607 research outputs found

    A Review of the Use of Propentofylline in the treatment of Dementia

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    Photometry and the Metallicity Distribution of the Outer Halo of M31

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    We have conducted a wide-field CCD-mosaic study of the resolved red-giant branch (RGB) stars of M31, in a field located 20 kpc from the nucleus along the SE minor axis. In our (I, V-I) color-magnitude diagram, RGB stars in the top three magnitudes of the M31 halo are strongly present. Photometry of a more distant control field to subtract field contamination is used to derive the `cleaned' luminosity function and metallicity distribution function (MDF) of the M31 halo field. From the color distribution of the foreground Milky Way halo stars, we find a reddening E(V-I)= 0.10 +/- 0.02 for this field, and from the luminosity of the RGB tip, we determine a distance modulus (m-M)_o = 24.47 +/- 0.12 (= 783 +/- 43 kpc). The MDF is derived from interpolation within an extensive new grid of RGB models (Vandenberg et al. 2000). The MDF is dominated by a moderately high-metallicity population ([m/H]~ -0.5) found previously in more interior M31 halo/bulge fields, and is much more metal-rich than the [m/H]~ -1.5 level in the Milky Way halo. A significant (~30% - 40%, depending on AGB star contribution) metal-poor population is also present. To first order, the shape of the MDF resembles that predicted by a simple, single-component model of chemical evolution starting from primordial gas with an effective yield y=0.0055. It strongly resembles the MDF recently found for the outer halo of the giant elliptical NGC 5128 (Harris et al. 2000), though NGC 5128 has an even lower fraction of low-metallicity stars. Intriguingly, in both NGC 5128 and M31, the metallicity distribution of the globular clusters in M31 does not match the halo stars; the clusters are far more heavily weighted to metal-poor objects. We suggest similarities in the formation and early evolution of massive, spheroidal stellar systems.Comment: to appear in the Astronomical Journal; 43 pages, including 15 figure

    Substructure in the Andromeda Galaxy Globular Cluster System

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    In the most prominent current scenario of galaxy formation, galaxies form hierarchically through the merger of smaller systems. Such mergers could leave behind dynamical signatures which may linger long after the event. In particular, the globular cluster system (GCS) of a merging satellite galaxy may remain as a distinct sub-population within the GCS of a massive galaxy. Using the latest available globular cluster velocities and metallicities, we present the results of a search for grouping in the GCS of our nearest large spiral galaxy neighbor, M31. A modified friends-of-friends algorithm is used to identify a number of possible merger remnants in projected position, radial velocity and [Fe/H] parameter space. Numerical simulations are used to check that such merger remnants are indeed plausible over the timescales of interest. The identification of stellar streams associated with these groups is required in order to confirm that they represent merger remnants.Comment: 19 pages, 3 figures, accepted for publication in the Ap

    The Kinematics and Metallicity of the M31 Globular Cluster System

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    With the ultimate aim of distinguishing between various models describing the formation of galaxy halos (e.g. radial or multi-phase collapse, random mergers), we have completed a spectroscopic study of the globular cluster system of M31. We present the results of deep, intermediate-resolution, fibre-optic spectroscopy of several hundred of the M31 globular clusters using the Wide Field Fibre Optic Spectrograph (WYFFOS) at the William Herschel Telescope in La Palma, Canary Islands. These observations have yielded precise radial velocities (+/-12 km/s) and metallicities (+/-0.26 dex) for over 200 members of the M31 globular cluster population out to a radius of 1.5 degrees from the galaxy center. Many of these clusters have no previous published radial velocity or [Fe/H] estimates, and the remainder typically represent significant improvements over earlier determinations. We present analyses of the spatial, kinematic and metal abundance properties of the M31 globular clusters. We find that the abundance distribution of the cluster system is consistent with a bimodal distribution with peaks at [Fe/H] = -1.4 and -0.5. The metal-rich clusters demonstrate a centrally concentrated spatial distribution with a high rotation amplitude, although this population does not appear significantly flattened and is consistent with a bulge population. The metal-poor clusters tend to be less spatially concentrated and are also found to have a strong rotation signature.Comment: 33 pages, 20 figure

    Supernova Shock Breakout from a Red Supergiant

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    Massive stars undergo a violent death when the supply of nuclear fuel in their cores is exhausted, resulting in a catastrophic "core-collapse" supernova. Such events are usually only detected at least a few days after the star has exploded. Observations of the supernova SNLS-04D2dc with the Galaxy Evolution Explorer space telescope reveal a radiative precursor from the supernova shock before the shock reached the surface of the star and show the initial expansion of the star at the beginning of the explosion. Theoretical models of the ultraviolet light curve confirm that the progenitor was a red supergiant, as expected for this type of supernova. These observations provide a way to probe the physics of core-collapse supernovae and the internal structures of their progenitor starsComment: Science, in press. 32 pages, 7 figure

    Two superluminous supernovae from the early universe discovered by the Supernova Legacy Survey

