2,692 research outputs found

    Oregano essential oil: influence of the chemical composition on the inhibitory activity against Salmonella Enteritidis

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    Este trabalho avaliou a interferência da origem e do teor de compostos fenólicos de óleo essencial de orégano (OEO) de cinco marcas comerciais provenientes de diferentes regiões do mundo, na atividade inibitória frente à Salmonella Enteritidis (SE). A composição de cada OEO foi determinada por cromatografia gasosa acoplada ao espectrômetro de massas (CG-IE-MS). A atividade inibitória frente SE in vitro foi avaliada pela técnica de difusão em poços, empregando-se soluções alcoólicas a 0,1; 0,2; 0,5; 1,0; ou 2,0%, observando-se a formação de halo de inibição após incubação a 30 °C por 24 horas. Como resultado da análise por CG-IE-MS, foram identificados dezessete componentes voláteis. Todos OEO analisados neste trabalho possuíam carvacrol como componente principal e apresentaram atividade antimicrobiana frente a SE nas cinco concentrações testadas. A ação inibitória das cinco marcas comerciais avaliadas não apresentou diferença estatística significativa (p > 0,05), porém o OEO proveniente da região do Mediterrâneo com p-cimeno e γ-terpineno, além de carvacrol, apresentou maiores halos de inibição de SE que os demais OEO. Concluiu-se que a multiplicação de Salmonella Enteritidis in vitro pode ser inibida por OEO cuja ação antimicrobiana independe da região produtora de orégano. No entanto, óleos essenciais que possuem p-cimeno e γ-terpineno, além de carvacrol, podem ter o seu efeito antimicrobiano potencializado.This study evaluated the influence of the origin and content of phenolic compounds in five Oregano Essential Oil (OEO) brands, from different part of the world, on the inhibitory activity against Salmonella Enteritidis (SE). The composition of each OEO was determined by gas chromatography coupled to mass spectrometry (GC-MS-IE). The inhibitory activity on SE was evaluated by the agar well diffusion test using alcoholic solutions at 0.1, 0.2, 0.5, 1.0, or 2.0%, observing the formation of inhibition halos after 24 hours of incubation at 30 °C. Using a GC-MS-IE seventeen volatile components were identified. Carvacrol was the major component of all OEO samples. They were active against SE in all tested concentrations. The differences in the inhibitory activity presented by the five brands were not significant (p > 0.05), but the OEO from the Mediterranean, which contained p-cymene and γ-terpinene besides carvacrol, resulted in larger inhibition halos than the other OEO. It was concluded that the in vitro growth of Salmonella Enteritidis can be inhibited by OEO, regardless the region in which oregano is produced. However, the essential oils that contain carvacrol, p- cymene, and γ-terpinene may present a more effective antimicrobial effect.CNPq - MES


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    Vegetable oils are widely used for food production at different levels: domestic, commercial or industrial. The estimated production of vegetable oil, in Brazil, is three billion liters per year. Only 2.5% of cooking oil waste (WCO) are recycled. This paper presents to evaluate the environmental impact of OVR in two Brazilian soils (sandy and loamy) and to estimate the terrestrial toxicity level (leakage test) and phytotoxicity (germination tests using lettuce seeds - Lactuca sativa L. – as well as in lettuce cultivation under greenhouse conditions). After leaching, the sandy soil had a slight lower WCO adsorption capacity than the clayey soil. The introduction of WCO caused clayey soil compaction. The WCO presence was toxic to earthworms, regardless of soil type. WCO negatively influenced germination and radicle growth in the eco toxicity assays. The different tested doses of WCO in lettuce (Lactuca sativa L.) cultivation caused changes in plant morphology for all physical parameters analyzed for both soils. We concluded that the WCO is a potential contaminant residue when improperly disposed over the soil, compromising the soil-plant system.Vegetable oils are widely used for food production at different levels: domestic, commercial or industrial. The estimated production of vegetable oil, in Brazil, is three billion liters per year. Only 2.5% of cooking oil waste (WCO) are recycled. The environmental impacts caused by WCO arrangement in soils still need to be better studied. The interaction of soils and organic pollutants makes it difficult to evaluate its behavior in the environment. This paper presents to evaluate the environmental impact of OVR in two Brazilian soils (sandy and loamy) and to estimate the terrestrial toxicity level (leakage test) and phytotoxicity (germination tests using lettuce seeds - Lactuca sativa L. – as well as in lettuce cultivation under greenhouse conditions). After leaching, the sandy soil had a slight lower WCO adsorption capacity than the clayey soil. The introduction of WCO caused clayey soil compaction. The WCO presence was toxic to earthworms, regardless of soil type. WCO negatively influenced germination and radicle growth in the eco toxicity assays. The different tested doses of WCO in lettuce (Lactuca sativa L.) cultivation caused changes in plant morphology for all physical parameters analyzed for both soils. We concluded that the WCO is a potential contaminant residue when improperly disposed over the soil, compromising the soil-plant system

