4,172 research outputs found

    The association between atypical femoral fractures and biphosphonates: review of the literature

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    ntrodução: Os bifosfonatos são a principal classe farmacológica usada na terapia anti-reabsortiva para a Osteoporose. Apesar da sua eficácia comprovada, vários trabalhos recentes sugeriram uma associação entre estes fármacos e o aparecimento de fraturas atípicas do fémur (FA). Materiais e Métodos: Os autores efetuaram uma revisão da literatura relativa a esta temá- tica na língua inglesa e portuguesa. Foram revistos 426 resumos e selecionados 94 artigos para revisão final. Resultados: A mudança dos critérios na definição e a qualidade dos estudos realizados são os principais limitadores na compreensão desta associação. Apesar de haver uma associação aparente entre estes fármacos e as FA, a intensidade desta é menos clara. Por outro lado os bifosfonatos têm décadas de experiência clínica, com vários ensaios clínicos e metanálises a demonstrar a sua eficácia a prevenir uma proporção muito mais significativa de fraturas osteoporóticas. Conclusões: Os bifosfonatos continuam a ser a escolha de primeira linha no tratamento da Osteoporose. São necessários mais estudos por forma a estabelecer com clareza a relação entre os bifosfonatos e FA e que elucidem como controlar e prevenir este fenómeno.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    The association between atypical femoral fractures and biphosphonates: review of the literature

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    ntrodução: Os bifosfonatos são a principal classe farmacológica usada na terapia anti-reabsortiva para a Osteoporose. Apesar da sua eficácia comprovada, vários trabalhos recentes sugeriram uma associação entre estes fármacos e o aparecimento de fraturas atípicas do fémur (FA). Materiais e Métodos: Os autores efetuaram uma revisão da literatura relativa a esta temá- tica na língua inglesa e portuguesa. Foram revistos 426 resumos e selecionados 94 artigos para revisão final. Resultados: A mudança dos critérios na definição e a qualidade dos estudos realizados são os principais limitadores na compreensão desta associação. Apesar de haver uma associação aparente entre estes fármacos e as FA, a intensidade desta é menos clara. Por outro lado os bifosfonatos têm décadas de experiência clínica, com vários ensaios clínicos e metanálises a demonstrar a sua eficácia a prevenir uma proporção muito mais significativa de fraturas osteoporóticas. Conclusões: Os bifosfonatos continuam a ser a escolha de primeira linha no tratamento da Osteoporose. São necessários mais estudos por forma a estabelecer com clareza a relação entre os bifosfonatos e FA e que elucidem como controlar e prevenir este fenómeno.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio


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    The goal of this paper is to investigate the interaction of water-air fronts with radionuclide plumes in unsaturated heterogeneous porous media. This problem is modeled by a system of equations that describes both water-air flow and radionuclide transport. The water-air flow problem is solved numerically by a mixed finite element combined with a non-oscillatory central difference scheme. For the radionuclide transport equation we use the Modified Method of Characteristics (MMOC).We present results of numerical simulations for heterogeneous permeability fields taking into account sorption effects

    Congenital Malformations of the Female Genital Tract: a Review of Available Classification Systems

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    Congenital malformations of the female genital tract are being diagnosed more frequently due to advances in imaging techniques. A broad international consensus on their classification is still lacking. This paper aimed to comparatively summarize the most frequently and widely used, as well as the most recently developed classification systems of congenital female genital malformations. A non-systematic review was done through a search on major databases with the medical subject heading (MeSH) term ‘‘congenital abnormalities” in combination with ‘‘classification” and ‘‘female genitalia”. All available systems, including, among others, the American Fertility Society Classification (1988), the Acien and Acien classification (1992, 2004), the VCUAM system (2005), the European Society for Human Reproduction and Embryology - European Society for Gynecological Endoscopy classification (2013), the Congenital Uterine Malformation Experts (CUME) group recommendations, and the American Society for Reproductive Medicine Classification (2021) possess the advantages and disadvantages listed in this article. Regarding the most common situations, the criteria for differentiating physiologic arcuate and discrete partial septate uteri vary widely between classifications, while difficulties also persist with the rarer complex abnormalities that cannot be easily classified, contributing to a gap in clinical and research protocols. The main factor compromising any attempt to reach an ideal classification system is the lack of evidence-based data, justifying the need for comparative multicenter international randomized control trials in this field. Pending new research data and a broad international consensus, it seems essential for adequate patient orientation to describe each detected malformation in detail and to correlate it with the clinical presentation, regardless the type of classification used.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    In vivo Skin Irritation Potential of a Castanea sativa (Chestnut) Leaf Extract, a Putative Natural Antioxidant for Topical Application

