82 research outputs found

    The Training Effects of Dance Aerobics: A Review with an Emphasis on the Perspectives of Investigations

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    The training effects of contemporary aerobics programmes (hi lo, dance aerobics, step aerobics, aqua aerobics etc.) have been frequently investigated. However, we found no recent paper which reviewed aerobic programmes with regard to their training effectiveness, characteristics of the subjects involved, variables of interest and experimental design. In this paper we summarise the findings of more than 40 studies published in the 2000ā€“2011 period that investigated the training effects of different forms of contemporary aerobics. In this review, the studies are grouped according to their characteristics (sample of subjects, variables of interest, study design, effects, etc.). Around 80% of the investigations dealt with females, with adults being most commonly observed. In the majority of investigations, the authors studied different variables at the same time (morphological anthropometric, motor, cardiovascular, biochemical indices, etc.). In recent studies a trend toward a psychological status examination is evident. In most instances positive training effects on motor-endurance and varsity of physiological variables are declared throughout a training period of 8 to 12 weeks. However, the positive changes in anaerobic endurance are not evidenced. Knowing the tendency of the overall increase of certain psychological disorders in population (including depression) there are indications that future, potentially highly interesting studies will deal with the psychological status of adults and older subjects

    Symptomatic capillary telangiectasia of the pons and intracerebral developmental venous anomaly ā€“ a rare association [Simptomatska kapilarna teleangiektazija ponsa i intracerebralna razvojna venska anomalija: prikaz slučaja]

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    Various combinations of vascular malformations of the brain in one lesion have been reported, while others seem to be very rare. In this report, the authors discuss the case of a coexistence of an capillary telangiectasia of the pons and intracerebral venous anomaly. To our knowledge, this is the first report of coexistence of a capillary telangiectasia of the pons and intracerebral venous anomaly apparted from each other. These discrete vascular malformations of the brain raise attention on possible interrelations in the pathogenesis of these entities. We report a case of pontine capillary telangiectasia and intracerebral venous anomaly in a 42-year-old woman with a right side facial palsy. Hight field magnetic resonance imaging suggested presence of a capillary telangiectasia of the pons. Another lesion in the left frontal gyrus was attributable to the venous anomaly. Along with neuroradiological findings, results of the somatosensor evoked potentials, brain stem auditory potentials, laboratory analysis including blood, cerebrospinal fluid and urine investigation are demonstrated. Awareness of the magnetic resonance imaging finding of the capillary telangiectasias and of the venous anomalies may help in defining clinical correlates of this vascular malformations, while the follow up of these malformations might help to asses risk of vascular rupture. We and others previously selects capillary telangiectasia and venous anomaly in two discrete entities. Coexistence of these malformations in the brain apparted from each other appear to be very rare and raise attention on possible interactions in their natural history and pathogenesis

    The Tooth in the Maxillary Sinus as a Complication During Extraction of the Upper Wisdom Tooth

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    Svi udžbenici oralne kirurgije spominju među mogućim komplikacijama tijekom vađenja zuba i uguravanje korijena zuba ili cijeloga zuba u maksilarni sinus. Dok je prva komplikacija razmjerno česta, i s njom se oralni kirurzi susreću gotovo danomice, uguravanje cijeloga zuba u maksilarni sinus nije uobičajena komplikacija. Dva slučaja umnjaka u maksilarnome sinusu primljena su proÅ”le godine na liječenje u Klinički zavod za oralnu kirurgiju KB ā€œDubravaā€, Zagreb. U oba se slučaja radilo o komplikaciji nastaloj za vrijeme alveotomije gornjih retiniranih umnjaka. U oba slučaja zubi su skliznuli u sinus za vrijeme rada Beinovom polugom. Pacijenti su hospitalizirani i nakon potrebne obradbe u općoj su anesteziji provedene ekstirpacije zuba pristupom kroz facijalnu stjenku. Nakon Å”to su odstranjeni zubi, izvrÅ”ene su tamponade dna sinusa jodoformnom gazom koja je izvedena u usta u prednjem dijelu reza i odstranjena treći dan nakon zahvata. PoÅ”to su odstranjeni Å”avovi, pacijenti su nadzirani do prestanka objektivnih i subjektivnih smetnji i time je liječenje bilo zavrÅ”eno. Primjeri se pokazuju kako bi se upozorilo da se komplikacija, za koju se obično misli da postoji samo u knjigama, može dogoditi svakome od nas. U tome smislu savjetujemo opreznu upotrebu klijeĻ€ta samo u slučajevima kada je zub moguće obuhvatiti preko ekvatora njegove krune, a s određenim ogradama umjesto Beinove poluge preporučujemo bilo koju od parnih poluga koje obično upotrebljavamo u donjoj čeljusti za vađenje korjenova donjih viÅ”ekorijenskih zuba.All textbooks on oral surgery mention the pushing of the tooth root or the whole tooth into the maxillary sinus as one of the possible complications during tooth extraction. While the first complication is relatively frequent and oral surgeons come across it almost every day, pushing of the whole tooth into the maxillary sinus is an uncommon complication. Two cases of the wisdom tooth in the maxillary sinus were admitted last year for treatment in the Clinical Department of Oral Surgery. Both cases were complications which occurred during alveotomy of upper impacted wisdom teeth. In both cases the teeth had slid into the sinus during work with Bein\u27s elevator. The patients were hospitalised and after the necessary analyses extirpation of the teeth was performed under general anaesthesia by an approach through the facial wall. After removal of the teeth tamponade of the floor of the sinus was done with Jodoform gauze, which was carried out in the mouth in the frontal part of the cut and removed on the third day after the operation. After removal of the sutures the patients were monitored until objective and subjective problems ceased. The examples are presented in order to warn that complications which are commonly thought of as only occurring in books, can happen to each of us. With this in mind we recommend the careful use of forceps only in cases when it is possible to grasp the tooth through the equator of its crown, and with some reservation instead of Bein\u27s lever we recommend any of the elevators which are normally used in the mandible for extracting the roots of multi-rooted teeth

