86 research outputs found

    The need for a canonical reading of the Exodus narratives in finding its present-day theological significance

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    This article deals with the approach to exegesis of biblical narrative, especially in Exodus, in finding its theological significance for contemporary and relevant biblical interpretation. It shows that the historical-critical method is unable to span the divide between the original context and our contemporary context, and to provide the present relevance of Scripture. After arguing for the validity of a set canonical text, this article shows that biblical narrative in general, and the Exodus narratives in particular, are best explored theologically by means of a canonical approach. It shows that the theological significance translates more easily into life-application. It demonstrates how the Exodus narratives are employed canonically for its theological significance throughout the Bible. It concludes that the Church needs teachers who recognise their responsibility to accurately interpret their whole Scriptures, the Bible, with the necessary historical, linguistic (rhetorical) and theological considerations, and that this is best done in a canonical context - whether we use a synchronic or a diachronic approach.http://www.ve.org.zaam2013mn201

    The application of the Exodus divine-presence narratives as a biblical socio-ethical paradigm for the contemporary redeemed

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    God is ontologically omni-present, yet he is spoken of as being present or even being absent. The presence and the absence of God are relational concepts. His presence generally shows his favor and is for the benefit of his people; and his absence indicates his disfavor. But sometimes his presence was for judgment too. The people of God are his people precisely because he is favorably present with them. God’s presence with his people bestows upon them a special position in relation to him, and a blessed future for them. God is Spirit, and his presence is not limited to visible forms. Many times God’s presence is simply indicated by divine speech. We have seen that God chose at times to reveal himself through theophanies, and these appearances related to humans in different ways. God’s presence in Exodus comes in various ways, and his presence has particular significance. Finally, God revealed himself in the person of Jesus Christ of Nazareth. For the Christian, Christ dwells with us and within us by his Spirit and through him we have access to the Father (Eph.1:18). The presence of God is redemptive. Israel was redeemed by the present God, Yahweh; and the Christian has been redeemed by the present God, the Lord Jesus Christ. As Evangelicals we believe that they are one and the same person, and the method of redemption is metaphorically equated in the New Testament. The Christian is empowered by the Holy Spirit and a new creation; two inseparable concepts that give us our identity. While Israel was redeemed as a nation, we are a redeemed people who are individually united in the Church of Jesus Christ; and in our local assemblies we are to maintain and reflect our unity by being a community. As Israel was a nation for the nations, so the Church is a community of witnesses to God’s righteousness and rule for the nations. Humans are to relate to God as Creator and as Redeemer, because they are accountable to him according to his creation and redemption (or re-creation) principles. Accountability is meaningful only in an ethical context. Man relates to God by acts of obedience to his creation and redemption principles. The chief duty of the Church is to make known the available person, purpose and power of God. God’s loving expression is his availability for a relationship with man. His self-revelation and gifts are for our benefit. His creation and creative intentions are for our benefit. His redemption and redemptive intentions are for our benefit. More so, we are accountable for the imperative to perpetuate God’s creation and redemption intentions. If they are expressions of love and intended to benefit, then they are ethical in nature. Our response to God and to creation at large must therefore also be ethical in nature. Our concern in this dissertation is to realize the socio-ethical significance of the Presence in redemption for the people of God, and in particular for the Evangelical Church. Having explored the Exodus texts from a synchronic approach, we have used the final canonical Exodus-narrative of Presence through socio-rhetorical exegesis and theological reflection to derive socio-ethical principles for our contemporary application. These principles are applied for specific contemporary contexts and questions in order to posit ethical social proposals, social responsibility, and social action. We are able to see how our Exodus pericopes were employed in the biblical Old and New Testaments. Their use in the Psalms, the Prophets and the New Testament reflected an authoritative theological interpretation of these Exodus texts for Evangelicals, merely because they are in the Bible. These Scriptural theological interpretations were a warrant for us to seek a theological interpretation of the canonical texts as the platform for socio-ethical interaction. Because we are so far removed temporarily, socio-ethical transfer from then to now was by no means cut-and-dried. Only through theological reflection are we able to derive socio-ethical principles for contemporary application, at least within an Evangelical Ecclesiology. Presence is applied theologically under the categories revelation, redemption and relationship. We are able to show how the principles of