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    Topical application of natural antioxidants has proven to be effective in protecting the skin against ultraviolet-mediated oxidative damage and provides a straightforward way to strengthen the endogenous protection system. However, natural products can provoke skin adverse effects, such as allergic and irritant contact dermatitis. Skin irritation potential of Castanea sativa leaf ethanol:water (7:3) extract was investigated by performing an in vivo patch test in 20 volunteers. Before performing the irritation test, the selection of the solvent and extraction method was guided by the 1,1-diphenyl-2-picryl hydrazyl (DPPH) free radical scavenging test and polyphenols extraction (measured by the Folin Ciocalteu assay). Iron-chelating activity and the phenolic composition (high performance liquid chromatography/diode array detection) were evaluated for the extract obtained under optimized conditions. The extraction method adopted consisted in 5 short extractions (10 min.) with ethanol:water (7:3), performed at 40 degrees. The IC(50) found for the iron chelation and DPPH scavenging assays were 132.94 +/- 9.72 and 12.58 +/- 0.54 microg/ml (mean +/- S.E.M.), respectively. The total phenolic content was found to be 283.8 +/- 8.74 mg GAE/g extract (mean +/- S.E.M.). Five phenolic compounds were identified in the extract, namely, chlorogenic acid, ellagic acid, rutin, isoquercitrin and hyperoside. The patch test carried out showed that, with respect to irritant effects, this extract can be regarded as safe for topical application

    A Bayesian Modelling of Wildfires in Portugal

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    In the last decade wildfires became a serious problem in Portugal due to different issues such as climatic characteristics and nature of Portuguese forest. In order to analyse wildfire data, we employ beta regression for modelling the proportion of burned forest area, under a Bayesian perspective. Our main goal is to find out fire risk factors that influence the proportion of area burned and what may make a forest type susceptible or resistant to fire. Then, we analyse wildfire data in Portugal during 1990-1994 through Bayesian beta models t

    Are coffee silverskin extracts safe for topical use? An in vitro and in vivo approach

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    Recent changes in regulatory requirements and social views on animal testing have incremented the development of reliable alternative tests for predicting skin and ocular irritation potential of products based on new raw materials. In this regard, botanical ingredients used in cosmetic products are among those materials, and should be carefully reviewed concerning the potential presence of irritant constituents. In particular, cosmetic products used on the face, in vicinity of the eyes or that may come in contact with mucous membranes, should avoid botanical ingredients that contain, or are suspected to contain, such ingredients. In this study, we aimed to evaluate the effect of a new cosmetic ingredient, namely, coffee silverskin (CS), with an in vitro skin and ocular irritation assay using reconstructed human epidermis, EpiSkin™, and human corneal epithelial model, SkinEthics™ HCE, and an in vivo assay. Three different extracts of CS were evaluated. The histology of the models after extracts applications was analysed. The in vitro results demonstrated that extracts were not classified as irritant and the histological analyses proved that extracts did not affect both models structure. The content of caffeine, 5-hydroxymethyl furfural and chlorogenic acid was quantified after the epidermal assay. The in vivo test carried out with the most promising extract (hydroalcoholic) showed that, with respect to irritant effects, these extracts can be regarded as safe for topical application

    On the nature of the (de)coupling of the magnetostructural transition in Er5_5Si4_4

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    In this report, a successful thermodynamical model was employed to understand the structural transition in Er5_5Si4_4, able to explain the decoupling of the magnetic and structural transition. This was achieved by the DFT calculations which were used to determine the energy differences at 0 K, using a LSDA+U approximation. It was found that the M structure as the stable phase at low temperatures as verified experimentally with a ΔF0=\Delta F_0 = -0.262 eV. Finally, it was achieved a variation of Seebeck coefficient (\sim 6 μ\muV) at the structural transition which allow to conclude that the electronic entropy variation is negligible in the transition.Comment: 17 pages, 3 figures, 1 tabl

    Quality control of the buriti oil (Mauritia flexuosa L. f.) for use in 3-phase oil formulation for skin hydration.

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    Introduction: The Buriti (Mauritia flexuosa L. f.) is a Brazilian native palm tree. Its fruit has a hard shell and scaly covering a soft and oily pulp. Buriti oil is rich in oleic acid, also being considered natural source of beta-carotene, one of the most powerful antioxidants, becoming an excellent alternative for the cosmetic and pharmaceutical industry. Methods: The fruits collected in the State Forest Antimary (Bujari city, Acre - Brazil) were processed, dried and then the oil was extracted by cold mechanical pressing. Chromatographic analyzes and the following physico-chemical analyses, according to the AOCS norms, were performed: Acid Index (AI), Peroxide Index (PI) and Saponification Index (SI). Samples of different batches were submitted to the gas chromatograph. Results: After verified the excellent quality of the oil, a formulation of a three-phase oil for the skin hydration was prepared. From the physical and chemical analyzes, the average results for each parameter were compared with them limit by the RDC-270 ANVISA standard. Conclusion: These results demonstrated that the analyzed oils have great composition for using in cosmetics; it is an excellent raw material for the production of three-phase oil, when accompanied with other elements, such as mineral oil and propylene glycol, which has the capacity of hydration and smoothness of the skin