231 research outputs found

    Fundació Francesc Pujols i Morgades

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    A class of Petrov-Galerkin finite element methods for the numerical solution of the stationary convection-diffusion equation.

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    A class of Petrov-Galerkin finite element methods is proposed for the numerical solution of the n dimensional stationary convection-diffusion equation. After an initial review of the literature we describe this class of methods and present both asymptotic and nonasymptotic error analyses. Links are made with the classical Galerkin finite element method and the cell vertex finite volume method. We then present numerical results obtained for a selection of these methods applied to some standard test problems. We also describe extensions of these methods which enable us to solve accurately for derivative values of the solution


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    The welfare, production performance and some qualitative characteristics of eggs obtained under three different rearing systems (conventional, organic and organic-plus) were compared. Three homogeneous groups, each of 120 White Leghorn hens, fed the same diets, were assigned to different rearing systems and data were recorded for 1 year. The welfare indicators were the following: first impact, behavioural patterns, tonic immobility and plumage status. Productive performance was recorded (% deposition; egg weight) and some qualitative traits (Haugh index, yolk colour, yolk, albumen and egg shell weight) were evaluated. Well-being was greatly affected by rearing system. The best welfare status was observed in hens of the organic-plus group, whereas the worst was in the conventional group (caged hens). Caged hens showed little interest or fear of observers, at times they had high tonic immobility and some aggressive pecking; the status of their plumage was very poor. On the contrary, caged hens produced more eggs, even if their qualitative traits (Haugh index and yolk colour) were worse than the organicplus eggs. The intense motor activity of organic hens and the concurrent intake of grass reduced their productive level; further egg deposition seemed more affected by seasonal variation

    Conservació i restauració de còmic: el mètode nord-americà

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    Durant el curs 2009-2010 vam realitzar un treball monogràfic sobre conservació i restauració de còmics nord-americans per a l’assignatura de Pràctiques de Conservació i Restauració d’Enquadernació (ESCRBCC). Atès que no existeix bibliografia específica sobre aquest tema, visitàrem botigues especialitzades en còmics i vam cercar i recopilar informació d’empreses relacionades amb aquest sector a pàgines web i blocs de col·leccionistes. Ens va semblar interessant per a la nostra professió donar a conèixer aquest sector i les seves peculiaritats, i per aquest motiu decidírem sintetitzar en un article la informació recollida i les conclusions extretes

    Exploring the Experiences of Fathers of Children with a Visible Facial Difference

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    This study examined the experiences of fathers of children with a congenital visible facial difference (CVFD), focussing on cleft lip with/without palate (CLP). The face plays a central role in self-concept and social existence for humans and holds vast cultural significance. However, research has been slow to go beyond individual and address the significant wider impacts on the family. Fathers have been particularly neglected. This is surprising given the wealth of evidence regarding the important direct and indirect influences fathers have on child development. This study aimed to explore how men experience fatherhood in relation to having a child with CLP, their perceived roles within the family and their experiences of support. The study employed a qualitative methodology. Participants were recruited via a national charity and via Twitter. Individual, semi-structured interviews were conducted with eight fathers of children (under the age of ten) with CLP. The data were analysed using Interpretative Phenomenological Analysis, generating three super-ordinate themes: ‘Loss of the perfect child’; ‘The power of ‘normality’; and ‘The expectations and roles of fathers’. Participants faced challenges in managing intense and conflicting emotions, with societal and personal conceptualisations of difference having a significant influence. They emphasised their roles as protector and supporter, highlighting the implications of successfully fulfilling these or not. Feeling excluded, insignificant and undersupported were prevalent issues. Support was derived from partners, and selfmanagement strategies (e.g. avoidance, focussing on practicalities) were identified. Unexpected (mainly positive) outcomes of CLP were also acknowledged. The findings are discussed in relation to the literature on the lived experiences of fathers of children with CLP, other CVFDs and other conditions where relevant. Implications for future research and clinical practice are considered, e.g. taking an actively inclusive approach with fathers, and offering opportunities to speak with a psychologist away from the multidisciplinary team spotlight