revelation, redemption and relationship related God and his people in ways that gave them a special identity as a community that must respond in a special and particular way to God and within itself. The people had to be monotheistic. Their response had monotheistic, ethical implications and social implications. Presence is also applied socially under the categories derived naturally from the Exodus narrative: Israel’s Self-Consciousness as a Community. Yahweh’s Presence and the Community’s Redemption. Yahweh’s Agent in the Redemption of the Community. Counter Forces to the Creation of the Redeemed Community. Covenant and Redemption Undergirds Social Identity. The Socio-ethical Response of the Redeemed Community. Redemption as Social Dialogue. Covenant as Societal Establishment. Covenant and Societal Conflict. Covenant and Societal Self-conscientiousness. Each of these categories is discussed under the same sub-categories, namely, revelation, redemption and relationship. We are able to derive socio-ethical principles in this way; principles which could be applied in an Evangelical ecclesiology. Indeed, the Church is the best social context in which these principles are to be applied, and within that context we are able to derive socio-ethical proposals. The Church is posited as a multiplicity of microcosmic communities, all related to God through Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit. We are able to make social proposals for the kind of social responsibilities and actions required within the church community. These socio-ethical proposals must emanate from the social vision of the Church, which is theological and eschatological in nature. The Church, as an eschatological community, must serve as an example and vision for society at large, recognizing that society at large also has a different and more complex make-up, and that socio-ethical transfer of Christian principles is not simplistically cut-and-dried. We have to find creative ways to translate the biblical imperative in a contemporary social context. This, we will conclude is only possible because we are able to apply it from and in a narratological context. We can however not simply use the same categories of revelation, redemption and relationship in a socio-ethical application. Ethics in general and social ethics in particular needs to be considered according to categories that were naturally conducive to ethical discourse. But these categories are also to be integrated with the theological categories in such a way that does not strain the ethical discourse. Surprisingly, the ethical categories of God (theological), man (social/political) and land (economic) easily lends itself to be discussed with the sub-categories of revelation, redemption and relationship. In fact, while it is fairly easy to do so under the theological and social/political categories, it is not so easy to distinguish the sub-categories for discussion under economy. We are forced to blur the lines between revelation and redemption on the one hand, and between redemption and relationship on the other. We can obviously not make proposals dealing with every socio-ethical issue. This is not our intention. We are, however, able to provide a socio-ethical vision for the Church, and thus, to a limited extent, for society at large. Because of our socio-ethical vision, it has become necessary for us to sketch the Church as an eschatological people which is a blessing to the world by its functioning in particular roles; as example (salt and light), evangelist, prophetic voice, teacher, agent, facilitator, negotiator, and partner. As example the Church is meant to be a pattern for society. The Church, which founds its indicative and imperative values upon the biblical text, can be a blessed pattern to society. As evangelist, the Church alone has the message of redemption, and it needs to share it with society. The best way for society to change is through regeneration. Our first priority is to extend the Kingdom of God in this world through the message of Jesus Christ and then through our godly influence. As prophetic voice, the Church must make known God’s will and ways. It is mainly a voice that speaks to issues of social justice, social responsibility and social reconstruction. Aspects of oppression, exploitation and other injustices must be condemned, and proposals for redress and reconstruction must be made. The Church must entrench democratic values and be the voice that calls for integrity and accountability. As teacher, the Church’s first place of teaching must be on a theological plane. Theological awareness encourages moral and ethical awareness. In short, they can teach on a whole range of issues that encourages good relationship, both vertically and horizontally. The Church can train leaders of integrity. As agent, the Church can act in society on behalf of Government, business and other organizations who have projects that aim at Christian-likeminded outcomes. Conversely, they can also act as agent for the people and community interests. The Church must be the redemptive agent in society. As facilitators, the Church facilitates important co-operations; with Government, business and other organizations. The Church can facilitate socio-ethical debates, forums, workshops, economic pro-active and ecological and environmental projects. As negotiators and partners, the Church can act on behalf of the poor and the marginalized. The rich and the poor are to act according to the tenets of love and justice. The Church can help inculcate these tenets, and to teach tenets of good work-ethic. The Church must be a redeemed people with redemptive aims; all for the glory of their redeeming God.Thesis (PhD)--University of Pretoria, 2011.Old Testament Studiesunrestricte