    Antecipação da diagnose foliar em arroz de sequeiro

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    The objective of this work was to evaluate the possibility of anticipation of foliar sampling in upland rice, in order to enable nutritional diagnosis for timely intervention. One hundred and seven leaf samples were collected from genotype trials of Embrapa Rondônia, in the state of Rondônia, Brazil, in three sampling times: anticipated, at 30 and 40 days after sowing (DAS); and standard, at 65 DAS. Composition nutrient diagnosis (CND) norms were obtained for each evaluated time and used for diagnosis on all evaluation times, comparing the results from the potential response to fertilization under two or three nutritional sufficiency classes, and checking the degree of agreement between the diagnostics. The use of two sufficiency classes increases the possibility of anticipating sampling time for foliar diagnosis, which would enable timely nutritional diagnosis to correct or mitigate eventual nutritional deficiencies. The anticipation of foliar diagnosis in upland rice depends on the development of specific nutritional diagnosis norms for each sampling time.O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar a possibilidade de antecipar a amostragem foliar em arroz de sequeiro, para viabilizar o diagnóstico nutricional em tempo hábil para intervenção. Foram coletadas 107 amostras foliares em ensaios de materiais genéticos da Embrapa Rondônia, no Estado de Rondônia, em três épocas de amostragem: antecipada, aos 30 e 40 dias após a semeadura (DAS); e padrão, aos 65 DAS. Foram obtidas as normas de diagnose da composição nutricional (CND) para cada época avaliada, as quais foram utilizadas para o diagnóstico em todas as épocas, tendo-se comparado os resultados do potencial de resposta à adubação sob duas ou três classes de suficiência nutricional, e verificado o grau de concordância entre os diagnósticos. O uso de duas classes de suficiência aumenta a possibilidade da antecipação da época de amostragem para diagnose foliar, o que viabilizaria o diagnóstico nutricional em tempo hábil para a correção ou a mitigação de eventuais deficiências nutricionais. A antecipação da diagnose foliar em arroz de sequeiro depende do desenvolvimento de normas de diagnose específicas para cada período amostral

    Disparate miRNA expression in serum and plasma of patients with acute myocardial infarction: a systematic and paired comparative analysis

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    Despite the promising value of miRNAs in the diagnostic and prognostic of cardiovascular disease (CVD), recent meta-analyses did not support their potential. Methodological variances in studies may interfere with miRNA profle and afect their results. This study determines if the blood starting material is a source of variance in miRNA profle by performing a paired comparison in plasma and serum of the expression of primary miRNAs associated with CVD. Circulating miRNA yield was similar in both plasma and serum, although a signifcant increase was observed in patients with Non-ST-elevation myocardial infarction (NSTEMI) compared to control volunteers. When normalized by the expression of miR-484, diferent patterns of miRNA expression between serum and plasma. Although NSTEMI modifed the expression of miR-1 and miR-208 in both serum and plasma, plasma displayed a higher variance than serum (Levene's test p<0.01). For miR-133a and miR-26a, diferences were only detected in serum (p=0.0240), and conversely, miR-499a showed diferences only in plasma of NSTEMI (p=0.001). Interestingly, miR-21 showed an opposite pattern of expression, being increased in serum (2−ΔΔCt : 5.7, p=0.0221) and decreased in plasma (2−ΔΔCt : 0.5, p=0.0107). Plasma and serum exhibit diferent patterns of circulating miRNA expression in NSTEMI and suggest that results from studies with diferent starting material could not be comparable

