644 research outputs found

    Neuromodulation of lower limb motor pathways with trans-spinal direct current stimulation: an overview of current findings

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    Abstract in proceedings of the Fourth International Congress of CiiEM: Health, Well-Being and Ageing in the 21st Century, held at Egas Moniz’ University Campus in Monte de Caparica, Almada, from 3–5 June 2019.This is an Open Access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/), which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Impacte da exploração de pedreiras na qualidade da água do Rio Manco, por análise da comunidade de macroinvertebrados bentónicos

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    Dissertação de mestrado em Gestão Ambiental e Ordenamento do Território, apresentada à Escola Superior Agrária do Instituto Politécnico de Viana do CasteloCom o crescimento da população e principalmente após a Revolução Industrial, aumentaram significativamente as fontes e tipos de poluição, nomeadamente das águas superficiais. A indústria de extracção de recursos geológicos constitui uma fonte de poluição a vários níveis, nomeadamente dos cursos de água. Na bacia hidrográfica do rio Manco, estão identificadas pedreiras, pelo que se torna importante realizar uma análise da qualidade da água deste rio, de forma a identificar o possível impacte desta actividade nas águas superficiais. O objectivo do presente trabalho foi o estudo do impacte das pedreiras na qualidade da água do rio Manco, através da análise das comunidades de macroinvertebrados bentónicos. Foram realizadas amostragens em três pontos do rio Manco: a jusante da zona das pedreiras, perto da foz (A), num local intermédio, numa zona de confluência de afluentes provenientes de zonas de extracção (B) e a montante da zona das pedreiras (C). Foram analisadas as variáveis ambientais e os parâmetros físico-químicos da água. Calculou-se a riqueza em famílias dos macroinvertebrados (s), assim como os índices de Shannon-Weaver (H’), de equitabilidade de Pielou (J’) e percentagem de taxa Ephemeroptera, Plecoptera e Trichoptera (EPT). Os índices bióticos calculados foram o Iberian Biological Monitoring Working Party (IBMWP), o Average Score Per Taxon (ASPT) e o Índice Biótico de Famílias (IBF). Os organismos foram também analisados ao nível dos grupos tróficos. O maior valor de riqueza em famílias registou-se no ponto B, assim como a maior percentagem de EPT. O índice de Shannon-Weaver e de Pielou foram superiores no ponto A. Quanto aos índices bióticos, todas as estações pertenceram à Classe I do IBMWP, correspondendo à classe de melhor qualidade da água. Contudo, o ponto A apresentou um baixo valor dentro desta categoria. O ASPT aumentou de jusante para montante e o IBF, contraditoriamente, mostrou que a qualidade da água melhorou de jusante para montante. Sugere-se a não inclusão deste índice em estudos como o do presente trabalho, uma vez que muitas das famílias colectadas não são contabilizadas neste índice, o que poderá provocar uma avaliação menos precisa. Quanto ao modo de alimentação, nos três pontos de amostragem, os colectores estavam representados em mais de 50%, tendo sido o ponto A o que apresentou menor variabilidade de grupos tróficos. No presente estudo, o índice biótico IBMWP foi o índice aparentemente mais adequado para a determinação da qualidade da água deste rio. O ponto de amostragem A foi o local que apresentou pior qualidade da água, o que poderá estar relacionado com o facto de este se localizar numa zona com maior influência antrópica, desenvolvendo-se ao longo de uma zona habitacional com actividade agrícola. O ponto de amostragem B, apesar de ter apresentado uma maior concentração de nitrato, provavelmente resultante da actividade de extracção de pedra a montante e/ou de actividades agrícolas, não apresentou sinais de alterações ao nível da comunidade de macroinvertebrados, apresentando um elevado valor de riqueza em famílias, diversidade, equitabilidade e EPTs, assim como uma elevada pontuação do