176 research outputs found

    Reklama w świetle legendy. „Dźwignia” Rafała Wojaczka

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    The article entitled “Rafał Wojaczek: Advertisement in the Light of a Legend” is the first part of a draft which tries to describe a breakthrough moment, in which the biography of Rafał Wojaczek coincides with the beginning of his literary output. The author makes a central point of the formula: “advertisement is the engine of trade” (appearing in the notebook collecting his early poetical notes from the period of studies at Polish philology), which is placed in contrast to the statement by Julian Przyboś: “the art of a poem is the engine of poetry”. The author, examining the earlier editions of Wojaczek’s poems explains (using the sociological and philosophical apparatus) the mechanisms conditioning the phenomenon of the reception of his poetry. At the same time, he launches the notion of pre-reception, which—being a labile notion, situated in the borderland between reception and advertise-ment—indicates a dual position of an object, to which the pre-reception refers (presence and absence at the same time). This, in turn, announces the poetic strategy of Wojaczek, embracing the form and the subject matter of a poem (expressiveness against a precise structure of a poem), and foretells a subsequent part focusing on the question of the actual reception, taking into consideration the somatic character of his output as well as its autothematic involvement

    Wyrok Rafała Wojaczka jako kres możliwości podmiotu

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    The present article attempts to interpret the poem Wyrok [The Verdict] written by Rafał Wojaczek. The author tries to reveal the rules of the game in the play with psychoanalysis that are set in motion in the poem by the introduction of the Freudian signature to the text. Citing the Oedipus complex as one of the “representative” mechanisms for the development of the phenomenon of unawareness, he proceeds to prove that the theory of psychoanalysis as the interpretative context can function on the principle of the paradox, i.e. the stronger the denial of it within the subject, the more important it becomes for the understanding of the work. In this way, Wojaczek, by making the poem heretically sealed, opens it up to interpretation and, eventually, implies that its sense goes beyond any explanation (negation of psychoanalysis as an interpretative method). This last statement makes the basis for a formulation of further assumptions on the psychical structure of the subject (conscious unawareness and unconscious awareness), as well as the relations between the author, the subject and the lyrical protagonist where the author, after exceeding the limits of the poem, splits himself into two instances: textual representation (that of the father) and the lyrical “I” that is the irrevocable verdict condemning the poet to making them fit into language and grammar. An attempt, then, at salvation and a coupling of the body (blood) with the lingering word turns out, however, to be deadly, a carrying out of the verdict

    The interests and vulnerabilities of female forced migrants need to be recognised and integrated within the national strategy for tackling violence against women and girls

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    Over 82 million people were forcibly displaced in 2020, around half being female. Women and girls face specific vulnerabilities in forced migration including sexual and gender-based violence (SGBV). The exact proportion of forced migrants experiencing SGBV is unknown but thought to exceed 50%. Men, boys and LGBTQIA+ people can also be victims. Jenny Phillimore and Sandra Pertek shed light upon forced migrants’ experiences of SGBV based on interviews with 68 forced migrant SGBV victims, and 26 service providers working with victims, between 2018 and 2020

    On the Significance of Religion in Violence Against Women and Girls

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    In this ground-breaking volume, the authors explore two sides of religion: the ways in which it contributes to violence against women and girls (VAWG) and the ways it counters it. Recognising the very real impact of religion on the lives of women and girls, it prioritises experiences and learnings from empirical research and of practitioners, and their activities at grassroots-level, to better understand the nature and root causes of VAWG. Drawing on research done in Christian and Muslim communities in various fragile settings with high religiosity, this book avoids simplistically assigning blame to any one religion, instead engaging with the commonalities of how religion and religious actors influence norms and behaviours that impact VAWG. If the sustainable development goal of ending all forms of VAWG is to be achieved, how should actors in the international development sector engage with religion and religious actors? This book unpacks the nature of religion and religious actors in relation to VAWG, with the aim of giving greater clarity on how to (and how not to) engage with this crucial issue. Combining cutting-edge research with case studies and pragmatic recommendations for academics, policymakers and practitioners, this concise and easily accessible volume helps instigate discussion and engagement with the incredibly important relationships between religion and VAWG

