98 research outputs found

    The Analysis of Saturated Hydraulic Conductivity on Yellow Bamboo (Bambusa Vulgaris Schard Es.j.c) Stick

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    This research aims to determine the value of saturated hydraulic conductivity (Ks) yellow bamboo in varioustreatments as a tool for subsurface irrigation purposes. This research has been conducted on March until April2015. This research was conducted in the Laboratory of Power and Agricultural Machinery, AgriculturalEngineering Department, Faculty of Agriculture, University of Lampung. The Ks of yellow bamboo researchconducted on6 treatments , those are the epidermis andendodermis thatnot scraped( C1 ); layers of the epidermisand endodermis scraped until 0,5 cmthickness ( C2 ); layers of the epidermis and endodermis scraped up as thickas 0,7 cm ( C3 ); layers of the epidermis and endodermis scraped up as thick as 0,9 cm ( C4 ); layers of theepidermis and endodermis scraped up as thick as 1,1 cm ( C5 ); layers of the epidermis and endodermis scrapedup as thick as 1,3 cm(C6 ), thenall treatments is performed in three repetitions and endurance for5weeks.Basedonthe research that has beendone , theKs of yellowbamboowith C1 treatment is 0 cm/sec, C2was 7,24 x 10-8 cm/sec; C3 was 6,87 x 10-8 cm/sec; C4was 8,56 x 10-8 cm/sec; C5was 6,93 x 10-8 cm/sec; and C6was 7,06 x 10-8 cm/sec. It canbe showthat the higher bamboo'swater absorbing ability the higher hydrolic conductivity's value thatobtained. Whereas, the lower bamboo's water absorbing ability the lower hydrolic conductivity's value thatobtained

    Jerarquización del territorio bilbilitano (siglos II-I a. C.)

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    Estableciendo al Jalón como eje vertebrador y delimitado por los afluentes Jiloca, Perejiles y Ribota, este enclave se caracterizó durante los siglos III al I a. C. por su elevada concentración de asentamientos que tuvieron gran relevancia en la jerarquía territorial al mismo tiempo que jugaron un papel esencial en los acontecimientos bélicos que la conquista y romanización de la Celtiberia reportaron y los cambios socio- económicos y administrativos que dejaron huella en el paisaje. Desde el siglo XVI estudiosos e investigadores han mostrado especial interés en develar la entidad y transformación urbanística de estas poblaciones celtibéricas. A través del análisis de las fuentes clásicas, testimonios epigráficos, numismáticos y materiales recuperados de forma sistemática por los respectivos proyectos arqueológicos, se corroboran o desmienten las hipótesis planteadas hasta la fecha. Bilbilis, Sekeiza y Valdeherrera son las tres ciudades celtibéricas que ejercerán alternativamente el control en el territorio bilbilitano, puerta de influencias, pueblos y culturas que llegan desde Levante hacia el interior de la Meseta

    Genetic variants alter T-bet binding and gene expression in mucosal inflammatory disease

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    The polarization of CD4+ T cells into distinct T helper cell lineages is essential for protective immunity against infection, but aberrant T cell polarization can cause autoimmunity. The transcription factor T-bet (TBX21) specifies the Th1 lineage and represses alternative T cell fates. Genome-wide association studies have identified single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) that may be causative for autoimmune diseases. The majority of these polymorphisms are located within non-coding distal regulatory elements. It is considered that these genetic variants contribute to disease by altering the binding of regulatory proteins and thus gene expression, but whether these variants alter the binding of lineage-specifying transcription factors has not been determined. Here, we show that SNPs associated with the mucosal inflammatory diseases Crohn’s disease, ulcerative colitis (UC) and celiac disease, but not rheumatoid arthritis or psoriasis, are enriched at T-bet binding sites. Furthermore, we identify disease-associated variants that alter T-bet binding in vitro and in vivo. ChIP-seq for T-bet in individuals heterozygous for the celiac disease-associated SNPs rs1465321 and rs2058622 and the IBD-associated SNPs rs1551398 and rs1551399, reveals decreased binding to the minor disease-associated alleles. Furthermore, we show that rs1465321 is an expression quantitative trait locus (eQTL) for the neighboring gene IL18RAP, with decreased T-bet binding associated with decreased expression of this gene. These results suggest that genetic polymorphisms may predispose individuals to mucosal autoimmune disease through alterations in T-bet binding. Other disease-associated variants may similarly act by modulating the binding of lineage-specifying transcription factors in a tissue-selective and disease-specific manner