índice biótico IBMWP. Possivelmente, os afluentes do rio Manco restabeleceram a sua qualidade ao longo do seu percurso, desde as zonas de extracção até à confluência com o curso principal. Em estudos posteriores, deveria proceder-se à amostragem em vários pontos ao longo dos afluentes, de forma a verificar os impactes das pedreiras na qualidade da água nos troços mais próximos das mesmas, assim como a partir de que ponto a água poderá restabelecer a sua qualidade. É importante que as entidades competentes e a sociedade em geral estejam alertas para os impactes que a actividade de extracção de recursos geológicos pode gerar, no sentido da preservação dos recursos naturais, nomeadamente da água.The increase in world population, especially after the Industrial Revolution, also increased significantly the sources and types of pollution, including contamination of the surface waters. The mining industry of geological resources is a source of pollution at different levels, including water courses. In Manco River’s basin quarries are identified, so it is important to perform an analysis of water quality of this river, in order to identify possible impact of this activity in surface waters of the area. The aim of this thesis was to study the impact of quarrying in the Manco River’s water quality, through the analysis of benthic macroinvertebrate communities. Samples were taken at three stations in this river: downstream of the quarry area, near the mouth (A), at a midpoint, in the area of confluence of tributaries from mining areas (B) and upstream of the quarry area (C). Environmental variables and water physicchemical parameters were analysed. It was estimated the macroinvertebrates family richness (s), as well as the Sannon-Weaver index (H’), Pielou equitability index (J’) and the Ephemeroptera, Plecoptera and Trichoptera (EPT) percentage. The biotic indices calculated were the Iberian Biological Monitoring Working Party (IBMWP), the Average Score Per Taxon (ASPT) and the Family Biotic Index (FBI). The organisms were also analysed in terms of trophic groups. The highest family richness was recorded at station B, as well as the highest EPT percentage. The Shannon-Weaver and Pielou indices were higher at station A. For the biotic indices, all the stations belonged to IBMWP Class I, corresponding to the class of better water quality. However, station A showed a low value within this category. ASPT increased from downstream to upstream and FBI, contradictorily, showed that water quality improves downstream to upstream. It was suggested to not include this index in studies as the present work, since many families collected are not counted in this index, which may lead to a less precise evaluation. Concerning the feeding groups, collectors represented more than 50% of the total macroinvertebrates in the three stations and station A showed the lowest variability of trophic groups. In this study, the biotic index IBMWP seemed to be the most effective to determine water quality. The point with worst water quality was the sampling station A, which may be related to its location in an area with greater anthropogenic influence, both as a residential area and agriculture activities. The sampling station B, despite having a higher nitrate concentration probably due to the upstream mining activity and/or agriculture activity, showed no changes in macroinvertebrate community, a high value of family richness, diversity, equitability and EPT, as well as a high biotic index IBMWP score. Possibly the Manco River’s streams restored its quality along its route, from mining areas to confluence with the main course. Further studies should include sampling at various stations along the streams, to determine the quarrying impacts on water quality in the sections close to them and also, the point from which the water may restores its quality. It’s important that the competent authorities and society are aware of impacts that geological resources extraction activities can generate, towards the preservation of natural resources, especially water

