99 research outputs found

    Estimation of the influence of wood-fire retardants on fire behavior of some types of wood construction materials

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    In this paper the effect of fire front on the surface of wood samples (pine, aspen and larch) was presented to estimate the effect of different wood-fire retardants. Infrared thermography was used as a diagnostic method. Modern methods of IR-diagnostics and the use of thermal imagers eliminate the need for a large number of thermocouples, which perturb the investigated medium during measurements. At the same time, a much better resolution in space and time can be obtained using infrared diagnostics. The surface temperature distribution was obtained for the test wood samples after exposure to a fire front that was modeled using pine needles. The ignition probability was estimated for the chosen experimental parameters for each kind of wood. In the infrared region the sample surface characteristics were recorded using a thermal imager JADE J530SB with a 2.5–2.7 micron optical filter that allowed a temperature to be measured in the range of 500–850 K. In order to record a temperature in the range of 293–550 K, the recording was conducted without a filter. The fire hazard characteristics of wood after fire retardant treatment showed a significant reduction in the surface temperature and the resistance to fire for the chosen parameters of the experiment compared to the same untreated sample

    Investigation of the ignition of wood structural materials (with and without fire retardant treatment) under the influence of a model fire of irregular intensity

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    In this paper the effect of fire front on the surface of wood samples (plywood and oriented strand board) was considered to estimate the effect of different wood-fire retardants. Infrared thermography was used as a diagnostic method. The ignition probability was estimated for the chosen experimental parameters for each kind of wood The fire hazard characteristics of wood after fire retardant treatment showed a significant reduction in the surface temperature and the resistance to fire for the chosen parameters of the experiment compared to the same untreated samples. The charring depth of the wood samples was determined depending on the type of wood, as well as on the type of the fire retardant used

    Improvement of firebrand tracking and detection software

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    Burning and glowing firebrands generated by wildland and urban fires may lead to the initiation of spot fnes and the ignition of structures. One of the ways to obtain this infonnation is to process tliennal video files. Earlier, a number of algorithms were developed for the analysis of the characteristics of fu'ebrands under field conditions. However, they had certain disadvantages. In this regard, this work is devoted to the development of new algorithms and their testing

    Studies of noctilucent clouds from the stratosphere during the SONC balloon-borne experiment in 2021

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    On the night 16–17 August 2021, a balloon-borne experiment called Stratospheric Observations of Noctilucent Clouds (SONC) was successfully performed. A big scientific balloon, having onboard three automated cameras for studies of noctilucent clouds (NLC), was launched to 32.7 km altitude from Esrange (northern Sweden). All three NLC cameras and electronics were completely operational in the stratosphere for more than 10 h at low temperatures of about −30 °C. Two wide angle cameras registered an extended NLC field of about 1700 km long in the twilight sky sector from the north-west to the north-east of Esrange. NLC were of a moderate brightness and were located at high latitudes between 68° and 71°N. The NLC field was located in a cold area (138–142 K) below the frost point temperature (145–148 K) in the mesopause region that was confirmed by Aura/MLS satellite and Esrange lidar measurements. The balloon-borne NLC measurements were accompanied by ground-based lidar and radar measurements. The latter have registered Polar Mesosphere Summer Echoes (PMSE) in the same volume of the summer mesopause along with NLC observed from the stratosphere that has been performed for the first time above northern Scandinavia. We describe the technique and method of the NLC observation from the stratosphere as well as present the first scientific results of the SONC experiment.</p

    Распределение тренировочных средств силовой направленности в годичном цикле подготовки спортсменов

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    The article considers the matter of effectiveness of 2 types of distributing training methods in the system of sportsmen training. The main difference in training the two groups was annual or step-by-step distribution of means of strength and heterogeneity of used exercises for development of athletes’ developments.В статье рассматривается вопрос об эффективности двух вариантов распределения тренировочных средств силовой направленности в структуре подготовки спортсменов. Основное отличие в подготовке обеих групп заключалось в круглогодичном или поэтапном распределении средств силовой направленности и неоднородности использованных упражнений для развития спортсменов