    Factors Associated with Sexual Risks and Risk of STIs, HIV and Other Blood-Borne Viruses Among Women Using Heroin and Other Drugs:A Systematic Literature Review

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    This systematic literature review identified factors associated with sexual risks related to sexually transmitted infections (STI), HIV and other blood-borne viruses (BBV) among women using heroin and other drugs. The search strategy included five databases (PubMed, EMBASE, PsycNET, Web of Science, Scopus), and PsycEXTRA for grey literature. Out of the 12,135 publications screened, 30 peer-reviewed articles were included. Most publications were cross-sectional (n = 25), quantitative (n = 23) and included 11,305 women. Factors identified were: (1) socio-demographics; (2) gender roles and violence against women; (3) substance use; (4) transactional sex; (5) partner characteristics, partner's drug use, and context of sex; (6) preferences, negotiation and availability of condoms; (7) HIV status and STIs; (8) number of sexual partners; (9) love and trust; (10) reproductive health and motherhood; and (11) risk awareness and perception of control. Overall, this review highlights important implications for future research and practice, and provides evidence for developing STI/BBV preventive strategies

    Evidencias paleosísmicas y geomorfológicas de actividad tectónica reciente de la Falla de Pozohondo (Cordillera Bética, SE de España)

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    Instrumental and historical seismicity in the Albacete province (External Prebetic Zone) has been scarcely recorded. However, major strike-slip faults showing NW-SE trending provide geomorphologic and paleoseismic evidence of recent tectonic activity (Late Pleistocene to Present). Moreover, these faults are consistently well oriented under the present stress tensor and therefore, they can trigger earthquakes of magnitude greater than M6, according to the lengths of surface ruptures and active segments recognized in fieldwork. Present landscape nearby the village of Hellin (SE of Albacete) is determined by the recent activity of the Pozohondo Fault (FPH), a NW-SE right-lateral fault with 90 km in length. In this study, we have calculated the Late Quaternary tectonic sliprate of the FPH from geomorphological, sedimentological, archaeoseimological, and paleoseismological approaches. All of these data suggest that the FPH runs with a minimum slip-rate of 0.1 mm/yr during the last 100 kyrs (Upper Pleistocene-Holocene). In addition, we have recognized the last two major paleoearthquakes associated to this fault. Magnitudes of these paleoearthquakes were gretarer than M6 and their recurrence intervals ranged from 6600 to 8600 yrs for the seismic cycle of FPH. The last earthquake was dated between the 1st and 6th centuries, though two earthquakes could be interpreted in this wide time interval, one at the FPH and other from a far field source. Results obtained here, suggest an increasing of the tectonic activity of the Pozohondo Fault during the last 10,000 yrs.A pesar de la escasa sismicidad instrumental e histórica en el Prebético Externo, que comprende la provincia de Albacete, existen tres grandes fallas con evidencias de actividad reciente y cuya orientación es compatible con el campo de esfuerzos activo. Estas fallas consisten en desgarres dextrorsos de orientación NO-SE cuya longitud de traza sobrepasa los 50 km. Este trabajo se centra en el análisis del segmento Tobarra-Cordovilla de la Falla de Pozohondo (FPH) (90 km de longitud), mediante estudios paleosísmicos, geomorfológicos, sedimentológicos e incluso arqueosísmicos. De todos estos análisis es posible afirmar que dicha falla (FPH) presenta una tasa de actividad cuaternaria superior a 0,1 mm/año durante los últimos 100 ka (Pleistoceno Superior-Holoceno). Además, se han descrito los últimos dos paleoterremotos asociados a este segmento con una tasa de recurrencia para magnitudes superior a M6 de 6600-8600 años, habiendo tenido lugar el último evento entre los siglos I y VI. Sin embargo, los datos no permiten fijar de forma más precisa dicho evento, e incluso es posible que hayan tenido lugar dos eventos diferenciados durante este periodo, uno relacionado con la FPH y el otro de origen de campo lejano. En cualquier caso, se evidencia un suave incremento en la actividad tectónica en la zona durante los últimos 10.000 años

