9 research outputs found

    Acute Myocardial Infarction: Comparison of morbidity in adults 40 years and older among an underdeveloped country/ Infarto Agudo do Miocárdio: Comparação da morbilidade em adultos com 40 anos ou mais de idade entre um país subdesenvolvido

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    The interruption of cardiac blood flow by a clot, known as acute myocardial infarction (AMI), results in the death of cells in a specific region of the myocardium and is considered the most serious pathology of coronary syndromes. Besides, the main cause of AMI is atherosclerosis, leading to clot formation and interruption of blood flow. Thereby, the high mortality rate is explained by the increased prevalence of exposure to risk factors. Comparing 2021 with 2020, it is possible to see an increase of approximately 2.16% of cases in adults in the state of Rio Grande do Sul in Brazil

    Jogos para Ensino de Levantamento de Requisitos de Software: uma Revisão Sistemática de Literatura

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    Grande parte dos fracassos no desenvolvimento de software ocorrem porerros na etapa de levantamento de requisitos. A origem deste problema pode ser explicada pela forma que são abordados esses conteúdos pelo professor, usualmente apenas por meio de aulas expositivas. Para modificar esse cenário, a inserção de jogos educacionais em sala de aula surge como solução. Com base neste contexto, o presente estudo realizou uma Revisão Sistemática de Literatura de trabalhos que apresentassem o desenvolvimento de jogos digitais para o ensino de levantamento de requisistos de software. Durante o processo, foram encontrados seis jogos que abordaram o tema e trabalhavam com técnicas de levantamento de requisitos de software

    Benznidazole Treatment: Time- and Dose-Dependence Varies with the Trypanosoma cruzi Strain

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    Trypanosoma cruzi; Benznidazol; Estratègies terapèutiquesTrypanosoma cruzi; Benznidazol; Estrategias terapéuticasTrypanosoma cruzi; Benznidazole; Therapeutic strategiesAs the development of new drugs for Chagas disease is not a priority due to its neglected disease status, an option for increasing treatment adherence is to explore alternative treatment regimens, which may decrease the incidence of side effects. Therefore, we evaluated the efficacy of different therapeutic schemes with benznidazole (BNZ) on the acute and chronic phases of the disease, using mice infected with strains that have different BNZ susceptibilities. Our results show that the groups of animals infected by VL-10 strain, when treated in the chronic phase with a lower dose of BNZ for a longer period of time (40 mg/kg/day for 40 days) presented better treatment efficacy than with the standard protocol (100 mg/kg/day for 20 days) although the best result in the treatment of the animals infected by the VL-10 strain was with100 mg/kg/day for 40 days. In the acute infection by the Y and VL-10 strains of T. cruzi, the treatment with a standard dose, but with a longer time of treatment (100 mg/kg/day for 40 days) presented the best results. Given these data, our results indicate that for BNZ, the theory of dose and time proportionality does not apply to the phases of infection.Funding was provided by the Universidade Federal de Ouro Preto (UFOP), Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de Minas Gerais (FAPEMIG), Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq), Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES), research fellowships from CNPq (Carneiro CM, Correa-Oliveira R), CAPES—Science Without Borders and Senior Research Visitor (Molina I, Correa-Oliveira R), and BERENICE (Collaborative Project supported by the European Commission under the Health Innovation Work Programme of the 7th Framework Programme). The funders had no role in study design, data collection and analysis, decision to publish, or preparation of the manuscript

    Anestesia total intravenosa (TIVA) e uso de bloqueio raquidiano para colocefalectomia em um canino – relato de caso / Total intravenous anesthesia (TIVA) and use of rachidian block for colocephalectomy in a canine – case report

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    A colocefalectomia é uma cirurgia ortopédica que baseia-se na remoção da cabeça e colo femorais, com a finalidade de eliminar o atrito entre a articulação coxofemoral e o fêmur. Esse procedimento é considerado com grau moderado de dor, sendo assim, pode-se utilizar anestésicos locais, tendo em vista que desempenham com grande êxito o bloqueio de nervos regionais. O presente relato tem como objetivo abordar a utilização da anestesia total intravenosa (TIVA) e da anestesia local raquidiana em um canino para procedimento de colocefalectomia. Foi atendido um canino, fêmea, sete meses de idade, com histórico de claudicação do membro pélvico esquerdo e atrofia muscular devido à epífisiólise. Após exames físico, complementares e pré-operatórios, o animal foi submetido ao procedimento de colocefalectomia. O protocolo anestésico escolhido para a cirurgia foi na medicação pré-anestésica a associação de metadona e midazolam IM, e após manutenção com anestesia total intravenosa (TIVA) na taxa de 3ml/h, contendo remifentanil (5mcg/kg/h), lidocaína (1mg/kg/h) com cetamina (0,6mg/kg/h) e ainda foi realizado bloqueio local raquidiano com o agente bupivacaína.  Ao longo do procedimento, o paciente se manteve com os parâmetros estáveis. Ao final, o bloqueio raquidiano mostrou-se mais vantajoso quando comparado ao bloqueio peridural e o uso da TIVA se mostrou benéfico, eficaz e seguro para manutenção deste paciente em questã[email protected]

