3,512 research outputs found

    The continuous star formation history of a giant HII region in M101

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    We present results about the star formation process in the giant HII region NGC 5471 in the outskirts of M101. From resolved HST/WPFC2 photometry we find that star formation has been going for the last 70 Myr. We further compare previous results from integrated infrared-optical photometry with the stellar resolved CMD and we discuss the star formation properties of this region and its individual knots, as well as characterizing the different stellar content. This result has very important consequences in our understanding of the burst versus continuous star formation activity in spiral galaxies.Comment: 2 pages, 2 figures. Proceeding of the conference From Stars to Galaxies: Building the pieces to build up the Universe (Venice, Italy

    Morphological and germination response variability in seeds of wild yellow gentian (Gentiana lutea L.) accessions from northwest Spain

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    Gentiana lutea L. (yellow gentian, Gentianaceae) is an important medicinal plant under protection as endangered species in most European countries. The aim of this work was to evaluate variation in seed mass, seed water content, and seed germination among 56 wild accessions of G. lutea. The effect of gibberellic acid (GA3), putrescine, moist chilling, and level of ripeness of seeds on subsequent germination was also investigated. Seeds of G. lutea showed physiological dormancy (final germination percentages ranged from 0% to 11%, depending on the accession) and GA3 enhanced seed germination drastically in all the accessions. The highest germination (99%) of GA3-treated seeds was reached at 15 °C. Final germination percentage and germination rate (as expressed by mean germination time), as well as seed mass and seed water content, varied significantly among accessions. In general, 1 year moist chilling did not significantly enhance G. lutea seed germination. For most accessions, no significant differences were found between fully ripe seeds and less ripe seeds for seed water content, seed mass, and seed germination. Applications of GA3 were always most effective than those of putrescine for increasing seed germination

    Virtual Reality as a Tool in the Treatment of Claustrophobia - A Review

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    Within the context of psychology, virtual reality (VR) is presented as a technological tool to address and treat the symptoms of claustrophobia. Claustrophobia is distinguished by a fear of small or enclosed environments, which can be a challenge for conventional treatments. This research work focused on conducting a detailed analysis of the existing literature on using VR as an alternative tool to treat claustrophobia symptoms. The research results indicated that treatment with VR technology may be effective in providing a controlled and safe way to expose patients to situations such as those they fear, allowing them to overcome their fears more effectively. This review article provides a comprehensive analysis of the use of VR to treat laustrophobia. A total of 384 manuscripts from different virtual databases were analyzed, from which 61 major articles were selected. The results showed that VR allows for treating different types of phobias such as Acrophobia, Agoraphobia, rachnophobia, claustrophobia, Fear of flying, Fear of public speaking and Fear of injections, achieving significant patient results. Studies have proven the effectiveness of VR in reducing the symptoms of claustrophobia, and it is anticipated that it will continue to be an important tool in the future

    Optimizing seed conservation protocols and cryopreservation at the CRF-INIA genebank to reduce genetic erosion

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    The CRF-INIA is the Spanish National Centre for Plant Genetic Resources where a duplicate of all seed active collections belonging to the Spanish Network of the National PGR Program should be deposited. First samples date from 1980?s. Nowadays, the long term collection (base collection) comprises approximately 39,000 samples. The CRF-INIA genebank also maintains the largest active collection in Spain, with up to 22.000 accessions, meanly of cereals and grain legumes. At the CRF-INIA genebank the seed conservation protocol follows the FAO/IPGRI recommendations: seed desiccation at 13-15% RH and 20 °C, and storage at -4 or -18 °C, for the active and base collections, respectively. Seed viability monitoring is performed systematically through germination tests. For most species, the current conservation protocol shows good performance (Martín et al. 2014). However, in some plant groups there is an accumulation of samples with low longevity, for which sample regeneration is costly. For example, after 20 or 30 years of storage, some accessions of Brassica ssp., Lactuca sativa or Secale cereale, have shown low seed viability after storage. In some cases, samples with low germination rates might be not only due to low longevity but also to other reasons, such as problems with dormancy interfiering with the germination test performance and low initial quality of the samples. The general aim of this project is to find alternative storage protocols to reduce genetic erosion, present and future, of the conserved material at the CRF-INIA seedbank. Cryoconservation of seeds at different water contents are being tested in species with low seed longevity and of problematic regeneration (rye, onion and cabbage). Results would be compared to the conventional storage at -18 °C after medium/long term storage

    Factores de la deserción escolar en la licenciatura en marketing digital que ofrece en línea la universidad de ciencias y artes de chiapas

