143 research outputs found

    Le Noir au théâtre: de la violence à l´écosophie

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    Cet article porte sur la dimension profonde du noir au théâtre. Ce travail propose de répondre à la question sous-jacente au thème : comment parler de l'obscurité dans sa dimension la plus profonde ? Pour ce faire, le texte s'appuie sur des spectacles créés en France et de renommée internationale.Cet article porte sur la dimension profonde du noir au théâtre. Ce travail propose de répondre à la question sous-jacente au thème : comment parler de l'obscurité dans sa dimension la plus profonde ? Pour ce faire, le texte s'appuie sur des spectacles créés en France et de renommée internationale

    Do visível ao visual: poderes do blecaute na Magie Nouvelle

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    A Magie Nouvelle é uma arte ilusionista, da qual algumas variações cênicas se apoiam em ilusões de ótica e na perturbação das referências. O blecaute trazido à sua cena oferece um ambiente propício para revelar as aparições mais irreais: os corpos no palco, livres das restrições do real, provocam o encontro com o sentimento mágico. Através de uma experiência sensorial, o espectador mergulha em um universo irracional e cativante que tem o poder evocatório da imagem aberta (Georges Didi-Huberman). O blecaute imersivo tem a faculdade de transformar a opacidade da tela do visível até adquirir as qualidades do visual. Espetáculos como Vibrations (2010) e Notte (Cia 14:20) ou ainda Les Limbes (Cia Mosntre[s], 2014) permitirão demonstrar suas ocorrências. No entanto, se essa abordagem mágica do blecaute parece das mais novas, sua mobilização marcou a história da magia. Esse artigo vai se debruçar, portanto, num primeiro momento, sobre uma recontextualização do uso do blecaute na história da magia, antes de apresentar as modalidades e os desafios contemporâneas próprios à Magie Nouvelle.

    O Escuro no Teatro: da violência à ecosofia

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    Este artigo aborda a dimensão mais profunda do escuro em cena. O trabalho se propõe responder à questão subjacente ao tema, qual seja, como falar do escuro em sua dimensão mais profunda? Para tanto a sua escrita se pauta em espetáculos de renome internacional criados na França

    Effects of Systemic Pesticides Imidacloprid and Metalaxyl on the Phyllosphere of Pepper Plants

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    Microbes inhabiting the phyllosphere of crops are exposed to pesticides applied either directly onto plant foliage or indirectly through soil. Although, phyllosphere microbiology has been rapidly evolving, little is still known regarding the impact of pesticides on the epiphytic microbial community and especially on fungi. We determined the impact of two systemic pesticides (metalaxyl and imidacloprid), applied either on foliage or through soil, on the epiphytic fungal and bacterial communities via DGGE and cloning. Both pesticides induced mild effects on the fungal and the bacterial communities. The only exception was the foliage application of imidacloprid which showed a more prominent effect on the fungal community. Cloning showed that the fungal community was dominated by putative plant pathogenic ascomycetes (Erysiphaceae and Cladosporium), while a few basidiomycetes were also present. The former ribotypes were not affected by pesticides application, while selected yeasts (Cryptococcus) were stimulated by the application of imidacloprid suggesting a potential role in its degradation. A less diverse bacterial community was identified in pepper plants. Metalaxyl stimulated an Enterobacteriaceae clone which is an indication of the involvement of members of this family in fungicide degradation. Further studies will focus on the isolation of epiphytic microbes which appear to be stimulated by pesticides application

    Lab to Field Assessment of the Ecotoxicological Impact of Chlorpyrifos, Isoproturon, or Tebuconazole on the Diversity and Composition of the Soil Bacterial Community

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    Pesticides are intentionally applied to agricultural fields for crop protection. They can harm non-target organisms such as soil microorganisms involved in important ecosystem functions with impacts at the global scale. Within the frame of the pesticide registration process, the ecotoxicological impact of pesticides on soil microorganisms is still based on carbon and nitrogen mineralization tests, despite the availability of more extensive approaches analyzing the abundance, activity or diversity of soil microorganisms. In this study, we used a high-density DNA microarray (PhyloChip) and 16S rDNA amplicon next-generation sequencing (NGS) to analyze the impact of the organophosphate insecticide chlorpyrifos (CHL), the phenyl-urea herbicide isoproturon (IPU), or the triazole fungicide tebuconazole (TCZ) on the diversity and composition of the soil bacterial community. To our knowledge, it is the first time that the combination of these approaches are applied to assess the impact of these three pesticides in a lab-to-field experimental design. The PhyloChip analysis revealed that although no significant changes in the composition of the bacterial community were observed in soil microcosms exposed to the pesticides, significant differences in detected operational taxonomic units (OTUs) were observed in the field experiment between pesticide treatments and control for all three tested pesticides after 70 days of exposure. NGS revealed that the bacterial diversity and composition varied over time. This trend was more marked in the microcosm than in the field study. Only slight but significant transient effects of CHL or TCZ were observed in the microcosm and the field study, respectively. IPU was not found to significantly modify the soil bacterial diversity or composition. Our results are in accordance with conclusions of the Environmental Food Safety Authority (EFSA), which concluded that these three pesticides may have a low risk toward soil microorganisms

    Molecular basis of fosmidomycin's action on the human malaria parasite Plasmodium falciparum

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    The human malaria parasite Plasmodium falciparum is responsible for the deaths of more than a million people each year. Fosmidomycin has been proven to be efficient in the treatment of P. falciparum malaria by inhibiting 1-deoxy-D-xylulose 5-phosphate reductoisomerase (DXR), an enzyme of the non-mevalonate pathway, which is absent in humans. However, the structural details of DXR inhibition by fosmidomycin in P. falciparum are unknown. Here, we report the crystal structures of fosmidomycin-bound complete quaternary complexes of PfDXR. Our study revealed that (i) an intrinsic flexibility of the PfDXR molecule accounts for an induced-fit movement to accommodate the bound inhibitor in the active site and (ii) a cis arrangement of the oxygen atoms of the hydroxamate group of the bound inhibitor is essential for tight binding of the inhibitor to the active site metal. We expect the present structures to be useful guides for the design of more effective antimalarial compounds

    Difference Revised: Gender and Transformation among the Amazonian Runa

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    In this paper, I will explore how knowledge practices among the Runa of the Ecuadorian Amazon are informed by the specificity of local gender constructions. I will argue that while men learn to be ‘proper’ persons primarily through the ingestion of substances which penetrate inside their bodies and change them from the interior, women learn to become ‘proper’ Runa through imitating and reproducing specific movements. This difference in learning regimes, I argue, is based upon a priori conceptualisation of men and women as distinct kinds of beings. I argue that the Runa conceptualise as gender difference the way in which exteriority and interiority are played out in male and female persons. Unlike other Amazonian cases, women are understood by the Runa as ‘naturally’ predisposed to exteriority. This has important repercussions in the way cultural change is thought to affect women and men, especially in contrast to other Amazonian people