580 research outputs found

    Numerical Simulation of Nano Scanning in Intermittent-Contact Mode AFM under Q control

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    We investigate nano scanning in tapping mode atomic force microscopy (AFM) under quality (Q) control via numerical simulations performed in SIMULINK. We focus on the simulation of whole scan process rather than the simulation of cantilever dynamics and the force interactions between the probe tip and the surface alone, as in most of the earlier numerical studies. This enables us to quantify the scan performance under Q control for different scan settings. Using the numerical simulations, we first investigate the effect of elastic modulus of sample (relative to the substrate surface) and probe stiffness on the scan results. Our numerical simulations show that scanning in attractive regime using soft cantilevers with high Qeff results in a better image quality. We, then demonstrate the trade-off in setting the effective Q factor (Qeff) of the probe in Q control: low values of Qeff cause an increase in tapping forces while higher ones limit the maximum achievable scan speed due to the slow response of the cantilever to the rapid changes in surface profile. Finally, we show that it is possible to achieve higher scan speeds without causing an increase in the tapping forces using adaptive Q control (AQC), in which the Q factor of the probe is changed instantaneously depending on the magnitude of the error signal in oscillation amplitude. The scan performance of AQC is quantitatively compared to that of standard Q control using iso-error curves obtained from numerical simulations first and then the results are validated through scan experiments performed using a physical set-up

    Coherent optical transduction of suspended microcapillary resonators for multi-parameter sensing applications

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    Characterization of micro and nanoparticle mass has become increasingly relevant in a wide range of fields, from materials science to drug development. The real-time analysis of complex mixtures in liquids demands very high mass sensitivity and high throughput. One of the most promising approaches for real-time measurements in liquid, with an excellent mass sensitivity, is the use of suspended microchannel resonators, where a carrier liquid containing the analytes flows through a nanomechanical resonator while tracking its resonance frequency shift. To this end, an extremely sensitive mechanical displacement technique is necessary. Here, we have developed an optomechanical transduction technique to enhance the mechanical displacement sensitivity of optically transparent hollow nanomechanical resonators. The capillaries have been fabricated by using a thermal stretching technique, which allows to accurately control the final dimensions of the device. We have experimentally demonstrated the light coupling into the fused silica capillary walls and how the evanescent light coming out from the silica interferes with the surrounding electromagnetic field distribution, a standing wave sustained by the incident laser and the reflected power from the substrate, modulating the reflectivity. The enhancement of the displacement sensitivity due to this interferometric modulation (two orders of magnitude better than compared with previous accomplishments) has been theoretically predicted and experimentally demonstrated

    Flipping the classrrom in courses of statistics: analyzing the feedback from students

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    [EN] We present the application of the flipped classroom strategy in two subjects of the degree in Statistics (University of Barcelona-Polytechnic University of Catalonia) and analyse the opinion of students about the experience. The objective is to improve the learning process of statistics by promoting a more active attitude of students in the classroom. The new strategy has been welcomed by students, as most of them are satisfied with the experience. Many of them would like that the stratgy would be applied to a significant number of lessons in the subject, or even in other subjects of the degree. Moreover, students think that it helped them to develop their capacity to organize their study time and their self-learning competence. They also think that with the flipped classroom strategy they learn more than with the traditional classes, but they remark the importance of imcluding a session where the teacher answers the questions and solves the doubts of students to ensure a sucessful implementation.http://ocs.editorial.upv.es/index.php/HEAD/HEAD18Alcañiz, M.; Lopez-Tamayo, J.; Perez-Marin, A.; Riera, C.; Santolino, M.; Chulia, H. (2018). Flipping the classrrom in courses of statistics: analyzing the feedback from students. Editorial Universitat Politècnica de València. 1011-1018. https://doi.org/10.4995/HEAD18.2018.8136OCS1011101

    Modelo de un sistema de insonorización para minimizar el impacto acústico en el Hospital San José – Callao

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    La contaminación sonora en las ciudades es un problema constante debido a la presencia de ruido en el ambiente generado por la cogestión vehicular, la industria, el comercio ambulatorio, entre otros. Actualmente se viene adoptando diversas medidas para mitigar con la contaminación sonora. La presente investigación se enfoca en avaluar los niveles de contaminación acústica y elaborar un modelo de un sistema de insonorización para minimizar el impacto acústico el en Hospital San José – Callao. La evaluación consiste en recoger datos en 10 puntos de monitoreo en torno a dicho nosocomio mediante el uso de un sonómetro calibrado que posteriormente fueron analizados y procesados obteniendo que en todos los puntos se sobrepasa lo establecido en la normativa nacional vigente. Una vez demostrado que existe contaminación acústica en el Hospital San José y un posterior análisis costo-beneficio se diseñó un modelo den un sistema de insonorización acústica, el cual tiene un valor a la fecha de S/. 204,395.10, reduciendo los niveles de ruido a niveles inferiores que establece la normativa nacional vigente