    The need for a canonical reading of the Exodus narratives in finding its present-day theological significance

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    This article deals with the approach to exegesis of biblical narrative, especially in Exodus, in finding its theological significance for contemporary and relevant biblical interpretation. It shows that the historical-critical method is unable to span the divide between the original context and our contemporary context, and to provide the present relevance of Scripture. After arguing for the validity of a set canonical text, this article shows that biblical narrative in general, and the Exodus narratives in particular, are best explored theologically by means of a canonical approach. It shows that the theological significance translates more easily into life-application. It demonstrates how the Exodus narratives are employed canonically for its theological significance throughout the Bible. It concludes that the Church needs teachers who recognise their responsibility to accurately interpret their whole Scriptures, the Bible, with the necessary historical, linguistic (rhetorical) and theological considerations, and that this is best done in a canonical context - whether we use a synchronic or a diachronic approach.http://www.ve.org.zaam2013mn201

    Exploring psychoacoustic indicators of tyre/road noise in urban environments

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    Road traffic noise is the most common source of community noise in urban areas, causing adverse impacts on the health and well-being of the exposed population. Therefore, mastering road traffic noise perception is key to tackling noise pollution. Vehicle noise is mainly produced by the tyre/pavement interaction, especially for light vehicles, which compose most of the vehicle fleet in urban environments. In this paper, tyre/road noise recordings were collected with the Close-ProXimity (CPX) method using the P1 reference tyre for light vehicles and employing low speeds, up to 50 km/h. Road surface types were chosen to represent urban environments, such as cobblestones, aged and recently-laid dense asphalt concrete and low-noise pavements. Noise levels and psychoacoustic parameters were retrieved to describe the complex time- and frequency-dependent signal features of tyre/road noise. The sensitivity of psychoacoustic indicators to differences in road surface type, age, and testing speeds was explored. Ultimately, a tyre/road noise catalogue that lists noise levels and noise features more closely related to human perception can aid urban planning and environmental noise control

    Predicting vehicle category using psychoacoustic indicators from road traffic pass-by noise

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    A set of road traffic pass-by noises containing more than 2000 vehicles was recorded following the Statistical Pass-By (SPB) methodology. Besides the acoustic descriptors, psychoacoustic indicators (loudness, sharpness, roughness, fluctuation strength) were retrieved for each pass-by of three vehicle categories defined in the standard (passenger cars, dual-axles and multi-axles heavy vehicles). A fourth vehicle category, comprised of delivery vans, was also investigated. All psychoacoustic indicators significantly differed among vehicle categories, meaning that not only intensity descriptors but also temporal and spectral features of pass-by noise distinguish those classes. With enough instances and a balanced dataset across groups, a machine-learning classification algorithm was trained with 70% of the dataset to predict vehicle categories using the psychoacoustic indicators. Classification accuracy on the test set reached 72%. Accuracy losses were primarily caused by 25% of the actual passenger cars being misclassified as vans and vice-versa. These results show the potential of using noise features other than uniquely the maximum noise level to classify vehicles in terms of noise perception. In this way, limiting classifications based on visual aspects of vehicle categories may be overcome, increasing the practicality and accuracy of measurements such as the SPB, as vehicle fleets worldwide are more consistently represented.The authors thank the Research Foundation – Flanders (FWO) for the travel grant allocated to Ablenya Barros (file ID K149723N)

