1,952 research outputs found

    The magnetic structure and field dependence of the cycloid phas mediating the spin reorientation transition in Ca₃Ru₂O₇

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    We report a comprehensive experimental investigation of the magnetic structure of the cycloidal phase in Ca3Ru2O7, which mediates the spin reorientation transition, and establishes its magnetic phase diagram. In zero applied field, single-crystal neutron diffraction data confirms the scenario deduced from an earlier resonant x-ray scattering study: between 46.7~K <T<49.0~K the magnetic moments form a cycloid in the a−b plane with a propagation wavevector of (δ,0,1) with δ≃0.025 and an ordered moment of about 1 μB, with the eccentricity of the cycloid evolving with temperature. In an applied magnetic field applied parallel to the b-axis, the intensity of the (δ,0,1) satellite peaks decreases continuously up to about μ0H≃5 T, above which field the system becomes field polarised. Both the eccentricity of the cycloid and the wavevector increase with field, the latter suggesting an enhancement of the anti−symmetric Dzyaloshinskii−Moriya interaction via magnetostriction effects. Transitions between the various low-temperature magnetic phases have been carefully mapped out using magnetometry and resistivity. The resulting phase diagram reveals that the cycloid phase exists in a temperature window that expands rapidly with increasing field, before transitioning to a polarised paramagnetic state at 5 T. High-field magnetoresistance measurements show that below T≃70 K the resistivity increases continuously with decreasing temperature, indicating the inherent insulating nature at low temperatures of our high-quality, untwinned, single-crystals. We discuss our results with reference to previous reports of the magnetic phase diagram of Ca3Ru2O7 that utilised samples which were more metallic and/or poly-domain

    Magnetic structure and field dependence of the cycloid phase mediating the spin reorientation transition in Ca3Ru2 O7

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    We report a comprehensive experimental investigation of the magnetic structure of the cycloidal phase in Ca3Ru2O7, which mediates the spin reorientation transition and establishes its magnetic phase diagram. In zero applied field, single-crystal neutron diffraction data confirm the scenario deduced from an earlier resonant x-ray scattering study: For 46.7K <T< 49.0 K the magnetic moments form a cycloid in the a-b plane with a propagation wave vector of (δ,0,1) with δ≃0.025 and an ordered moment of about 1μB, with the eccentricity of the cycloid evolving with temperature. In an applied magnetic field applied parallel to the b axis, the intensity of the (δ,0,1) satellite peaks decreases continuously up to about μ0H≃5T, above which field the system becomes field polarized. Both the eccentricity of the cycloid and the wave vector increase with field, the latter suggesting an enhancement of the antisymmetric Dzyaloshinskii-Moriya interaction over the symmetric exchange interactions via magnetostriction effects. Transitions between the various low-temperature magnetic phases have been carefully mapped out using magnetometry and resistivity. The resulting phase diagram reveals that the cycloid phase exists in a temperature window that expands rapidly with increasing field, before transitioning to a polarized paramagnetic state at 5 T. High-field magnetoresistance measurements show that below T≃70K the resistivity increases continuously with decreasing temperature, indicating the inherent insulating nature at low temperatures of our high-quality, untwinned, single crystals. We discuss our results with reference to previous reports of the magnetic phase diagram of Ca3Ru2O7 that utilized samples which were more metallic and/or polydomain

    A comprehensive study on the role of the Yersinia pestis virulence markers in an animal model of pneumonic plague

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    We determined the role of Yersinia pestis virulence markers in an animal model of pneumonic plague. Eleven strains of Y. pestis were characterized using PCR assays to detect the presence of known virulence genes both encoded by the three plasmids as well as chromosomal markers. The virulence of all Y. pestis strains was compared in a mouse model for pneumonic plague. The presence of all known virulence genes correlated completely with virulence in the Balb/c mouse model. Strains which lacked HmsF initially exhibited visible signs of disease whereas all other strains (except wild-type strains) did not exhibit any disease signs. Forty-eight hours post-infection, mice which had received HmsF– strains regained body mass and were able to control infection; those infected with strains possessing a full complement of virulence genes suffered from fatal disease. The bacterial loads observed in the lung and other tissues reflected the observed clinical signs as did the cytokine changes measured in these animals. We can conclude that all known virulence genes are required for the establishment of pneumonic plague in mammalian animal models, the role of HmsF being of particular importance in disease progression

    Steady-state modulation of voltage-gated K+ channels in rat arterial smooth muscle by cyclic AMP-dependent protein kinase and protein phosphatase 2B

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    Voltage-gated potassium channels (Kv) are important regulators of membrane potential in vascular smooth muscle cells, which is integral to controlling intracellular Ca2+ concentration and regulating vascular tone. Previous work indicates that Kv channels can be modulated by receptor-driven alterations of cyclic AMP-dependent protein kinase (PKA) activity. Here, we demonstrate that Kv channel activity is maintained by tonic activity of PKA. Whole-cell recording was used to assess the effect of manipulating PKA signalling on Kv and ATP-dependent K+ channels of rat mesenteric artery smooth muscle cells. Application of PKA inhibitors, KT5720 or H89, caused a significant inhibition of Kv currents. Tonic PKA-mediated activation of Kv appears maximal as application of isoprenaline (a β-adrenoceptor agonist) or dibutyryl-cAMP failed to enhance Kv currents. We also show that this modulation of Kv by PKA can be reversed by protein phosphatase 2B/calcineurin (PP2B). PKA-dependent inhibition of Kv by KT5720 can be abrogated by pre-treatment with the PP2B inhibitor cyclosporin A, or inclusion of a PP2B auto-inhibitory peptide in the pipette solution. Finally, we demonstrate that tonic PKA-mediated modulation of Kv requires intact caveolae. Pre-treatment of the cells with methyl-β-cyclodextrin to deplete cellular cholesterol, or adding caveolin-scaffolding domain peptide to the pipette solution to disrupt caveolae-dependent signalling each attenuated PKA-mediated modulation of the Kv current. These findings highlight a novel, caveolae-dependent, tonic modulatory role of PKA on Kv channels providing new insight into mechanisms and the potential for pharmacological manipulation of vascular tone

