390 research outputs found

    Cosmic voids in modified gravity scenarios

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    Modified gravity (MG) theories aim to reproduce the observed acceleration of the Universe by reducing the dark sector while simultaneously recovering General Relativity (GR) within dense environments. Void studies appear to be a suitable scenario to search for imprints of alternative gravity models on cosmological scales. Voids cover an interesting range of density scales where screening mechanisms fade out, which reaches from a density contrast δ1\delta \approx -1 close to their centers to δ0\delta \approx 0 close to their boundaries. We present an analysis of the level of distinction between GR and two modified gravity theories, the Hu-Sawicki f(R)f(R) and the symmetron theory. This study relies on the abundance, linear bias, and density profile of voids detected in n-body cosmological simulations. We define voids as connected regions made up of the union of spheres with a {\it \textup{mean}} density given by ρv=0.2ρm\overline\rho_v=0.2\,\overline\rho_m, but disconnected from any other voids. We find that the height of void walls is considerably affected by the gravitational theory, such that it increases for stronger gravity modifications. Finally, we show that at the level of dark matter n-body simulations, our constraints allow us to distinguish between GR and MG models with fR0>106|f_{R0}| > 10^{-6} and zSSB>1z_{SSB} > 1. Differences of best-fit values for MG parameters that are derived independently from multiple void probes may indicate an incorrect MG model. This serves as an important consistency check.Comment: 15 pages, 12 figure

    Complete cosmic history with a dynamical Λ = Λ(H) term

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    In the present mainstream cosmology, matter and space-time emerged from a singularity and evolved through four distinct periods: early inflation, radiation, dark matter, and late-time inflation (driven by dark energy). During the radiation and dark matter dominated stages, the universe is decelerating while the early and late-time inflations are accelerating stages. A possible connection between the accelerating periods remains unknown, and, even more intriguing, the best dark energy candidate powering the present accelerating stage ( Λ -vacuum) is plagued with the cosmological constant and coincidence puzzles. Here we propose an alternative solution for such problems based on a large class of time-dependent vacuum energy density models in the form of power series of the Hubble rate, Λ = Λ ( H ) . The proposed class of Λ ( H ) -decaying vacuum model provides: (i) a new mechanism for inflation (different from the usual inflaton models), (ii) a natural mechanism for a graceful exit, which is universal for the whole class of models; (iii) the currently accelerated expansion of the universe, (iv) a mild dynamical dark energy at present; and (v) a final de Sitter stage. Remarkably, the late-time cosmic expansion history of our class of models is very close to the concordance Λ CDM model, but above all it furnishes the necessary smooth link between the initial and final de Sitter stages through the radiation- and matter-dominated epochs

    The Impact of Kidney Development on the Life Course: A Consensus Document for Action

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    Hypertension and chronic kidney disease (CKD) have a significant impact on global morbidity and mortality. The Low Birth Weight and Nephron Number Working Group has prepared a consensus document aimed to address the relatively neglected issue for the developmental programming of hypertension and CKD. It emerged from a workshop held on April 2, 2016, including eminent internationally recognized experts in the field of obstetrics, neonatology, and nephrology. Through multidisciplinary engagement, the goal of the workshop was to highlight the association between fetal and childhood development and an increased risk of adult diseases, focusing on hypertension and CKD, and to suggest possible practical solutions for the future. The recommendations for action of the consensus workshop are the results of combined clinical experience, shared research expertise, and a review of the literature. They highlight the need to act early to prevent CKD and other related noncommunicable diseases later in life by reducing low birth weight, small for gestational age, prematurity, and low nephron numbers at birth through coordinated interventions. Meeting the current unmet needs would help to define the most cost-effective strategies and to optimize interventions to limit or interrupt the developmental programming cycle of CKD later in life, especially in the poorest part of the world

    A construção do mercado para o café em Alto Paraíso de Goiás.

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    Este estudo apresenta os principais resultados da análise de como habitantes de Alto Paraíso de Goiás estão buscando alternativas para o desenvolvimento sustentável do município, por meio da implantação, pela Embrapa, de projeto relativo ao resgate do café. A mineração e as atividades agropecuárias foram exercidas na região até os anos 60, quando a atividade principal passou a ser o turismo, a partir da criação do Parque Nacional da Chapada dos Veadeiros e da inauguração de Brasília. Em 2000, o fluxo de turistas decaiu devido a problemas relativos à saúde pública, acarretando estagnação da economia local. Nos últimos anos, produtores familiares despertaram para a existência, ali, de um café que pode ser comercializado em nichos de mercado de grãos especiais: orgânicos e de origem definida, e buscaram, na Embrapa, o desenvolvimento de projeto de pesquisa. O estudo na região revelou que por meio do desvelamento de valores - história, cultura e tradições - é possível estabelecer estratégia mais eficiente de busca de mercado, a partir da experiência revelada no trabalho concreto e na cultura dos produtores. E que o desenvolvimento rural deve ser buscado por meio do desenvolvimento de atividades da nova ruralidade e da aplicação de abordagem territorial de desenvolvimento