    Paleogeografía sísmica de zonas costeras en la Península Ibérica: su impacto en el análisis de terremotos antiguos e históricos en España

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    This paper presents three examples of ancient earthquakes occurring in coastal areas of the S and SE of the Iberian Peninsula (218 BC, AD 40-60 and AD 1048) with the aim of illustrating the use of geological and archaeological data in their macroseismic characterization. Historical information for ancient earthquakes that occurred in Spain prior to the 10th century is scarce or non-existent. This paper shows that the current state of knowledge on palaeoseismology and archaeoseismology on these ancient events clearly exceeds the existing historical information allowing the increase of macroseismic information points by using the ESI-07 scale (Environmental Seismic Intensity). Consequently, the geologic analyses of ancient earthquakes contribute to their understanding and parametric evaluations, and improve further advances in seismic hazard assessments. The most significant issue outlined in the present paper is the analysis of the ancient palaeogeography of the affected areas. The studied examples analysed were located in open estuarine areas that have been filled by fluvial sediments or anthropogenic fills over time. The effects of the 218 BC earthquake-tsunami event in the Gulf of Cadiz are analysed in estuarine areas, and especially in the ancient Roman Lagus Ligustinus (Guadalquivir Depression marshes); the effects of the earthquake in AD 40-60 is analysed in the old Roman city of Baelo Claudia located in the Bolonia Bay (Strait of Gibraltar); and the effects of the earthquake of AD 1048on the ancient Sinus Ilicitanus (Bajo Segura Depression) during Muslim times. Descriptions from Roman and Arabic geographers are cross-checked with existing palaeogeographic models based on geological data. This type of analysis results in ancient macroseismic scenarios for the interpretation of theoretical distributions of intensities and environmental effects supporting the concept of “seismic palaeogeography” proposed in this paperEl presente trabajo recoge tres ejemplos de terremotos antiguos (218 AC, 40-60 AD y 1048 AD) ocurridos en zonas litorales del S y SO de la Península Ibérica con la intención de ilustrar el uso de datos geológicos y ar¬queológicos en la caracterización macrosísmica de los mismos. En la mayor parte de los sísmos ocurridos con anterioridad al siglo X d.C. la información documental histórica que se posee es muy escasa o inexistente. El presente trabajo muestra que el actual estado de conocimiento en paleosismología y arqueosismologia sobre este tipo de terremotos sobrepasa con creces la información documental histórica, permitiendo la multiplica¬ción de los puntos de información macrosísmica mediante el uso de la escala ESI-07 (Environmental Seismic Intensity). Consecuentemente, el análisis geológico de los terremotos antiguos mejora su conocimiento y análisis paramétrico, permitiendo avanzar la evaluación de la peligrosidad sísmica de las zonas afectadas. El aspecto que se pone de especial relieve en este trabajo es el análisis de la paleogeografía existente en la antigüedad, ya que todas las zonas (afectadas) analizadas en este trabajo corresponden a zonas estuarinas abiertas que se han ido rellenado por aportes fluviales o de forma artificial con el tiempo. Se analizan los efectos del terremoto de 218 AC en las zonas estuarinas del Golfo de Cádiz y muy especialmente en el antiguo Lacus Ligustinus (marismas del Guadalquivir) durante época romana; los efectos del terremoto de 40-60 AD en la antigua Bahía de Baelo Claudia (Estrecho de Gibraltar); y los efectos del terremoto de 1048 AD en el antiguo Sinus ilicitanus (Depresión del Bajo Segura) durante época musulmana. Se han cotejado descripciones de geógrafos romanos y árabes con modelos basados en datos geológicos. Este tipo de análisis ha permitido generar antiguos escenarios macrosísmicos basados en la paleogeografía y reinterpretar las distribuciones teóricas de intensidades y los efectos ambientales de los terremotos estudiados que es a lo que se refiere el concepto de “paleogeografía sísmica” propuesto en este trabajoThis work has been funded by the Spanish-FEDER research projects CGL2012-37281 C02.01 (QTECTBETICA-USAL), CGL2012-33430 (CSIC) and CGL2013-42847-R (UNED

