330 research outputs found

    How Do Tourist Guides Add Value to An Ecotour? Interpreting Interpretation in the State of Amazonas, Brazil

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    In Ecotourism, interpretation by a guide creates or shapes the experience for the tourist, differentiating one episode from another. As such, the guide S interpretation adds value to the tourism product and contributes to the visitor S experience. This paper discussed the role of interpretation by guides in the State of Amazonas, Brazil, finding in them patterns from which lessons may be drawn. Given the intangibility of the Ecotourism product, this paper argues that it is the guide who defines the quality of the product. The guide may draw the tourist toward or away from sustainable practices, and significantly contributes to the success or failure of the escotouristic venture. The State of Amazonas in Brazil already has guides, but this study questions their education and training in interpretive skills as well as their professional organization and working condition


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    This paper aims to describe the introduction of culture through sociology learning for Timor Leste students. In essence, every society has a different culture with other communities. The culture serves to regulate and meet the needs of the people living their owners. The people of Timor Leste have different cultures from other communities. This difference is due to differences in the environment and subsystems of communities in Timor-Leste. Every member of the community needs to understand and live the culture in order to overcome the problems faced in life. In the world of education, cultural understanding can be obtained through learning Sociology. Therefore, sociology subject matter that is filled with community culture can provide significant benefits to the students

    A Prospective Analysis of Adverse Drug Reactions in a South Indian Hospital

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    Adverse drug reactions are a great cause of concern to the medical profession, the patients and the pharmaceutical industry. However ADR reporting and monitoring is yet to catch up in India. Hence we undertook a study to record and analyze adverse reactions among all patients admitted to the medical wards of a tertiary care. Centre patients admitted to all medical wards over one year were assessed for ADRs throughout their admission. Suspected ADRs were recorded and analyzed for i) the type of reaction ii) severity iii) Consequence on treatment that is if the drug was continued, or stopped, or needed to be treated with other drugs, iv) Physiological system involved and the v) group of the drugs associated with ADRs. Among 1250 patients admitted during the study period, 250 adverse events were observed. Majority (76.8%) were of mild type, 66% were severe requiring intensive care and 3 patients died. Antimicrobials were responsible for maximum (42.4%) ADRs followed by drugs acting on CNS (20%). When we analyzed the systems affected, CNS side effects were more common in our study. While in many other studies Cardiovascular and gastrointestinal side effects were the most common. Combination of drugs was responsible for a large percentage of ADRs. Inadvertent use of antipsychotics with sedatives led to respiratory failure in 4 patients of which 1 died. Contaminated IV fluids are suspected to be the cause of death in another fatal ADR. In conclusion there is a need for vigilant ADR monitoring to be done by all doctors to prevent morbidity and mortality from ADRs

    Pentingnya Rancangan Pembelajaran Sosiologi Bagi Dunia Pendidikan Di Timor Leste

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    Abstrak: Sosiologi merupakan ilmu yang mempelajari hubungan timbal balik antara aneka macam gejala sosial, misalnya gejala ekonomi dengan agama, hukum dengan moral, hukum dengan ekonomi, gerak masyarakat dengan politik dan sebagainya. Dalam hal ini, sosiologi mempelajari interaksi manusia dalam masyarakat atau kelompok, yang meliputi kajian berbagai macam gejala sosial, struktur kemasyarakatan, ataupun proses berlangsungnya kehidupan bermasyarakat. Karena itu, pelajaran ini merupakan pelajaran yang menarik bagi siswa karena matapelajaran tersebut terkait dengan kehidupan siswa dalam berinteraksi di masyarakat. Peserta didik akan mudah dalam mengambil contoh dari setiap materi yang diajarkan dan mengaplikasikan pelajaran sosiologi secara nyata, yaitu saat peserta didik hidup dan menjalin hubungan sosial dalam masyarakat. Namun, hal ini bergantung pada rancangan pembelajaran dan kemampuan guru dalam menyajikan pembelajaran.Abstract: Sociology is the study of the reciprocal relationship between various kinds of social phenomena, for example, economic symptoms with religion, law with morals, law with economics, the movement of society with politics and so on. In this case, sociology studies human interaction in society or groups, which includes the study of various social phenomena, social structures, or the process of ongoing social life. Therefore, this lesson is an interesting lesson for students because the subject is related to the lives of students in interacting in society. Students will be easy to take examples of any material that is taught and apply sociology lessons in real terms, namely when students live and establish social relations in society. However, this depends on the design of learning and the ability of the teacher to present learning

    Excitation sources of oscillations in solar coronal loops : a multi-wavelength analysis

