7,131 research outputs found

    An example of resonance saturation at one loop

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    We argue that the large-Nc expansion of QCD can be used to treat a Lagrangian of resonances in a perturbative way. As an illustration of this we compute the L_10 coupling of the Chiral Lagrangian by integrating out resonance fields at one loop. Given a Lagrangian and a renormalization scheme, this is how in principle one can answer in a concrete and unambiguous manner questions such as at what scale resonance saturation takes place.Comment: 9 pages, 5 figures. Enlarged discussion, results unchanged. To be published in Phys. Rev.

    Reunion overseas: introduced wild boars and cultivated orange trees interact in the Brazilian Atlantic forest

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    Little is known concerning novel interactions between species that typically interact in their native range but, as a consequence of human activity, are also interacting out of their original distribution under new ecological conditions. Objective: We investigate the interaction between the orange tree and wild boar, both of which share Asian origins and have been introduced to the Americas (i.e. the overseas). Methods: Specifically, we assessed whether i) wild boars consume orange (Citrus sinensis) fruits and seeds in orchards adjacent to a remnant of the Atlantic Forest of Brazil, ii) the orange seeds are viable after passing through boar’s digestive tract and iii) whether the orange tree may naturalise in the forest remnant assisted by wild boars. Results: Our camera surveys indicated that wild boar was by far the most frequent consumer of orange fruits (40.5 % of camera trap-days). A considerable proportion of sown orange seeds extracted from fresh boar feces emerged seedlings (27.8 %, N = 386) under controlled greenhouse conditions. Further, 37.6 % of sown seeds (N = 500) in the forest remnant emerged seedlings in July 2015; however, after ~4 years (March 2019) only 9 seedlings survived (i.e. 4.8 %, N = 188). Finally, 52 sweet orange seedlings were found during surveys within the forest remnant which is intensively used by wild boars. This study indicates a high potential of boars to act as effective seed dispersers of the sweet orange. However, harsh competition with native vegetation and the incidence of lethal diseases, which quickly kill sweet orange trees under non-agricultural conditions, could seriously limit orange tree establishment in the forest. Conclusions: Our results have important implications not only because the wild boar could be a vector of potential invasive species, but also because they disperse seeds of some native species (e.g. the queen palm, Syagrus romanzofiana) in defaunated forests, where large native seed dispersers are missing; thus, wild boars could exert critical ecological functions lost due to human activityinfo:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Novel Therapeutic Strategies in the Topical Treatment of Atopic Dermatitis

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    Topical agents that are currently available for the treatment of atopic dermatitis may represent a valid approach in the management of mild or mild–moderate cases, whereas they are often supplemented with systemic therapies for handling more complex or unresponsive cases. The most used compounds include topical corticosteroids and calcineurin inhibitors, although their use might be burdened by side effects, poor response, and low patient compliance. Consequently, new innovative drugs with higher efficacy and safety both in the short and long term need to be integrated into clinical practice. A deeper understanding of the complex pathogenesis of the disease has led to identifying new therapeutic targets and to the development of innovative therapeutics. This narrative review aims to collect data on selected promising topical drugs that are in an advanced stage of development

    Long-distance dimension-eight operators in B_K

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    Besides their appearance at short distances \gtrsim 1/M_W, local dimension-eight operators also contribute to kaon matrix elements at long distances of order \gtrsim 1/mu_ope, where mu_ope is the scale controlling the Operator Product Expansion in pure QCD, without weak interactions. This comes about in the matching condition between the effective quark Lagrangian and the Chiral Lagrangian of mesons. Working in dimensional regularization and in a framework where these effects can be systematically studied, we calculate the correction from these long-distance dimension-eight operators to the renormalization group invariant B_K factor of K^0-K^0bar mixing, to next-to-leading order in the 1/Nc expansion and in the chiral limit. The correction is controlled by the matrix element <0|\bar s_L \tilde{G}_{mu nu}gamma^mu d_L|K^0>, is small, and lowers B_K.Comment: 14 pages, LaTeX. Explanatory comments added to match version in journa