    Lodo de esgoto em revegetação de área degradada

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    The objective of this work was to verify the viability of using the sludge produced by Estação de Tratamento de Esgoto do Aeroporto Internacional do Rio de Janeiro (Etar-Apoio), in the revegetation process of a degraded area located in this airport. The addition of such material to the soil increased significantly the organic matter contents, nitrogen, phosphorus, magnesium, potassium and calcium, as well as the cation exchange capacity (pH 7). The micronutrients Fe, Zn, and Cu increased with the sewage sludge application. However, this behavior is not related to the soil pH decrease, but to the CEC increment and to the organic matter increase. No significant sewage sludge effect was observed in the development of the species used (Mimosa caesalpiniifolia – Sabiá – and M. bimucronata – Maricá). However, it was observed a significant interaction between the rates of sewage sludge application and the plants. Those results have indicated that the revegetation process used was a feasible alternative to the final disposal of the sewage sludge.O objetivo deste trabalho foi verificar a viabilidade da aplicação do lodo, produzido pela Estação de Tratamento de Esgoto do Aeroporto Internacional do Rio de Janeiro (Etar-Apoio), à revegetação de uma área degradada do aeroporto. A adição desse material ao solo causou o aumento significativo dos teores de carbono orgânico, nitrogênio, fósforo, magnésio, potássio e cálcio, bem como da capacidade de troca catiônica. Os teores dos micronutrientes Fe, Zn e Cu também aumentaram significativamente com a aplicação de lodo. Contudo, em princípio, esse comportamento não está relacionado ao decréscimo significativo verificado no pH do solo, mas sim ao incremento da capacidade de troca catiônica (pH 7) e da matéria orgânica. Não se observou efeito significativo da aplicação de lodo no desenvolvimento das espécies vegetais utilizadas (Mimosa caesalpiniifolia –Sabiá – e M. bimucronata – Maricá). Verificou-se, no entanto, significância na interação entre as doses de lodo com as duas espécies vegetais implantadas. Esses resultados indicam que o processo de revegetação utilizado representa alternativa viável para a disposição final do lodo de esgoto

    Estudo do comportamento do chumbo em latossolos brasileiros tratados com fosfatos: contribuições para a remediação de sítios contaminados

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    Phosphates have been used for lead immobilization in soils but the influence of soil type is not fully understood. In this work, lead chemical behaviour in two Brazilian latosoils (LA and LV) was studied via treatment with phosphates. The Pb concentration in Toxicity Characteristic Leaching Procedure (TCLP) solutions was decreased in all treatments. After treatment with H3PO4 the Pb concentration in the LA remained within the regulatory limit established by EPA. The ecotoxicological results with Daphnia pulex showed that this treatment reduced the lead bioavailability. Sequential extraction analyses showed that the lead was transferred from the most available to the residual fraction. Relevant decrease of soluble lead was observed in all phosphate treatments

    Normal nutrient ranges and nutritional monitoring of 'Pêra' orange trees based on the CND method in different fruiting stages

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    O objetivo deste trabalho foi determinar valores de referência para avaliação do estado nutricional de laranjeiras 'Pêra' (Citrus sinensis) em diferentes estádios de frutificação, com uso do método de diagnose da composição nutricional (CND). Foram utilizadas 243 amostras foliares, provenientes de 81 glebas, com coletas em plantas com frutos de três e seis meses de idade e, também, na colheita principal (nove meses). Glebas com produtividade superior a 30 Mg ha-1 foram selecionadas para o estabelecimento dos padrões de referência. Foram avaliadas três faixas normais para cada nutriente, na população de referência, abrangidas entre o intervalo de confiança (IC) das médias dos teores foliares, a média±desvio-padrão (±DP) e a média±⅔DP. Independentemente da faixa normal de nutrientes utilizada, a época de amostragem foliar interferiu no estado nutricional da laranjeira 'Pêra'. As faixas normais obtidas a partir dos critérios IC e ±⅔DP dos teores nutricionais observados na população de referência proporcionaram diagnósticos nutricionais frequentemente semelhantes. Zn, Ca e Fe são os elementos que mais frequentemente limitam a produção da laranja 'Pêra' no Amazonas.The objective of this work was to determine reference values for evaluating the nutritional status of 'Pêra' orange (Citrus sinensis) trees in different fruiting stages, using the compositional nutrient diagnosis (CND) method. The study used 243 leaf samples from 81 plots, with samplings performed in plants bearing fruits with three and six months of age, and also in the main harvest (nine months). Plots with productivity higher than 30 Mg ha-1 were selected for the establishment of reference standards. Three normal ranges were evaluated for each nutrient in the reference population, comprehended by the confidence interval (CI) of the foliar content averages, by the mean±standard deviation (±SD), and by the mean±⅔SD. Regardless of the normal range of nutrients used, the leaf sampling periods interfered with the nutritional status of 'Pêra' orange tree. The normal ranges obtained from the criteria CI and ±⅔SD of the nutrient contents observed in the reference population frequently provided similar nutritional diagnoses. Zn, Ca, and Fe are the elements that most often limit the production of 'Pêra' orange in the state of Amazonas, Brazil

    A correlative biomarker study and integrative prognostic model in chemotherapy-naïve metastatic castration-resistant prostate cancer treated with enzalutamide