    „Jest ja, ale mnie nie ma” – granica poetyckiego szaleństwa Rafała Wojaczka

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    In this article the author made an attempt at demarcating the limits of the poetic language of Rafał Wojaczek, the crossing of which – as the author of this study thinks – opens before the poet a possibility of achieving the perfectness of the subject of his poems, portending the specter of madness. This project is combined with the problems of the crisis of identity being both the reason and the consequence of the many renewed attempts at its realisation. The author claims that from this point of view, it was in the Dziennik [Diary] (the first of the analysed texts) Wojaczek as an author his desire of perfection and discovers that it is unattainable beyond madness. Dziennik is also a place of the first experience of the crisis in view of which the debut Sezon [Season], and in particular the poem which opens that book, and which has the same title as the whole (another text submitted to interpretaion), is only its poetic rewriting. Such a view allows the author to reveal the intertextual opening. In the course of analysis of the poem, difficulties connected with the realisation of the project, i.e. obtaining oneself as authentic in the language, just defining of identity, the source of which is Arthur Rimbaud’s philosophy, is exposed. Nevertheless Wojaczek’s subject is neither a repetition of the model of Rimbaud nor its denial, but a transfer of elusiveness of the changeable “I”, expressed by means of the formula “I is someone else”, into the area of absence. The considerations are capped with the interpretation of the work Piszę wiersz [I am writing a poem], which is a poetic verification of diagnoses made by Wojaczek in Sezon.In this article the author made an attempt at demarcating the limits of the poetic language of Rafał Wojaczek, the crossing of which – as the author of this study thinks – opens before the poet a possibility of achieving the perfectness of the subject of his poems, portending the specter of madness. This project is combined with the problems of the crisis of identity being both the reason and the consequence of the many renewed attempts at its realisation. The author claims that from this point of view, it was in the Dziennik [Diary] (the first of the analysed texts) Wojaczek as an author his desire of perfection and discovers that it is unattainable beyond madness. Dziennik is also a place of the first experience of the crisis in view of which the debut Sezon [Season], and in particular the poem which opens that book, and which has the same title as the whole (another text submitted to interpretaion), is only its poetic rewriting. Such a view allows the author to reveal the intertextual opening. In the course of analysis of the poem, difficulties connected with the realisation of the project, i.e. obtaining oneself as authentic in the language, just defining of identity, the source of which is Arthur Rimbaud’s philosophy, is exposed. Nevertheless Wojaczek’s subject is neither a repetition of the model of Rimbaud nor its denial, but a transfer of elusiveness of the changeable “I”, expressed by means of the formula “I is someone else”, into the area of absence. The considerations are capped with the interpretation of the work Piszę wiersz [I am writing a poem], which is a poetic verification of diagnoses made by Wojaczek in Sezon

    “There is I, but me is not” – the limits of poetic madness of Rafał Wojaczek

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    In this article the author made an attempt at demarcating the limits of the poetic language of Rafał Wojaczek, the crossing of which – as the author of this study thinks – opens before the poet a possibility of achieving the perfectness of the subject of his poems, portending the specter of madness. This project is combined with the problems of the crisis of identity being both the reason and the consequence of the many renewed attempts at its realisation. The author claims that from this point of view, it was in the Dziennik [Diary] (the first of the analysed texts) Wojaczek as an author his desire of perfection and discovers that it is unattainable beyond madness. Dziennik is also a place of the first experience of the crisis in view of which the debut Sezon [Season], and in particular the poem which opens that book, and which has the same title as the whole (another text submitted to interpretaion), is only its poetic rewriting. Such a view allows the author to reveal the intertextual opening. In the course of analysis of the poem, difficulties connected with the realisation of the project, i.e. obtaining oneself as authentic in the language, just defining of identity, the source of which is Arthur Rimbaud’s philosophy, is exposed. Nevertheless Wojaczek’s subject is neither a repetition of the model of Rimbaud nor its denial, but a transfer of elusiveness of the changeable “I”, expressed by means of the formula “I is someone else”, into the area of absence. The considerations are capped with the interpretation of the work Piszę wiersz [I am writing a poem], which is a poetic verification of diagnoses made by Wojaczek in Sezon

    Comparison of Er:YAG modalities (PIPS-SWEEPS) onEliminating of enterococcus faecalis populations

