35,121 research outputs found

    Improvement of the upflow anaerobic sludge blanket reactor performance for azo dye reduction by the presence of low amounts of activated carbon

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    Activated carbon (AC) was investigated as redox mediator of the azo dye Acid Orange 10 (AO10) anaerobic biodegradation in a laboratory scale Upflow Anaerobic Sludge Blanket (UASB). During reactor operation, the effect of AC concentration and the hydraulic retention time (HRT) were investigated and better results were obtained with 0.15 g of AC per g of Volatile Suspended Solids (VSS) and 10 h, respectively. In the mediated reactor, with an HRT of 10 h, high colour and COD removal was obtained, ~70% and ~85%, respectively. In the control, thought similar COD removal, AO10 decolourisation was only 20%, evidencing the ability of AC to accelerate the reduction reactions in continuous reactors

    Anaerobic biotransformation of nitroanilines enhanced by the presence of low amounts of carbon materials

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    Three microporous activated carbons -original (AC0), chemical oxidized with HNO3 (ACHNO3) and thermal treated (ACH2)-, and three mesoporous carbons - xerogels (CXA and CXB) and nanotubes (CNT)-, were tested on the biological reduction of o-, m- and p-nitroaniline (NoA) at a concentration above the half maximal inhibitory concentration (IC50) for a methanogenic consortium degrading a mixture of volatile fatty acids (VFA) containing acetate, propionate and butyrate. NoAs were only partially reduced in the absence of carbon materials (CM). Rates were dependent on the nitro group position, increasing in the order metha>para>ortho. CM lead to NoAs almost total reduction and at higher rates. With AC0 and ACH2, rates increased 3-fold, 4-fold and 8 fold for o-, m- and p-NoA, respectively

    Enhanced Optical Dichroism of Graphene Nanoribbons

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    The optical conductivity of graphene nanoribbons is analytical and exactly derived. It is shown that the absence of translation invariance along the transverse direction allows considerable intra-band absorption in a narrow frequency window that varies with the ribbon width, and lies in the THz range domain for ribbons 10-100nm wide. In this spectral region the absorption anisotropy can be as high as two orders of magnitude, which renders the medium strongly dichroic, and allows for a very high degree of polarization (up to ~85) with just a single layer of graphene. The effect is resilient to level broadening of the ribbon spectrum potentially induced by disorder. Using a cavity for impedance enhancement, or a stack of few layer nanoribbons, these values can reach almost 100%. This opens a potential prospect of employing graphene ribbon structures as efficient polarizers in the far IR and THz frequencies.Comment: Revised version. 10 pages, 7 figure

    A Review of Indigenous Food Crops in Africa and the Implications for more Sustainable and Healthy Food Systems

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    Indigenous and traditional foods crops (ITFCs) have multiple uses within society, and most notably have an important role to play in the attempt to diversify the food in order to enhance food and nutrition security. However, research suggests that the benefits and value of indigenous foods within the South African and the African context have not been fully understood and synthesized. Their potential value to the African food system could be enhanced if their benefits were explored more comprehensively. This synthesis presents a literature review relating to underutilized indigenous crop species and foods in Africa. It organizes the findings into four main contributions, nutritional, environmental, economic, and social-cultural, in line with key themes of a sustainable food system framework. It also goes on to unpack the benefits and challenges associated with ITFCs under these themes. A major obstacle is that people are not valuing indigenous foods and the potential benefit that can be derived from using them is thus neglected. Furthermore, knowledge is being lost from one generation to the next, with potentially dire implications for long-term sustainable food security. The results show the need to recognize and enable indigenous foods as a key resource in ensuring healthy food systems in the African continent

    Ediacaran Obduction of a Fore-Arc Ophiolite in SW Iberia: A Turning Point in the Evolving Geodynamic Setting of Peri- Gondwana

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    The Calzadilla Ophiolite is an ensemble of mafic and ultramafic rocks that represents the transition between lower crust and upper mantle of a Cadomian (peri-Gondwanan) fore arc. Mapping and structural analysis of the ophiolite demonstrates that it was obducted in latest Ediacaran times, because the Ediacaran-Early Cambrian sedimentary series (Malcocinado Formation) discordantly covers it. The ophiolite and emplacement-related structures are affected by Variscan deformation (Devonian-Carboniferous), which includes SW verging overturned folds (D1) and thrusts (D2), upright folds (D3), extensional faults (D4), and later faults (D5). These phases of deformation are explained in the context of Variscan tectonics as the result of the progressive collision between Gondwana and Laurussia. Qualitative unstraining of Variscan deformation reveals the primary geometry of Ediacaran-Cambrian structures and uncovers the generation of east verging thrusts as responsible for the primary obduction of the Calzadilla Ophiolite. Restoration of planar and linear structures associated with this event indicates an Ediacaran, east directed obduction of the ophiolite, that is, emplacement of the Cadomian fore arc onto inner sections of the northern margin of Gondwana. According to regional data, the obduction separates two extension-dominated stages in the tectonic evolution of the African margin of northern Gondwana preserved in southern Europe. Preobduction extension brought about the onset and widening of fore-arc and back-arc basins in the external part of the continent, while postobduction extension facilitated the formation of extensional migmatitic domes, an oceanward migration of back-arc spreading centers across peri-Gondwana, and the eventual opening of a major basin such as the Rheic Ocean