    Childhood leukaemia risk and residential proximity to busy roads

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    BACKGROUND: Current evidence suggests that childhood leukaemia can be associated with residential traffic exposure; nevertheless, more results are needed to support this conclusion. OBJECTIVES: To ascertain the possible effects of residential proximity to road traffic on childhood leukaemia, taking into account traffic density, road proximity and the type of leukaemia (acute lymphoid leukaemia or acute myeloid leukaemia). METHODS: We conducted a population-based case-control study of childhood leukaemia in Spain, covering the period 1990-2011. It included 1061 incidence cases gathered from the Spanish National Childhood Cancer Registry and those Autonomous Regions with 100% coverage, and 6447 controls, individually matched by year of birth, sex and autonomous region of residence. Distances were computed from the respective participant's residential locations to the different types of roads and four different buffers. Using logistic regression, odds ratios (ORs) and 95% confidence intervals (95%CIs), were calculated for four different categories of distance to roads. RESULTS: Cases of childhood leukaemia had more than three-fold increased odds of living at <50 m of the busiest motorways compared to controls (OR = 2.90; 95%CI = 1.30-6.49). The estimates for acute lymphoid leukaemia (ALL) were slightly higher (OR = 2.95; 95%CI = 1.22-7.14), while estimates for cases with the same address at birth and at diagnosis were lower (OR = 2.40; 95%CI = 0.70-8.30). CONCLUSIONS: Our study agrees with the literature and furnishes some evidence that living near a busy motorway could be a risk factor for childhood leukaemia.This study was funded by Spain's Health Research Fund, Spain (Fondo de Investigación Sanitaria - FIS 12/01416 and FIS CP11/00112), Carlos III Health Institute, Spain Grand EPY 1344/16 and Scientific Foundation of the Spanish Association Against Cancer, Spain (Fundación Científica de la Asociación Española Contra el Cáncer (AECC) – EVP-1178/14). This article presents independent research. The views expressed are those of the authors and not necessarily those of the Carlos III Institute of Health.S

    Intervención educativa sobre la medicina natural y tradicional como terapéutica en el asma bronquial

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    Introduction: bronchial asthma is a chronic respiratory disease, where Natural and Traditional Medicine is an option as an alternative therapy.Objective: to evaluate the effectiveness of an educational intervention on the level of knowledge of Natural and Traditional Medicine as a therapeutic in asthma.Method: a non-observational, quasi-experimental study was carried out, before-after without a control group, in patients from doctor´s office No. 5 of the “José Martí Pérez” Teaching Polyclinic from January-June 2019. The universe consisted of 177.Results: the main source of information was that from health professionals (45,2 %). After applying the intervention, knowledge about bronchial asthma, Natural and Traditional Medicine (89,83 %), triggers (83,61 %) and knowledge about treatment (8,47 %) were adequate. Similarly, after the intervention, knowledge about the use of Natural and Traditional Medicine in asthma (96,04 %) and the evaluation of general knowledge (92,09 %) were adequate.Conclusions: there was an insufficient level of knowledge in asthmatic patients about the use of Natural and Traditional Medicine for their treatment. Health personnel must establish themselves as the main source of knowledge about the application of Natural and Traditional Medicine in the community. The use of educational interventions is useful and effective to raise the level of knowledge about the use of Natural and Traditional Medicine in the treatment of bronchial asthmaIntroducción: el asma bronquial es una enfermedad respiratoria crónica, donde la Medicina Natural y Tradicional constituye una opción como terapia alternativa.Objetivo: evaluar la efectividad de una intervención educativa sobre el nivel de conocimiento de la Medicina Natural y Tradicional como terapéutica en el asma bronquial.Método: se realizó un estudio no observacional, cuasi-experimental, antes-después sin grupo control, en pacientes del consultorio 5 del Policlínico Docente “José Martí Pérez” de enero-junio del 2019. El universo estuvo constituido por 177. Se empleó estadística descriptivaResultados: como principal fuente de información predominó la proveniente de los profesionales de salud (45,2 %). Tras la aplicación de la intervención fueron adecuados los conocimientos sobre el asma bronquial, la Medicina Natural y Tradicional (89,83 %), factores desencadenantes (83,61 %) y los conocimientos sobre el tratamiento (8,47 %). De igual forma, tras la intervención fueron adecuados los conocimientos sobre el uso de la Medicina Natural y Tradicional en el asma (96,04  %) y la evaluación de los conocimientos generales (92,09 %).Conclusiones: existió un insuficiente nivel de conocimientos en los pacientes asmáticos sobre el empleo de la Medicina Natural y Tradicional para su tratamiento. El personal de salud debe establecerse como fuente principal del conocimiento sobre la aplicación de la Medicina Natural y Tradicional en la comunidad. El empleo de intervenciones educativas resulta útil y efectiva para elevar el nivel de conocimientos sobre el empleo de la Medicina Natural y Tradicional en el tratamiento del asma bronquia

    Evaluación del nivel de conocimiento sobre COVID-19 durante la pesquisa en la población de un consultorio

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    Introducción: la COVID-19 es una enfermedad causada por el nuevo coronavirus que se descubrió en la ciudad de Wuhan, provincia de Hubei, China, a finales de 2019. Objetivo: evaluar el nivel de conocimiento sobre la COVID-19 durante la pesquisa activa. Material y Método: se realizó un estudio no observacional, cuasi experimental, antes-después sin grupo de control sobre el nivel de conocimiento acerca de la COVID-19, en la población perteneciente al consultorio 5 del Policlínico José Martí del Municipio Gibara, Holguín, Cuba. El universo estuvo constituido por 1333 y la muestra fueron 415 pacientes. Las variables en estudio fueron fuente de información para la adquisición de los conocimientos, información general sobre la COVID-19, síntomas clínicos de la COVID-19, diferencias con otras afecciones respiratorias frecuentes y medidas para la prevención de la COVID-19. Se emplearon estadígrafos descriptivos y para el análisis comparativo que contempla el estudio se aplicó, la prueba de chi cuadrado de McNemar. Resultados: de las fuentes de información la pesquisa fue la más referida por 143 pacientes. Después de aplicada la intervención, sobre información general de la COVID-19, las personas con conocimiento adecuado fueron el 95,4 %. La información sobre los síntomas clínicos y diferencias de la COVID-19 con otras afecciones respiratorias fueron adecuadas en el 80 % y 93,7 % de los pacientes respectivamente. Sobre las medidas preventivas, fueron adecuados en los 415 pacientes. Conclusiones: la estrategia educativa fue efectiva porque se logró un nivel de conocimiento alto en la mayoría de la población