37 research outputs found

    Impedance Spectroscopy of Al/a-SiC/c-Si(n)/Al Solar Heterojunction Structure

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    Amorphous silicon carbide a-SiC is compoundwith tetrahedrally coordinated structure. It may be used invarious branches of electrotechnical production. Theinfluence of elevated temperature treatment on theproperties of prepared Al/a-SiC/c-Si(n)/Al heterojunctionstructure was studied by complex impedance spectroscopyin the dark. AC equivalent circuit was obtained by fitting ofbiased impedance dependences and the electroniccomponents were used to describe the electronic transportproperties of prepared structures and clarification of theimpact of elevated temperature treatment

    System for Serial Communication Monitoring

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    Vývojáři, ať už hardwaru nebo softwaru, kteří musí řešit problémy při sériové komunikaci, potřebují nástroj k monitorování sériové komunikace. Tento nástroj musí přesně zachytit celou komunikaci. Pro pozdější analýzu je v záznamu nutný nějaký typ časových značek. Tato diplomová práce se zabývá programováním softwaru pro zařízení pro monitorování sériové komunikace s možností vkládání časových značek. Diskutovány jsou též možné typy časových značek a možnosti jejich vkládání. Vytvořený software pro platformu FOX Board je schopen zachytávat a zaznamenávat komunikaci na portech RS232 a přidávat časové značky do záznamu podle třech nezávislých pravidel. Záznam je ukládán na běžný USB flash disk.There is a need for a serial communication testing tool when software or hardware developers have to solve serial communication problems. This tool must accurately catch and record the whole communication. Some type of timestamps in the record is necessary for future analysis. This diploma thesis deals with programming a serial communication monitoring equipment software with the possibility of the insertion of timestamps. Possible timestamps types and inserting methods are also discussed. The programmed monitoring software for the FOX Board hardware platform is able to catch and record the serial communication at RS232 ports and add timestamps to the record in accordance to three independent rules. The record is saved to a standard USB flash drive.

    Biogas Stations in Slovakia – Current State

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    The paper focuses on the use of biomass in the conditions of the Slovak Republic. The importance and position of biomass within renewable energy sources is highlighted in the introduction. Documents such as laws, studies, and strategies which have been developed with the aim to increase the share of renewable energy sources within the energy mix are listed here. The issue of biogas and its possible sources in the Slovak Republic was also solved. An important part of the paper is the presentation of the current statistical data concerning to the number of biogas stations and also information about the material used for gasification purposes in SR. A separate part of the contribution consists of the field research results focused on selected biogas stations in western Slovakia. We provide basic technical specifications, biomass suppliers and statistical data about heat and electricity production for each station. Selected stations were located in villages: Smolinské, Malý Cetín, Ružindol, Chynorany and Kolíňany

    Evaluation of Dielectric and Electrical Properties of 6-AYKCY 3x240 PVC Insulated Cables during the Thermal Ageing by Means of Unconventional and Conventional Diagnostic Methods

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    The aim of the experiment was to observechanges in individual measured dielectric or electricalparameters by using different measurement methods andtheir subsequent comparison. This paper will discuss indetail the evaluation of individual measurements andcomparison of measurement methods implemented in theframework of the experiment and the appropriateness oftheir use for these types of measurements. In ourexperiment cable samples, type 6-AYKCY 3x240, with PVCinsulation were used


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    Support for electricity produced from renewable energy sources is a key priority for the European Union due to reasons of security and diversification of energy supply, environmental protection, sustainable development, and because the use of electricity from renewable sources is an important part of the measures necessary to comply with the Kyoto Protocol. The article is also focused on several options settlement balance between the producer and supplier of electricity produced from renewable energy sources

    Changes of Insulation Properties of Photovoltaic Cables Caused by Ageing Treatment

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    An important part of the photovoltaic power plants are cable systems. The dielectric properties of cables, reliability and durability depend on quality of production processes, operating conditions and degradation factors, as well. Expected lifetime of cable systems is more than 20-30 years in general. Their failure free operation and long-term stability of properties has a direct impact on the economic return of the investments. According to our experiences the tests in compliance with valid standards are not adequate to verify real life time during operation. Photovoltaic cables intended for use in outdoor applications for the connection between the solar panels and possible connection between panels and inverter were chosen for our experiments. The changes of insulation resistance and breakdown voltage caused by some degradation factors, mainly water, are presented. This research was inspired by real failure in operation