    Domestic Violence

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    Background. Domestic violence, intimate partner violence (IPV), or domestic abuse, is defined as a pattern of behaviors used by one partner to maintain power and control over another partner in an intimate relationship. These behaviors include physical acts and nonphysical acts, including using (a) intimidation, (b) coercion, (c) threats, (d) isolation, and (e) finances to maintain power. Domestic abuse occurs regardless of (a) race, (b) gender, (c) age, (d) sexual orientation, and (e) socioeconomic status. The immediate effects of domestic violence manifest in the form of physical injuries, including (a) cuts, (b) bruises, (c) bitemarks, (d) concussions, and (e) sexually transmitted diseases (STDs). Long term and repetitive abuse leads to chronic emotional and psychological problems, including (a) depression, (b) post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), and (c) alcohol and substance abuse. Methods. A comprehensive search was conducted using Google and Google Scholar, utilizing the search terms (a) domestic abuse statistics, (b) domestic violence, and (c) intimate partner violence, for the years 2011 through 2018 and in English. Results. Within the United States, greater than 12 million people are victims of intimate partner violence annually. Greater than 1 in 4 women and 1 in 9 men have been victims of rape, physical violence or stalking in their lifetime resulting in a negative impact such as (a) injury, (b) fear, (c) concern for safety, or (d) needing services. An estimated 19.3% of women and 1.7% of men have been raped during their lifetimes. An estimated 43.9% of women and 23.4% of men experienced other forms of sexual violence during their lifetimes, including (a) being made to penetrate, (b) sexual coercion, (c) unwanted sexual contact, and (d) noncontact unwanted sexual experiences. An estimated 15.2% of women and 5.7% of men have been a victim of stalking during their lifetimes. Prevalence rates for emotional abuse average 80%; 40% of women and 32% of men reported expressive aggression, and 41% of women and 43% of men reported coercive control. Hispanic women (50.7%), black women (63.0%), white women (66.4%), Asian women (29.5%), and multiracial woman (91.5% ) have experienced some form of sexual violence in their lifetime. Additionally, 45.3% of American Indian or Alaska Native men and approximately 40% of Black and multiracial non-Hispanic men in the U.S. reported experiencing rape, physical violence, and/or stalking by an intimate partner during their lifetime. Furthermore, 44% of lesbians and 61% of bisexual women experience rape, physical violence, or stalking by an intimate partner compared to 35% of heterosexual women. 26% of gay men and 37% of bisexual men experience rape, physical violence, or stalking by an intimate partner compared to 35% of heterosexual men. Conclusion/ Recommendations. Recommendations are focused on (a) prevention of domestic violence, (b) raising awareness, specifically for men and the LGBTQ community who are victims of domestic violence, (c) decreasing victim shame, and (d) disseminating information and statistics to the public that are informative, but not misleading. Prevention begins at an early age by promoting healthy, respectful relationships in families

    Análise quantitativa dos seios maxilares por meio da tomografia computadorizada

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    The aim of this study was to evaluate the precision and accuracy of linear measurements of maxillary sinus made in tomographic films, by comparing with 3D reconstructed images. Linear measurements of both maxillary sinus in computed tomography CT of 17 patients, with or without lesion by two calibrated examiners independently, on two occasions, with a single manual caliper. A third examiner has done the same measurements electronically in 3D-CT reconstruction. The statistical analysis was performed using ANOVA (analyses of variance). Intra-observer percentage error was little in both cases, with and without lesion; it ranged from 1.14% to 1.82%. The inter-observer error was a little higher reaching a 2.08% value. The accuracy presented a higher value. The perceptual accuracy error was higher in samples, which had lesion compared to that which had not. CT had provided adequate precision and accuracy for maxillary sinus analyses. The precision in cases with lesion was considered inferior when compared to that without lesion, but it can't affect the method efficacy.O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar a precisão e acurácia de medidas lineares da região de seio maxilar realizadas em filmes tomográficos, por meio de comparação com a reconstrução da imagem em 3D. Medidas lineares de ambos os seios maxilares foram realizadas em tomografias computadorizadas (2D-TC) de 17 pacientes, normais e com lesão, por dois examinadores, calibrados, separadamente, duas vezes cada um, utilizando um compasso. Um terceiro observador realizou as mesmas medidas eletronicamente na reconstrução 3D-TC. ANOVA (análise de variância) foi utilizado para análise estatística. A porcentagem de erro intra-examinadores foi pequena em ambos os casos, com ou sem lesão, variando de 1,14% a 1,82%. O erro inter-examinadores foi maior alcançando o valor de 2,08% .O erro percentual de acurácia nas amostras com lesão foram maiores comparando-as às que não tinham lesão. A tomografia computadorizada em 2D-TC (Em filmes e estação de trabalho independente) proporcionou precisão e acurácia adequadas para análise dos seios maxilares. "O erro foi maior no caso de seios maxilares com lesão,comparando aos lados sem lesão, tanto inter quanto intra-examinadores, sem alterar, porém, a eficácia do método.