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    An investigation into the excitation sources of oscillations detected in a coronal loop structure is carried out using the images obtained with Interface Region Imaging Spectrometer (IRIS) and the Atmospheric Imaging Assembly (AIA) instrument on board the Solar Dynamics Observatory (SDO). A loop structure in the active region AR 11967 on 2014 January 28, oscillating in the vicinity of a strong eruption and an M3.6 class flare site, is clearly noticeable in SDO/AIA 171 Å images. We study in detail, the oscillations with detected periods between 4 and 13 minutes and their connection in IRIS SJI 1330 Å and SDO/AIA 1700 Å images; both of these wavelengths sample the lower parts of the solar atmosphere. The simultaneous presence of many oscillations in the region of interest in all three wavelength passbands suggest that these oscillations were excited in the lower-chromosphere–photosphere plasma connected to the loop structure and then propagated at higher heights. We further investigate the Doppler velocity measurements from the spectrograph snapshots in IRIS C II 1336 Å, Si IV 1403 Å and Mg II k 2796 Å. These show signatures of upflows in the vicinity of the loop structure’s endpoints estimated from 171 Å images. We suggest that some of the oscillations observed in AIA 171 Å have been triggered by plasma ejections and perturbations seen in the lower layers of the solar atmosphere. Based on the estimated phase speeds, the oscillations are likely to be slow magnetoacoustic in nature


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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh dukungan orangtua terhadap minat anak dalam berwirausaha khususnya siswa siswi SMK Strada koja. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan kuantitaif asosiatif dan metode pengambilan sampel yang digunakan adalah teknik purposive sampling Teknik pengumpulan data menggunakan kuesioner dengan skala Likert dan responden sebanyak 86 siswa SMK Strada Koja. Hasil diperoleh dari penelitian ini menunjukan terdapat korelasi yang kuat antara kedua variabel dengan r= 0,677, thitung = 8,44. Persamaan regresi yang diperoleh Y=29,87+0,702 X dan Fcount =71,18 dan Ftable= 3,95. Koefisien determinasi diperoleh 45,87%, artinya dukungan keluarga secara signifikan mempengaruhi minat anak dalam berwirausaha pada siswa SMK Strada Koja. This research aimed to determine the effect of parents to support the entrepreneurial interest of their children especially in students from SMK Strada Koja.This research used associative-quantitative approach. Data were collected using questionnaire with Likert scale and the total respondents were 86 students SMK Strada Koja. The results showed strong correlation between two variables with r = 0,677, tcount= 8,44. The coefficient of regression was Y=29,87 + 0,702 X and Fcount=71,18and Ftable= 3,95. The determinant coefficient was 45,87%, mean supportive families significantly affect the entrepreneurial interest of the children in SMK Strada Koja,

    Analysis of prescription pattern of antihypertensive medication and adherence to Beers criteria in geriatric department of a tertiary care hospital in Mysuru

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    Background: The objective of the present study was to evaluate the prescription pattern of anti-hypertensive drugs and adherence to Beers’ criteria in geriatric department of JSS Hospital, Mysuru.Methods: An observational, prospective, cross-sectional study was carried out in geriatric department. The basic demographic information and prescriptions of geriatric patients were studied. Descriptive analysis was used to present the results, prescriptions were analysed and checked for adherence to Beers’ criteria.Results: Out of 485 patients, 82.68% received monotherapy, 15.87% received 2-drug combination therapy and 1.4% received 3-drug combination therapy. Among patients receiving monotherapy, angiotensin receptor blockers (49.06%) was the commonest antihypertensive class of drug prescribed. Telmisartan (38.96%) was the commonest drug prescribed. Among 2-drug combination therapy angiotensin converting enzyme inhibitor and Calcium channel blockers were combined commonly. In 3-drug combination therapy angiotensin converting enzyme inhibitor, beta blockers and diuretics were combined commonly. 99.3% of prescriptions were adhered to 2015 American Geriatrics Society Beers criteria.Conclusions: Almost 82% of the patients were treated with monotherapy. The trends in prescribing of anti-hypertensives were in favor of conventional ones such as Angiotensin receptor blockers, calcium channel blockers, angiotensin converting enzyme inhibitors, diuretics, beta blockers and centrally acting alpha agonists. 99.3% of prescriptions were in accordance with the American Geriatrics Society 2015 Updated Beers criteria

    Photodynamic therapy: Inception to application in breast cancer.

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    Photodynamic therapy (PDT) is already being used in the treatment of many cancers. This review examines its components and the new developments in our understanding of its immunological effects as well as pre-clinical and clinical studies, which have investigated its potential use in the treatment of breast cancer
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