7 research outputs found

    Plant functional and taxonomic diversity in European grasslands along climatic gradients

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    Aim: European grassland communities are highly diverse, but patterns and drivers of their continental-scale diversity remain elusive. This study analyses taxonomic and functional richness in European grasslands along continental-scale temperature and precipitation gradients. Location: Europe. Methods: We quantified functional and taxonomic richness of 55,748 vegetation plots. Six plant traits, related to resource acquisition and conservation, were analysed to describe plant community functional composition. Using a null-model approach we derived functional richness effect sizes that indicate higher or lower diversity than expected given the taxonomic richness. We assessed the variation in absolute functional and taxonomic richness and in functional richness effect sizes along gradients of minimum temperature, temperature range, annual precipitation, and precipitation seasonality using a multiple general additive modelling approach. Results: Functional and taxonomic richness was high at intermediate minimum temperatures and wide temperature ranges. Functional and taxonomic richness was low in correspondence with low minimum temperatures or narrow temperature ranges. Functional richness increased and taxonomic richness decreased at higher minimum temperatures and wide annual temperature ranges. Both functional and taxonomic richness decreased with increasing precipitation seasonality and showed a small increase at intermediate annual precipitation. Overall, effect sizes of functional richness were small. However, effect sizes indicated trait divergence at extremely low minimum temperatures and at low annual precipitation with extreme precipitation seasonality. Conclusions: Functional and taxonomic richness of European grassland communities vary considerably over temperature and precipitation gradients. Overall, they follow similar patterns over the climate gradients, except at high minimum temperatures and wide temperature ranges, where functional richness increases and taxonomic richness decreases. This contrasting pattern may trigger new ideas for studies that target specific hypotheses focused on community assembly processes. And though effect sizes were small, they indicate that it may be important to consider climate seasonality in plant diversity studies

    Interstitial nephritis of slaughtered pigs in the State of Mato Grosso, Brazil

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    This study evaluated histological lesions in kidney samples from pigs with nephritis in two slaughterhouses in the State of Mato Grosso, Brazil. Four hundred samples were subjected to histology, anti-porcine circovirus type 2 (PCV2) immunohistochemistry (IHC), anti-Leptospira sp. immunofluorescence (IF), and polymerase chain reaction (PCR) for PCV2, porcine parvovirus (PPV), and Torque teno virus type 1 and 2 (TTV1, TTV2) detection. Histological lesions were found in 81% of the samples, and mononuclear interstitial nephritis was the most frequent lesion (77.50%). A follicular pattern was observed in 40.97% of the interstitial nephritis lesions. PCV2, PPV, TTV1, and TTV2 were identified in the kidneys by PCR in 27.25%, 28.50%, 94%, and 87.5% of the samples, respectively. Leptospira sp. was not detected through IF. Infection by PCV2 (PCR) and the presence of histological lesions (P=0.008) and giant cells (P=0.0016) were significantly associated. An association was observed between the TTV2-TTV1 co-infection (P<0.0001) and the risk for pathogenesis. These findings indicated that PCV2, PPV, TTV1, and TTV2 were widely distributed among pigs in the local farms and that the presence of these agents should be considered in the differential diagnosis of kidneys with interstitial nephritis in pigs

    Fatores associados a soroprevalência de Neospora caninum e Toxoplasma gondii em rebanhos caprinos na região sul de Minas Gerais

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    Este estudo estabelece a soroprevalência de Neospora caninum e Toxoplasma gondii em rebanhos caprinos no Sul de Minas Gerais e verifica a sua associação com o desempenho reprodutivo dos rebanhos analisados, uma vez que não há dados sobre neosporose em caprinos neste Estado. Amostras de soro de 401 caprinos provenientes de 11 propriedades foram submetidas à reação de imunofluorescência indireta anti-N. caninum e T. gondii. A prevalência média de animais positivos foi de 10,7% e 21,4%, respectivamente. Houve diferença significativa entre as faixas etárias. Neste quesito os maiores índices de positividade, para ambos os parasitas, foram observados nos caprinos acima de três anos de idade. Estes apresentaram uma probabilidade 2,6 e 4,8 maior, em relação aos animais de até um ano de idade, para N. caninum e T. gondii, respectivamente. No teste T não houve associação positiva entre as médias de prevalência de N. caninum (p=0,553) e T. gondii (p=0,098) com a ocorrência de problema reprodutivo nos rebanhos. Porém, propriedades com histórico de problemas reprodutivos apresentaram uma média de reagentes para N. caninum de 18,64%, se comparadas a 13,97% de criatórios que não relataram essas alterações. Quando os problemas reprodutivos foram separados em categorias a relação entre a ocorrência de aborto e a soroprevalência de N. caninum e de T. gondii foi significativa (p<0,05) por meio dos testes Exato de Fisher e Qui-quadrado. Não houve diferença (p>0,05) entre as médias de prevalência de T. gondii e o acesso de gatos ao rebanho no teste T. Entretanto, a média de prevalência nas propriedades em que os gatos tinham acesso foi de 31,01%, se comparada a 17,34% em criatórios onde não existiam gatos. Foi constatado o acesso de cães em 100% das propriedades. Os resultados obtidos neste estudo demonstram que N. caninum e T. gondii infectam caprinos no Sul de Minas Gerais e que estes parasitas podem estar associados à ocorrência de abortos nessa espécie animal