9,188 research outputs found

    Knowledge of Pharmacology of Analgesics Among Nurses in a Tertiary Centre

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    Objectives: To evaluate the knowledge of nurses about the analgesics they administer in our hospital. Methodology: A total of 102 nurses completed the questionnaire which included 20 multiple choice questions based on the dosage forms, mechanism of action, route of administration, adverse effects of the commonly administered analgesics, the nurses’ educational qualifications and their working experience. Frequency, percentage, mean, Kruskal Wallis test and Mann Whitneys test were used to analyse data. Answers were given a score out of 20(100%). Results: The sample comprised of 17(16.6%) senior staff nurses, 38(37%) junior staff nurses and 47(46%) student nurses. Of the staff, 10.8 % were BSc and MSc nurses, 43.1 were GNM staff. The mean knowledge score of BSc & MSc staff was 12.18, GNM staff was 11.7 and of student nurses was 13.38. None of the groups scored more than 15, suggesting their knowledge was inadequate. There was a correlation between knowledge and experience in the staff nurses. Conclusion: The result of this study suggests that the knowledge of pharmacology of analgesics among nurses is inadequate, and thus supports the need for supplementary pharmacology education for nurses in clinical settings, focusing on common drugs they administer and help prevent medical errors

    Photophysics of Thermally-Activated Delayed Fluorescence Emitters and its Impact on the Performance of Organic Light-Emitting Diodes

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    Research in thermally-activated delayed fluorescence (TADF) emitters is gathering momentum and rapidly progressing towards commercial application in display industry. Successful TADF combines design strategies that result in thermal up-conversion of nonemissive triplets into emissive singlet excitons, increasing the maximum internal efficiency from 25 to 100 % in purely organic systems. Its performance can therefore compete with current leading emitters used in industry, however it is not without its hurdles and a full understanding of how to produce efficient TADF systems and stable organic light-emitting diodes (OLEDs) is still elusive. This thesis aims at illuminating strategies to achieve highly efficient and stable TADF. By examining the photophysical aspects of different donor-acceptor systems (D-A, D2-A, D3- A, D4-A and D-A-D) and, more importantly, establishing comparisons between different subsets of molecules, subtle but important aspects of the performance of these emitters are isolated to allow understanding of future design rules for better combinations. These comparisons are then correlated with the emitters’ performance in devices. In a multi-donor platform, the inherent TADF mechanism and in host are both considered by comparing the effect of number and position of donors as well as rigidity and polarity of the host environment to the D-A angles. A separate comparative study elucidates the real heavy atom effect in an emitter with dual emission from two different conformations. Furthermore, the application of a well-established spectroscopy technique novel to TADF tests its physical mechanism by probing character and mixing of the excited states involved. Finally, in a more application-driven approach, a combination of three different TADF molecules for the production of white light is studied in simple device structures. In this sense, guidelines of how to produce optimised TADF systems emerge, moving the technology ever close to its industrial application

    Health-Related Quality of Life After Pediatric Cochlear Implantation

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    Objectives: To examine the results of health-related quality of life (HRQoL) questionnaire scores from deaf children fitted with at least one cochlear implant (CI) and compare responses to normal-hearing age-peers (NHP) and to their parents. Methods: This cross-sectional study included 33 pediatric patients with a hearing experience of at least 1 year with CI and a control group of 21 NHP. The KINDLR questionnaire for measuring HRQoL (generic) in children (7-12years) and adolescents (13-17years) and a CI questionnaire (specific) were completed by CI users and their parents. Scores were transformed to a 100-point scale with 100 representing the most positive response. Results: The group of children and adolescents with CI reached a similar score in the generic HRQoL (Children:78,6; Adolescents:80,4; p = 0,35) and in the overall CI questionnaire (Children:77,6; Adolescents:75,6; p = 0,53). CI users in both age groups scored generic HRQoL similarly to their NHP (NH children:82,2, p = 0,18; NH adolescents:77,5; p = 0,07) and higher than CI users from other centers (OC) (OC children:75,4; OC adolescents:70,3). CI users scored their school domain lower than their NHP (p = 0,04). Generic and CI questionnaire scores of parents and their children correlated positively (r = 0,66, p = 0,00 and r = 0,73, p = 0,00). The total scores of HRQoL in the self-rating and parent rating correlate with none of the variables at study (gender, cause of deafness, age at implantation, years with a CI, chronological age) except with speech progression (p = 0,007). Conclusions: Children with CI experience similar quality of life as NHP. Parents are reliable reporters on the status of their child's overall quality of life.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio


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    There is a perception that information systems security outsourcing, in spite entailing a relationship between a client and one or more providers, tends to be studied and analysed from the perspective of the client. A gap is then believed to exist in the study of the information systems security outsourcing relationship from the point of view of the service provider. This research aims to identify the key issues of such a relationship from the perspective of the service provider and rank them according to their importance. The Delphi method was used to support the communication with the group of experts contributing to this research as well as to boost consensus within the group. Final interviews with participants were also conducted with the aim of reaching deeper into their opinions and to shed a brighter light over the results of the Delphi. A ranked list of the 13 most important key issues found is presented and discussed and propositions for further work are put forward in the wake of the study

    El impacto de los sistemas actuales de cultivo sobre las propiedades químicas del suelo y sus efectos sobre los balances de carbono

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    El comité de “Química de Suelos” de la Asociación Argentina de la Ciencia del Suelo (AACS), junto con el CERZOS, el Departamento de Agronomía de la Universidad Nacional del Sur y el INTA organizaron en la ciudad de Bahía Blanca en el 2013 una Jornada Nacional. El objetivo consistió en abordar: “El Impacto de los Sistemas actuales de cultivo sobre las Propiedades Químicas del Suelo y sus efectos sobre los Balances de Carbono”. Dicha Jornada contó con la presencia de más de 80 investigadores, docentes, profesionales, productores y estudiantes y logró el objetivo de generar un espacio para el intercambio de información entre investigadores y técnicos de diferentes puntos del país. A partir de la mencionada jornada se concretó una publicación especial en la que cada uno de los grupos de diferentes partes del país presentaron sus resultados

    Decomposition from legume and non-legume crop residues: effects on soil organic carbon fractions under controlled conditions

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    Cover crop (CC) residues protect the soil from erosion and their permanence on the surface is largely influenced by their biochemical constituents. We performed a study under controlled conditions to investigate the dynamics of legume and non-legume CC residues decomposition and the transformations of the soil labile organic carbon fractions in the surface layer (0-15 cm). The experiment was carried out on a Typic Argiudoll (clay loam, 27.4 g kg-1 soil organic matter, 14 mg kg-1 extractable phosphorus and 6.5 pH) placed in undisturbed pots (1570 cm3) in a greenhouse under controlled conditions of temperature (25 ± 1 °C). We evaluated three CC species (oat, Avena sativa L.; vetch, Vicia sativa L.; Persian clover, Trifolium resupinatum L.) and a no-CC control (fallow). Shoot residues were applied on the soil surface at 5.4, 5.4 and 2.7 g dry matter (equivalent to 6, 6 and 3 Mg ha-1 for oat, vetch and clover, respectively) and incubated for 362-days (eight sampling times). The water content in the pots was maintained periodically by weight at 60% of soil water-holding capacity. The soil samples were analyzed for particulate organic carbon (POC), and total and soluble carbohydrates (CHt and CHs, respectively). Oat and vetch residues decomposed faster than clover, with the decomposition rate constant (k) values of 1.3, 1.4 and 1.9 year-1, respectively. At the end of the experiment, POC concentration was lower in vetch (1.83 g kg-1) and clover (1.96 g kg-1) than in oat (2.21 g kg-1) and fallow (3.00 g kg-1), indicating a loss of 45-64% from their initial values. Soil CHt was influenced by residue quality, where the periods of greatest residue decay (vetch 21-59 days and oat 93-130 days) corresponded to higher soil CHt. Hence, this organic carbon fraction is sensitive to residue decomposition and can be indicators of changes in soil organic matter over short periods of time.Los cultivos de cobertura (CC) protegen al suelo de la erosión y su permanencia en el tiempo está influenciada en gran medida por su composición química. Se realizó un estudio en condiciones controladas para investigar la dinámica de descomposición de residuos de CC y las transformaciones de las fracciones orgánicas lábiles en la capa superficial del suelo (0-15 cm). El experimento se llevó a cabo en un Typic Argiudoll (franco arcilloso, 27,4 g kg-1 de materia orgánica del suelo, 14 mg kg-1 de fósforo extraíble y 6,5 de pH) colocado sin disturbar en macetas (1570 cm3 ) en invernadero bajo condiciones controladas de temperatura (25 ± 1 °C). Se evaluaron tres especies de CC (avena, Avena sativa L.; veza, Vicia sativa L. y trébol, Trifolium resupinatum L.) y un control sin CC (barbecho). En la superficie del suelo, se aplicaron 5,4, 5,4 y 2,7 g de materia seca (equivalentes a 6, 6 y 3 Mg ha-1 de avena, veza y trébol, respectivamente) y se incubaron durante 362 días (ocho fechas de muestreo). El contenido de agua en el suelo de las macetas fue mantenido al 60% de la capacidad de retención de agua. En las muestras de suelo se determinó carbono orgánico particulado (POC), y carbohidratos totales y solubles (CHt y CHs, respectivamente). Los residuos de avena y veza se degradaron más rápidamente que el trébol, con tasas de descomposición (k) de 1,3, 1,4 y 1,9 años-1, respectivamente. Al final del experimento, la concentración de POC fue menor en el suelo con veza (1,83 g kg-1) y trébol (1,96 g kg-1) que con avena (2,21 g kg-1) y barbecho (3,00 g kg-1), lo que indica una pérdida de 45-64% de sus niveles iniciales. Los CHt fueron influenciados por la calidad de los residuos, donde los períodos de mayor descomposición de residuos (veza 21-59 días y avena 93-130 días) coinciden con los mayores contenidos de CHt en el suelo. Por lo tanto, esta fracción de carbono orgánico es sensible a la descomposición de residuos y puede ser indicadores de cambios en la materia orgánica del suelo durante cortos períodos de tiempo.Os resíduos de cobertura (CC) protegem o solo da erosão e a sua permanência na superfície do solo é largamente influenciada pelos seus constituintes bioquímicos. Realizou-se um estudo, em condições controladas, para investigar a dinâmica da decomposição dos resíduos CC provenientes de leguminosas e não leguminosas e as transformações das frações de carbono lábeis na camada superficial do solo (0-15 cm). O ensaio foi realizado em estufa, em condições controladas de temperatura (25 ± 1 °C), num Typic Argiudoll (franco argiloso, com 27,4 g kg-1 de matéria orgânica, 14 mg kg-1 de fósforo extraível e pH 6,5) que foi colocado, sem o perturbar, em vasos (1570 cm3 ). Avaliaram-se três espécies de CC (aveia, Avena sativa L.; ervilhaca, Vicia sativa L. e trevo-da-Pérsia, Trifolium resupinatum L.) e um controlo sem CC (pousio). Na superfície do solo aplicaram-se 5,4; 5,4 e 2,7 g de matéria seca (equivalente a 6; 6 e Mg ha-1 de aveia, ervilhaca e trevo-da-Pérsia, respetivamente) e incubaram-se durante 362 dias (oito datas de amostragem). Nos vasos, o conteúdo em água no solo foi mantido a 60% da sua capacidade de retenção de água. Nas amostras de solo foram analisados o carbono orgânico particulado (POC) e os hidratos de carbono totais e solúveis (CHt e CHs, respetivamente). Os resíduos de aveia e ervilhaca decompõem-se mais rapidamente do que os de trevoda-Pérsia, com valores de taxa de decomposição constante (k) de 1,3; 1,4 e 1,9 ano-1, respetivamente. No final do ensaio, a concentração de POC era mais baixa nos solos com ervilhaca (1,83 g kg-1) e trevo-da-Pérsia (1,96 g kg-1) do que nos solos com aveia (2,21 g kg-1) e em pousio (3,00 g kg-1), indicando uma perda de 45-64% em relação aos valores iniciais. Os valores de CHt no solo foram influenciados pela qualidade dos resíduos, onde os períodos de maior decomposição destes (ervilhaca: 21-59 dias e aveia: 93-130 dias) correspondem às maiores concentrações de CHt no solo. Assim, esta fração de carbono orgânico é sensível à decomposição do resíduo e pode ser um indicador das alterações na matéria orgânica do solo durante curtos períodos de tempo.EEA BordenaveFil: de Sa Pereira, Eduardo. Instituto Nacional de Tecnología Agropecuaria (INTA). Estación Experimental Agropecuaria Bordenave. Agencia de Extensión Rural Coronel Suárez; ArgentinaFil: Duval, Matias Ezequiel. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - Bahía Blanca. Centro de Recursos Naturales Renovables de la Zona Semiárida. Universidad Nacional del Sur. Centro de Recursos Naturales Renovables de la Zona Semiárida; ArgentinaFil: Galantini, Juan Alberto. Provincia de Buenos Aires. Gobernación. Comisión de Investigaciones Científicas; Argentina. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - Bahía Blanca. Centro de Recursos Naturales Renovables de la Zona Semiárida. Universidad Nacional del Sur. Centro de Recursos Naturales Renovables de la Zona Semiárida; Argentin

    Lessons from monochorionic twin delivery

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    The presence of acute peripartum anaemia in a monochorionic twin pregnancy represents a clinical challenge requiring prompt recognition and management. Twin-to-twin transfusion syndrome (TTTS) is a major complication of these pregnancies and a medical emergency in its acute form. Acute intrapartum fetoplacental transfusion (AIFT) has been reported infrequently. The authors present a case of a probable acute TTTS in an uneventful monochorionic monoamnionic twin pregnancy, where typical ultrasound criteria for long-standing TTTS were absent. The first twin was born pale, hypotonic and developed hypovolemic shock due to acute anaemia. Soon after birth, she presented with seizures and a cerebral ultrasound detected a large parieto-occipital infarction. The second twin, although plethoric, was clinically well. The risk of acute TTTS and AIFT, although infrequent and unpredictable, should be kept in mind when planning delivery of monochorionic twins, because the consequences for one or both twins can be disastrous

    Autumn-winter cover crop effects on yield and corn N accumulation in southwestern Buenos Aires

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    La utilización de cultivos de cobertura (CC) tiene efecto sobre la acumulación de N y rendimiento de los cultivos sucesores. El objetivo de este trabajo fue evaluar la producción, los componentes del rendimiento y acumulación de N del cultivo de maíz utilizando, como antecesores del mismo, diferentes CC y evaluando la respuesta a la fertilización nitrogenada. Se realizaron cinco ensayos sobre Argiudoles típicos del partido de Coronel Suárez. Las especies utilizadas como CC fueron: Avena (Avena sativa), Vicia (Vicia sativa) y un testigo (barbecho químico). El diseño experimental fue en parcelas divididas en bloques completos al azar con tres repeticiones. Los tratamientos en las parcelas principales fueron los CC y en las subparcelas, distintas dosis de fertilizantes aplicado al estado de V4-V6. Los CC influenciaron sobre diferentes componentes del rendimiento de maíz. Los efectos de la vicia como antecesor y la fertilización nitrogenada a dosis variable aumentaron la eficiencia de absorción de nitrógeno. La mayor absorción de N no siempre se tradujo en un aumento en los rendimientos, probablemente en función de las características climáticas de cada año en estudio. Existe una tendencia de mayor rendimiento de maíz sobre antecesor vicia. El uso de N-fertilizante redujo la recuperación de N-vicia en el segundo año y la aumentó en el primero y tercer año.El efecto de fertilización fue variable entre antecesores con baja respuesta al N cuando el antecesor fue vicia, variable cuando fue barbecho y significativa cuando fue avena.Cover crops (CC) have an effect on nitrogen (N) accumulation and on successive crop yields. The aim of this study was to evaluate yields, yield components and N accumulation of maize using as previous crops different CC and evaluating the response to N fertilization. Five experiments were conductedd on a Typic Argiudioll (USDA Soil Taxonomy) of Coronel Suárez. The species used as CC were: Oats (Avena sativa), Hairy vetch (Vicia sativa) and control (chemical fallow). The experimental design consisted of split-plots in three randomized complete blocks, with main plots corresponding to the cover crops treatment and subplots to the fertilizer treatment (N applied at the V4-V6 corn stage). The treatments in the main plots were the CC. The effects of CC varied according to the corn yield component.. Hairy vetch and N fertilization at different rates increased the N absorption efficiency. A greater N absorption was not always related to increases in corn yields, probably due to the climatic variability among years. There was a tendency for greater corn yields with hairy vetch as a preceding cover crop. N application reduced hairy vetch N recovery during the second year and increased N recovery during the first and third year. Fertilizer application effects varied among previous crops with a low response to N when the previous crop was hairy vetch, a variable response when in fallow and a significant response when the previous crop was oats.Fil: de Sa Pereira, Eduardo. Instituto Nacional de Tecnología Agropecuaria. Centro Regional Buenos Aires Sur. Estación Experimental Agropecuaria Bordenave; ArgentinaFil: Galantini, Juan. Provincia de Buenos Aires. Gobernación. Comisión de Investigaciones Científicas; ArgentinaFil: Quiroga, Alberto Raul. Instituto Nacional de Tecnología Agropecuaria. Centro Regional La Pampa-San Luis. Estación Experimental Agropecuaria Anguil; ArgentinaFil: Landriscini, María Rosa. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - Bahía Blanca. Centro de Recursos Naturales Renovables de la Zona Semiarida. Universidad Nacional del Sur. Centro de Recursos Naturales Renovables de la Zona Semiarida; Argentin