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    There is a considerable need to incorporate biomarkers of resistance to new antiandrogen agents in the management of castration-resistant prostate cancer (CRPC). We conducted a phase II trial of enzalutamide in first-line chemo-naïve asymptomatic or minimally symptomatic mCRPC and analyzed the prognostic value of TMPRSS2-ERG and other biomarkers, including circulating tumor cells (CTCs), androgen receptor splice variant (AR-V7) in CTCs and plasma Androgen Receptor copy number gain (AR-gain). These biomarkers were correlated with treatment response and survival outcomes and developed a clinical-molecular prognostic model using penalized cox-proportional hazard model. This model was validated in an independent cohort. Ninety-eight patients were included. TMPRSS2-ERG fusion gene was detected in 32 patients with no differences observed in efficacy outcomes. CTC detection was associated with worse outcome and AR-V7 in CTCs was associated with increased rate of progression as best response. Plasma AR gain was strongly associated with an adverse outcome, with worse median prostate specific antigen (PSA)-PFS (4.2 vs. 14.7 m; p < 0.0001), rad-PFS (4.5 vs. 27.6 m; p < 0.0001), and OS (12.7 vs. 38.1 m; p < 0.0001). The clinical prognostic model developed in PREVAIL was validated (C-Index 0.70) and the addition of plasma AR (C-Index 0.79; p < 0.001) increased its prognostic ability. We generated a parsimonious model including alkaline phosphatase (ALP); PSA and AR gain (C-index 0.78) that was validated in an independent cohort. TMPRSS2-ERG detection did not correlate with differential activity of enzalutamide in first-line mCRPC. However, we observed that CTCs and plasma AR gain were the most relevant biomarkers

    Plasma miRNA profile at COVID-19 onset predicts severity status and mortality

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    BACKGROUND: MicroRNAs (miRNAs) have a crucial role in regulating immune response against infectious diseases, showing changes early in disease onset and before the detection of the pathogen. Thus, we aimed to analyze the plasma miRNA profile at COVID-19 onset to identify miRNAs as early prognostic biomarkers of severity and survival. METHODS AND RESULTS: Plasma miRNome of 96 COVID-19 patients that developed asymptomatic/mild, moderate and severe disease was sequenced together with a group of healthy controls. Plasma immune-related biomarkers were also assessed. COVID-19 patients showed 200 significant differentially expressed (SDE) miRNAs concerning healthy controls, with upregulated putative targets of SARS-CoV-2, and inflammatory miRNAs. Among COVID-19 patients, 75 SDE miRNAs were observed in asymptomatic/mild compared to symptomatic patients, which were involved in platelet aggregation and cytokine pathways, among others. Moreover, 137 SDE miRNAs were identified between severe and moderate patients, where miRNAs targeting the SARS CoV-2 genome were the most strongly disrupted. Finally, we constructed a mortality predictive risk score (miRNA-MRS) with ten miRNAs. Patients with higher values had a higher risk of 90-days mortality (hazard ratio = 4.60; p-value < 0.001). Besides, the discriminant power of miRNA-MRS was significantly higher than the observed for age and gender (AUROC = 0.970 vs. 0.881; p = 0.042). CONCLUSIONS: SARS-CoV-2 infection deeply disturbs the plasma miRNome from an early stage of COVID-19, making miRNAs highly valuable as early predictors of severity and mortality

    Heterogeneous Infectivity and Pathogenesis of SARS-CoV-2 Variants Beta, Delta and Omicron in Transgenic K18-hACE2 and Wildtype Mice

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    The emerging SARS-CoV-2 variants of concern (VOCs) may display enhanced transmissibility, more severity and/or immune evasion; however, the pathogenesis of these new VOCs in experimental SARS-CoV-2 models or the potential infection of other animal species is not completely understood. Here we infected K18-hACE2 transgenic mice with B.1, B.1.351/Beta, B.1.617.2/Delta and BA.1.1/Omicron isolates and demonstrated heterogeneous infectivity and pathogenesis. B.1.351/Beta variant was the most pathogenic, while BA.1.1/Omicron led to lower viral RNA in the absence of major visible clinical signs. In parallel, we infected wildtype (WT) mice and confirmed that, contrary to B.1 and B.1.617.2/Delta, B.1.351/Beta and BA.1.1/Omicron can infect them. Infection in WT mice coursed without major clinical signs and viral RNA was transient and undetectable in the lungs by day 7 post-infection. In silico modeling supported these findings by predicting B.1.351/Beta receptor binding domain (RBD) mutations result in an increased affinity for both human and murine ACE2 receptors, while BA.1/Omicron RBD mutations only show increased affinity for murine ACE2.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio