74 research outputs found

    Osteoporosis in water buffalo, in relation to age, clinical condition of the animal and physical-chemical bone and hepatic copper status

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    O presente trabalho faz parte de um programa de pesquisa de doenças metabólicas nutricionais em bubalinos no Trópico Úmido Amazônico e, nesse contexto, objetivou-se estudar os processos osteoporóticos em bubalinos criados em sistema de pastejo na Ilha de Marajó e a relação da enfermidade com a faixa etária e a condição físico-química óssea e do cobre hepático. Foram utilizados 110 animais: 39 jovens e 71 adultos, apresentando Índice de Condição Corporal entre 1 e 2. Avaliou-se um grupo composto por animais jovens e outro por animais adultos. Análises anátomoclínica e da qualidade óssea possibilitaram subdividir cada grupo em dois subgrupos, segundo a presença ou não de manifestações osteopáticas aparentes. Do terço médio da 11ªcostela direita analisou-se o cálcio, fósforo, cinza e densidade óssea e do tecido hepático determinou-se a concentração do cobre. No exame anatomopatológico, respectivamente 98,44% dos animais jovens e 96,16% dos animais adultos apresentavam algum grau de osteoporose (+, ++, +++). Foram demonstrados baixos percentuais na média do fósforo (10,69%), nas cinzas (60,24%) e na densidade (1,46 g/ml). O cobre hepático apresentou valores médios igualmente baixos (19,51 mg/kg). Os resultados mostraram que a osteoporose apresenta um quadro mais severo nos animais jovens, sendo que o processo pode estar relacionado com as baixas reservas de fósforo no tecido ósseo e do cobre no tecido hepático.This paper is part of a research program of metabolic nutritional diseases in water buffalo in the Humid Tropical Amazon. In that context, the objective was to study osteoporotic processes in buffalo raised in a grazing system on Marajó Island and the relation of the disease with the age as well as physical-chemical bone and hepatic copper status. One hundred and ten animals were evaluated: 39 young or juvenile and 71 adults that presented Body Condition Index from 1 to 2. One group was composed by young buffalo and another by adult animals. Based on anatomical-clinical and bone quality analyses, the animals were subdivided in two sub-groups, according to presence or absence of clinical signs of apparent osteopathic. Analysis of calcium, phosphorus, ash and bone density was performed on the middle third of the 11th right rib, and the copper concentration was determined from liver tissue. Pathological anatomical findings showed that 98.44% of juvenile animals and 96.16% of adult animals, respectively, presented some degree of osteoporosis (+, ++, +++). Low average percentages were demonstrated for phosphorus (10.69%), in ashes (60.24%) and in density (1.46 g/ml). Hepatic copper presented similar low values (19.51 mg/kg). The results showed that juvenile animals presented more severe clinical sign of osteoporosis, and the pathogenesis may be related to low reserves of phosphorus in bony tissue and copper in liver tissue