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    Amorphous silicon carbide is known as a material resistant except others influences also against radiation. This study investigates the effects of neutron radiation on electric characteristics (I-V characteristic, impedance spectra and obtained dynamic parameters of AC equivalent circuit) of solar cell a-SiC/c-Si heterojunction structure. The heterojunction structure was irradiated using neutrons with neutron fluence 1013 cm-2. Existence of neutron induced structural defects, which could be introduced within semiconductor structure of heterojunction, has been illustrated using DC and AC analysis. The structural defects induced by neutron particles radiation affect mainly trapping mechanism. The process results in the changes of electronic elements included into proposed equivalent circuit

    The Analysis of Influetial Factors on the Chinese Outbound Tourism

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    Abstract Tourism is currently regarded as a dynamically developing branch which provides a broad range of benefits for all its stakeholders and participants. Many people reckon the possibility of traveling, either locally or internationally, as an important freedom. The opportunities of travelling abroad in each territorial unit are primarily formed in accord with internal factors that have influence on the volume of tourism. This thesis is devoted to the description and subsequent analysis of the most significant factors, that have an affirmative or negative effect on the outbound tourism of People´s republic of China. The goal of the thesis is to analyse selected factors and set their impact on the development of the outbound tourism. The analysis should serve as exact definition of the People´s Republic of China regarding this field. Based on the analysed factors and their anticipated future progress, the most likely scenario of the development of the Chinese outbound tourism in the near future should be defined.Abstrakt Cestovní ruch je v současnosti považován za dynamicky se rozvíjející obor, jež poskytuje široké spektrum benefitů pro všechny zainteresované a zúčastněné subjekty. Mnoho lidí pokládá možnost cestování na lokální či mezinárodní úrovni za důležitou svobodu. Příležitosti vycestování ze země jsou v každém územním celku tvořeny především souhrou vnitřních faktorů, které mají vliv na objem cestovního ruchu. Tato práce se věnuje popsání a následné analýze nejdůležitějších faktorů, jež pozitivně či negativně působí na výjezdový cestovní ruch Čínské lidové republiky. Cílem práce je vybrané faktory analyzovat a stanovit jejich vliv na vývoj výjezdového cestovního ruchu. Analýza by měla posloužit k přesnému vymezení Čínské lidové republiky v této oblasti. Na základě analyzovaných faktorů a jejich předpokládaného budoucího rozvoje, by dále měl být stanoven nejpravděpodobnější scénář vývoje čínského výjezdového cestovního ruchu v blízké budoucnosti

    Customer preferences in last mile delivery

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    Bakalářská práce se zaměřuje doručováním na poslední míli ve spojitosti s city logistikou. V první kapitole se zabývá teoretickými aspekty doručování na poslední míli. Druhá kapitola se zaměřuje na analýzu současného stavu pomocí dotazníkového šetření. V poslední kapitole můžeme nalézt návrhy a doporučení pro zlepšení poskytovaných služeb v oblasti doručování na poslední míli.The bachelor's thesis focuses on the last mile delivery in connection with city logistics. The first chapter deals with theoretical aspects of last mile delivery. The second chapter focuses on the analysis of current situation using questionnaire survey. The last chapter contains suggestions for improving the services in regional last mile delivery.Dopravní fakulta Jana PerneraProblematiku řešenou ve své bakalářské práci dokázal student odpovídajícím způsobem obhájit. Prokázal schopnost samostatné práce. Na doplňkové otázky reagoval pohotově, se znalostí věci a bez závažných nepřesností je zodpověděl.Dokončená práce s úspěšnou obhajobo

    The regulation needs of the transition network operator in conditions of renewable energy sources accrument

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    Tato práce se zabývá analýzou současné situace v oblasti predikce výroby elektrické energie z obnovitelných zdrojů, konkrétně z fotovoltaických zdrojů, a způsoby regulace odchylek výroby z těchto zdrojů za účelem minimalizován ztrát. V praktické části práce jsem se pokusil navrhnout prakticky použitelný prediktor výroby elektrické energie, který vychází z krátkodobých dat aktuálního stavu a dlouhodobých trendů. Tento prediktor má sloužit k rychlé a aktuální predikci na příští hodinu.Katedra kybernetikyObhájenoThis work deals with analyzing the current situation of the prediction of electricity production from renewable sources, namely from photovoltaic systems, and methods of deviations control of production from these sources in order to minimize losses. In the practical part of the work I have tried to propose a practically usable predictor of power for prediction of electricity production, which is based on the short-term data of current state and long-term trends. This predictor is used to fast and the current forecast for next hour