    Marsupialization in the Treatment of Jaw Cysts

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    U radu je postavljeno pitanje vrijednosti marsupijalizacije kao metode liječenja čeljusnih cista i cističnih odontogenih tumora. Postupak je obavljen retrospektivnom raŔčlambom uzoraka od 71 pacijenta obrađenog u dvanestogodiÅ”njemu razoblju u Kliničkom zavodu za oralnu kirurgiju i u Klinici za kirurgiju čeljusti i lica Kliničke bolnice Dubrava u Zagrebu. Među uzorcima je bila 61 odontogena cista (85,92 %) ā€“ od kojih 14 (19,72 %) odontogenih keratocista i sedam (9,86 %) njihovih recidiva. Radikularnih i folikularnih odontogenih cista bilo je ukupno 39 (54,93 %), zatim slijedi Å”est traumatskih koÅ”tanih Å”upljina -ā€cistaā€ (8,45 %), jedan odontogeni tumor (1,41 %), jedan gigantocelularni centralni granulom (1,41 %), jedan recidiv gigantocelularnog granuloma (1,41 %) i jedan centralni kavernozni hemangiom (1,41 %). Tvorbe su bile liječene svim poznatim kirurÅ”kim postupcima, a marsupijalizaciji je bilo podvrgnuto deset pacijenata - tri (9,68 %) s cistama promjera od 3 do 6 centimetara te Å”est ( 22,22 %) s cistama većima od Å”est centimetara. Riječ je bila o odontogenim keratocistama ili njihovim recidivima te o po jednom slučaju radikularne i folikularne ciste čeljusti. Rezultati su pokazali da se marsupijalizacijom vidljivo smanjuje koÅ”tana Å”upljina u svim tako liječenim slučajevima te da ju je moguće primijeniti kao konačan kirurÅ”ki postupak kojim se mogu potpuno izliječiti odontogene keratociste ili druge odontogene ciste čeljusti. No, kako su rezultati preliminarni, postupak ipak treba primjenjivati racionalno.The investigation raises the question of the value of marsupialization as a method for treatment of jaw cysts and cystic odontogenic tumours. The study comprises a retrospective analysis of a sample of 71 patients treated during a twelve-year period in the Clinical Department of Oral Surgery and the Clinic of Maxillofacial Surgery of the University Hospital Dubrava. The sample consisted of 61 odontogenic cysts (85.92%), among which 14 (19.72%) were odontogenic keratocysts and 7 (9.86%) recurrences of odontogenic keratocysts. There were 39 (54.93%) radicular and follicular odontogenic cysts, 6 traumatic bone cavities ā€œcystsā€ (8.45%), one odontogenic tumour (1.4%), one giant-cell central granuloma (1.41%), one recurrence of a giant-cell granuloma (1.41%) and one central cavernous hemangioma (1.41%). The formations were treated by all known surgical procedures, and marsupialization was undertaken in 9 patients of which 3 (9.68%) with cysts 3-6 cm in diameter and 6 (22.22%) with cysts larger than 6 cm. They were odontogenic keratocysts or their recurrences and one case each of a radicular and follicular jaw cyst. The results showed that marsupialization visibly reduced the bone cavity in all cases treated by this method and indicated that it could be applied as the final surgical procedure in which a complete cure is possible of odontogenic keratocysts or other odontogenic cysts of the jaws. However as the results are preliminary the procedure should be applied rationally