    Peritoneal Cryptococcosis in a Dog

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    Background: Cryptococcosis is an opportunistic, systemic mycotic disease caused by a yeast of Cryptococcus neoformans. These pathogens cause serious public health problems, as they can be transmitted to humans, domestic and wild animals. In cats and dogs, the main site of infection is the upper lower respiratory tract, however, the infection can extend and affect other sites in the organism, however, the peritoneal manifestation of the disease is rare. Thus, the present work aims to report a case of cryptococcosis in a canine, mixed breed, female, adult, from the Metropolitan Region of Belém.Case: A mixed breed dog, female, adult was admitted in a veterinary hospital at Belém, presenting abdominal discomfort and, after the clinical examination, emergency exploratory laparotomy was indicated, and it were observed disseminated lesions in the abdominal cavity, with multiple nodules attached to the peritoneum and intestinal serosa and bladder, uterus, among other organs. Fragments from the surgical biopsy were fixed, and processed routinely according to the techniques for histological tissue processing. Histological examination revealed a predominance of granulomatous lesions in peritoneum and mesentery organs. It was observed a discrete inflammatory reaction of macrophages, epithelioid cells and giant cells, many in phagocytosis of spherical or ovoid organisms, with a thick capsule and a clear perinuclear halo. In the PAS staining, the Cryptococcus conidia presented eosinophilic characteristics and some of them had the capsule well demarcated, which was shown to be radiated. Also it was possible to see the budding yeast and in the Grocott stain, the Cryptococcus stained in black.Discussion: Cryptococcosis with peritoneal involvement in animals is rarely reported in the literature. Cryptococcus is an agent that presents tropism by the central nervous system and nasal cavity, however atypical presentations have been reported, especially at the level of the abdominal cavity (intestines and mesentery). It is believed that the gastrointestinal tract is the gateway for ascending contamination, or that the contamination can occur by fungal ingestion. The lesions presented a multiple distribution, with isolated and coalescent nodules adhered to the peritoneum and adjacent structures. The literature reports two cases of dogs with intra-abdominal cryptococcosis, in which, macroscopically, granulomatous formations were observed in the jejunum, with lymph nodes and mesentery. Microscopically, a discrete inflammatory infiltrate of macrophages and lymphocytes were observed. Some areas with granulomatous reaction, lymphocytes, epithelioid macrophages and giant cells and, in other areas, yeasts in the cytoplasm were observed. The yeasts were spherical or ovoid, surrounded by a thick capsule of polysaccharide. The periodic acid Schiff (PAS) and silver impregnation (Grocott) staining were used to highlight structures of the Cryptococcus wall which were presented by a strong stained polysaccharide capsule. It must be emphasized the zoonotic potential of cryptococcosis, a disease that can affect both animals and humans. Cryptococcosis in humans normally occurs when the fungus accesses the airways through inhalation and ranges from asymptomatic pulmonary colonization to compromised meninges, causing the human patient's life-threatening condition. In the present report, the diagnosis of cryptococcosis was established through histopathological and histochemical examination of the fungal structure, which were determinant in the etiological diagnosis of cryptococcosis

    Humoral immune response of buffalo heifers (Bubalus bubalis) vaccinated with B19 strain of Brucella abortus

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    RESUMO: A brucelose se encontra distribuída mundialmente. No Brasil apresenta maior prevalência para a espécie Brucella abortus que apesar de ser endêmica, encontra-se distribuída de forma heterogênea entre as diferentes regiões do Brasil. O presente estudo teve por objetivo avaliar a resposta imune humoral de bezerras bubalinas criadas na Mesorregião do Médio Amazonas, vacinadas com a cepa B19 de B. abortus na idade preconizada pelo Programa Nacional de Controle e Erradicação da Brucelose e Tuberculose (PNCEBT). Os animais selecionados foram 36 fêmeas (grupo teste) e 6 machos (grupo controle) com idades entre 3-8 meses. No dia 0 foi realizada a colheita de sangue em todos os animais, em seguida as fêmeas receberam vacina comercial com amostra B19 em dose padrão, com posteriores coletas de sangue ate aos 390 dias. Os soros sanguíneos foram avaliados nas provas de soro aglutinação: Antígeno Acidificado Tamponado - AAT e 2- Mercaptoetanol - 2ME. Os resultados para todas as amostras coletas no dia 0 apresentaram resultado negativo na reação. Aos 30 e 60 dias todas as fêmeas apresentaram 100% de reação na prova AAT e titulação de 200, iniciando o declínio da reação aos 90 dias nas duas provas. Durante o estudo um animal se mante reativo nas duas provas até 360 dias e, somente aos 390 dias 100% das fêmeas obtiveram reação negativa nas duas provas, durante todo o estudo os machos foram não reativos. A vacinação mostrou-se eficaz para a imunização, sendo uma ferramenta importante na profilaxia da brucelose na espécie estudada, bem como as provas aplicadas para o diagnostico dessa enfermidade em búfalos a nível regional

