluation of synthesized products for carbon capture from gas mixtures in already existing technological processes. In the synthesis of products, I have changed the source of Al and Mg ions, type of organic ligands and solvents, temperature and time of synthesis. Majority of the products were synthesised with solvothermal synthesis, but I have also tried to optimize two products with microwave synthesis. All products were further analysed with X-Ray diffraction (XRD), electron microscopy (SEM), elemental analysis (EDX) and nitrogen physisorption to determine structure and/or porosity. Most appropriate products were chosen for testing the carbon dioxide adsorption. The best synthesised product for carbon capture is Al-BPDC, aromatic MOF-material with BET specific surface 1712 m2/g. Aluminium and magnesium aliphatic products with succinic, glutaric and pimelic acid have noticeable adsorption rates at high pressures, therefore they are not appropriate for carbon capture from flue gases