    Os parques nacionais de fronteira do Brasil: potencialidades para a atividade turística: Brazil's frontier national parks: potential for tourist activity

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    O artigo tem como objetivo apontar as potencialidades para o turismo nos parques nacionais localizados na fronteira brasileira, com destaque para os usos e conflitos. Os parques nacionais analisados no texto são Montanhas do Tumucumaque, Cabo Orange, Pico da Neblina, Monte Roraima, Serra do Divisor e Iguaçu. Metodologicamente foi realizado uma pesquisa descritiva para compreender as características do fenômeno estudado, e as relações com o contexto dessas áreas protegidas. Ao longo do trabalho foram percebidas formas diferentes de desenvolvidos, e na ponta destaca-se o Parque Nacional do Iguaçu como um modelo de área protegida terceirizada, enquanto os demais, ainda, são geridos por instituições públicas brasileiras, além de serem áreas sensíveis de interesse do ponto de vista da soberania nacional, porém com estão margeadas de conflitos internos que dificultam o seu desenvolvimento, como caça e garimpo ilegal

    Consultation hold: interruptions during General Practice consultations

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    Introduction: The impact of interruptions (IR) in consultations is recognized. A study in Ireland identified IR in 53 of 212 consultations (25%) and the most common source was the phone. In Spain, 91% and 54% of consultations of two family doctors had an IR, with a mean duration of 35 and 16 seconds. Objective: To characterize the IR in consultations of the researchers’ Health Unit, in the centre of Portugal. Methods: Cross-sectional study. Authorization granted by Official Ethics Committee. General and Family Medicine consultations periods with at least 2 hours were randomized, by doctor in 2 weeks of evaluation. Informed consent was signed by patients. The researcher physician sat in the corner of the consulting room and recorded the information in a specifically designed data sheet. Significant IR was defined as the one lasting more than 5 seconds and/or changing the flow of the consultation. Inside and outside IR was defined according to origin in relation to consulting room. Data were analyzed by descriptive and nonparametric inferential statistics. Results: 37 of 63 consultations (58.7%) had at least one IR, with a mean duration of 42 seconds. No significant difference comparing weeks (p=0.440) or morning/afternoon periods (p=0.556). 19 consultations had 1 IR (51.4%), followed by 2 IR (10), 3 IR (6), 4 and 5 IR (1). In 34 consultations (91.9%) the IR were considered significant and in 30 consultations (83.3%) were considered unjustified. Of 66 IR, 57 (86.4%) were significant. The commonest source was the door [29 (43.9%) of the total and 27 (47.4%) of the significant IR], mainly caused by a physician [specialist (24%) and intern (21%)], followed by patient (21%), nurse (17%) and technical assistant (17%). Other sources were patient or doctor’s phone mobile (18.2%), lack of material (12.1%), consulting room telephone (10.6%), electronic problem (7.6%) and exit from office (7.6%). Lack of material and 3 cases of exit from office were considered justified. Outside factors had greater impact on consultations (p=0.041). Discussion: In this study at least half of the consultations had an IR. The door stands out as the main source and had a high impact. The IR by an intern may represent peculiarities of the formation. The inside factors, mainly the phone mobile and exit from office, are related to core doctor/patient and revealed to have a lesser impact. Correction measures can improve performance for even the justified IR can be avoided

    Sequencing batch airlift reactors (SBAR): a suitable technology for treatment and valorization of mineral oil wastewaters towards lipids production

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    Produced water (PW) and spent oil-based wastewaters are some of the largest mineral oil wastewaters produced. Due to the high toxicity of hydrocarbons, several countries set stringent discharge limits and its treatment is compulsory before discharge. In this work, biological treatment of mineral oil wastewaters coupled with the production of bacterial lipids is demonstrated in sequential batch airlift reactors (SBAR). Two SBAR (2 L working volume) were used for treatment of PW and lubricant-based wastewater (LW), inoculated with Alcanivorax borkumensis SK2 (SBARAb+PW) and Rhodococcus opacus B4 (SBARR.o+LW), respectively. A total petroleum hydrocarbon removal (TPH) efficiency up to 96% and 80% were achieved for SBARAb+PW and SBARR.o+LW, respectively. Intracellular lipids production in SBARAb+PW increased when lower TPH/N ratios and higher feast stage duration were applied (up to 0.74 g g-1 cell dry weight (CDW)), whereas in SBARR.o+LW higher lipids production was observed for higher TPH/N ratios (0.94 g g-1 in CDW). Triacylglycerols (TAG) were the main intracellular lipid accumulated in both SBARAb+PW and SBARR.o+LW operations, while wax ester (WE) production was only observed extracellularly in the SBARAb+PW.This work was supported by the Portuguese Foundation for Science and Technology (FCT) and European Regional Development Fund (FEDER) under the scope of project SaltOil+ (POCI-01-0145-FEDER030180); the strategic programmes UIDB/04469/2020, UID/BIA/4050/ 2013 (POCI-01-0145-FEDER-007569) and UID/BIA/04050/2019; and by the BioTecNorte operation (NORTE-01-0145-FEDER-000004) funded by the European Regional Development Fund under the scope of Norte2020 - Programa Operacional Regional do Norte. Research of Rita M. Silva was supported by PhD grant SFRH/BD/116154/2016, funded by FCT.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Biological saline produced water treatment, a sustainable process towards lipids production

