66 research outputs found

    Evolution of brown carbon in wildfire plumes

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    Particulate brown carbon (BrC) in the atmosphere absorbs light at subvisible wavelengths and has poorly constrained but potentially large climate forcing impacts. BrC from biomass burning has virtually unknown lifecycle and atmospheric stability. Here, BrC emitted from intense wildfires was measured in plumes transported over 2 days from two main fires, during the 2013 NASA SEAC4RS mission. Concurrent measurements of organic aerosol (OA) and black carbon (BC) mass concentration, BC coating thickness, absorption Ångström exponent, and OA oxidation state reveal that the initial BrC emitted from the fires was largely unstable. Using back trajectories to estimate the transport time indicates that BrC aerosol light absorption decayed in the plumes with a half-life of 9 to 15 h, measured over day and night. Although most BrC was lost within a day, possibly through chemical loss and/or evaporation, the remaining persistent fraction likely determines the background BrC levels most relevant for climate forcing

    Ambient Observations of Sub-1.0 Hygroscopic Growth Factor and F(RH) Values: Case Studies from Surface and Airborne Measurements

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    This study reports on the first set of ambient observations of sub-1.0 hygroscopicity values (i.e., growth factor, ratio of humidified-to-dry diameter, GF=Dp,wet/Dp,dry and f(RH), ratio of humidified-to-dry scattering coefficients, less than 1) with consistency across different instruments, regions, and platforms. We utilized data from a shipboard humidified tandem differential mobility analyzer (HTDMA) during Eastern Pacific Emitted Aerosol Cloud Experiment (E-PEACE) in 2011, multiple instruments on the DC-8 aircraft during Studies of Emissions, Atmospheric Composition, Clouds and Climate Coupling by Regional Surveys (SEAC4RS) in 2013, as well as the Differential Aerosol Sizing and Hygroscopicity Spectrometer Probe (DASH-SP) during measurement intensives during Summer 2014 and Winter 2015 in Tucson, Arizona. Sub-1.0 GFs were observed across the range of relative humidity (RH) investigated (75-95%), and did not show a RH-dependent trend in value below 1.0 or frequency of occurrence. A commonality between suppressed hygroscopicity in these experiments, including sub-1.0 GF, was the presence of smoke. Evidence of externally mixed aerosol, and thus multiple GFs, was observed during smoke periods resulting in at least one mode with GF < 1. Time periods during which the DASH-SP detected externally mixed aerosol coincide with sub-1.0 f(RH) observations. Mechanisms responsible for sub-1.0 hygroscopicity are discussed and include refractive index (RI) modifications due to aqueous processing, particle restructuring, and volatilization effects. To further investigate ambient observations of sub-1.0 GFs, f(RH), and particle restructuring, modifying hygroscopicity instruments with pre-humidification modules is recommended

    In situ measurements of water uptake by black carbon-containing aerosol in wildfire plumes

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    Water uptake by black carbon (BC)-containing aerosol was quantified in North American wildfire plumes of varying age (1 to ~40 h old) sampled during the SEAC4RS mission (2013). A Humidified Dual SP2 (HD-SP2) is used to optically size BC-containing particles under dry and humid conditions from which we extract the hygroscopicity parameter, κ, of materials internally mixed with BC. Instrumental variability and the uncertainty of the technique are briefly discussed. An ensemble average κ of 0.04 is found for the set of plumes sampled, consistent with previous estimates of bulk aerosol hygroscopicity from biomass burning sources. The temporal evolution of κ in the Yosemite Rim Fire plume is explored to constrain the rate of conversion of BC-containing aerosol from hydrophobic to more hydrophilic modes in these emissions. A BC-specific κ increase of ~0.06 over 40 h is found, fit well with an exponential curve corresponding to a transition from a κ of 0 to a κ of ~0.09 with an e-folding time of 29 h. Although only a few percent of wildfire particles contain BC, a similar κ increase is estimated for bulk aerosol and the measured aerosol composition is used to infer that the observed κ change is driven by a combination of incorporation of ammonium sulfate and oxidation of existing organic materials. Finally, a substantial fraction of wildfire-generated BC-containing aerosol is calculated to be active as cloud condensation nuclei shortly after emission likely indicating efficient wet removal. These results can constrain model treatment of BC from wildfire sources