    Bone Radiographic Changes in Slaughter Buffalos with Low Body Condition Index

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    Background: The largest buffalo herd in Brazil is located on the Island of Marajó, in the State of Pará, northern Brazil. The pastures of the Island of Marajó consist of low quality graminaceous plants, which are generally poor in protein and mineral content. Unbalanced diets associated with low quality pastures are responsible for latent, sub-clinical diseases and metabolic disorders in bovines which affect bone health, especially in periods such as pregnancy and lactation. The purpose of this study was to point out and to describe the radiographic bone changes of buffalos with low body index bred in extensive system and intended for slaughter on the Island of Marajó, Brazil.Materials, Methods & Results: Radiographic examinations of anatomical pieces were obtained from 34 animals of buffalo species, with no distinction of gender, age, or breed. The animals were selected among those that were in the stockyard waiting for slaughtering for the obtainment of the anatomical pieces. For this selection, low physical condition was considered, which mainly included individuals with body condition indexes (ICC) of 1 and 2, on a scale of 1 to 5. From this selection, 98 anatomical pieces were obtained, which included: 28 sets of ribs, 20 femurs, 26 metacarpus, 7 mandibles, 3 radius and ulnas, 4 sets of vertebrae, 4 sets of metacarpus and phalanges, 1 tarsus and 1 set of tarsus and metatarsus. All the pieces were separated, identified, packed in plastic bag and forwarded to the radiographic study. At least one radiographic projection was obtained of each anatomical piece. These were identified, manually processed and stored for subsequent assessment. A single observer, in order to identify and to describe the bone radiographic changes, subjectively performed the radiographic assessment.Discussion: Bone changes were remarkable and in animals of this study, reinforcing the nutritional aspect as being of great importance for the perfect mineral homeostasis and for the osteoarticular system maintenance. Consistent radiographic findings with osteopenia are most often related to nutritional disorders that affect bone metabolism, mainly involving the homeostasis of calcium (Ca) and phosphorus (P). The nutritional hyperparathyroidism, more commonly reported in dogs, cats and exotic animals is a common example of these affections, in which the bone radiopacity reduction is the most evident radiographic aspect. Copper (Cu) deficiency has been correlated with osteochondrosis, epiphyseal fracture of the femoral head and degenerative arthropathy of the hip joint, and erosion of the articular cartilage in a deer (Cervu selaphus). Degenerative arthropathy through radiographs was also found in this study. From the bone radiographic analysis, it is concluded that the osteodystrophic diseases of buffalos raised in pasture system on the Island of Marajó, Pará, Brazil, present a variety of pathological conditions and the most commonly found were: osteoporosis characterized at the radiographic examination for the bone decreased radiopacity, change in bone trabeculae (medullary expansion) and cortical thinning, followed by pathological fractures with high incidence in the ribs. The low body condition, the underdevelopment and cachexia states of the animals in this study indicate the lack of an appropriate prophylactic conduct and a proper feed management. Therefore, the low reserves of P and Cu in the organism may have contributed to the osteoporotic process and, possibly, also to the protein-energy deficit, leading to secondary bone changes and causing a lack of productivity in the herd