    Effect of soil management practiceson organic carbon fractions in an argiudoll

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    Los cambios de las prácticas de manejo y usos del suelo alteran el aporte de carbono, así como la dinámica y nivel de equilibrio del carbono orgánico (CO) del suelo. Los cambios a largo plazo en el CO total (COT) producidos por las prácticas de manejo o usos del suelo podrían predecirse con los cambios en el corto plazo en las fracciones de CO más sensibles. El objetivo de este trabajo fue evaluar el impacto de diferentes sistemas de manejo sobre las fracciones de CO. Se analizaron seis sistemas de manejo: 2 monocultivos (M), 2 rotaciones (R), una pastura (P) y un pastizal natural (AN). En cada situación se tomaron tres muestras compuestas de 0-5, 5-10 y 10-20 cm. Se determinó: COT, CO particulado grueso (COPg, 105-2000 μm), CO particulado fino (COPf, 53-105 μm), CO asociado a la fracción mineral (COM, 0-53 μm), nitrógeno total (Nt), fósforo extractable (Pe) y fósforo to-tal (Pt). Se evidenció una disminución del COT por el uso agrícola, en promedio, del 29, 19 y 15% para 0-5, 5-10 y 10-20 cm, respectivamente, comparado con el AN. Dichas diferencias tendieron a ser más marcadas en el caso de monocultivo con una disminución del 35, 23 y 17% para dichas profundidades. El uso agrícola presentó significativamente niveles menores de las diferentes fracciones orgánicas y la sensibilidad a sufrir disminuciones presentó el siguiente orden COPg>COPf>COM. El ordenamiento de las diferencias entre tratamientos para COPg fue similar al observado para COT, pero con diferencias menos marcadas entre tratamientos. Para diferenciar prácticas de manejo (rotación vs monocultivo), el COPf fue la fracción orgánica más sensible presentando una disminución del 28% en monocultivo. Las fracciones orgánicas de labilidad intermedia, como el COPf, pueden utilizarse como indicadores sensibles para diferenciar manejos agrícolas, sin ser muy influenciadas por la variabilidad temporal y meteorológica.Management practices and land use changes influence carbon inputs and soil organic carbon (OC) dynamics. Short-term changes on total OC (TOC) caused both by management practices or land use are reflected on the most sensitive OC fractions. The aim of this study was to evaluate the impact of different management practices on OC fractions. Six management practices were analyzed: two monocultures (M), two rotations (R), an alfalfa pasture (P) and a native prairie (AN). For each situation, three composite samples were taken at 0-5, 5-10 and 10-20 cm depths, and analyzed for TOC, coarse particulate OC (POCc, 105-2000 μm), fine particulate OC (POCf, 53-105 μm) and mineral-associated OC (MOC, 0-53 μm), total nitrogen (Nt), extractable phosphorus (Pe) and total phosphorus (Pt). On average, soils under agricultural land use had, 29, 19 and 15% less TOC in the 0-5, 5-10 and 10-20 cm depths, respectively, compared with soils under AN. Under monoculture, these losses reached 35, 23 y 17%, respectively. The different organic fractions were significantly lower under agricultural use; sensitivity to undergo decreases in values followed the order POCg>POCf>MOC. The differences among treatments for POCc were similar to those observed for COT, but the latter were smaller. POCf was the fraction that showed the greatest differences between monoculture and rotation systems, showing a decrease of 28% in monoculture compared with rotation. Organic fractions of intermediate lability, such as POCf, can be used as sensitive indicators to differentiate agricultural management without being greatly influenced by temporal and meteorological variability.Fil: Duval, Matias Ezequiel. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - Bahía Blanca. Centro de Recursos Naturales Renovables de la Zona Semiarida. Universidad Nacional del Sur. Centro de Recursos Naturales Renovables de la Zona Semiarida; ArgentinaFil: de Sa Pereira, Eduardo. Instituto Nacional de Tecnología Agropecuaria. Centro Regional Buenos Aires Sur. Estación Experimental Agropecuaria Bordenave; ArgentinaFil: Iglesias, Julio Osvaldo. Universidad Nacional del Sur. Departamento de Agronomía; ArgentinaFil: Galantini, Juan. Provincia de Buenos Aires. Gobernación. Comisión de Investigaciones Científicas; Argentin

    Recomendações básicas para a cultura do cafeeiro no Estado do Acre.

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    O café no Acre vem se constituindo uma das culturas permanentes de maior destaque, uma vez que está se tomando presente em quase todos os municípios do Estado. A maior área de cultivo no Estado abrange os municípios de Rio Branco, Sena Madureira, Brasiléia, Capixaba e Xapuri (IBGE,1994). Apesar da importância sócio-econômica do café para o Acre, a sua produtividade é baixa (974 Kg/ha de café côco). Essa produtividade pode ser melhorada introduzindo-se novas tecnologias, tais como: espaçamentos adequados, novas linhagens de cultivares melhoradas e controle de pragas e doenças de importância econômica. O moderno cafeicultor não pode ficar alheio às novas tecnologias que possibilitam a obtenção de altas produtividades e um produto de melhor qualidade, a um custo compatível com a atividade. O objetivo desse trabalho é fornecer informações técnicas sobre a cafeicultura e contribuir para a adoção das inovações tecnológicas, proporcionando aos interessados, subsídios para exploração da lavoura em bases técnicas e econômicas.bitstream/item/163413/1/1014.pd