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    Oil and gas industry is responsible for the generation of large volumes of oil-contaminated wastewaters, such as saline produced water (PW), that without proper treatment can cause environmental contamination. Alcanivorax borkumensis SK2 is a biosurfactant producer capable of degrading and converting hydrocarbons into bacterial lipids under nutrient limiting conditions (e.g. nitrogen and/or oxygen). Recently, the industrial interest in biosurfactants and bacterial lipids for biotechnological applications (e.g. bioremediation or biofuels production) is increasing. Pursuing the interest of treating and simultaneously valorizing PW, a sequencing batch airlift reactor (SBAR) strategy consisting of sequential cycles of feast and famine stages was developed. A. borkumensis SK2 was used as bioreactor inoculum and the effect of cycle duration, total petroleum hydrocarbon to nitrogen ratio (TPH/N) and dissolved oxygen (DO) concentration (7-8 mg L-1 and 2-3 mg L-1 (famine and feast stage); and 7-8/1-2 mg L-1 (famine/feast stage)) were investigated. The system provided an efficient PW treatment, achieving TPH removal efficiencies in a narrow range from 90 ± 2.1 to 96 ± 1.8 %. Intracellular lipid production increased from 0.48 to 0.74 g g-1 of cellular dry weight (CDW) with the application of higher feast stage duration and lower TPH/N ratios suggesting that nitrogen availability is the most relevant factor to promote accumulation. Under 2-3 mg L-1 and 7-8/1-2 mg L-1 of oxygen, lipid accumulation dropped to 0.50 g g-1 of CDW. Intracellular lipid profile changed according to the DO concentration. Triacylglycerols (TAG) and wax esters (WE) were accumulated under maximum and limiting DO concentrations, while polyhydroxyalkanoates (PHA) accumulation was triggered by the application of alternated DO conditions, indicating that the type of intracellular compound can be selected by manipulating the oxygen concentration in the SBAR. Extracellular lipid production (TAG and WE) was not significantly affected by none of the operational conditions applied (0.06 g L-1). Moreover, the production of a cell-bound and an extracellular glycolipid biosurfactant capable of reducing the medium surface tension from 65 to approximately 41 mN m-1 was observed. The proposed strategy showed that biological PW treatment in a SBAR can be a sustainable process through the production of added-value compounds contributing to a circular economy model.This research was supported by the Portuguese Foundation for Science and Technology (FCT I.P.) and European Regional Development Fund (ERDF) under the scope of project SaltOil+ (POCI-01- 0145- FEDER-030180) (Portugal 2020, COMPETE 2020); Rita M. Silva PhD grant (SFRH/BD/116154/2016) was funded by FCT.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Depoimento de crianças e implicações da Lei 13.431/2017 no trabalho de Assistentes Sociais

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    Este artigo traz o debate do depoimento especial de crianças e adolescentes vítimas ou testemunhas de situações de violência. A partir do relato de assistentes sociais que atuam nos serviços de assistência social de um município de médio porte da zona da mata mineira, realiza crítica aos retrocessos que a Lei 13.431/2017 imprime para o trabalho de assistentes sociais na escuta especializada de crianças e adolescentes. A institucionalização desta Lei ocorreu de forma não dialogada e, no município pesquisado, não houve capacitação dos profissionais e nem investimento em estrutura física para a realização dos depoimentos. A Lei 13.431 constitui-se em retrocesso, ao intensificar a situação de revitimização de crianças e adolescentes, a precarização do trabalho da/o assistente social e a reprodução do conservadorismo. Desta forma, está na contramão da direção social crítica da profissão, fortalecendo práticas neoconservadoras e fragilizando o projeto ético-político do Serviço Social

    The influence of satisfaction and switching costs on customer loyalty : the Pingo Doce case

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    Este estudo visa compreender a influ?ncia da satisfa??o e dos custos de mudan?a na fideliza??o dos clientes de uma rede de supermercados. Para o efeito foi desenvolvido um inqu?rito sobre o comportamento de consumo em dois supermercados Pingo Doce situados na cidade de Viana do Castelo. Nesta investiga??o foram realizados 600 question?rios a clientes destas superf?cies para avaliar quais os fatores que mais influenciam a fideliza??o dos clientes. De acordo com os resultados, foi poss?vel concluir que tanto a satisfa??o como os custos de mudan?a influenciam a fideliza??o dos clientes.8316-FD77-85EB | Pedro Miguel Fonseca Moreira de CarvalhoN/