    65. Physical and clinical dosimetry by means of Monte Carlo using a process distribution tool

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    The choice of the most appropriate strategy in a Radiotherapy treatment is mainly based on the use of a planning system. With the introduction of new techniques (conformal and/or small fields, asymmetrical and non coplanar beams, true 3D calculations, IMRT) the trustworthiness of the algorithms is being questioned. An alternative verification procedure is every time more necessary to warranty a treatment delivery. The reliability of Monte Carlo is generally accepted. However, its clinical use has not been operative due to the high CPU times needed. During the last few years our objective has been focussed to reduce this time by means of new process distribution techniques. Tnis drop has made it feasible, not only the physical dosimetry under special conditions, but also a numerous variety of clinical cases: photon and electron conformal fields, Radiosurgery and IMRT. The carried out procedure is presented. Furthermore, experimental dosimetry data as well as conventional TPS calculations are compared with Monte Carlo simulations

    Cholesterol metabolism drives regulatory B cell IL-10 through provision of geranylgeranyl pyrophosphate.

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    Funder: Intramural Research Programs of the National Human Genome Research InstituteRegulatory B cells restrict immune and inflammatory responses across a number of contexts. This capacity is mediated primarily through the production of IL-10. Here we demonstrate that the induction of a regulatory program in human B cells is dependent on a metabolic priming event driven by cholesterol metabolism. Synthesis of the metabolic intermediate geranylgeranyl pyrophosphate (GGPP) is required to specifically drive IL-10 production, and to attenuate Th1 responses. Furthermore, GGPP-dependent protein modifications control signaling through PI3Kδ-AKT-GSK3, which in turn promote BLIMP1-dependent IL-10 production. Inherited gene mutations in cholesterol metabolism result in a severe autoinflammatory syndrome termed mevalonate kinase deficiency (MKD). Consistent with our findings, B cells from MKD patients induce poor IL-10 responses and are functionally impaired. Moreover, metabolic supplementation with GGPP is able to reverse this defect. Collectively, our data define cholesterol metabolism as an integral metabolic pathway for the optimal functioning of human IL-10 producing regulatory B cells

    Pre-Flight Calibration of the Mars 2020 Rover Mastcam Zoom (Mastcam-Z) Multispectral, Stereoscopic Imager

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    The NASA Perseverance rover Mast Camera Zoom (Mastcam-Z) system is a pair of zoomable, focusable, multi-spectral, and color charge-coupled device (CCD) cameras mounted on top of a 1.7 m Remote Sensing Mast, along with associated electronics and two calibration targets. The cameras contain identical optical assemblies that can range in focal length from 26 mm (25.5∘×19.1∘ FOV) to 110 mm (6.2∘×4.2∘ FOV) and will acquire data at pixel scales of 148-540 μm at a range of 2 m and 7.4-27 cm at 1 km. The cameras are mounted on the rover’s mast with a stereo baseline of 24.3±0.1 cm and a toe-in angle of 1.17±0.03∘ (per camera). Each camera uses a Kodak KAI-2020 CCD with 1600×1200 active pixels and an 8 position filter wheel that contains an IR-cutoff filter for color imaging through the detectors’ Bayer-pattern filters, a neutral density (ND) solar filter for imaging the sun, and 6 narrow-band geology filters (16 total filters). An associated Digital Electronics Assembly provides command data interfaces to the rover, 11-to-8 bit companding, and JPEG compression capabilities. Herein, we describe pre-flight calibration of the Mastcam-Z instrument and characterize its radiometric and geometric behavior. Between April 26thth and May 9thth, 2019, ∼45,000 images were acquired during stand-alone calibration at Malin Space Science Systems (MSSS) in San Diego, CA. Additional data were acquired during Assembly Test and Launch Operations (ATLO) at the Jet Propulsion Laboratory and Kennedy Space Center. Results of the radiometric calibration validate a 5% absolute radiometric accuracy when using camera state parameters investigated during testing. When observing using camera state parameters not interrogated during calibration (e.g., non-canonical zoom positions), we conservatively estimate the absolute uncertainty to be 0.2 design requirement. We discuss lessons learned from calibration and suggest tactical strategies that will optimize the quality of science data acquired during operation at Mars. While most results matched expectations, some surprises were discovered, such as a strong wavelength and temperature dependence on the radiometric coefficients and a scene-dependent dynamic component to the zero-exposure bias frames. Calibration results and derived accuracies were validated using a Geoboard target consisting of well-characterized geologic samples