    Hepatic capillariasis in two captive Callithrix penicillata

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    O presente trabalho relata a ocorrência de dois casos de capilariose hepática em primatas não-humanos da espécie Callithrix penicilatta mantidos em cativeiro. O caso 1 era uma fêmea jovem, que exibiu fígado de cor pálida, suavizada devido a autólise e algumas áreas múltiplas visivelmente esbranquiçadas. O caso 2 foi registrado em um macho adulto, de idade desconhecida, com fígado levemente pálido e acastanhado. A análise histológica das amostras revelou extensa fibrose intersticial com áreas de hemossiderose, exemplares de Capillaria hepatica adultos e numerosos ovos morfologicamente caracterizados pela sua forma elipsóide, não-embrionárias, com tampões bipolares que se sobressaem da casca, que é espessa, birrefringente e com uma camada porosa, dando uma aparência estriada ao ovo. Algumas formações císticas continham ovos do nematóide cercados por numerosas células gigantes do tipo corpo estranho. A literatura consultada possui poucas referências acerca da presença de Capillaria hepatica em primatas não-humanos. No entanto, infecções semelhantes são bem estudadas em roedores domésticos.This study aimed to describe the occurrence of hepatic capillariasis in two non-human primates of the species Callithrix penicillata that were kept in captivity. Case 1 was in a young female, whose liver presented pale coloring, softening due to autolysis and several noticeably whitish areas. Case 2 was in a male of unknown age, whose liver was slightly pale and brownish. Histological analysis on the samples revealed extensive interstitial fibrosis with hemosiderotic areas. Adult nematodes of Capillaria hepatica and numerous eggs, morphologically characterized by their non-embryonic ellipsoid shape, with bipolar plugs that did not protrude from the shell, thick and birefringent, with a porous layer, thus giving a striated appearance to the eggs. Some cystic formations presented nematode eggs surrounded by numerous foreign-body giant cells. The literature consulted made little reference to reports of Capillaria hepatica in non-human primates. However, similar infections have been extensively studied in domestic rodents.

    Tuberculosis Caused by Mycobacterium tuberculosis Complex in a Captive Tapir (Tapirus terrestris)

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    Background: Tuberculosis is an infectious disease caused by the Mycobacterium tuberculosis complex has already been identified in a great number of wild species. Captive animals may have a potential source for zoonoses, because is related to factors such as cohabitation, direct contact with the public, presence of biological vectors, nutritional deficiencies, absence of sanitary barriers, precautionary hygienic measures and sanitary vigilance. In Brazil, there is little information on tuberculosis in captivity animals, and little attention is given to the risks of disease transmission from humans. The aim of this study was to report the first diagnosed case of tuberculosis Tapirus terrestris in Brazilian Amazon region.Case: One Tapirus terrestris was kept by local zoobotanic foundation in city of Marabá, Southeast of Pará state, Brazilian Amazon, and became ill. Physical examination revealed cough, sneezing, nasal outflow, dyspnea, hyperthermia and lethargy, leading to death. Necropsy demonstrated severe pulmonary alterations: thickening of the inter-alveolar septa, alveolar emphysema, and miliary nodules with dimensions up to 5 mm, which were yellowish-white, caseous, and sometimes calcified. Additionally, large areas of caseous compaction of the parenchyma, characteristic of caseous tuberculosis. Histopathological analysis revealed a process characteristic of mycobacterial infection, with alveoli filled with caseous exudate and thickened septa and fibrocytes, in addition to recently formed tubercles, some with caseous necrosis, calcifications and Langhans cells. In the Ziehl-Neelsen staining, alcohol-acid resistant bacilli were observed in the mesenteric lymph nodes. No mycobacterial growth was observed in Lowenstein-Jensen culture medium. A nested PCR followed by a sequencing assay targeting the hsp65 gene and M. tuberculosis complex member was detected. Water and M. tuberculosis H37Rv were used as negative and positive controls, respectively.Discussion: This article reports the first case of tuberculosis in T. terrestris in Amazonia. The case of infection was caused by a complex of Mycobacterium tuberculosis, as well as reports of other studies described in wild animals. This record presented clinical and pathological similarity with the cases of a tapir and coati at the zoo of Curitiba, and non-human primates in bioteries in Belém. The disease was reported, also, in a T. indicus female in Bangkok, Thailand. In another study with two tapirs there was positivity of tuberculin test result in a Swedish zoo. In necropsy findings of tuberculosis in a Malayan tapir showed multiple white, caseous nodules spread throughout the lungs. Studies have shown that lesions can be in various organs, among them the mediastinal and mesenteric lymph nodes, liver, spleen, kidneys, ovaries, serosa, diaphragm, intestines and uterus. For exemple in a case of disseminated tuberculosis caused by M. tuberculosis in a Malayan tapir were described multiple granulomes, some coalescent, characterized by necrotic caseous centers, with some Langhans giant cells and a discrete fibrotic zone. In the present work, the results of the anatomopathological and molecular assays confirmed the clinical suspicion of respiratory infection and established the conclusive diagnosis of pulmonary tuberculosis caused by M. tuberculosis complex member. It is worth noting that tuberculosis is an important zoonotic disease affecting survival of the species, posing an extinction threat and also a public health concern

