333 research outputs found

    Subsurface as a bioreactor : interaction between physical heterogeneity and microbial processes

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    Aplicat embargament des de la data de defensa fins 28 de desembre de 2018Cotutela : Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya i Universitat de GironaInfiltration systems are water treatment technologies where water vertically percolates through porous media while several biogeochemical processes occur. Biofilms are the main responsible for those biogeochemical processes due to their ability to colonize sediments as well as due to their role in transformation of organic matter and nutrients in aquatic ecosystems and subsurface environments. However, an excessive biofilm growth in sand filtration systems can significantly reduce their infiltration capacity (bio-clogging), thus constraining the processes that occur therein. Sediment grain size distribution influences the performance of these systems since it determines hydrological characteristics in subsurface sediments influencing biofilm growth as well as the process rates of biogeochemical processes in depth. Furthermore, sediment grain size can also influence the occurrence and depth-extension of bio-clogging. The main objective of this doctoral thesis is to study the influence of grain size distributions on biogeochemical processes and on bio-clogging in depth in sand infiltration systems used as potential tertiary treatments for the removal of organic matter and nutrients in water. To achieve this objective, two infiltration experiments have been carried out: (a) a laboratory-scale columns experiment using 5 sediment grain size distributions used as potential infiltration systems (Chapter I) and (b) an outdoor infiltration experiment in sediment tanks using two sediment grain size distributions (Chapter II and Chapter III). The results of this thesis show how sediment grain size distribution influences biofilm establishment and growth, biogeochemical rates as well as occurrence of bio-clogging in surface sediments and in depth. Accordingly, coarse sediments (coarse system) allow higher biomass in depth but they do not have the ability to remove dissolved phosphorous; however, due to high input loads they showed higher process rates. Grain size distribution of coarse sediment in the upper layer and fine sediment in the bottom layer (coarse-fine system) promotes the accumulation of biomass at the interface of the two sediment layers which results in a hot-spot of microbial activity. In addition, it promotes nutrient accumulation in sediments (dissolved phosphorous removal) possibly due to the fact that its flow velocities are smaller than those of a coarse system and therefore the contact time between the water and sediment increases by promoting the assimilation and adsorption of nutrients in the porous medium. Biomass establishment in fine sediments (fine system) results in greater bio-clogging due to lower initial porosity compared to systems with coarse sediment on the surface. This lower porosity results in less space available to colonize, and due to this, biofilm in the top layer of the monolayer fine system could reach the maturity state earlier than the bilayer coarse-fine system. That, together with the lower flows in the fine system, favours the detachment of biofilm in the top layer and its transport in depth. EPS accumulation in depth (due to live bacteria release or due to transport from upper sediment layers) is the main factor causing K variations in depth (potential to cause deep-clogging). Results also showed that mixed sediments of fine and coarse sands (mixture system) and the fine-coarse system achieve similar performance than fine system reaching similar biomasses between them and lower process rates than the other grain size distributions studiedEls sistemes d’infiltració són sistemes de tractament d’aigua on aquesta percola verticalment a través d’un medi porós mentre que una sèrie de processos biogeoquímics tenen lloc. Els biofilms són els principals responsables dels processos biogeoquímics que es donen en el medi porós degut a la seva habilitat per colonitzar sediments així com pel seu rol en la transformació de matèria orgànica i nutrients en sistemes aquàtics i ambients subsuperficials. Al mateix temps un creixement excessiu dels biofilms (bioclogging) en sistemes d’infiltració de sorres poden reduir significativament la capacitat d’infiltració d’aquestes sistemes limitant per tant els processos que s’hi donen. Un dels paràmetres influents en el funcionament d’aquests sistemes és la distribució granulomètrica del sediment ja que aquest determina els paràmetres hidrològics en sediments subsuperficials influenciant el creixement del biofilm així com les taxes dels processos d’eliminació de nutrients i matèria orgànica en fondària. Al mateix temps, la mida del sediment també pot influir en l’ocurrència i extensió del bioclogging. El principal objectiu d’aquesta tesis doctoral és estudiar la influència que tenen diferents distribucions granulomètriques sobre els processos biogeoquímics i sobre el bioclogging en fondària en sistemes d’infiltració de sorres utilitzats com a potencials tractaments terciaris per l’eliminació de matèria orgànica i nutrients en l’aigua. Per assolir aquest objectiu s’han dut a terme dos experiments d’infiltració: (a) un experiment de laboratori amb columnes reblertes de sediment creant 5 distribucions granulomètriques diferents i utilitzades com a sistemes d’infiltració (Capítol I) i (b) un experiment a l’aire lliure amb dipòsits omplerts de sediment creant 2 distribucions granulomètriques diferents (Capítol II i Capítol III). Els resultats d’aquesta tesi mostren com la distribució granulomètrica influencia l’establiment i creixement dels biofilms, les taxes dels processos biogeoquímics així com també el bioclogging en superfície i en fondària. D’acord amb això, sediments grollers (coarse system) permeten majors biomasses en fondària però no mostren eliminació de fòsfor, tot i que degut a majors càrregues d’entrada les taxes dels processos que s’hi donen són majors. La configuració granulomètrica de sediment groller a la capa superior i sediment fi a la capa inferior (coarse-fine system) promou l’acumulació de biomassa a la interfase dels dos sediments fet que resulta amb un hot-spot d’activitat microbiana. A més, promou l’acumulació de nutrients tot i estar formada per sediment groller, possiblement degut al fet que les velocitats del flux en aquest sistema són menors que les d’un sistema groller i per tant el temps de contacte entre l’aigua i el sediment augmenta promovent aquesta assimilació i adsorció de nutrients. L’establiment de biomassa en sediments fins (fine system) resulta en major bioclogging degut a menor porositat inicial en comparació amb sistemes amb sorra grollera a la superfície. Aquesta menor porositat resulta en menor espai disponible per colonitzar, i degut això el biofilm de la capa superior del sistema monocapa fi (fine system) podria assolir l’estat de maduresa abans que el sistema groller-fi (coarse-fine system), això juntament amb els menors fluxos en el sistema fi, afavoreix el despreniment del biofilm superficial i el transport d’aquest en fondària. L’acumulació d’EPS en fondària (degut a producció de bacteris vius o a transport des de capes superiors) és el principal causant de les variacions de la K en fondària (potencial de causar deep-clogging a la llarga). S’ha vist que sediments mixtes de sorres fines i grolleres (mixture system) i sistemes fi-groller (fine-coarse system) resulten en un funcionament similar a la del sediments fins assolint biomasses similars entre ells i taxes inferiors a la resta de configuracions granulomètriques estudiadesLos sistemas de infiltración son sistemas de tratamiento de agua en los cuales ésta se infiltra verticalmente a través de un medio poroso mientras que una serie de procesos biogeoquímicos ocurren. Los biofilms son los principales responsables de estos procesos biogeoquímicos debido a su habilidad para colonizar sedimentos y debido a su papel fundamental en la transformación de materia orgánica y nutrientes en sistemas acuáticos i ambientes sub-superficiales. Al mismo tiempo, un crecimiento excesivo de estos biofilms (bioclogging) en sistemas de filtración con arenas puede reducir significativamente la capacidad de infiltración de estos sistemas limitando por tanto los procesos que tienen lugar. Uno de los parámetros influentes en el funcionamiento de estos sistemas de filtración es la distribución granulométrica del sedimento ya que éste determina los parámetros hidrológicos de sedimentos sub-superficiales influenciando de este modo el crecimiento del biofilm así como las tasas de los procesos de eliminación de nutrientes y materia orgánica en profundidad. Al mismo tiempo, la granulometría también puede influir en la ocurrencia y extensión del bioclogging. El principal objetivo de esta tesis doctoral es estudiar la influencia que tienen diferentes distribuciones granulométricas sobre los procesos biogeoquímicos y sobre el bioclogging en profundidad en sistemas de filtración a través de arenas los cuales se utilizan como potenciales tratamientos terciarios para la eliminación de materia orgánica y nutrientes en el agua. Para lograr este objetivo se han desarrollado dos experimentos de infiltración: (a) un experimento de laboratorio con columnas de sedimento creando 5 distribuciones granulométricas distintas y utilizadas como sistemas de filtración (Capítulo I) y (b) un experimento al aire libre con depósitos de sedimento creando 2 distribuciones granulométricas distintas (Capítulos II y III). Los resultados de esta tesis muestran como la distribución granulométrica influencia el establecimiento y el crecimiento de los biofilms, las tasas de los procesos biogeoquímicos así como también el bioclogging tanto en superficie como en profundidad. Teniendo esto en cuenta, los sedimentos más gruesos (coarse system) permiten mayores biomasas en profundidad pero no muestran eliminación de fósforo aunque debido a mayores cargas de entrada las tasas alcanzadas también son mayores. La distribución granulométrica de sedimento grueso en la capa superior y sedimento fino en la capa inferior (coarse-fine system) promueve la acumulación de biomasa a la interfície entre las dos medidas de sedimento hecho que resulta en la creación de un hot-spot de actividad microbiana en profundidad. Además, el sistema coarse-fine promueve la acumulación de nutrientes en el sedimento favoreciendo su eliminación a pesar de presentar sedimento grueso en la capa superior de filtración; esto podría estar relacionado con el hecho que las velocidades del flujo en este sistema son menores que las de un sistema formado únicamente por sedimento grueso y por tanto el tiempo de contacto entre el agua y el sedimento aumenta favoreciendo la asimilación y adsorción de nutrientes en comparación con el sistema coarse. La presencia de biomasa en sedimentos finos (fine system) resulta en mayor bioclogging debido a menor porosidad inicial en comparación con sistemas que presentan arena gruesa a la superficie. Esta menor porosidad resulta en menor espacio disponible para colonizar, lo que podría provocar que el biofilm que se forma en la capa superior del sistema de sedimento fino (fine system) lograse el estado de madurez antes que el sistema grueso-fino (coarse-fine system), esto conjuntamente con menores flujos en el sistema fino, favorecería el desprendimiento del biofilm superficial y por tanto el transporte de éste en profundidad. La acumulación de EPS en profundidad (debido a la producción de microorganismos vivos o al transporte de este EPS en profundidad) es la principal causa de las variaciones de la K en profundidad (lo cual está relacionado con el potencial de causar deep-clogging a largo plazo). Se ha visto que sedimentos mixtos de arenas finas y gruesas (mixture system) y sistemas con sedimentos finos a la capa superior y sedimentos gruesos a la capa inferior (fine-coarse system) resultan en un funcionamiento similar que los sistemas con sólo sedimento fino (fine system) alcanzando biomasas similares entre ellos y menores tasas que el resto de distribuciones granulométricas estudiadas.Postprint (published version

    The endocytic adaptor AP-2 interacts with γ-TuRC components o maintain centrosome integrity in neural progenitor cells

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    Neurogenesis is the process by which a population of cells called Neural Progenitor Cells (NPCs) produces neurons and glia within the CNS. This is a crucial process for development, and it has been shown that in the adult brain continues in restricted areas to support functions like learning, memory formation, or injury recovery. NPCs can divide differently to maintain the pool of progenitor cells and produce newly differentiated cells. These different division modes are tightly modulated by the cell cycle, and disturbances in it can result in severe disorders in development and aging. Centrosomes are cellular structures essential for cell cycle progression, and the correct structure of this organelle in cycling cells is pivotal for the generation of neurons, and disruption of it leads to neurodevelopmental and neurodegenerative disorders. Interestingly, several studies have highlighted alternative roles of endocytic machinery proteins in the cell cycle, also called moonlighting. This thesis reports a novel role of Adaptor Protein Complex-2 (AP-2) in centrosome structure and cell cycle progression. AP-2 was found to interact with components of the gamma-tubulin ring complexes (γ-TuRC), a set of proteins crucial for centrosome formation and microtubule (MTs) nucleation. NPCs deficient for AP-2 reveal defects in centrosome formation and p53-dependent G1/S phase cell cycle arrest and senescence-related cell death. This function of AP-2 in regulating NPC proliferative capacity is independent of clathrin and requires its association with components of γ-TURC. AP-2-dependent γ-TuRC assembly at the centrosome prevents premature NPC differentiation. Taken together, our data identify a novel non-canonical function of the endocytic adaptor AP-2 in regulating the proliferative capacity of NPC and set directions for identifying novel therapeutic strategies for the treatment of neurodevelopmental and neurodegenerative disorders with AP-2 complex dysfunction

    Discapacidad y medios de comunicación; entre la información y el estereotipo

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    La discapacidad ha dado en España un paso significativo hacia delante durante la última década. El compromiso de las instituciones, la existencia de una legislación específica y la progresiva vertebración del colectivo a través de un incipiente movimiento social ha posibilitado la conducción de sus demandas hasta los círculos donde se producen las tomas de decisiones y su aparición entre las noticias de actualidad de los distintos medios de comunicación. La superación de un formato periodístico caduco para la discapacidad, basado en el estereotipo y fáciles generalizaciones, es el gran reto del colectivo en estos momentos en su relación con los medios.The disability has given forward in Spain a significant sep during the last decade. The commitment of the public institutions, the existence of a specific legislation and the progressive organization of the disabled community through an incipient social movement have facilitated the conduction of their demands until the circles where the taking of decisions and their appearance take place among the news of present time of the different mass media. The overcome of a journalistic format expires for the disability, based on the stereotype and easy generalizations it is the great challenge of the community in these moment in its relationship whit the mass media

    Anàlisi comparativa de dues traduccions hispàniques (catalana i castellana) de la Historia destructionis Troiae de Guido delle Colonne

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    Ofrecemos en este trabajo un estudio comparativo de dos traducciones de la Historia destructionis Troiae (1287) de Guido delle Colonne, una de las obras de materia troyana más divulgadas por Europa durante el periodo medieval. La primera es la traducción catalana, las Històries troianes (1367-1374) de Jaume Conesa, protonotario de Pedro IV de Aragón. La segunda, el Libro de la historia troyana, la traducción castellana (1443) de Pedro de Chinchilla, secretario del conde de Benavente. El análisis se centra en el método, los procedimientos técnicos y los errores de estas dos versiones, representativas de dos momentos clave en la historia de la traducción peninsular: el entorno de la Cancillería real catalana en el siglo XIV y las traducciones promovidas en el S. XV por el interés de la nobleza por la historia clásica como fuente de aprendizaje y modelo de comportamiento.In this paper we offer a comparative research about two translations of Historia destructionis Troiae (1287) by Guido delle Colonne, one of the most disseminated books about the Matter of Troy throughout Europe in the Middle Ages. The first one is the Catalan translation (1367-1374), the Històries troianes by Jaume Conesa, an officer in the court of Peter IV of Aragon. The second one is the Libro de la historia troyana, the Spanish translation (1443) by Pedro de Chinchilla, the secretary of Count of Benavente. Our analysis is focused on method, technical procedures and mistakes in these two versions, which represent two key moments in the history of translation in the Iberian Peninsula: the environment of the Catalonian Cancelleria Reial in the XIV century and the translations stimulated during the XV century by the interest of the nobility in classical history as a source of learning and a model of behaviour.Aquest treball s’ha dut a terme en el projecte d’investigació HUM2007-61471(«Retazos de cultura escrita. Fragmentos y membra disiecta de códices en Cataluña»), del Ministeri de Ciència i Innovació (Govern d’Espanya), dirigit pel Dr. Josep Antoni Iglesias Fonseca

    Un cas especial en la traducció de la variació lingüística : la variació latent

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    En traductologia s'ha tractat sovint de la diversitat lingüística. La dificultat de traducció analitzada sol partir d'un TO marcat per algun tipus de varietat i les propostes van dirigides, habitualment, a mostrar diverses estratègies per a restituir d'una manera adequada en el TM aquest factor distintiu del TO. L'objectiu d'aquest treball és estudiar la situació inversa, no considerada encara pels autors que han parlat d'aquesta qüestió: la necessitat de construir un TM en què la diversitat lingüística és un element significatiu, a partir d'un TO no marcat per aquest tret de manera explícita, però sí de forma latent. La traducció del que anomenem «variació latent» es planteja a partir d'un cas concret: la traducció al català de la novel·la Ducado de Bernia (Alacant, 1954), de l'escriptor Jordi Valor i Serra, en la qual es fa necessari adoptar una estratègia de traducció adequada a la realitat sociolingüística del català, la qual cosa comporta fer explícita la variació lingüística en el TM, a pesar que el TO no fa palesa aquesta característica.Linguistic diversity has been frequently discussed in translation studies. The issues analysed usually come from a ST marked with some kind of variety. Proposals usually aim at showing different strategies to restore this distinctive trait from the ST into the TT in a suitable way. The objective in this paper is studying the opposite situation, which has not been considered yet by the authors who have discussed these questions: the need of building a TT in which linguistic diversity is a significant element, starting from a ST marked by this trait not explicitly but in a latent way. The translation of which we have come to call «latent variation» is based on a particular case: the translation of the novel Ducado de Bernia (Alacant, 1954) into Catalan, written by Jordi Valor i Serra. In this translation, it is necessary to choose a strategy of translation adequate to the sociolinguistic reality of Catalan. This means expliciting the linguistic variation in the TT, although the ST does not make this trait explicit

    Electric Vehicles in an Urban Context: Environmental Benefits and Techno-Economic Barriers

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    Mobility of persons and goods is a crucial component of the competitiveness of the economy; mobility is also an essential citizen right. Effective transportation systems are important for social prosperity, having significant impacts on economic growth, social development and the environment. The goal of any sustainable transport policy is to ensure that our transport systems meet society's economic, social and environmental needs. In 2006 the transport sector consumed 31% of the total final energy consumption (of which 82% is due to road transport) and was responsible for 25% of CO2 emissions (EU-27). In 2007 road transport constituted about 83% of passenger total transport demand. Road transport accounts for 71% of transport related CO2 emissions and passenger cars constitute 63% of these road transport related CO2 emissions. Currently, road transport is also totally dependent ("90%) of fuel oil making it very sensitive to foreseeable shortage of crude oil, besides largely contributing to air pollutants such as NOx, PM10 and volatile organic compounds. It is estimated that more than 80% of the developed world population lives in an urban environment and therefore it is in this environment where a larger concentration of vehicles are found. As example there were about 230 million passenger vehicles in the EU-27 in 2007 and the new vehicle sales were nearly 16 million vehicles in that year. Consequently the urban population is very much at risk by directly suffering the impact of conventional vehicles because their closeness to the pollutant source. Air pollution is one of the important external costs of transport as it impacts on the health of the population (it is estimated to be 0.75% of the EU GDP). On the other hand, the large concentration of vehicles causes traffic congestions in metropolitan urban areas that can be considered a threat to economi


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    The Euro VI Regulation (EC) No 595/2009 and the implementing Regulation [2] (EC) 582/2011 introduces a procedure for PEMS testing as a mandatory part of the type approval legislation in order to check the conformity of heavy-duty engines with the applicable emissions certification standards during the normal life of those engines: this is the so-called “In Service Conformity” (ISC) requirements. In addition, Euro VI engines also have to verify their actual in-use emissions already at type approval (PEMS demonstration test). Even if the PEMS procedure has already been introduced into legislation there is still a need for further evaluation and development. Article 14(3) of the implementing regulation for Euro VI (EC) No 582/2011 states the following: “Any additional requirements with respect to off-cycle in-use vehicle testing referred to in point (d) of paragraph 1 shall be introduced after the assessment of the PEMS procedures set out in Annex II. The assessment shall be finalised by 31 December 2014.” An assessment of the currently introduced PEMS procedure should therefore be carried out, and based on the outcome of this assessment; proposals for amending the PEMS procedure should be made. The European Commission through DG ENTR in co-operation with DG JRC launched in January 2012 a programme to address the legislative mandate to assess the present PEMS procedure. This report describes the activities during the programme, its findings and recommendations for amending the PEMS procedure.JRC.F.8-Sustainable Transpor

    Potential Impact of Electric Vehicles on the Electric Supply System. A Case Study for the Province of Milan, Italy

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    The study analyses the impact of the electric vehicles¿ recharging activities on the electric supply system for the Province of Milan with a 2030 time horizon. In particular, the impact is seen both in terms of total electric energy consumption and in power requested to the grid. Because of the long recharging time required by the cars batteries, the probability to have thousands of cars contemporary plugged-in is not negligible. The key issue of the study is a more plausible (in the authors¿ opinion) estimation of the potential electric vehicles market share evolution in the time period considered. The results obtained clearly show that without an appropriate regulation (e.g. the intelligent integration of electric vehicles into the existing power grid as decentralized and flexible energy storage), electric vehicles could heavily impact on the daily requested electric power.JRC.H.4-Transport and air qualit

    Bilayer infiltration system combines benefits from both coarse and fine sands promoting nutrient accumulation in sediments and increasing removal rates

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    Infiltration systems are treatment technologies based on water percolation through porous media where biogeochemical processes take place. Grain size distribution (GSD) acts as a driver of these processes and their rates and influences nutrient accumulation in sediments. Coarse sands inhibit anaerobic reactions such as denitrification and could constrain nutrient accumulation in sediments due to smaller specific surface area. Alternatively, fine sands provide higher nutrient accumulation but need a larger area available to treat the same volume of water; furthermore, they are more susceptible to bioclogging. Combining both sand sizes in a bilayer system would allow infiltrating a greater volume of water and the occurrence of aerobic/anaerobic processes. We studied the performance of a bilayer coarse-fine system compared to a monolayer fine one - by triplicate - in an outdoor infiltration experiment to close the C-N-P cycles simultaneously in terms of mass balances. Our results confirm that the bilayer coarse-fine GSD promotes nutrient removal by physical adsorption and biological assimilation in sediments, and further it enhances biogeochemical process rates (2-fold higher than the monolayer system). Overall, the bilayer coarse-fine system allows treating a larger volume of water per surface unit achieving similar removal efficiencies as the fine system. This document is the unedited Author’s version of a Submitted Work that was subsequently accepted for publication in Environmental science and technology