    Transtorno depressivo maior em agentes penitenciários

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    OBJECTIVE To identify factors associated with major depressive disorder (MDD) in detention officers. METHODS This cross-sectional study included all detention officers from the largest prison complex in the state of Bahia, Brazil. A self-reported questionnaire collected sociodemographic, occupational and health data. The outcome variable – MDD – was evaluated by the Patient Health Questionnaire-9 (PHQ-9) and classified by the cut-off point ≥ 10 method and the algorithm method. The association measure used was the prevalence ratio (PR). Following Cox multivariate regression, the variables were divided into two blocks: sociodemographic characteristics and work, in that order. Only variables with adjusted PR (PRadj) ≥ 1.30 were selected to compose the final models. RESULTS The MDD prevalence by the cut-off point ≥ 10 (simple) and algorithm method in the 401 officers investigated was 18.8% and 9.3%, respectively. MDD prevalence by cut-off point ≥ 10 was higher in female officers (PRadj = 2.77), who suffered threat from factions (PRadj = 2.05), did not report institutional training for the position (PRadj = 1.38), stated that the environment and working conditions interfered in their physical health (PRadj = 3.51) and performed stress-generating activities (PRadj in increasing gradient). MDD prevalence by the algorithm method was higher in female agents (PRadj = 3.45), with tertiary education (PRadj = 1.71), who stated that the environment and working conditions interfered in their physical health (PRadj = 6.33), suffered threat from factions (PRadj = 2.14), did not report institutional training (PRadj = 1.50) and have frequent contact with inmates at work (PRadj = 1.48). CONCLUSION The high MDD prevalence in these detention officers was associated with sociodemographic factors and, especially, aspects of their work.OBJETIVO Identificar fatores associados a transtorno depressivo maior (TDM) em agentes penitenciários. MÉTODOS Este estudo de corte transversal incluiu todos os agentes penitenciários do maior complexo prisional do estado da Bahia (Brasil). Num questionário autoaplicado, coletaram-se informações sociodemográficas, ocupacionais e de saúde. A variável de desfecho – TDM – foi avaliada pelo Patient Health Questionnaire-9 (PHQ-9) e classificada pelo método do ponto de corte ≥ 10 e pelo método de algoritmo. A razão de prevalência (RP) foi a medida de associação utilizada. Conforme regressão multivariada de Cox, as variáveis foram inseridas em dois blocos: características sociodemográficas e aspectos do trabalho, nessa ordem. Apenas as variáveis com RP ajustada (RPaj) ≥ 1,30 foram selecionadas para compor os modelos finais. RESULTADOS Nos 401 agentes investigados, a prevalência de TDM pelo ponto de corte ≥ 10 (simples) e pelo método de algoritmo foi de 18,8% e 9,3%, respectivamente. A prevalência de TDM pelo ponto de corte ≥ 10 foi maior em agentes do sexo feminino (RPaj = 2,77), que sofreram ameaça de facções (RPaj = 2,05), que não referiram treinamento institucional para o cargo (RPaj = 1,38), que afirmaram que o ambiente e as condições de trabalho interferiam na sua saúde física (RPaj = 3,51) e que exerciam atividades geradoras de tensão (RPaj em gradiente crescente). A prevalência de TDM pelo método de algoritmo foi mais elevada em agentes do sexo feminino (RPaj = 3,45), com escolaridade superior (RPaj = 1,71), que afirmaram que o ambiente e as condições de trabalho interferiam na sua saúde física (RPaj = 6,33), que sofreram ameaça de facções (RPaj = 2,14), que não referiram treinamento institucional (RPaj = 1,50) e que têm contato frequente com internos no trabalho (RPaj = 1,48). CONCLUSÃO A alta prevalência de TDM nesses agentes penitenciários associou-se a aspectos sociodemográficos e, principalmente, a aspectos do seu trabalho. &nbsp