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    We present spectra and lightcurves of SNLS 06D4eu and SNLS 07D2bv, two hydrogen-free superluminous supernovae discovered by the Supernova Legacy Survey. At z = 1.588, SNLS 06D4eu is the highest redshift superluminous SN with a spectrum, at M_U = -22.7 is one of the most luminous SNe ever observed, and gives a rare glimpse into the restframe ultraviolet where these supernovae put out their peak energy. SNLS 07D2bv does not have a host galaxy redshift, but based on the supernova spectrum, we estimate it to be at z ~ 1.5. Both supernovae have similar observer-frame griz lightcurves, which map to restframe lightcurves in the U-band and UV, rising in ~ 20 restframe days or longer, and declining over a similar timescale. The lightcurves peak in the shortest wavelengths first, consistent with an expanding blackbody starting near 15,000 K and steadily declining in temperature. We compare the spectra to theoretical models, and identify lines of C II, C III, Fe III, and Mg II in the spectrum of SNLS 06D4eu and SCP 06F6, and find that they are consistent with an expanding explosion of only a few solar masses of carbon, oxygen, and other trace metals. Thus the progenitors appear to be related to those suspected for SNe Ic. A high kinetic energy, 10^52 ergs, is also favored. Normal mechanisms of powering core- collapse or thermonuclear supernovae do not seem to work for these supernovae. We consider models powered by 56Ni decay and interaction with circumstellar material, but find that the creation and spin-down of a magnetar with a period of 2ms, magnetic field of 2 x 10^14 Gauss, and a 3 solar mass progenitor provides the best fit to the data.Comment: ApJ, accepted, 43 pages, 15 figure

    SiFTO: An Empirical Method for Fitting SNe Ia Light Curves

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    We present SiFTO, a new empirical method for modeling type Ia supernovae (SNe Ia) light curves by manipulating a spectral template. We make use of high-redshift SN observations when training the model, allowing us to extend it bluer than rest frame U. This increases the utility of our high-redshift SN observations by allowing us to use more of the available data. We find that when the shape of the light curve is described using a stretch prescription, applying the same stretch at all wavelengths is not an adequate description. SiFTO therefore uses a generalization of stretch which applies different stretch factors as a function of both the wavelength of the observed filter and the stretch in the rest-frame B band. We compare SiFTO to other published light-curve models by applying them to the same set of SN photometry, and demonstrate that SiFTO and SALT2 perform better than the alternatives when judged by the scatter around the best fit luminosity distance relationship. We further demonstrate that when SiFTO and SALT2 are trained on the same data set the cosmological results agree.Comment: Modified to better match published version in Ap

    An Efficient Approach to Obtaining Large Numbers of Distant Supernova Host Galaxy Redshifts

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    We use the wide-field capabilities of the 2dF fibre positioner and the AAOmega spectrograph on the Anglo-Australian Telescope (AAT) to obtain redshifts of galaxies that hosted supernovae during the first three years of the Supernova Legacy Survey (SNLS). With exposure times ranging from 10 to 60 ksec per galaxy, we were able to obtain redshifts for 400 host galaxies in two SNLS fields, thereby substantially increasing the total number of SNLS supernovae with host galaxy redshifts. The median redshift of the galaxies in our sample that hosted photometrically classified Type Ia supernovae (SNe Ia) is 0.77, which is 25% higher than the median redshift of spectroscopically confirmed SNe Ia in the three-year sample of the SNLS. Our results demonstrate that one can use wide-field fibre-fed multi-object spectrographs on 4m telescopes to efficiently obtain redshifts for large numbers of supernova host galaxies over the large areas of sky that will be covered by future high-redshift supernova surveys, such as the Dark Energy Survey.Comment: 22 pages, 4 figures, accepted for publication in PAS

    The Rise Time of Type Ia Supernovae from the Supernova Legacy Survey

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    We compare the rise times of nearby and distant Type Ia supernovae (SNe Ia) as a test for evolution using 73 high-redshift spectroscopically-confirmed SNe Ia from the first two years of the five year Supernova Legacy Survey (SNLS) and published observations of nearby SN. Because of the ``rolling'' search nature of the SNLS, our measurement is approximately 6 times more precise than previous studies, allowing for a more sensitive test of evolution between nearby and distant supernovae. Adopting a simple t2t^2 early-time model (as in previous studies), we find that the rest-frame BB rise times for a fiducial SN Ia at high and low redshift are consistent, with values 19.100.17+0.18(stat)±0.2(syst)19.10^{+0.18}_{-0.17}({stat}) \pm 0.2 ({syst}) and 19.580.19+0.2219.58^{+0.22}_{-0.19} days, respectively; the statistical significance of this difference is only 1.4 \sg . The errors represent the uncertainty in the mean rather than any variation between individual SN. We also compare subsets of our high-redshift data set based on decline rate, host galaxy star formation rate, and redshift, finding no substantive evidence for any subsample dependence.Comment: Accepted for publication in AJ; minor changes (spelling and grammatical) to conform with published versio