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    Comparison of Er:YAG Modalities (PIPS-SWEEPS) on Eliminating of Enterococcus Faecalis Populations Background: To determine the effectiveness of novel two Er:YAG lasers modalities, photon-initiated photoacoustic streaming (PIPS\SSP) and shock wave-enhanced emission photoacoustic streaming (SWEEPS\AutoSWEEPS) in terms of removal Enterococcus faecalis (E. faecalis) with or without antimicrobial agents [Sodium hypochlorite (NaOCl) and chlorhexidine gluconate (CHX)]. Methods: Forty-two extracted single-rooted mandibular premolars were prepared, sterilized, and then inoculated with E. faecalis for 4 weeks, and randomly divided into to two main and three subgroups (n= 7). Group Ia ( PIPS + distilled water), Group Ib (PIPS + 5% NaOCl), Group Ic (PIPS + CHX), and Group IIa (SWEEPS + distilled water), Group IIb (SWEEPS + 5% NaOCl), and Group IIc (SWEEPS + CHX). Following incubation for 48 hours at 37°C, the colony forming units (CFU) were counted. Results: NaOCl and CHX activated with PIPS\SSP or SWEEPS\AutoSWEEPS modalities showed significantly higher reduction rates than distilled water activated with both laseractivated methods (p<0.05), but no significant differences were detected between the NaOCl and CHX groups. Besides, in all groups, no significant difference was detected between PIPS\SSP and SWEEPS\AutoSWEEPS performances in the reduction of CFU counts (p>0.05). Conclusion: Even novel laser activation methods or modalities are not sufficient alone to adequately reduce bacterial load and using antimicrobial agents with laser activation is necessary for the best reduction for microbial elimination. Novel SWEEPS\AutoSWEEPS modalıty with the conical 600μm tip showed no increased efficacy compared with PIPS\SSP mode. Besides, smaller fiber tip may increase the success of applications for minimally invasive access cavities and preparationEnterococcus Faecalis Biyofilmlerinin Ortadan Kaldırılmasında Er: YAG Yöntemlerinin (PIPS-SWEEPS) Karşılaştırılması Amaç: İki yeni Er: YAG lazer modalitesi olan foton-indüklü fotoakustik dalgalanma (PIPS \ SSP) ve şok dalgası ile geliştirilmiş emisyon fotoakustik akımının (SWEEPS \ AutoSWEEP) antimikrobiyal ajanlar (NaOCl ve klorheksidin glukonat) kullanılarak veya kullanılmadan E. faecalis uzaklaştırmadaki etkinliğinin belirlenmesidir. Gereç ve Yöntemler: Kırk iki ekstrakte tek köklü mandibular premolar hazırlandı, sterilize edildi ve daha sonra 4 hafta boyunca E. faecalis ekimi yapıldı ve rastgele iki ana ve üç alt gruba (n = 7) ayrıldı. Grup Ia (PIPS + distile su), Grup Ib (PIPS +% 5 NaOCl), Grup Ic (PIPS + CHX) ve Grup IIa (SWEEPS +distile su), Grup IIb (SWEEPS +% 5 NaOCl) ve Grup IIc (SWEEPS + CHX). 37 ° C'de 48 saat süreyle inkübasyonun ardından, oluşan koloniler (CFU) sayıldı. Bulgular: PIPS \ SSP veya SWEEPS \ AutoSWEEPS yöntemleri ile aktive edilen NaOCl ve CHX, her iki lazer aktivasyon metodu ile aktive edilen distile sudan anlamlı şekilde daha yüksek indirgeme oranları gösterdi (p <0.05), ancak NaOCl ve CHX grupları arasında anlamlı bir fark bulunmadı. Ayrıca, tüm gruplarda, CFU sayılarının azaltılmasında PIPS \ SSP ve SWEEPS \ AutoSWEEPS performansları arasında anlamlı bir fark saptanmamıştır (p> 0.05). Sonuç: Yeni lazer aktivasyon metod veya modülleri bile bakteri yükünü yeterince azaltmak için tek başına yeterli değildir. En etkili mikrobiyal eliminasyon için lazer aktivasyonun antimikrobiyal ajanlar ile birlikte kullanılması gerekmektedir. Konik 600μm uçla uygulanan yeni SWEEPS \ AutoSWEEPS modalitesi, PIPS \ SSP’e kıyasla artan bir etkinlik göstermedi. Daha küçük fiber uç kullanımı, minimal invaziv giriş kavitesi ve preperasyonlarda uygulamaların başarısını artırabilir