    Quality Control of Outsourced LiDAR Data Acquired with a UAV: A Case Study

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    Over the last few decades, we witnessed a revolution in acquiring very high resolution and accurate geo-information. One of the reasons was the advances in photonics and LiDAR, which had a remarkable impact in applications requiring information with high accuracy and/or elevated completeness, such as flood modelling, forestry, construction, and mining. Also, miniaturization within electronics played an important role as it allowed smaller and lighter aerial cameras and LiDAR systems to be carried by unmanned aerial vehicles (UAV). While the use of aerial imagery acquired with UAV is becoming a standard procedure in geo-information extraction for several applications, the use of LiDAR for this purpose is still in its infancy. In several countries, companies have started to commercialize products derived from LiDAR data acquired using a UAV but not always with the necessary expertise and experience. The LIDAR-derived products’ price has become very attractive, but their quality must meet the contracted specifications. Few studies have reported on the quality of outsourced LiDAR data acquired with UAV and the problems that need to be handled during production. There can be significant differences between the planning and execution of a commercial project and a research field campaign, particularly concerning the size of the surveyed area, the volume of the acquired data, and the strip processing. This work addresses the quality control of LiDAR UAV data through outsourcing to develop a modelling-based flood forecast and alert system. The contracted company used the Phoenix Scout-16 from Phoenix LiDAR Systems, carrying a Velodyne VLP-16 and mounted on a DJI Matrice 600 PRO Hexacopter for an area of 560 ha along a flood-prone area of the Águeda River in Central Portugal.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Neuro-inspired edge feature fusion using Choquet integrals

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    It is known that the human visual system performs a hierarchical information process in which early vision cues (or primitives) are fused in the visual cortex to compose complex shapes and descriptors. While different aspects of the process have been extensively studied, such as lens adaptation or feature detection, some other aspects, such as feature fusion, have been mostly left aside. In this work, we elaborate on the fusion of early vision primitives using generalizations of the Choquet integral, and novel aggregation operators that have been extensively studied in recent years. We propose to use generalizations of the Choquet integral to sensibly fuse elementary edge cues, in an attempt to model the behaviour of neurons in the early visual cortex. Our proposal leads to a fully-framed edge detection algorithm whose performance is put to the test in state-of-the-art edge detection datasets.The authors gratefully acknowledge the financial support of the Spanish Ministry of Science and Technology (project PID2019-108392GB-I00 (AEI/10.13039/501100011033), the Research Services of Universidad PĂșblica de Navarra, CNPq (307781/2016-0, 301618/2019-4), FAPERGS (19/2551-0001660) and PNPD/CAPES (464880/2019-00)

    Physiological and biochemical responses to low non-freezing temperature of two Eucalyptus globulus clones differing in drought resistance

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    Abstract – We have compared the metabolic responses of leaves and roots of two Eucalyptus globulus L. clones CN5 and ST51 that differ in their sensitivity to water deficits (ST51 is more drought sensitive), with regard to the effect of chilling (10/5 ◩C, day/night). We studied changes in growth, osmotic potential and osmotically active compounds, soluble proteins, leaf pigments, and membrane lipid composition. Our data showed that both clones have the ability to acclimatize to chilling temperatures. As a result of 10 days of acclimation, an increase of soluble sugars in leaves of treated plants of both clones was observed that disappeared later on. Differences between clones were observed in the photosynthetic pigments and soluble protein content which were more stable in CN5 under chilling. It also was apparent that CN5 presented a less negative predawn water potential (ψpd) and a higher leaf turgor than ST51 throughout the chilling treatment. In the case of the CN5, increased total lipids (TFA) and concomitant increase of linolenic acid (C18:3) in leaves after acclimatization may be related to a better clone performance under chilling temperatures. Moreover, a higher constitutive investment in roots in the case of CN5 as compared to ST51 may benefit new root regeneration under low temperatures favoring growth after cold Mediterranean winter

    Clinical relevance of biomarkers in cholangiocarcinoma: critical revision and future directions

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    Cholangiocarcinoma (CCA) is a malignant tumour arising from the biliary system. In Europe, this tumour frequently presents as a sporadic cancer in patients without defined risk factors and is usually diagnosed at advanced stages with a consequent poor prognosis. Therefore, the identification of biomarkers represents an utmost need for patients with CCA. Numerous studies proposed a wide spectrum of biomarkers at tissue and molecular levels. With the present paper, a multidisciplinary group of experts within the European Network for the Study of Cholangiocarcinoma discusses the clinical role of tissue biomarkers and provides a selection based on their current relevance and potential applications in the framework of CCA. Recent advances are proposed by dividing biomarkers based on their potential role in diagnosis, prognosis and therapy response. Limitations of current biomarkers are also identified, together with specific promising areas (ie, artificial intelligence, patient-derived organoids, targeted therapy) where research should be focused to develop future biomarkers