    Thermal modification of activated carbon surface chemistry improves its capacity as redox mediator for azo dye reduction

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    The surface chemistry of a commercial AC (AC0) was selectively modified, without changing significantly its textural properties, by chemical oxidation with HNO3 (ACHNO3 ) and O2 (ACO2 ), and thermal treatments under H2 (ACH2) or N2 (ACN2 ) flow. The effect of modified AC on anaerobic chemical dye reduction was assayed with sulphide at different pH values 5, 7 and 9. Four dyes were tested: Acid Orange 7, Reactive Red 2, Mordant Yellow 10 and Direct Blue 71. Batch experiments with low amounts of AC (0.1 g L−1) demonstrated an increase of the first-order reduction rate constants, up to 9-fold, as compared with assays without AC. Optimum rates were obtained at pH 5 except for MY10, higher at pH 7. In general, rates increased with increasing the pH of point zero charge (pHpzc), following the trend ACHNO3 < ACO2 < AC0 < ACN2 < ACH2 . The highest reduction rate was obtained for MY10 with ACH2 at pH 7, which corresponded to the double, as compared with non-modified AC. In a biological system using granular biomass, ACH2 also duplicated and increase 4.5-fold the decolourisation rates of MY10 and RR2, respectively. In this last experiment, reaction rate was independent of AC concentration in the tested range 0.1–0.6 g L−1.This work was supported by the PTDC/AMB/69335/2006 project grants. L Pereira holds a Pos-Doc fellowship (SFRH/BPD/20744/2004) and R. Pereira holds a fellowship (SFRH/BPD/39086/2007) from Fundacao para a Ciencia e Tecnologia. F.J. Cervantes greatly acknowledges a grant from Council of Science and Technology of Mexico (Grant SEP-CONACYT-C02-55045)

    Vortices in the presence of a nonmagnetic atom impurity in 2D XY ferromagnets

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    Using a model of nonmagnetic impurity potential, we have examined the behavior of planar vortex solutions in the classical two-dimensional XY ferromagnets in the presence of a spin vacancy localized out of the vortex core. Our results show that a spinless atom impurity gives rise to an effective potential that repels the vortex structure.Comment: 6 pages, 2 figures, RevTex

    Non-perturbative treatment of the linear covariant gauges by taking into account the Gribov copies

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    In this paper, a proposal for the restriction of the Euclidean functional integral to a region free of infinitesimal Gribov copies in linear covariant gauges is discussed. An effective action, akin to the Gribov-Zwanziger action of the Landau gauge, is obtained which implements the aforementioned restriction. Although originally non-local, this action can be cast in local form by introducing auxiliary fields. As in the case of the Landau gauge, dimension two condensates are generated at the quantum level, giving rise to a refinement of the action which is employed to obtain the tree-level gluon propagator in linear covariant gauges. A comparison of our results with those available from numerical lattice simulations is also provided.Comment: 21 pages, no figures, version to appear in EPJ

    BioRePortAP, an electronic clinical record coupled with a database : an example of its use in a single

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    Aims: To evaluate the efficacy and safety of the treatment of psoriatic arthritis (PsA) patients with tumor necrosis factor (TNF) antagonists in the Rheumatology Department of Hospital de Santa Maria using the BioRePortAP. Methods: The Portuguese Society of Rheumatology (SPR) developed an electronic medical chart coupled with a database for the follow up of PsA patients, the BioRePortAP, which was launched in May 2009. This evaluation was based on all the PsA patients that were on active treatment with TNF antagonists in September 2009 and were registered in the BioRePortAP. All the previous data on these patients were introduced in BioRePortAP using the prospective paper based follow up protocol that this Department was using since 1999. Only patients with more than 9 months of treatment were analyzed. Results: Forty-two patients with PsA, actively treated with anti-TNF agents in September 2009, for at least 9 months, were analyzed in BioRePortAP. Twenty-three patients were male (55%) and nineteen were female (45%). The average age of these patients was 49.8±10.9 years old, the average disease duration was of 10.7±5.6 years and the mean duration of biological therapy was of 37.8±27.8 months. For the 81% of patients with peripheral joint disease there was a mean reduction of more than 80% in the swollen and tender joint counts, and almost 50% in the health assessment questionnaire (HAQ) value. In the 19% of the patients with axial involvement the reduction of BASDAI and BASFI was not statistically significative. On top of that, PASI score suffered a reduction of 64%. Fourteen patients (33.3%) had to switch their TNF antagonist treatment. 58.8% of the switches were due to adverse effects and 41.2% due to therapy failure. Regarding the 56 adverse reactions registered, only one was a severe reaction. The remaining adverse reactions were not severe and 67% of them were due to infections. Discussion: The results of this first report of the use of the BioRePortAP in clinical practice confirm the efficacy and safety of TNF antagonist treatment in PsA. The results shown here elucidate the potential applications of BioRePortAP as a tool for efficacy and safety assessment of PsA patients treated with biotechnological drugs