    Tussive syncope: case report

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    Tusigena sinkopa ili osjećaj prijeteće nesvjestice za vrijeme kaÅ”ljanja, najčeŔće se javlja kod sredovječnih, umjereno pretilih muÅ”karaca koji puÅ”e ili su bivÅ”i puÅ”ači. Razlozi zbog kojih muÅ”ki spol i pretilost utječu na sklonost tusigenoj sinkopi nisu poznati. Većina pacijenata također pati od suhog kaÅ”lja, epizoda teÅ”kog kaÅ”lja, a prisutni su i znaci opstrukcijske plućne bolesti. Postoji niz mogućih mehanizama. Prvi mehanizam objaÅ”njava da, kada osoba kaÅ”lje, dolazi do porasta intratorakalnog tlaka, koji ima za posljedicu akutni pad otjecanja venske krvi i krvnoga tlaka. Posljedično, dolazi do usporavanja moždanog krvotoka, Å”to u konačnici dovodi do gubitka svijesti. Drugi mogući mehanizam podrazumijeva slabljenje moždane perfuzije, kao posljedice rasta tlaka likvora. Uz ove procese, sinkopu nalazimo i kod pacijenata sa sindromom hipersenzitivnog karotidnog sinusa, gastroezofagealne refluksne bolesti, itd. Tusigena sinkopa spada u skupinu situacijskih sinkopa koje se manifestiraju nakon određenih događaja: npr. defekacije, mikcije, gutanja ili kaÅ”ljanja. Ovdje prikazujemo dijagnostičke smjernice na slučaju 45-godiÅ”njeg pacijenta koji pati od tusigene sinkope i liječi se u Klinici za plućne bolesti Kliničke bolnice Split.Tussive syncope, or cough syncope, is most often found in middle-aged, moderately obese men, who smoke or have stopped smoking. The reason why the male gender and obesity are predisposing factors for cough syncope is unknown. The majority of patients also suffer from chronic cough, episodes of severe cough, and clinical evidence of obstructive pulmonary disease. There are several proposed mechanisms. The first is that when a person coughs, intrathoracic pressure rises and obstructs venous outflow, which results in an acute decrease of cardiac output and blood pressure. As a result, the cerebral flow also decreases, which finally causes loss of consciousness. A second possible mechanism is the decrease of cerebral perfusion, as a consequence of increased pressure of the cerebrospinal liquor. Besides these mechanisms, tussive syncope is also found in patients with hypersensitive carotid sinus syndrome, gastroesophageal reflux, etc. Tussive syncope is considered as one of the situational syncopes, which take place after certain processes: e.g. defecation, micturition, swallowing and coughing. We will present the diagnostic guidelines through the case of a 45 year-old patient with tussive syncope, treated at the Split University Hospital Department for Pulmonary Diseases


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    In this paper, the authors study and analyze the degree of application electronic and mobile commerce in the airline sector, arguing that modern information and communication technologies provide a powerful tool for airlines and can significantly affect their operations, structure and strategy. In the airlines sector Internet is considered to be the most important technological revolution, because upon its appearance the booking systems ceased to be passive computer archives and records and become active operating systems that with immense speed transform the air traffic. In the mid 80's years, specific types of information systems appeared and these were global distribution systems which were designed for the distribution of tourism products, whose implementation on the website gave access to the airlines toĀ  an electronic trading and enabled them to carry out the provision of services and conduct the sale of air tickets on the Internet. However, the development of technology, the appearance of smart phones and numerous other factors today necessitate airlines to access mobile commerce and make their services available to smart phone users as well as on the website

    The Importance of the Assessment of Quality of Life in Glaucoma Patients

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    Glaucoma is a chronic, progressive eye disorder that can lead to visual impairment and blindness. The projection of glaucoma prevalence in the world suggests that in 2020, 79,6 million of people will have glaucoma, 11,2 million of them will be bilaterally blind. The chronic disease, such as glaucoma, affects the different roles of a patient in everyday life and his/her well-being. Quality of Life (QoL) helps to define the inability of performing specific task that is most important to patient. Patientsā€™ perspective on their visual impairment and well-being are essential in the planning of management of glaucoma. The assessment of QoL should be standard procedure in the management of glaucoma patients. In clinical practice it should represent a gold standard in the care of chronic patients and a proof of fulfilling the patientsā€™ rights. The assessments of QoL should serve as a tool for good clinical practice, for respecting the patientsā€™ rights, and respect for the value of human life in general

    Uticaj internog kvaliteta usluga i zadovoljstva zaposlenih na organizacionu posvećenost u turističkim agencijama: Primer Srbije

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    The aim of the research is to observe the influence of internal service quality and employee satisfaction on organizational commitment of employees in travel agencies. A sample of 150 respondents employed in travel agencies in Serbia was surveyed in April 2020, using the questionnaire technique and validated instruments: a modified SERVQAL model, Job Satisfaction Survey (JSS) and Organizational Commitment Questionnaire (OCQ). The influence of internal service quality and employee satisfaction on organizational commitment in travel agencies was tested using multiple regression. Research findings have indicated that the increase in internal service quality and employee satisfaction is accompanied by an increase in organizational commitment of employees in travel agencies. Finally, the results, implications and limitations are presented, and future research recommendations are specified.Publishe


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    Average power and variance are widely used in adaptation techniques in signal coding. A speech signal is usually assumed to be zero-mean; thus an average signal power is equal to the signal variance. However, this assumption is valid only for longer signals with a large number of samples. When the signal is divided into frames (especially if the number of samples within the frame is small) the speech signal within the frame may not be zero-mean. Hence, frame-by-frame adaptation to signal mean might be beneficial. A switched uniform scalar quantizer with adaptation to signal mean and variance is proposed in this paper. The analysis is performed for different frame lengths and the results are compared to an adaptive uniform quantizer that uses adaptation only to average signal power, showing an improved performance. Signal to quantization noise ratio (SQNR) is used as a performance measure
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