    Benznidazole Treatment : Time- and Dose-Dependence Varies with the Trypanosoma cruzi Strain

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    As the development of new drugs for Chagas disease is not a priority due to its neglected disease status, an option for increasing treatment adherence is to explore alternative treatment regimens, which may decrease the incidence of side effects. Therefore, we evaluated the efficacy of different therapeutic schemes with benznidazole (BNZ) on the acute and chronic phases of the disease, using mice infected with strains that have different BNZ susceptibilities. Our results show that the groups of animals infected by VL-10 strain, when treated in the chronic phase with a lower dose of BNZ for a longer period of time (40 mg/kg/day for 40 days) presented better treatment efficacy than with the standard protocol (100 mg/kg/day for 20 days) although the best result in the treatment of the animals infected by the VL-10 strain was with100 mg/kg/day for 40 days. In the acute infection by the Y and VL-10 strains of T. cruzi, the treatment with a standard dose, but with a longer time of treatment (100 mg/kg/day for 40 days) presented the best results. Given these data, our results indicate that for BNZ, the theory of dose and time proportionality does not apply to the phases of infectio

    Diagnóstico laboratorial para identificação da Leucemia Mieloide Aguda através da técnica de imunofenotipagem

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    Leucemia mieloide aguda (LMA) consiste em uma neoplasia maligna das células do tecido hematopoiético com proliferação clonal, bloqueio maturativo das células e substituição difusa da medula óssea por células neoplásicas. Via de regra, metade das pessoas acometidas pela LMA manifesta os sintomas três meses antes de a doença ser de fato diagnosticada e, diante disso, a imunofenotipagem se torna atraente, pois, além de ser uma metodologia ágil para ser incorporada na prática médica de rotina, é uma metodologia direcionada à caracterização fenotípica de células e capaz de revelar informações importantes para o diagnóstico, como o estágio de maturação das populações celulares analisadas, a presença de células com fenótipo significativamente anormal, além de avaliar a presença de marcadores associados ao prognóstico ou até mesmo que são alvos terapêuticos. O presente trabalho visa compilar e analisar as principais características da patologia e do diagnóstico da LMA por imunofenotipagem abordadas em livros científicos e artigos acadêmicos

    A clioquinol-containing Pluronic

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    A clioquinol (ICHQ)-containing Pluronic® F127 polymeric micelle system (ICHQ/Mic) was recently shown to be effective against Leishmania amazonensis infection in a murine model. In the present study, ICHQ/Mic was tested against L. infantum infection. BALB/c mice (n = 12 per group) were infected with L. infantum stationary promastigotes through subcutaneous injection and, 45 days after challenge, received saline or were treated via the subcutaneous route with empty micelles, ICHQ or ICHQ/Mic. In addition, animals were treated with miltefosine by the oral route, as a drug control. Half of the animals were euthanized 1 and 15 days after treatment, aiming to evaluate two endpoints after therapy, when parasitological and immunological parameters were investigated. Results showed that the treatment using miltefosine, ICHQ or ICHQ/Mic induced significantly higher anti-parasite IFN-γ, IL-12, GM-CSF, nitrite and IgG2a isotype antibody levels, which were associated with low IL-4 and IL-10 production. In addition, a higher frequency of IFN-γ and TNF-α-producing CD4+ and CD8+ T-cells was found in these animals. The parasite load was evaluated in distinct organs, and results showed that the treatment using miltefosine, ICHQ or ICHQ/Mic induced significant reductions in organic parasitism in the treated and infected mice. A comparison between the treatments suggested that ICHQ/Mic was the most effective in inducing a highly polarized Th1-type response, as well as reducing the parasite load in significant levels in the treated and infected animals. Data obtained 15 days after treatment suggested maintenance of the immunological and parasitological responses. In conclusion, ICHQ/Mic could be considered in future studies for the treatment of visceral leishmaniasis


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