    Interactive-predictive neural multimodal systems

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    [EN] Despite the advances achieved by neural models in sequence to sequence learning, exploited in a variety of tasks, they still make errors. In many use cases, these are corrected by a human expert in a posterior revision process. The interactive-predictive framework aims to minimize the human effort spent on this process by considering partial corrections for iteratively refining the hypothesis. In this work, we generalize the interactive-predictive approach, typically applied in to machine translation field, to tackle other multimodal problems namely, image and video captioning. We study the application of this framework to multimodal neural sequence to sequence models. We show that, following this framework, we approximately halve the effort spent for correcting the outputs generated by the automatic systems. Moreover, we deploy our systems in a publicly accessible demonstration, that allows to better understand the behavior of the interactive-predictive framework.The research leading to these results has received funding from MINECO under grant IDIFEDER/2018/025 Sistemas de fabricacion inteligentes para la industria 4.0, action co-funded by the European Regional Development Fund 2014-2020 (FEDER), and from the European Commission under grant H2020, reference 825111 (DeepHealth). We also acknowledge NVIDIA Corporation for the donation of GPUs used in this work.Peris, Á.; Casacuberta Nolla, F. (2019). Interactive-predictive neural multimodal systems. Springer. 16-28. https://doi.org/978-3-030-31332-6_2S162

    A relativistic chiral quark model for pseudoscalar emission from heavy mesons

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    The amplitudes for one-pion mediated transitions between heavy meson excited states are obtained in the framework of the relativistic chiral quark model. The effective coupling constants to pions and the decay widths of excited heavy mesons with l<=2 for non-radially excited, and the l=0 radially excited mesons are presented for both charmed and beauty mesons. We also discuss the allowed decays of strange excited heavy mesons by emission of a K-meson.Comment: 20 pages, revte

    Overview of Atopic Dermatitis in Different Ethnic Groups

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    Atopic dermatitis (AD) is a common chronic inflammatory skin disease with a high prevalence worldwide, including countries from Asia, Africa, and Latin America, and in different ethnic groups. In recent years, more attention has been placed on the heterogeneity of AD associated with multiple factors, including a patient’s ethnic background, resulting in an increasing body of clinical, genetic, epidemiologic, and immune-phenotypic evidence that delineates differences in AD among racial groups. Filaggrin (FLG) mutations, the strongest genetic risk factor for the development of AD, are detected in up to 50% of European and 27% of Asian AD patients, but very rarely in Africans. Th2 hyperactivation is a common attribute of all ethnic groups, though the Asian endotype of AD is also characterized by an increased Th17-mediated signal, whereas African Americans show a strong Th2/Th22 signature and an absence of Th1/Th17 skewing. In addition, the ethnic heterogeneity of AD may hold important therapeutic implications as a patient’s genetic predisposition may affect treatment response and, thereby, a tailored strategy that better targets the dominant immunologic pathways in each ethnic subgroup may be envisaged. Nevertheless, white patients with AD represent the largest ethnicity enrolled and tested in clinical trials and the most treated in a real-world setting, limiting investigations about safety and efficacy across different ethnicities. The purpose of this review is to describe the heterogeneity in the pathophysiology of AD across ethnicities and its potential therapeutic implications

    Investigational systemic drugs for moderate to severe plaque psoriasis: What’s new?

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    Introduction: The therapeutic armamentarium for the treatment of psoriasis, a chronic inflammatory skin disease, is now reasonably broad and structured, with several therapeutic agents that demonstrated a successful long-term control of this condition. However, there are still unfulfilled gaps resulting from the inherent limitations of existing therapies, which have paved the way for the identification of new therapeutic strategies or the improvement of the existing ones. Areas covered: The aim of this review is to thoroughly explore new therapeutic strategies and novel drugs that are currently in the pipeline for the treatment of psoriasis, focusing primarily on agents that are currently in phase I/II of clinical development. Some of which retrace already existing therapeutic approaches, such as the IL23/Th17 pathway inhibition, while others unveil new and yet unexplored ones. Expert opinion: Since the therapeutic landscape of psoriasis is wide, it is not yet clear whether novel agents will fill the remaining gaps in the context of a broader and more diversified set of oral and biologic therapies. Nevertheless, with the development of precision medicine approaches, the development of innovative targeted drugs will still have a therapeutic rationale in psoriasis