    Differential Control of Yersinia pestis Biofilm Formation In Vitro and in the Flea Vector by Two c-di-GMP Diguanylate Cyclases

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    Yersinia pestis forms a biofilm in the foregut of its flea vector that promotes transmission by flea bite. As in many bacteria, biofilm formation in Y. pestis is controlled by intracellular levels of the bacterial second messenger c-di-GMP. Two Y. pestis diguanylate cyclase (DGC) enzymes, encoded by hmsT and y3730, and one phosphodiesterase (PDE), encoded by hmsP, have been shown to control biofilm production in vitro via their opposing c-di-GMP synthesis and degradation activities, respectively. In this study, we provide further evidence that hmsT, hmsP, and y3730 are the only three genes involved in c-di-GMP metabolism in Y. pestis and evaluated the two DGCs for their comparative roles in biofilm formation in vitro and in the flea vector. As with HmsT, the DGC activity of Y3730 depended on a catalytic GGDEF domain, but the relative contribution of the two enzymes to the biofilm phenotype was influenced strongly by the environmental niche. Deletion of y3730 had a very minor effect on in vitro biofilm formation, but resulted in greatly reduced biofilm formation in the flea. In contrast, the predominant effect of hmsT was on in vitro biofilm formation. DGC activity was also required for the Hms-independent autoaggregation phenotype of Y. pestis, but was not required for virulence in a mouse model of bubonic plague. Our results confirm that only one PDE (HmsP) and two DGCs (HmsT and Y3730) control c-di-GMP levels in Y. pestis, indicate that hmsT and y3730 are regulated post-transcriptionally to differentially control biofilm formation in vitro and in the flea vector, and identify a second c-di-GMP-regulated phenotype in Y. pestis

    Strain control of a bandwidth-driven spin reorientation in Ca₃Ru₂O₇

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    The layered-ruthenate family of materials possess an intricate interplay of structural, electronic and magnetic degrees of freedom that yields a plethora of delicately balanced ground states. This is exemplified by Ca3Ru2O7, which hosts a coupled transition in which the lattice parameters jump, the Fermi surface partially gaps and the spins undergo a 90∘ in-plane reorientation. Here, we show how the transition is driven by a lattice strain that tunes the electronic bandwidth. We apply uniaxial stress to single crystals of Ca3Ru2O7, using neutron and resonant x-ray scattering to simultaneously probe the structural and magnetic responses. These measurements demonstrate that the transition can be driven by externally induced strain, stimulating the development of a theoretical model in which an internal strain is generated self-consistently to lower the electronic energy. We understand the strain to act by modifying tilts and rotations of the RuO6 octahedra, which directly influences the nearest-neighbour hopping. Our results offer a blueprint for uncovering the driving force behind coupled phase transitions, as well as a route to controlling them

    Light-Cone Quantization and Hadron Structure

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    In this talk, I review the use of the light-cone Fock expansion as a tractable and consistent description of relativistic many-body systems and bound states in quantum field theory and as a frame-independent representation of the physics of the QCD parton model. Nonperturbative methods for computing the spectrum and LC wavefunctions are briefly discussed. The light-cone Fock state representation of hadrons also describes quantum fluctuations containing intrinsic gluons, strangeness, and charm, and, in the case of nuclei, "hidden color". Fock state components of hadrons with small transverse size, such as those which dominate hard exclusive reactions, have small color dipole moments and thus diminished hadronic interactions; i.e., "color transparency". The use of light-cone Fock methods to compute loop amplitudes is illustrated by the example of the electron anomalous moment in QED. In other applications, such as the computation of the axial, magnetic, and quadrupole moments of light nuclei, the QCD relativistic Fock state description provides new insights which go well beyond the usual assumptions of traditional hadronic and nuclear physics.Comment: LaTex 36 pages, 3 figures. To obtain a copy, send e-mail to [email protected]

    Insights into the chemical composition of Equisetum hyemale by high resolution Raman imaging

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    Equisetaceae has been of research interest for decades, as it is one of the oldest living plant families, and also due to its high accumulation of silica up to 25% dry wt. Aspects of silica deposition, its association with other biomolecules, as well as the chemical composition of the outer strengthening tissue still remain unclear. These questions were addressed by using high resolution (<1 μm) Confocal Raman microscopy. Two-dimensional spectral maps were acquired on cross sections of Equisetum hyemale and Raman images calculated by integrating over the intensity of characteristic spectral regions. This enabled direct visualization of differences in chemical composition and extraction of average spectra from defined regions for detailed analyses, including principal component analysis (PCA) and basis analysis (partial least square fit based on model spectra). Accumulation of silica was imaged in the knobs and in a thin layer below the cuticula. In the spectrum extracted from the knob region as main contributions, a broad band below 500 cm−1 attributed to amorphous silica, and a band at 976 cm−1 assigned to silanol groups, were found. From this, we concluded that these protrusions were almost pure amorphous, hydrated silica. No silanol group vibration was detected in the silicified epidermal layer below and association with pectin and hemicelluloses indicated. Pectin and hemicelluloses (glucomannan) were found in high levels in the epidermal layer and in a clearly distinguished outer part of the hypodermal sterome fibers. The inner part of the two-layered cells revealed as almost pure cellulose, oriented parallel along the fiber
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