    Infiltrative Rectal Adenocarcinoma in a Dog

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    Background: Intestinal neoplasms are uncommon in dogs and adenocarcinoma is the main histological type found. This neoplasm presents slow growth and high capacity of causing metastasis. Histologically speaking, neoplasm cells can present solid, tubular, papillary arrangement and note amorphous extra-cellular material. Clinically observed tenesmus, diarrhea, dyskinesia, hematochezia, mane, protrusion of the anus, weight loss, anorexia. The occurrence and clinicopathological aspects of tumors in dogs’ gastrointestinal tract, the rectal segment, remains poorly understood. Accordingly, the aim of the present study is to report a case on infiltrative rectal adenocarcinoma diagnosed in a dog.Case: A 7-year-old male dog representative of the Fila Brasileiro breed was presented to the Veterinary Hospital of University Federal Rural of Amazonia, with history of hyperthermia, anorexia, apathy and tenesmus. Imaging examinations depicted prostatomegaly. Exploratory laparotomy was performed and showed the thickening and hardening of the rectum segment. The animal was subjected to euthanasia. Necroscopy showed increased rectal perimeter; the mucosa in its opening presented atypical cerebroid aspect and irregular surface, and areas dark red. The rectal segment depicted a thick wall of  white color, irregular limits covering the muscular and adjacent sub-mucosa. The peri-rectal adipose tissue presented poor delimitation with the rectum, multiple greyish and reddish areas. Increased prostate and iliac lymph, and multi node of regular limits in the lungs. The histology of the rectal tissue depicted epithelium with differentiated neoformation, composed of atypical cells; nuclear anisocytosis, anisocariasis and hyperchromasia placed in small islands, cords or tubular formation. Neoplasm growth was unorganized and of infiltrative character. Some areas presented mucosal pattern cells with Signal Ring morphologic. Multiple rectal blood vessels, regional lymph nodes and lungs had neoplasm growth similar to that observed in the intestine. Mucosa also presented ulceration areas and lymphoplasmacytic infiltrate. There was fibroplasia, lymphoplasmacytic points and bleeding in the serous, as well as in the peri-rectal fat tissue. The immunohistochemical technique showed immunostaining in cytokeratin and vimentin antibodies, and in marked epithelial cells and tumor stroma markings, respectively.Discussion: The intestinal tumor diagnosis in dogs is found by associating history, clinical signs, radiographic, ultrasound findings and necropsty. Only one data about the occurrence of rectal adenocarcinoma in Fila Brasileiro specimens. With regards to sex, results were similar to those record, whose males presented higher prevalence of primary rectal tumors. The macroscopic characteristic is consistent with infiltrative neoplasms; thickening was related to the presence of the tumor. The histopathological findings evidenced growing infiltrative neoplasm formed by atypical cells of tubular arrangement. Microscopy featured a chronic ulcerative colitis frame, such alteration represents one of the main risk factors for colon rectal cancer in humans. Epithelial histogenesis was confirmed through immunohistochemical results that have revealed co-expression of the cytokine epithelial marker in most tumor cells. The vimentin mesenchymal marker in the neoplasm stroma was positive, fact that can be explained by occasional immune-reaction in the anti-bodies (cytokine and vimentin) and in non-differentiated carcinomas. The prognostic was negative in the current report. Such outcome was attributed to the infiltrative character observed in the trans-operative period. Necropsy, as well as the histopathological and immunohistochemical exams, confirmed the infiltrative rectal adenocarcinoma in the dog

    Investigación serológica, molecular y anatomopatológica para leptospirosis en ovinos (Ovis aries) procedentes de un bioterio de cría