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    The present research project "School Dropout Factors in the Bachelor's Degree in Digital Marketing offered online by the University of Sciences and Arts of Chiapas (UNICACH)", had as its main objective: Identify the factors that cause the dropout of students from the Bachelor's Degree in Digital Marketing, in the online modality offered by the University of Sciences and Arts of Chiapas; in the city of Tuxtla Gutiérrez, Chiapas, Mexico. It contains the background of the investigation in relation to School Dropout both at the upper secondary and higher level, the theoretical bases of online education, the role of the teacher and the student in virtual education, the virtual classroom, as well as the impact of education in higher education institutions and in society. The research is part of the Post positivist paradigm, with a mixed, explanatory, non-experimental approach, finite population, non-probabilistic sample, as a graphic analysis technique and for data collection a closed-type survey was applied to alumni of the Bachelor's degree. in Digital Marketing of the school cycles August-December 2018, February-June 2019 and August-December 2019, since based on statistical data from UNICACH a high percentage of School Dropout was observed in the aforementioned school cycles ranging from 50 % in the first school cycle and consequently by the end of the August-December 2019 school cycle there is a small group of students. Finding as a result, that the School Dropout in the Degree in Digital Marketing is multifactorial: work, health, services, vocational, family and economic.El presente proyecto de investigación “Factores de Deserción Escolar en la Licenciatura en Marketing Digital que ofrece en línea la Universidad de Ciencias y Artes de Chiapas (UNICACH)”, tuvo como objetivo principal: Identificar los factores que provocan la deserción escolar de alumnos de la Licenciatura en Marketing Digital, en la modalidad en línea que ofrece la Universidad de Ciencias y Artes de Chiapas; en la ciudad de Tuxtla Gutiérrez, Chiapas, México. Contiene los antecedentes de la investigación en relación a la Deserción Escolar tanto en el nivel medio superior como superior, las bases teóricas de la educación en línea, el rol del docente y del estudiante en la educación virtual, el aula virtual, así como el impacto de la educación en las instituciones de educación superior y en la sociedad. La investigación se enmarca en el paradigma Post positivista, con enfoque mixto, explicativa, no experimental, población finita, muestra no probabilística, como técnica de análisis la gráfica y para la recolección de datos se aplicó una encuesta de tipo cerrada a exalumnos de la Licenciatura en Marketing Digital de los ciclos escolares agosto-diciembre 2018, febrero-junio 2019 y agosto-diciembre 2019, toda vez que con base a datos estadísticos de la UNICACH se observó un alto porcentaje de Deserción Escolar en los ciclos escolares citados que van desde 50% en el primer ciclo escolar y en consecuencia para finales del ciclo escolar agosto-diciembre 2019 se cuenta con un reducido grupo de estudiantes. Encontrando como resultado, que la Deserción Escolar en la Licenciatura en Marketing Digital es multifactorial: trabajo, salud, servicios, vocacional, familiares y económicos

    LabVIEW-based control and acquisition system for the dosimetric characterization of a silicon strip detector

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    Theaimofthisworkistopresentanewdataacquisition,control,andanalysissoftwaresystemwrittenin LabVIEW.Thissystemhasbeendesignedtoobtainthedosimetryofasiliconstripdetectorinpolyethylene. It allows the full automation of the experiments and data analysis required for the dosimetric characterization of silicon detectors. It becomes a useful tool that can be applied in the daily routine check of a beam accelerator.MINECO ICTI2013-2016/FPA2013-47327-C2-1-RMINECO ICTI2013-2016/FPA2014-53290-C2-2- PJunta de Andalucía P12-FQM-160

    Conductivity test in seeds of different passion flower species

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    The objective of this work was to evaluate the use of the conductivity test as a means of predicting seed viability in seven Passiflora species: P. alata, P. cincinnata, P. edulis f. edulis, P. edulis f. flavicarpa, P. morifolia, P. mucronata, and P. nitida. Conductivity of non?desiccated (control), desiccated, and non?desiccated cryopreserved seeds was determined and related to their germination percentage. The obtained results suggest that the electrical conductivity test has potential as a germination predictor for P. edulis f. flavicarpa seed lots, but not for the other tested species. Index terms: Passiflora, seed cryopreservation, seed desiccation, seed viability

    Caracterizacion del riego por carrete en un predio de la comuna de Pencahue, VII Region

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    65 p.Durante la temporada de riego 2004/2005 se realizó un estudio para caracterizar el riego por carrete en el predio “El Almendro” de la comuna de Pencahue, VII región. El carrete utilizado correspondido a la marca Bauer, modelo Rainstar E11-110-350, instalado en un cultivo de maíz para semilla. Los objetivos específicos fueron: Establecer el perfil de distribución de agua del aspersor a la presión de trabajo y determinar los Coeficiente de Uniformidad (CU) y Uniformidad de Distribución (UD) para un espaciamiento entre calles de 90 m, utilizado por el agricultor, y a través de simulación, para espaciamientos de 75, 80, 85, 95, 100 y 105 m, a partir del perfil característico del aspersor. Finalmente se determinó el costo/hora de la utilización del equipo. Se realizaron tres evaluaciones, utilizando 60 recipientes instalados a cada lado del aspersor, cada 1 m, perpendicularmente al avance de la unidad. Los resultados obtenidos señalan para el aspersor, un alcance de 52 m a cada lado y una descarga variable desde 27,60 mm próximo al aspersor y de 1,95 mm en el extremo, con un perfil característico para este tipo de aspersores. El Coeficiente de Uniformidad (CU) y la Uniformidad de Distribución (UD) para un espaciamiento entre bandas de desplazamiento del aspersor de 90m, fueron de 89,04% y 82,29%, respectivamente, bajo velocidades de viento entre 0 y 2 m/s. Para espaciamientos simulados entre calles comprendidos entre 75 y 105 m, el CU varió desde 76,60% hasta 72,03%, y UD entre 76,23 y 45,92%, respectivamente. A partir de este último análisis, se encontró que un espaciamiento entre calles de desplazamiento del aspersor de 85 m, se obtienen los coeficientes más altos de uniformidad. Finalmente, el costo/hora del equipo, considerando una programación técnica del riego en base a parámetros de suelo, clima y cultivo, fue de $7330/hora, considerando un total de 1258 horas de funcionamiento por temporada, para una superficie estimada de riego de 22 ha