    Fine Ash-Bearing Particles as a Major Aerosol Component in Biomass Burning Smoke

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    Biomass burning (BB) events are occurring globally with increasing frequency, and their emissions are having more impacts on human health and climate. Large ash particles are recognized as a BB product with major influences on soil and water environments. However, fine-ash particles, which have diameters smaller than several microns and characteristic morphologies and compositions (mainly Ca and Mg carbonates), have not yet been explicitly considered as a major BB aerosol component either in field observations or climate models. This study measured BB aerosol samples using transmission electron microscopy (TEM) and ion chromatography during the Fire Influence on Regional to Global Environments and Air Quality (FIREX-AQ) campaign. We show that significant amounts of fine ash-bearing particles are transported \u3e100 km from their fire sources. Our environmental chamber experiments suggest that they can act as cloud condensation and ice nuclei. We also found considerable amounts of fine ash-bearing particles in the TEM samples collected during previous campaigns (Biomass Burning Observation Project and Megacity Initiative: Local and Global Research Observations). These ash particles are commonly mixed with organic matter and make up ∼8% and 5% of BB smoke by number and mass, respectively, in samples collected during the FIREX-AQ campaign. The measured ash-mass concentrations are approximately five times and six times greater than those of BB black carbon and potassium, respectively, scaling to an estimated global emission of 11.6 Tg yr−1 with a range of 8.8–16.3 Tg yr−1. Better characterization and constraints on these fine ash-bearing particles will improve BB aerosol measurements and strengthen assessments of BB impacts on human health and climate

    Characteristics of brown carbon in Western United States wildfires

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    Brown carbon (BrC) associated with aerosol particles in western United States wildfires was measured between Jul. and Aug. 2019 onboard the NASA DC-8 research aircraft during the Fire Influence on Regional to Global Environments and Air Quality (FIREX-AQ) study. Two BrC measurement methods are investigated; highly spectrally-resolved light absorption in solvent (water and methanol) extracts of particles collected on filters and in-situ bulk aerosol particle light absorption measured at three wavelengths (405, 532, 664 nm) with a photo acoustic spectrometer (PAS). A light absorption closure analysis for wavelengths between 300 and 700 nm was performed. The combined light absorption of particle pure black carbon material, including enhancements due to internally mixed materials, plus soluble BrC and a Mie-predicted factor for conversion of soluble BrC to aerosol particle BrC, was compared to absorption spectra from a power law fit to the three PAS wavelengths. For the various parameters used, at a wavelength of roughly 400 nm they agreed, at lower wavelengths the individual component-predicted particle light absorption significantly exceeded the PAS and at higher wavelengths the PAS absorption was consistently higher, but more variable. Limitations with extrapolation of PAS data to wavelengths below 405 nm and missing BrC species of low solubility that more strongly absorb at higher wavelengths may account for the differences. Based on measurements closest to fires, the emission ratio of PAS measured BrC at 405 nm relative to carbon monoxide (CO) was on average 0.13 Mm−1 ppbv−1, emission ratios for soluble BrC are also provided. As the smoke moved away from the burning regions the evolution over time of BrC was observed to be highly complex; BrC enhancement, depletion, or constant levels with age were all observed in the first 8 hours after emission in different plumes. Within 8 hours following emissions, 4-nitrocatechol, a well characterized BrC chromophore commonly found in smoke particles, was largely depleted relative to the bulk BrC. In a descending plume where temperature increased by 15 K, 4-nitrocatechol dropped possibly due to temperature-driven evaporation, but bulk BrC remained largely unchanged. Evidence was found for reactions with ozone, or related species, as a pathway for secondary formation of BrC under both low and high oxides of nitrogen (NOx) conditions, while BrC was also observed to be bleached in regions of higher ozone and low NOx, consistent with complex behaviors of BrC observed in laboratory studies. Although the evolution of smoke in the first hours following emission is highly variable, a limited number of measurements of more aged smoke (15 to 30 hours) indicate a net loss of BrC. It is yet to be determined how the near-field BrC evolution in smoke affects the characteristics of smoke over longer time and spatial scales, where its environmental impacts are likely to be greater

    Surface Dimming by the 2013 Rim Fire Simulated by a Sectional Aerosol Model

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    The Rim Fire of 2013, the third largest area burned by fire recorded in California history, is simulated by a climate model coupled with a size-resolved aerosol model. Modeled aerosol mass, number and particle size distribution are within variability of data obtained from multiple airborne in-situ measurements. Simulations suggest Rim Fire smoke may block 4-6 of sunlight energy reaching the surface, with a dimming efficiency around 120-150 W m(exp -2) per unit aerosol optical depth in the mid-visible at 13:00-15:00 local time. Underestimation of simulated smoke single scattering albedo at mid-visible by 0.04 suggests the model overestimates either the particle size or the absorption due to black carbon. This study shows that exceptional events like the 2013 Rim Fire can be simulated by a climate model with one-degree resolution with overall good skill, though that resolution is still not sufficient to resolve the smoke peak near the source region
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