3,717 research outputs found

    Paternity allocation in a mutant Heliothis virescens colony

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    Tobacco budworm, Heliothis virescens (F.) (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae), females can copulate multiple times creating the possibility for sperm competition. We used a colony lacking wild pigmentation on the wings (albino-type) for an experiment in which females double mated. Females copulated 2 days apart with two, 2-day-old males, one albino-type and one wild-type, or in the opposite sequence. A third of the females produced offspring from the first mate, and this group was significantly biased toward producing albino-type compared to wild-type progeny. A fourth of the females produced offspring from the second male exclusively and within this group was a significant bias toward wild-type compared to albino-type progeny. Almost half of the females produced offspring sired in equal proportions by both males simultaneously or in alternated paternities throughout all the reproductive life. These results suggest that regardless of the order in which moths mated, wild-type sperm had potential superior competitiveness. Therefore, sperm precedence is not the main driving force behind the paternity allocation mechanism in this strain of tobacco budworm

    Post-tsunami natural regeneration of coastal vegetation in the Hambantota district in south-eastern Sri Lanka

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    A qualitative rapid survey was conducted in 45 plots distributed in the gentle seashore vegetation andsand dunes (n = 13), coastal scrublands (n = 19), and mangroves (n = 13) along the coastline ofHambantota District, affected by the Indian Ocean tsunami. The objective of the survey was toinvestigate the natural regeneration of coastal vegetation 20 months after the tsunami disturbance21 plant species belonging to 19 families were recorded as the prominent plants regenerating inaffected mangroves, while 16 species in 15 families and 32 species in 23 families were observed asprom inent plants to regenerate in affected areas of the gentle sea-shore vegetation and coastalscrublands respectively.In tsunami affected mangrove stands Acanthus iltctfolius (in 50% of study plots), Achrosticumaureum (40%) and Lumnitzera racemosa (17%) were the dominant species establishing in openmuddy substrates, while Clerodendrum inerme (57%), Lumnitzera racemosa and Excoecariaaga//ocha (29% each) were regenerating in sand deposited in the mangrove patches.Ipomoea pes-caprae (85%), Scaevola taccada and Calotropis gigantea (23% each) were observedas the dominant species re-establishing in the gentle seashore vegetation, while Spinifex littoreusshows a slow rate of regeneration. Most of the destroyed Pandanus odoratissimus bushes facingthe beach are not regenerating. Instead a new row of Pandanus was observed regenerating immediatelybacking the original stands. Prominent species regenerating in coastal scrublands are Crotonbonplandianus and Gymnema sylvestre (37% each), Clerodendrum inerme (16%), Calotropisgigantea (10%) and Crateva adansonii (10%) and saplings of Azadirachta indica and Limoniaacidissitna .Invasive alien plants, mainly Opuntia dillennii have established well and spreading vigorously inaffected coastal scrublands (58%), some study plots of gentle seashore vegetation (31 %) as wellas on sand depositions in the affected mangroves (15%). This species was observed replacing thespaces occupied by destroyed Pandanus odoratissimus bushes and Spinifex littoreus beds.Invasive alien plants such as Prosopis juliflora and Lantana camara were also spreading intsunami disturbed coastal scrublands.

    Normalization factors for magnetic relaxation of small particle systems in non-zero magnetic field

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    We critically discuss relaxation experiments in magnetic systems that can be characterized in terms of an energy barrier distribution, showing that proper normalization of the relaxation data is needed whenever curves corresponding to different temperatures are to be compared. We show how these normalization factors can be obtained from experimental data by using the Tln(t/τ0)T \ln(t/\tau_0) scaling method without making any assumptions about the nature of the energy barrier distribution. The validity of the procedure is tested using a ferrofluid of Fe_3O_4 particles.Comment: 5 pages, 6 eps figures added in April 22, to be published in Phys. Rev. B 55 (1 April 1997

    Regulation of constitutive and alternative mRNA splicing across the human transcriptome by PRPF8 is determined by 5' splice site strength.

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    BACKGROUND: Sequential assembly of the human spliceosome on RNA transcripts regulates splicing across the human transcriptome. The core spliceosome component PRPF8 is essential for spliceosome assembly through its participation in ribonucleoprotein (RNP) complexes for splice-site recognition, branch-point formation and catalysis. PRPF8 deficiency is linked to human diseases like retinitis pigmentosa or myeloid neoplasia, but its genome-wide effects on constitutive and alternative splicing remain unclear. RESULTS: Here, we show that alterations in RNA splicing patterns across the human transcriptome that occur in conditions of restricted cellular PRPF8 abundance are defined by the altered splicing of introns with weak 5' splice sites. iCLIP of spliceosome components reveals that PRPF8 depletion decreases RNP complex formation at most splice sites in exon-intron junctions throughout the genome. However, impaired splicing affects only a subset of human transcripts, enriched for mitotic cell cycle factors, leading to mitotic arrest. Preferentially retained introns and differentially used exons in the affected genes contain weak 5' splice sites, but are otherwise indistinguishable from adjacent spliced introns. Experimental enhancement of splice-site strength in mini-gene constructs overcomes the effects of PRPF8 depletion on the kinetics and fidelity of splicing during transcription. CONCLUSIONS: Competition for PRPF8 availability alters the transcription-coupled splicing of RNAs in which weak 5' splice sites predominate, enabling diversification of human gene expression during biological processes like mitosis. Our findings exemplify the regulatory potential of changes in the core spliceosome machinery, which may be relevant to slow-onset human genetic diseases linked to PRPF8 deficiency

    Equilibration times in numerical simulation of structural glasses: Comparing parallel tempering and conventional molecular dynamics

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    Generation of equilibrium configurations is the major obstacle for numerical investigation of the slow dynamics in supercooled liquid states. The parallel tempering (PT) technique, originally proposed for the numerical equilibration of discrete spin-glass model configurations, has recently been applied in the study of supercooled structural glasses. We present an investigation of the ability of parallel tempering to properly sample the liquid configuration space at different temperatures, by mapping the PT dynamics into the dynamics of the closest local potential energy minima (inherent structures). Comparing the PT equilibration process with the standard molecular dynamics equilibration process we find that the PT does not increase the speed of equilibration of the (slow) configurational degrees of freedom.Comment: 5 pages, 3 figure

    Blockchain-Enabled Provenance Tracking for Sustainable Material Reuse in Construction Supply Chains

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    The growing complexity of construction supply chains and the significant impact of the construction industry on the environment demand an understanding of how to reuse and repurpose materials. In response to this critical challenge, research gaps that are significant in promoting material circularity are described. Despite its potential, the use of blockchain technology in construction faces challenges in verifiability, scalability, privacy, and interoperability. We propose a novel multilayer blockchain framework to enhance provenance tracking and data retrieval to enable a reliable audit trail. The framework utilises a privacy-centric solution that combines decentralised and centralised storage, security, and privacy. Furthermore, the framework implements access control to strengthen security and privacy, fostering transparency and information sharing among the stakeholders. These contributions collectively lead to trusted material circularity in a built environment. The implementation framework aims to create a prototype for blockchain applications in construction supply chains

    Breakdown of the Independent Particle Approximation in High-Energy Photoionization

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    The independent particle approximation is shown to break down for the photoionization of both inner and outer nℓ (ℓ\u3e0) electrons of all atoms, at high enough energy, owing to interchannel interactions with the nearby ns photoionization channels. The effect is illustrated for Ne 2p in the 1 keV photon energy range through a comparison of theory and experiment. The implications for x-ray photoelectron spectroscopy of molecules and condensed matter are discussed