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    Ministério da Saúde. Secretaria de Vigilância em Saúde. Instituto Evandro Chagas. Centro Nacional de Primatas. Ananindeua, PA, Brasil.Ministério da Saúde. Secretaria de Vigilância em Saúde. Instituto Evandro Chagas. Ananindeua, PA, Brasil.Universidade Federal Rural da Amazônia. Laboratório de Investigação e Diagnóstico de Enfermidades Animal. Belém, PA, Brasil.Universidade Federal Rural da Amazônia. Laboratório de Investigação e Diagnóstico de Enfermidades Animal. Belém, PA, Brasil.Ministério da Saúde. Secretaria de Vigilância em Saúde. Instituto Evandro Chagas. Ananindeua, PA, Brasil.The current paper reports an outbreak of leptospirosis in sheep production created with the purpose of blood supply to laboratories for production of growth medium and complement fixation test. Serological, molecular and histopathological analyses were performed. Serologic analysis was performed on 12 samples using the microscopic agglutination test with cutoff point of 100 for the serovars: Leptospira Bataviae, L. Javanica, L. Panama, L. Hebdomadis, L. Castellonis, L. Icterohaemorrhagiae, L. Pyrogenes, L. Cynopteri, L. Serjoe, L. Australis, L. Wolffi, L. Copenhageni, L. Autumnalis, L. Pomona e L. Tarassovi. Anatomopathological examination was performed on only one animal, which was found dead and molecular analyzes were performed in its blood and urine using the qPCR technique. 50% of those animals were reagents to the serological diagnosis, being identified the serovars: L. Copenhageni (1/100 e 1/200), L. Castellonis (1/200 e 1/200), L. Icterohaemorrhagiae (1/200) e L. Cynopteri (1/200). The necropsied animal presented bleeding, jaundice and hemoglobinuria. Molecular analysis showed three positive animals in blood samples and two positive animals in urine samples, with no concomitant positivity for each animal. The identification of Icterohaemorrhagiae and Copenhageni serovars suggests the need for studies aiming the agent isolation in the Brazilian Amazon Region and characterization of its pathogenicity since in Brazil these are the main etiologic agents of leptospirosis cases in humans.O presente trabalho relata um surto de leptospirose ocorrido no plantel de ovinos criados com finalidade de fornecimento de sangue aos laboratórios para produção de meios de cultivos e de testes de fixação de complemento. Foram realizadas análises sorológica, molecular e histopatológica. A análise sorológica foi realizada em 12 amostras utilizando o teste de soroaglutinação microscópica com ponto de corte 100, para os sorovares Leptospira Bataviae, L. Javanica, L. Panama, L. Hebdomadis, L. Castellonis, L. Icterohaemorrhagiae, L. Pyrogenes, L. Cynopteri, L. Serjoe, L. Australis, L. Wolffi, L. Copenhageni, L. Autumnalis, L. Pomona e L. Tarassovi. O exame anatomopatológico foi realizado somente em um dos animais, o qual foi encontrado morto e as análises moleculares foram realizadas no sangue e na urina utilizando a técnica do qPCR. Foram reagentes ao diagnóstico sorológico 50% dos animais, sendo identificados os sorovares L. Copenhageni (1/100 e 1/200), L. Castellonis (1/200 e 1/200), L. Icterohaemorrhagiae (1/200) e L. Cynopteri (1/200). O animal necropsiado apresentou hemorragia, icterícia e hemoglobinúria. A análise molecular demonstrou três animais positivos em amostras de sangue e dois animais positivos em amostras de urina, não havendo positividade concomitante para um mesmo animal. A identificação dos sorovares Icterohaemorrhagiae e Copenhageni sugere a necessidade de estudos, visando o isolamento do agente na região e a caracterização de sua patogenicidade, visto que no Brasil estes são os principais agentes etiológicos dos casos de leptospirose em humanos

    Morfologia macroscópica e morfometria do aparelho urogenital do macaco de cheiro (Saimiri sciureus Linnaeus, 1758)

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    Descrevem-se macroscopicamente o aparelho urogenital em quatro animais da espécie Saimiri sciureus, jovens, nascidos em cativeiro junto ao Centro Nacional de Primatas. A vulva delimitou-se pelos lábios vulvares, apresentando um clitóris bem desenvolvido com aspecto fálico. O vestíbulo vaginal é bastante curto, com espessa parede muscular, estendendo-se da rima da vulva até o óstio da vagina. A vagina vem logo na sequência do vestíbulo, sendo constituída por um tubo muscular com aspecto alongado e achatado dorsoventralmente, com paredes finas, estando disposta entre o vestíbulo vaginal e a cérvix, sendo esta última relativamente curta, porém, com musculatura bem desenvolvida. O útero é simples, com fundo globoso, estando localizado na porção caudal da cavidade abdominal. As tubas uterinas mostraram-se longas e retilíneas, ligando-se aos ovários, que são grandes e elipsóides, com superfície lisa

    Hepatic and Renal Lesions in Free Ranging Black Caimans (Melanosuchus niger) in the Brazilian Amazon for Human Consumption

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    Background: The black caiman (Melanosuchus niger), belongs to the order Crocodylia, family Alligatoridae. More than a hundred species of helminths, mainly trematodes and nematodes, parasitize crocodilians around the world and a considerable number of species of ascaris have been described in crocodilians. There are few descriptions of hepatic and renal diseases affecting M. niger, and no articles related to the histopathological aspects of this species were found. The aim of this study was to evaluate gross and microscopically the liver and kidneys of 100 specimens of Melanosuchus niger slaughtered in Reserva de Desenvolvimento Sustentável Mamirauá, from natural populations.Materials, Methods & Results: The capture of the alligators was performed during the night, by members of the community itself in the channels and lagoons of the Reserve's lowland ecosystem. For the capture procedures, ties and harpoons were used and the animals were identified through the red glow of the eyes using the spot light lanterns. After being conducted to the slaughter area, the animals were submitted to the previous biometry to select which animals were appropriated   for slaughter, they should measure between 2.10 m and 2.80 m. A total of 88 livers and 95 kidneys of M. niger of natural populations were analysed gross and microscopically, independently of gross lesions. The fragments collected for histopathological examination were approximately 0.5 cm thick and they were packed in appropriated identified containers with formalin 10% solution. The collection procedures were accompanied by field records for data recording. After fixation of the collected material, it were processes by habitual techniques for paraffin inclusion and hematoxylin-eosin staining. Grossly, none of the livers examined presented alterations and two kidneys presented parasitism. The hepatic microscopic analysis  indicates in 3/88 cases, multiple foci of necrosis. In 7/88 cases, it was observed in the hepatic parenchyma, granulomas, mainly with epithelioid cells. In the histopathological examination of the kidney, the only alteration observe in 8/95 cases was the presence of granulomas.Discussion: The occurrence of Sebekia oxycephala nymphs, a pentastomid, in the liver of Alligator mississippiensis was reported in other researches. The parasite Sebekia mississippiensis was observed in liver and lungs of A. mississippiensis.  similar alterations were also noticed in this research. The coccidiosis related to hepatic manifestations in crocodilians is related to the parasite that may belong to the genus Goussia. In the liver, under the oocysts form leads to a diffuse hydropic degeneration  of hepatocytes. In this study it was also observed the hydronic degeneration, however, associated to the necrosis areas that had in the periphery epithelioid cells infiltrated, without parasitic participation. Two renal trematodes are known in crocodilians, Deurithrema gingae and Renivermis crocodyli both in Crocodylus porosus. Also it was found in the renal parenchyma few encapsulated and well delimited parasites by a severe tissue reaction. Based on the gross and microscopic found, it is concluded that liver and kidney, although multiple organ functions, were not prone to infections, with granulomas being the main manifestation, and the etiopathogenesis of the areas of hepatic necrosis could not be defined